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Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Page 10

by Sarah Bale



  We spend three days in the little town. Another horde moves through, making it too dangerous to travel. Dave and I stand together at a ridge, looking down at the biters. The scent of death fills the air and makes bile creep up my throat.

  “There has to be at least a hundred of them,” Dave says, handing me the binoculars.

  The majority of the horde has passed, but we decided we won’t leave until they’re a few miles out. One wrong move and they might come back our way.

  I reply, “Wonder what sent them this way?”

  Usually hordes don’t change paths unless there’s a storm or loud sounds.

  “There’s no telling. We should get back and let the others know.”

  This is the third watch I’ve been on. We’re going in groups of two now and it feels great to finally be treated as an equal. Dave takes my hand as we make our way back to the house. We decided it was safer to be there than to camp outside in the open. Rocco and Jeff are on the porch, playing cards.

  “Well?” Rocco calls out.

  “Still too close. We can probably leave tomorrow, if their path holds,” Dave answers.

  I go inside to see if Harper needs help making dinner. It’s strange how things have changed in the past few days. I’ve let each of them into my heart and there’s no going back.

  Harper stirs a soup. “That rabbit was all bones. Didn’t get much off it.”

  I lift the spoon and try some. “Tastes good to me.”

  “Has the horde moved on?”

  I shake my head. “Still too close.”

  Noah comes in, planting a kiss on my cheek. I smile back at him as he sits at the table, scribbling in the notebook I found him. When dinner is ready, we all sit together.

  Dave says, “I still think we’ll be able to head out tomorrow.”

  Jeff asks, “Still want to go to Texas?”

  A look flashes across Dave’s face, but is quickly replaced with a neutral one. “I do. Everyone okay with that?”

  We all nod.

  “Good. Let’s get some rest. Nikki and I will take the first watch.”

  As Dave and I walk around, I try to figure out what’s bothering him. Any time Texas is mentioned he gets weird, but he won’t talk about it. I’m starting to think he’s holding something back.

  He asks, “Everything okay?”

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “You seemed weird when Jeff asked if you still wanted to go to Texas. Just wondering if there’s something else going on?”

  I swear, I can see the wall going up around him.

  “Nope. Nothing else going on.”

  He’s quiet for the rest of the night. Our shift is over as the moon climbs high into the sky. Rocco and Jeff take the next watch and Dave and I go to sleep.

  The next morning we finally leave the town, heading toward the state line. With each mile that passes Dave becomes more intense and is quick to lose his temper over small things, like Noah not folding a sleeping bag the right way. It reminds me so much of how he was when we first met. I used to think it was because he was a dick, but I know now that he’s acting like this because something is bothering him.

  We stop for the night and the guys hop out of the truck as fast as they can. Dave stays behind the wheel, not moving. I climb into the front seat and touch his arm.


  He looks at me, as if he didn’t even know I was there. “Hey.”

  “What’s going on?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

  “Come on, Dave. You’ve been in a mood since we left Joplin. Something is wrong.”

  He gets out of the truck without saying a word. I know if I push him, he’ll shut down even more. Whatever this is he needs to figure out on his own.


  Cursing, I walk away from everyone. Rocco flips me the bird and mutters something under his breath. Can’t say that I blame him. I’ve been a real dick to them since we left that morning.

  It’s because I can’t keep lying to them, especially Nikki.

  A tree branch breaks behind me. Turning, I find Jeff.

  He says, “In another time, I would bring you a beer right now.”

  I groan. “That would definitely help.”

  “What’s going on, man? Nik said she tried talking to you, but you blew her off.”

  I sigh and stare off into the distance. “It’s complicated.”

  “Doesn’t have to be. Just be honest.” He pauses. “Does this have anything to do with Oklahoma?”

  I nod once.

  “Thought as much.”

  He walks away leaving me to think. If I tell them the truth, there’s a chance they won’t want to come with me. It’s a crazy plan, really. A needle in the haystack. I’m not even sure the person I’m looking for will still be there. But, it’s something I have to do. It was the last thing my old man ever asked of me.

  Cursing again, I go back to the others. They’re sharing some kind of canned food, right from the can. Their conversation goes silent when I approach.

  Noah says to me, “Did some scouting. There’s a hoard a few miles out. We shouldn’t stay here too long.”

  “You’re probably right.” I clear my throat. “I’d like to talk to everyone before we get back on the road.”

  Rocco groans. “Dude, if this is about the gas, I already told you that it’s not my fault we’re running low. How was I supposed to know that the other can was on the ground when we left?”

  He’s referring to the incident that I chewed him out for earlier.

  “No, it’s not that.” I exhale. “When I told everyone I thought we should head to Texas I wasn’t completely honest.”

  This time Rocco rolls his eyes. “We all guessed as much.”

  Nikki says, “I’m not sure I follow. What’s in Texas that you weren’t honest about?” Her expression is guarded.

  “It’s not Texas. It’s Oklahoma. And that’s the last known place that my brother was. He worked at a hospital in Oklahoma City.”

  Nikki’s eyes are wide. “Oh.”

  “The last letter I got from my dad said that he wanted me to reconnect with Eli. It was his final wish before he died.” My eyes mist over as I finish speaking.

  I have a lot of regrets in my life, but not seeing my dad before he passed is at the top of the list. I don’t want not looking for Eli to be another regret.

  Noah asks, “Are you saying there’s nothing in Texas?”

  His eyes are wide and he looks a little green. Can’t say that I blame him.

  “I’m not saying that. I believe Texas is still a good option. The weather is mild compared to what we’ve faced before. And there’s spacious land that we can possibly farm.”

  Harper snorts. “But that’s not what you’re saying, Dave. You want to go to Oklahoma. What happens after that? What is your plan if you find your brother? If you don’t?”

  I’ve never let myself think of the possibility of actually finding him. It gives me hope and scares me at the same time. Eli and I always butted heads because we were so different. Would the apocalypse make that gap even wider or bring us together? If he’s not there, the answer is simple. Continue to Texas like nothing ever happened.

  I answer the best I can. “I’m not sure, Harper. We’ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. I will understand if you all choose not to come with me. Hell, I know what I’m asking.”

  They’re all silent as they look at me. I know I’m asking so damn much of them.

  Jeff turns to me. “How can you be sure he’s still there? It’s been almost three years since you got that letter. What if he’s moved on?”

  “I don’t know, but I have to try.” I look at the group. “As I’ve said before, you don’t have to come with me, but this is something I have to do.”

  Because there’s not much left in this fucking world. And I might not ever be this close to Oklah
oma again.

  Nikki takes my hand. “I’m in.”

  The rest of the men exchange looks. I know that they’re silently debating their next move.

  Harper says, “Maybe it’ll be warmer in Oklahoma.”

  “Don’t count on it,” Rocco replies. “But maybe there will be wild game to hunt.”

  Noah says, “I’ve never been to Oklahoma before. Guess I can check it off my list.”

  Jeff slaps my shoulder. “I’m in, too. Can’t leave you out there all alone. You’d never make it.”

  I grin back at him. “Thanks, man.”

  I mean it, too. These men are family. I can’t imagine doing this without them.

  Rocco gets the atlas from the truck. “Where at in Oklahoma City?”

  “On the south side, close to Newcastle.”

  Rocco studies the map. “It’s a straight shot if we follow I-44. If we find a couple more cans of gas I think we can make it.”

  Noah asks, “What about looking for a car? Might be better on gas.”

  We’d passed an old car lot a few miles back. The guys and I exchange a look.

  “Let’s go.”


  I grin as the car roars to life.

  Jeff says, “I can’t believe no one took it. Or any of the others here.”

  I try not to think about the sign painted on the side of the building. Someone took extremes to warn people to stay away from this lot. Hopefully we’re not walking into some kind of trap.

  Rocco closes the trunk and says, “Got the last of our canned food inside as well as three containers of gas. If this baby gets good mileage then I think we’ll make it to Oklahoma City.”

  I glance back at the truck from Warren Adams’ garage. “Sure going to miss the truck.”

  Noah puts his arm around my shoulder. “Me, too.”

  Dave says, “I say we hit the road. No sense in wasting time. We can stop after we get into Oklahoma.”

  His excitement is obvious.

  I ask, “Are you sure we shouldn’t stay here tonight?” At his look I go on, “I’m not being sexual. Might be a good idea to get a good night’s sleep before we make the journey.”

  “I think we can reach Oklahoma City by tomorrow if our luck holds out.” His expression falters. “If everyone is sure they want to go. I’d understand if you didn’t.”

  I reply, “I want to go.”

  Harper says, “Let’s at least eat before we leave. There’s some bottled waters in the office that haven’t been opened.”

  Dave nods. “Fine. We’ll leave after we eat.”

  He walks off and Rocco sighs.

  “I knew when he mentioned Texas that this was his plan.”

  Harper chuckles. “We all did, man.”

  “Why didn’t you call him on it if you knew?” I ask.

  Harper replies, “Dave doesn’t open up much, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. When he got that letter from his old man he wanted to go to Oklahoma right away. Even put in for a temporary leave. But then the outbreak started.”

  Jeff says, “I thought he’d was going to leave us, but I guess he changed his mind when you came along.”

  I frown. “I hope he didn’t miss finding his brother because of me.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up,” Rocco says. “They hadn’t been close for a while.”

  I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or not.

  Noah says, “Well, at least you all knew what was going on. I really thought we were going to Texas because it’s a good option.”

  Jeff replies, “It is a good option. Just not sure what’s going to happen if his brother is actually in Oklahoma.”

  “Well, if he’s still in Oklahoma, then maybe that means he’s settled somewhere that we can stay, too.” I sigh. “That would be nice.”

  Jeff and Rocco exchange a look.


  Rocco answers, “We might not be welcomed there. Their old man used to pit them against each other.”

  “Guess we’ll find out.”

  Dave comes from the building carrying the case of water. He opens it and tosses us each a bottle.

  To Harper, he says, “Better start cooking. Otherwise this is it.”

  Harper shoots me a look before going to the trunk to get some food. I go to Dave’s side, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Want to take a walk?”

  He grins. “A walk or a walk?”

  “Maybe both, if you’re lucky.”

  We make our way around the parking lot. Dave stops at one of the luxury SUVs and opens the door to the backseat.

  “Ever fuck in an SUV?”

  I climb in and reply, “No, but I’ve had sex in a Charger before.”

  He groans and follows me inside.

  “Did you really bring me out here to get into my pants?”

  I laugh. “Maybe.” Leaning over, I kiss him before saying, “I mainly wanted to let the guys have a break from your bossy mood.”

  “So you think I’m bossy, eh?” He grins. “Want me to show you how bossy I can be?”

  My skin warms and I nod. “Yeah. I do.”

  He says, “Get on your knees.”

  I do as he says, getting onto the floorboard. He unzips his pants, freeing his cock. The purple tip glistens with his arousal and I lean forward, tasting him.

  He moans. “Fuck. Nikki.”

  I smile. “Hope that was okay.”

  “It was. In fact, I insist you do it again.”

  His legs spread wider and I put my hands on his thighs, moving closer to him. Leaning forward, I kiss the head of his cock and swirl my tongue around the crown. He moans in approval.

  “I like when you take charge,” I admit. “It turns me on.”

  He looks down at me. “I’ll have to remember that.”

  I close my lips around the tip of his cock again. Air hisses through his teeth and his fingers work their way through my hair. I moan against his sensitive flesh.

  “You taste so good.”

  Opening my lips I take more of him into my mouth, bobbing my head back and forth.

  “Fuck. Nikki. Suck me like that.”

  With one hand, I cup his balls and massage them while I fuck his cock with my mouth. When he thrusts against me, I smile. His grasp in my hair tightens as he slips further down my throat. His cock is so big that I have to work my throat around him.

  “Fuck. You’re so fucking perfect.”

  Pulling back, I lap the underside of his cock, never breaking eye contact. When I move my head again there is no doubt that he’s touching the back of my throat.

  “Nikki.” His stomach flexes. “I’m about to come.”

  I moan against him. I want him to fill my mouth with his seed. He cries out, holding my head into place as he shatters. My throat works around him, swallowing until he’s spent.

  He looks down at me with lust-filled eyes. “Fuck me, Nikki.”

  I grin. “Is that a command?”

  “Give me a minute to recover and you can bet your life it’s one.”

  He pulls me into his lap, kissing me. When he moans, I feel a jolt in my core.

  “I can taste myself on you.” He says as his fingers lace through my hair again.

  I say, “I’m so turned on right now, Dave.”

  His cock stirs between us and I grin.


  He says, “Take off your pants. I’m ready to thank you.”

  I do as he says, which isn’t easy in the back of the SUV. He puts on a condom while I kick my pants to the side. Climbing back into his lap, I settle onto his cock. Slowly, I move. I’m so aroused that my pussy glides up and down the length of his cock. He meets me in slow thrusts, letting me use his body to pleasure myself. When he reaches between us and toys with my clit my pace increases.

  I gasp as pressure builds in my lower stomach. I’m so close! His thrusts become short and shallow, pushing me closer to the edge.

  “Dave! Yes! Like that,” I moan as I bounce u
p and down on him.

  My breast jiggle from the force. Suddenly, my inner muscles clamp down on him as I shatter. My throaty cries fill the interior of the SUV. He lets out a grunt and comes, too.

  “God. Dave. That was amazing.”

  He grins. “Agreed.”

  Reluctantly, I pull myself from his lap and reach for my pants.

  “We should get back. The others are going to wonder where we are.”

  When we get outside, he kisses me. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For helping me get my mind off Oklahoma. I know I’ve been a dick.”

  “There’s no need to thank me.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “But, if you want to, we can do that anytime.”

  He laughs. “I’ll remember that.”

  We go back to the others. Harper is dishing out stew and hands us our bowls.

  Dave says, “This is our last meal in Missouri.”

  I reply, “Hopefully our next dinner is in Oklahoma, with your brother.”

  He doesn’t comment. Instead, we all eat in silence. I can’t help but wonder if we’re doing the right thing. Sighing, I shove the feeling aside. In the end, thoughts like that don’t do any good.

  Rule 11: Don’t dwell on bad things.



  After we eat, we pack the rest of the water bottles and get into the car. Nikki and Noah sit in the front while Harper, Jeff, and Rocco sit in the back. The car isn’t as spacious as the truck, but it’ll have to do. Plus, it’s nice having Nikki pressed to my side.

  Noah reaches out and scans the radio, searching for a live station. When he doesn’t find one, he pulls a CD from his backpack. Thankfully it’s not one of his Broadway tunes. They’re catchy, but get old after a while.

  Nikki leans her head on me. After our quickie in the SUV I feared she’d have regrets. If I’m being honest, I have those fears because I don’t know what I’ll do if she decides she doesn’t want me in that way.

  Rocco’s snores fill the car and Noah turns the volume up in response.

  Nikki asks, “Think we’ll ever hear anything on the radio again?”


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