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Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Page 11

by Sarah Bale

  Jeff leans forward and replies, “Not in the way we’re used to. I’m sure people will eventually figure out how to use the towers to communicate with each other.”

  “You can do that?” Nikki asks in surprise.

  “Sure can. If you know what you’re doing.”

  She grins. “Let me guess. That was your specialty in the military.”

  He nods. “I was intelligence. Not to brag, but I was pretty damn good at my job, too. Had to learn how to manipulate radio frequencies.”

  She asks me, “What was yours?”

  “Sharpshooter and fearless leader.”

  “Oh. That’s hot.”

  Noah says, “My specialty was scuba diving, though I mentioned being a mechanic, too.”

  Harper adds, “I was a HALO jumpmaster and Rocco was a medic. Basically, I did high altitude jumps and Rocco fixed me up when I got hurt.”

  Nikki grins. “Dang. This makes you all like ten times sexier.”

  We spend the next few hours telling her stories from our deployments. She laughs until tears stream down her cheeks. When we cross into Oklahoma, everyone lets out a cheer that wakes Rocco up.

  “You all need a hobby,” he grumbles.

  Nikki replies, “Heard you had an interesting hobby, Mr. Medic.”

  He groans this time. “What in the fuck were you telling my girl?”

  This makes everyone laugh and Rocco tries in vain to explain himself.

  Soon, we pass what’s left of the old McDonalds in Vinita. Growing up, this fast food joint was a highlight on family road trips to Missouri. Now, one side has collapsed, blocking the south bound lane of the highway. Luckily, we’re able to cross over to the other lane. The giant M swings haphazardly, as if it’ll go at any minute. I’d rather not be around when it does.

  Rocco moans. “Man, I sure miss burgers from there.”

  I grin. “But now you have such fun food options. Squirrels. Rodents. Bet Harper could make a nice burger for you out of those.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Fuck off.”

  Harper replies, “I can give it a try. Might not be too bad.”

  We all laugh and talk about what else we miss, food wise.

  We’re maybe one hundred feet from the restaurant when something explodes on the side of the road, sending debris and smoke into the air. I swerve and Nikki slams against me.

  I tell her, “Get on the floorboard.”

  She ducks down as I slow the car to a stop. The guys get their guns out as we scan the area. Nothing seems out of place, but something set off the explosion.

  “Think we drove over a wire?” Jeff asks.

  “Negative.” I’m certain someone is out there, watching us. My skin crawls. “Everyone keep your eyes open. The smoke is clearing.”

  Rocco and Harper get out, guns aimed at the area where the explosion went off. In the distance, something moves.

  Noah whispers, “What are they wearing?”

  I’ve never seen anything like it. Several men make their way toward us, dressed in what can only be described as Mad Max costumes. Leather. Facial paint. Respirators that have been sprayed silver and gold. They even have dune buggies and trucks decked out with makeshift metal armor. It’s fucking ridiculous. And yet, my guard is up. These men are up to no good.

  One of the men gets out of his dune buggy and waves his hands at us, though he’s still fifty feet away. “We mean you no harm, brother.”

  “Yeah?” Harper asks. “Then why did you blow up that car when we drove by?”

  “That’s merely a way to ask you to turn around and go where you came from. We don’t want strangers around here.”

  Harper replies, “We’re passing through, friend.”

  “I am no friend of yours and you are no friend of mine. Turn around and we’ll shall forget this happened. Continue your path and face our wrath.”

  Harper turns, squatting down so I can see him. “Well?”

  I weigh my options. The nights are getting cooler and I have this funny feeling it’s going to be a bad winter. Changing our course now might fuck us over in the long run. I glance at Nikki. I’m not going to do anything that will put her in jeopardy.

  “This is the fastest route to Oklahoma City.” I say. “But, it might not be a bad idea to find a different route.”

  “Fuck them. They’re just a bunch of wannabe weirdos. I say we go.”

  Jeff adds, “Two of their men aren’t even holding their guns the right way.”

  I’d noticed that as well, but it could be a trap. I mean, what idiot would handle a weapon that way?

  Nikki asks, “What are you thinking?”

  A sigh leaves my mouth. “I say let’s vote. All in favor of staying our course?”

  Rocco, Harper, Jeff, and Noah lift theirs hands. Nikki is the only one who doesn’t.

  Jeff says, “They’re a bunch of nuts. When we pass, I’m sure they’ll wait for the next group to come through and give them hell, too.”

  “We’ve taken on bigger numbers,” Rocco adds. “These freaks just want to fuck with us.”

  Nikki shakes her head. “I say we turn around. So what if it adds time to our journey.”

  “We don’t have enough fuel to turn around,” Rocco replies. “We’ll end up on foot before we get to Kansas.”

  I glance out the window. The man is staring at us, arms crossed over his chest, waiting on our answer.

  “Noah? Harper? What are your thoughts?”

  Noah glances at Nikki before saying, “I think we should drive through.”

  Harper nods. “I agree with the kid. Let’s go.”

  Five of my men are saying go, but the doubt on Nikki’s face is giving me pause.

  “Nikki, we’ll be okay. I promise.”

  Nikki says in a low tone, “I just want to get somewhere safe, but this clearly goes against rule number 1.”

  She’d mentioned her rules before, so I’m curious.

  My eyebrows lift. “And that is?”

  “Trust your gut.”

  I’m not sure this is the right path for safety, but the group has voted, so I can’t argue. If I were to be honest, my gut is telling me this group is bad, but this path is the fastest way to Oklahoma City.

  I lie. “My gut says this is going to all work out.” I say to Harper, “Get Rocco and get in the car. We’re going to floor it.”

  Harper whistles three times, getting Rocco’s attention.

  The man nearest to us calls out, “I hope that you have chosen wisely, friend.”

  Me, too.

  Harper and Rocco slip into the backseat.

  The men outside move closer and I can see just how outnumbered we are. Cursing, I throw the car into gear and floor it. The tires screech as we take off. For a moment, nothing happens.

  Noah yells out as another explosion is set off in front of us. Swerving, I miss the debris hitting the ground with loud thuds.

  Jeff says, “Fuck! That sounded like a shrapnel shell.”

  This is fucking bad.

  Harper curses. “God damn it, Dave. They’re gaining on us.”

  I see them in the mirror. They have the advantage on us. They know where their hidden traps are and we have no fucking idea.

  I say to Nikki, “Get up here. If we stop, get out of the car, run and don’t look back.”

  Her eyes are wide as she does what I say. I mean it. If shit hits the fan then I want to know she’s safe, or at least has a running chance. Rocco hands her a pistol and she takes it. I can’t help but notice the tremor on her hand. But there’s not a fucking thing I can do to reassure her.


  One of the other cars gets close to us. The men inside hold guns up and act like they’re going to shoot. There’re another explosion and I cry out as Dave swerves.

  We’ve made a mistake by not turning around.

  I know it.

  The guys know it.

  They should have listened to me.

  A motorcycle pulls out ahead of us on the road. T
he man does a wheelie and then speeds off. It’s all for show, but my gut is telling me this is just a game to them. And we’re the prey.

  Dave grips the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are white and veins are popping in his arm. I don’t know how long we’ve been driving at this point, but it feels like forever. In reality, it could only be minutes.

  “See anything?” Harper asks.

  “I can’t see shit,” Dave replies.

  The sun set a few hours ago. Every time we think we’re safe, another explosion goes off. It’s like those men are guiding our path and we have no control over where we end up. And each time they get a little closer, toying with us.

  Rocco leans forward. “How much gas do we have?”

  Dave doesn’t answer, so I look. When I see the gauge, I feel ill.

  “It’s on empty.”

  “How long, Dave?”

  He spits out, “About fifty miles.”

  As if to prove his point, the car sputters.

  “Why didn’t you mention this before? When we were voting?”

  Dave’s mouth thins with displeasure. “Because I know what you would have said.”

  This pisses me off. “You should have told us! Dave, this is fucking bad!”

  Rocco says, “Pull over. I’ll hop out and fill the tank.”

  “I can’t pull over. If they’re out there, they’ll see the brake lights.”

  “So your plan was to drive until it’s out. That’s pretty fucking stupid, man.” Rocco sigh. “Stop. I’ll fill tank. Jeff can get out and break the lights so no one can see them.”

  Dave replies, “If they’re close, they’ll have the advantage on us.”

  Harper says, “They already do, man.”

  “Fine. I’ll pull over. Everyone get your guns ready.”

  I know this is the worst possible moment, but I say, “I need to pee, Dave.”

  If I wait any longer, I’m going to piss my pants – something I’d rather not do.

  Noah quickly adds, “I do, too.”

  “For fucks sake. Everyone better be back in this car in two minutes. Got it?”

  Dave slows until we’re stopped. Everyone hops out of the car. Noah, Harper, and I relieve ourselves while Jeff breaks the taillights and Rocco fills the tank with a can of gas. When Harper is finished taking a piss, he takes over the gas can so Rocco can pee. We don’t see anyone, but we hear their vehicles out in the dark.

  Dave stares down the highway, as if he expects the men to arrive at any minute.

  Nothing happens by the time we get back in the car. Dave starts the vehicle and we’re soon speeding down the highway. I start to think we’ve lost them when two trucks pull out in front of us, slamming on their brakes. Dave swerves to miss them as another explosion goes off. It’s so close that it shatters the back windows of our car. Noah reaches for my hand. All I can do is squeeze it back.

  Dave curses as we speed past the trucks. The men inside grin at us, but don’t follow. Their skin is covered in blood and it looks fresh. One holds a machete and licks the blade. A man in the back stands, holding the head of a female biter. Again, they’ve left it animated. I can’t help but notice that it has hair the same color as mine. It’s the most terrifying thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.

  “They’re fucking toying with us.” Dave’s voice is ripe with tension.

  Jeff replies, “Dave, they have our number on this one. No matter what we do, they’re going to be two steps ahead.”

  “What in the fuck do you want me to do?”

  He says, “You’re not going to like what I say.”

  “Spit it out.”

  Jeff leans forward. “You’re exhausted, man. You’re not going to be able to make it to Oklahoma City. You need to let Nikki take over driving.”

  My eyes widen in surprise, but Jeff gives me a reassuring nod.

  “Have you lost your god damn mind?” Dave asks.

  Rocco speaks up. “I’m with Jeff. If we were on foot we would go as far as we could. When the time came to sleep, we would take shifts. That’s what we need to do now.”

  Harper adds, “It makes sense that Nikki is next, since she’s next to you. She can climb in your lap and you can slide out.”

  Though it’s dark, I see Dave’s jaw ticking.

  “Dave, they’re right. You must be exhausted. Please, let me drive.”

  He glances at me and I realize how fatigued he is.

  Sighing, he says, “Fine. I don’t like it, but you’re right.”

  I don’t reply. Instead, I maneuver myself into his lap. When I’m situated, he begins the slow process of pulling his legs back and taking my spot.

  Noah says, “We should rotate around. That way the middle seat is always ready to take over for the driver.”

  Cursing, Dave hauls himself into the backseat. There’s grumbles and commotion as Rocco climbs into the front.

  “The truck sure would have come in handy for this,” Rocco mutters.

  I hold the wheel steady, waiting for everyone to get in their new seats. A moment later I hear Dave’s heavy breathing as he sleeps.

  Jeff, who is behind me, says, “I don’t know how he was hanging on. We should have switched when we stopped to fill the gas tank.”

  “He’s used to being the leader,” I reply. “He just wants to make sure we’re all taken care of.”

  Jeff squeezes my shoulder. The car is silent as the guys in the backseat sleep. Noah, who is next to me, is alert, looking around.

  “I don’t see anything, but I know they’re out there.”

  I reply, “Don’t jinx us.”

  “I’m not trying to, but I can almost feel them watching us.”

  I know how he feels. Every once in a while, I think I catch a glimpse of something in the mirror.

  I drive for an hour before anything happens. There’s an explosion that wakes the ones who were sleeping. As the smoke clears, I see lights ahead and the road narrows, due to debris on both sides.

  “What do I do?” I’m thankful that my voice doesn’t waver.

  Dave replies, “We have to slow down. They’ve done this on purpose.”

  The car slows as we drive by the barricades. When we finally come out on the other side the man from before is standing on the side of the road, gun in hand. He motions for us to stop. He looks even more ominous bathed in the headlights behind him.

  I do as he demands, putting the car in park.

  He calls out, “Please step out of the vehicle. All of you. Leave your weapons inside.”

  We look to Dave for guidance. He nods.

  I shiver when I open the door. The air is so cold that I see little puffs when I exhale. What if this is my last moment on earth?

  The man says, “My name is Air. I am the second command in these parts.” He pauses. “You have made a grave mistake by coming to our territory.”

  I try not to let his words bother me. A grave mistake? How literal is he being?

  Dave says, “Air, we meant no harm. But we needed to get into Oklahoma and-”

  “You should have found another path. Now you must pay.”

  I ask, “What payment do you seek?”

  He eyes me until my skin crawls.

  “No need for fear, lady. We have enough mothers at our home. What we seek is your heads on pikes to show others that they cannot travel onto our land.” He grins, showing his missing teeth. “Submit to death now and be free.”

  Dave steps in front of me. “That’s not going to fucking happen.”

  “Many have paid the same price and are at rest now. Don’t you want the same fate?”

  Rocco answers, “Dude, I think you’re taking this whole thing too far.”

  “No. We aren’t. It is you who should have listened. We’ve warned you twice now. Next time we meet you will get the message.” Air goes on, “Just know that our reach is far. And you will not escape. This game has started because you didn’t listen.”

  “Game?” I ask.”

sp; Air grins at me. “Yes, lady. The game is simple. We hunt you until you’re all dead. You won’t know when death will come, though. No, where’s the fun in that?”

  He backs away from us until he reaches his dune buggy. With a wave, he drives off along with the two trucks beside him.

  When they are gone, I throw myself into Dave’s arms. He rubs my back and I realize I’m shaking.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask.

  Harper curses. “Did anyone notice the heads hanging on the back of his buggy? They were biter heads, still animated. There were six of them.”

  I gasp and Dave’s hold tightens around me.

  Noah says, “There were at least fifty vehicles out there, in the distance. No telling how many more we didn’t see.”

  Rocco rubs his chin. “Let’s be reasonable. He said their reach was far, but how far can it really be? It’s not like they own the entire state.”

  Dave tenses as he says, “They could. It’s been almost three years. If they took charge right away there’s no telling what they’re capable of.”

  The wind howls as it whips past us, reminding me of the song about Oklahoma. And then a snowflake lands on my cheek.

  Dave looks up, cursing. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Harper shakes his head. “There goes your theory about it not snowing in the south.”

  Dave doesn’t reply. Instead he goes to the trunk of the car, opening it.

  “We have two gas cans left. We know we’re outside of Tulsa now. If we fill the tank and gun it, I think we can reach Oklahoma City by morning.”

  Rocco replies, “Only if the turnpike is clear.”

  Jeff adds, “And the highway going through Oklahoma City.”

  “I know I’m asking a lot from everyone, but what choice do we have?”

  I say, “Then let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Because I don’t want to stick around long enough to see if these fuckers are really playing a game with us.

  Rule 12: Pick your battles and know when to run.



  We fill the gas tank and are ready to go. This is it. Our last attempt to Oklahoma City.

  Rocco slaps my shoulder. “Think you can do this?”


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