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Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq

Page 87

by Tom Clancy

  as commander of CENTCOM

  communications with

  destroying the Republican Guards

  and Franks

  and FSCL issue

  as ground forces commander

  It Doesn't Take a Hero

  mission briefings to senior commanders

  "mother of all briefings,"

  ordering early attack

  personality of

  reports to

  at Safwan cease-fire talks

  and Safwan crossroads

  See also Pace of attack

  Scots Dragoon Guards

  "Scraps of Paper from Vietnam" (Sterba)

  Scud attacks

  Second Armored Cavalry Regiment (U.S.)

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  on 5th day

  battle log of

  in Desert Storm

  on German border mission

  leading deployment of Persian Gulf

  mission to provide security force

  occupation duties of

  Secondary operations

  Second COSCOM (U.S.)

  Second-echelon fight

  Second Marine Division (U.S.)

  Second Squadron of the Blackhorse

  Franks as S-3

  mission to open road to Bu Dop

  mission to secure Highway 14 to An Loc

  mission to take Snoul

  mission in War Zone C

  teamwork in

  troop commanders in

  Secretary of Defense

  Security and interdict operations

  Security as principle of war

  Sedgwick, Jim

  Seeds of Disaster (Doughty)


  Senate confirmation for TRADOC command

  Senior commanders

  and chronological terms

  decisions by

  description of generals

  forecasting and anticipating by

  tactical decision making by

  training of

  See also Commanders

  Senior-level selection

  Senior observer-controllers

  Sensors for soldiers and weapons platforms

  Sergeants Major Academy

  Service component commanders

  Seventh Corps (U.S.)

  arrival ceremonies in Germany

  artillery prep fire

  attack positions of

  aviators in

  Base in Germany

  Battle of 73 Easting

  Battle of Medina Ridge

  battle operating systems of

  Battle of Phase Line Bullet

  in BCTP WARFIGHTER exercise

  breach of Iraqi defense

  cease-fire orders

  civil affairs operations of

  combat operations for Desert Storm

  command posts of

  communications with Third Army

  components in Desert Storm

  components in Europe

  components sent to Saudi Arabia

  criticism of pace of attack

  daylight versus night operations

  decision to deploy to Saudi Arabia

  deep attack on third day

  defeat of Iraqi tactical reserves

  departure ceremony in Kuwait

  and Desert Shield

  in Desert Storm

  Desert Storm AAR

  destruction of the RGFC

  divisions in

  double envelopment by

  drawdown of

  duty in Iraq

  early attack

  and Eighteenth Corps

  enveloping operation

  final rehearsal

  first combat action in Desert Storm

  first day plan for Desert Storm

  flanks on fourth day

  and force-oriented missions

  on fourth day

  fourth day plans




  Franks becomes commander of

  Franks leaving


  in Germany

  inactivation of

  main command post of

  meeting of commanders after cease-fire

  meeting on deployment

  mission in Desert Storm

  modernization program for

  operations before G-Day

  order process in

  parades for Persian Gulf War veterans

  passage of lines in

  plan for Desert Storm

  Port Support Authority

  preparation for deployment

  Seventh Corps (U.S.) (continued)

  preparing for Desert Storm

  pursuit versus attack

  rear command post

  residual force left in Kuwait

  restricted maneuver space of

  results in Desert Storm

  TAC CP on first day

  TAC CP on fourth day


  TAC CP on third day

  team-building of

  third day reports

  training for Desert Storm

  withdrawal from Iraq

  See also Desert Storm; Iraq occupation

  Seventh Engineer Brigade

  Seventh Marine Expeditionary Brigade

  Seventh Personnel Group

  Sexual harassment

  Seymour, Nick

  Shaara, Michael, The Killer Angels

  Shadley, Bob

  Shalikashvili, John

  Shamals (sandstorms)

  Shatt al Arab (river)

  Sheets, Matthew

  Sheridan light tanks (AARAV)

  Shi'ite Muslims

  Shillelagh antitank missiles

  Shoemaker, Bob

  Shoffner, Dutch

  Show of force at Safwan cease-fire talks

  Signal brigades

  Signal troops

  Silver Stars

  SIMNET. See Simulations networking

  Simplicity as principle of war

  Simpson, Ed

  Simulations networking (SIMNET)

  Simulations for training

  Sinai Desert

  Singson, Lance

  Sinn, Jerry

  Sinnreich, Rick

  Sisson, Miles

  Situation drills

  Situation reports

  "Sixth sense,"

  Skaggs, Dennis

  Skill qualification tests

  Slim, Field Marshal

  Small-unit leadership

  Small-unit soldiering

  Smith, Dan

  Smith, John

  Smith, Ray

  Smith, Rupert

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  Smith, Steve

  Smoke grenades

  Snoul, Cambodia

  battle for

  description of

  Social services counselors

  SOF. See Special operating forces

  Soldier fatigue


  and commanders

  in Desert Storm

  Franks on

  listening to

  media interviews with

  profession of

  Soldiers' Manuals


  South Vietnamese

  Soviet Army

  in Afghanistan

  doctrines of

  echelonment method of attack

  equipment of

  See also Cold War; NATO; Warsaw Pact

  Soviet-made helicopters

  Spare parts

  Spearhead Division. See Third Armored Division (U.S.)

  Special Forces night flights

  Special forces teams

  Special operating forces (SOF)

  Spencer, SPC

  Spigelmire, Mike

  Spoiling attacks, in Snoul mission

  Starr, Doug

  Starry, Donn
  and AirLand Battle Doctrine

  command style of

  with Department of the Army

  and the FM 100-5 manual

  saving Franks at Snoul airstrip

  on Snoul mission


  training methods of


  Stekoviak, Mike

  Sterba, James P., "Scraps of Paper from Vietnam,"

  Stewart, John

  Stofft, Bill

  Stone, Mike

  Strategic level of war

  Strategic objectives

  in Desert Storm

  in Vietnam

  Straus, Tommie

  Stringer, Staff Sergeant

  Strong, Mike

  Suez incident

  Sullivan, Gay

  Sullivan, Gordon

  as Army Chief of Staff

  in Army's fourth generation

  prepositioning Army equipment

  in promotion of Franks to four-star general

  and residual force

  in selection of Franks for TRADOC command

  Sun Tzu


  Supply corridor

  Surprise as principle of war

  Sutherland, Jim


  Synchronization matrixes

  Syrians in Desert Storm

  T-62 Soviet-built tank

  TAAs. See Tactical Assembly Areas

  TAC CPs. See Tactical command posts

  TACMS missiles

  TACSATs. See Tactical satellite radios

  Tactical Assembly Areas (TAAs)

  for Seventh Corps

  Tactical command posts (TAC CPs)

  Tactical communications

  Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES)

  Tactical level of war

  Tactical maneuvers

  Tactical satellite radios (TACSATs)

  Tailoring a corps

  Tait, Tom

  Tallil Airfield

  Tank Corps

  Tank Force Management Group (TFMG)

  Tank-killing systems


  and infantry

  Tapline Road

  Target information

  Target-rich environment

  Task Force Demo

  Task Force Freedom

  Task forces

  Task Force Sand Hawk

  Task Force Shoemaker

  Task Force Smith

  Team-building by commanders


  Technical innovations;


  Telemetry-based logistics

  Tempo of a mounted attack

  Tenth Cavalry (U.S.), "Buffalo Soldiers,"

  Tenth Mountain Division (U.S.)


  Terrain contours

  Terrain-oriented missions

  Terrain. See Desert terrain

  Terrain walks

  Terrorist threats

  to families left in Germany

  to troops in Desert Storm

  Terzala, "Polack,"

  TES. See Tactical Engagement Simulation

  Tet Offensive of 1968

  TFMG. See Tank Force Management Group

  Third Armored Cavalry Regiment (U.S.)

  Third Armored Division (U.S.)

  on 1st day

  on 2nd day

  on 3rd day

  on 4th day

  on 5th day

  in Desert Storm

  Desert Storm AAR of

  in Germany

  occupation duties of

  residual force left in Kuwait

  Rutherford becomes commander of

  Third Army

  campaign timing of

  cease-fire orders

  Commander's SITREP (Combat) to

  communications with

  Desert Storm AAR

  in ground attack to liberate Kuwait

  isolating the enemy

  plan for Desert Storm

  Safwan cease-fire talks

  on 2nd day (G + I)

  and Task Force Freedom

  on 3rd day

  two corps coordinated attack

  Third Corps (U.S.)

  Third Infantry Division (U.S.)

  Thornberg, Jerry

  Thornton, Bob

  Thornton, Eugenia

  Three-dimensional battle space

  Three hundred and thirty-second Medical Brigade (U.S.)

  Three hundred and twelfth Evacuation Hospital

  Three-star generals

  Thurman, Max

  Tigris River

  Tilelli, John

  in Army's fourth generation

  as First Cavalry Division commander

  on 4th day

  at Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing

  on 3rd day

  as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army


  in Desert Storm

  local versus Zulu

  Time Phased Force Deployment List (TPFDL)

  Tolo, Vernon

  Top Gun School

  Total Army Concept

  TOW missiles. See Tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided antitank missiles

  Tracked laying vehicles

  Traditional military principles

  TRADOC. See Training and Doctrine Command

  Trageman, Dick


  for combat

  and doctrine

  during occupation


  for leader development

  for Seventh Corps

  standards for

  uniform standards for

  See also Training and Doctrine Command

  Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)


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