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Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Page 12

by Sarah Bale

  “I did transport in the Army, if you’ll recall.”

  “Big difference in practice runs and the real thing.” His face softens. “Look. I’m not trying to ride your dick. If you can handle this, cool. If not, hand the keys over.”

  I say, “Let’s go.”

  He nods and follows me to the car. The others are already waiting. Nikki smiles at me as she gets into the backseat. I try to calm my pounding heart. I can do this.

  Getting behind the wheel, I start the engine. It roars to life as I press the gas. Right away there’s a blast on the side of the road.

  Jeff, who is in the front now, says, “I think there’s a pattern to the explosions. Left side, middle, left, hard right.”

  I hadn’t noticed before. A mile down the road another one goes off. In the middle of the road.

  Jeff nods. “Next one should be left side.”

  I move the car to the right. Sure enough, the next blast is on the left side again.

  Dave says, “Good catch, Jeff.”

  Jeff replies, “Not sure if we should trust it, though. They might change it up on us.”

  Rocco shakes his head. “No, man. I get the feeling these freaks aren’t used to people who know how to fight back. I bet they keep the same pattern.”

  I grip the steering wheel as I move to the left. When we pass the next mile marker, an explosion goes off on the right side of the road.

  Harper lets out a cheer. “Fuck yeah! These pricks don’t know shit.”

  I say, “They’re using the mile marker signs, too. That must be how they’re setting them off. Look.”

  We pass another sign. A moment later there’s a blast on the left again.

  Dave slaps my shoulder. “Good eye, kid. This will help us outrun them. Floor it and don’t let up, even if there’s a biter on the road.”

  Running into biters in a vehicle is dangerous. Hell, that’s how we lost Avery, Joey, and Joseph. But, he’s right. Now that we’ve figured out the freak’s system we can beat them at their own game. But I can’t help to think about those we lost before.

  After leaving the hotel, we piled into Avery’s truck. We waited patiently for him to come back with their father. When he finally came out, he was alone.

  Joey asked, “Where’s Dad?”

  “He wouldn’t come. Said he would only hold us up.”

  The brothers exchanged a look that made me feel bad for them. How were they supposed to choose? Leave their father behind and come with us or stay.

  Dave said, “We need to go now. It sounds like it’s getting crazy out there.”

  Avery nodded his head and climbed into the driver’s seat of the truck. Joey and Joseph sat next to him. Nikki got into the backseat, leaving one seat next to her.

  Dave said, “Noah, you sit in the truck. We’ll get in the back.”

  I hated how his words made me feel dismissed, but I did as he said. Avery took off and we were soon traveling toward the base. But, the roads were so crowded that we weren’t making good time.

  Nikki said to me, “Think the base is going to be crowded?”

  I replied, “Shouldn’t be. They’ll have tents out front, but we’ll be able to go inside.”

  Avery glanced at me in the mirror. “What makes the five of you so special?”

  We were literally Special Ops, but I don’t tell him this.

  Instead, I said, “They’re going to want all the help they can get.”

  We drove until it was dark outside. Nikki leaned her head against the window as she fell asleep.

  Joseph asked, “Is she a solider, too?”

  I wasn’t sure how much I should tell them, so I lied. “Yes.”

  Joseph replied, “Damn. Should have enlisted. Juan always said it was the best time of his life.”

  “Juan? Your father?” I asked.

  “No, Juan Junior, our brother. He’s in Oklahoma now. Working as a cook or something.” Joseph smiled. “Maybe we’ll make it out to see him when this is all over.”

  I didn’t want to tell him that this thing might not ever be over. People didn’t like hearing stuff like that. Instead, I just nodded.

  When we left the city, the roads cleared out and we started making good time. And then it happened.

  Avery was looking at his brothers, laughing at a stupid joke when a group of biters walked in front of his truck. He swerved, but it was too late. The truck spun off the road, down a hill, crashing into a tree. Joseph wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and went right through the windshield. Avery and Joey jumped from the truck to check on their brother.

  They didn’t look around to make sure the area was cleared. One of the biters they’d hit was still moving even though it was pinned to the truck. When Joey went to inspect it, the biter sunk its teeth into his neck, ripping and tearing the flesh. That was the first time I’d seen a human killed by one of the monsters. It haunted me for a long time after.

  Avery went ballistic after that, smashing the head of the biter in with a rock. Nikki and I got out of the truck to make sure the guys were okay. Rocco and Dave had a few bumps and bruises, but were mostly okay.

  Avery suddenly screamed as Joseph came back as a zombie, biting his brother on the shoulder. The look in his eyes as he met my gaze was awful. He knew in that moment that he was going to die. Dave pulled his gun out, taking him down. It was then that I knew the world would never be the same again.

  Nikki cried into her hands, saying the same thing. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, but I couldn’t lie to her. Not when we all knew the truth. The world was fucked and there wasn’t a damn thing we could do to change it.

  Blinking, I swerve, missing the next explosion. Thankfully, there’s not a biter in sight as we drive. I can’t shake the bad feeling in my stomach, though.


  I take over driving as the sun rises. A light frost covers the grass and I shake my head at the sight. Dave sure fucked up on that one. Haven’t seen a hard frost like this since leaving Boston.

  Jeff, who is next to me, says, “Left.”

  I move the car to the right as the bomb goes off.

  I say, “It’s impressive they’re able to have access to this many explosive devices.”

  Dave, who is next to Jeff, answers, “Been thinking about that. I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of Army base around here. They must have raided it.”

  That makes sense, especially if one of their men is former military. They’d know what to look for.

  Jeff looks at the atlas. “Turnpike should be ending in fifty miles.”

  We’ve made good time throughout the night. Maybe it’s the lack of a full moon, but there weren’t many biters out, either. As if to prove me wrong, a group of biters steps onto the road. I pull to the left as another explosion goes off in the middle of the road.

  I say, “Those fuckers are going to draw a horde with all the noise they’re making.”

  Dave nods. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Jeff, who is still looking at the atlas, says, “I have an idea.”

  “Never a good sign,” I quip back.

  “We know they’re still out there, tracking us. They’re going to expect us to follow the highway through the city as most people would, right? But,” he points at the page in front of him, “what if we take this other turnpike. It eventually gets us to same highway, just a bit north. Might be enough to get them off our trail.”

  Dave nods. “I’m good with that.”

  I say, “Once we’re in the clear we should stop and let everyone stretch their legs. Maybe even eat.”

  I can tell Dave doesn’t like the idea, but Nikki leans forward.

  “That would be heavenly.”

  Dave sighs. “Guess we’re stopping. But only when we’re off this turnpike.”


  Everyone is in good spirits as we get back in the car. We’ve put most of our gas supply into the tank. Had a bite to eat. And there wasn’t a single explosion or sign of the other group
. Maybe Jeff is right. Maybe they only anticipated us cutting through the downtown area and not coming this way.

  Nikki climbs into the front seat next to me. I know it’s Jeff’s turn to drive, but I need to be the one who leads the way to the hospital. They seem to get this and don’t object when I take the keys from Harper.

  I look at each person. “Thank you for doing this with me.”

  Rocco pretends to wipe his eyes. “He’s going to make me cry.”

  We all laugh and the mood feels lighter. We’re soon speeding down the turnpike, taking the exit that will lead us through Oklahoma City, toward the hospital. I’m smiling when everything goes to shit.

  There’s a loud pop and the car jerks to the left. I turn the wheel to the right, fighting for control on this single lane ramp. The tire makes a thumping sound as the tread falls off. And then the unmistakable sound of metal on pavement.

  “Did someone shoot our tire out?” Nikki asks. “I thought we lost them!”

  I thought we had, too. Fuck!

  Harper says, “Felt like we drove over something. Maybe stop sticks?”

  Ignoring them, I ask, “Rocco, was there a spare in the trunk?”

  Rocco’s face is pale in the mirror. “I took it out to make room for the gas cans. Besides, it was only a donut tire.”

  “Fuck!” I yell.

  Jeff says, “We have to stop, Dave. How close are we to the hospital?”

  “Thirty miles.”

  Which is too far for the car in this condition.

  Jeff says, “We’ll head out on foot. Might add a day or two, but we’re still ahead of them.”

  “We don’t know that for sure. Not anymore,” I reply.

  Rocco gets out to inspect the tire. He says, “It’s not a gunshot. Must have drove over something.”

  I know that’s not the case, though. Nothing happens by chance in this fucking world.

  “Everyone grab what you can. We need to put as much distance as possible between us and them. They’re out there, even if we can’t see them yet.”

  I lead the way from the highway onto a side street. The According to the atlas, this street runs north to south through the entire city. Everyone is quiet as we travel. When the sun begins to set, the temperature drops. There’s no way we can travel like this.

  I say to everyone, “There’s a housing addition ahead. Let’s find a spot and call it a night.”

  The relief on their faces hits me right in the gut. This is all because of me. I put them in this situation. What kind of leader am I?


  The first house we stop at ends up being where we decide to stay for the night. It has several escape routes. Three bedrooms with beds. And a few supplies that will be our meal for the night. I wish we could start a fire to take off the chill, but understand why that’s not possible.

  Dave stands at a window, looking out, as if he expects the other group to arrive at any minute. I wish I could console him, but I can’t. Instead, I go to the kitchen where Harper is cooking.

  He pulls me into his arms, kissing the top of my head. “How does this taste?”

  I try the concoction and nod. “Tastes good. What’s in it?”

  “Everything I could find.” He grins at me. “Old military trick. When in doubt, make a stew out of it.”

  “I approve.”

  I let him hold me while he cooks. When Noah comes into the kitchen, he kisses me on the cheek before sitting at the table. It’s still hard to believe that I have each of these men in my life. I smile to myself.

  Noah asks, “What’s that look for?”

  “Just thinking about how lucky I am.”

  Rocco leans against the counter. “How so?”

  “Because I get to date five of the sweetest men in this world.”

  Jeff and Dave come into the kitchen.

  Jeff grins. “Don’t go telling people how sweet we are. We have reputations to uphold.”

  “I mean it. I never thought I’d end up with anyone when the outbreak began. And now I have all of you.”

  Dave replies, “We’re the ones who are lucky, Nikki.”

  “I disagree.” I say. “We’re all lucky to have each other.”

  He nods. “Fair enough.”

  Harper comes to the table, serving up his soup. “Everyone enjoy. Might be the last hot meal we have for a while.”

  We eat in silence. When we’re finished, Rocco and Jeff say they’re going to scout the area for supplies.

  Rocco says, “With any luck we’ll find another vehicle. Or even a bicycle.”

  I snort at the last part.

  Dave replies, “Take the radios with you and stick to the shadows.”

  Rocco and Jeff nod as they leave. When they’re gone, Dave and I slip into a bedroom. We don’t make love, though. Instead, we bundle under the covers, holding onto each other.

  Dave kisses my temple. “Do you think we’ve made a mistake coming to Oklahoma?”

  “Of course not. How would we know there would be a group of psychos here?”


  I snuggle into his embrace. “How far is the hospital?”

  “Not far. We’ll definitely get there tomorrow.” His body tenses.

  “And how are you feeling about that?”

  “I’m not sure right now. Ask me after we get there.”

  “It’s okay to be nervous.”

  He sighs. “Nervous. Excited. Scared. Worried he’s not there. Worried he is.”

  “Why did you lose touch?”

  “Mostly because of my old man. He drove a wedge between us and put a lot on Eli’s shoulders. When Eli went off to college, he stopped coming around.” He pauses. “I haven’t talked about this in a while, but I used to live in Oklahoma City when I was a kid. When my parents split I would come back to visit.”

  I’m surprised at this. “When was the last time you were here?”

  “Probably fifteen years ago, right before I turned sixteen. Went camping with Eli and my dad in the Wichita Mountains.” He smiles at the memory. “Best time I’ve ever spent with the two of them.”

  I reply, “I’m glad you were at least able to do that.”

  He shoots me a smile that makes my pulse pound. “How did I end up so lucky to have you in my life?”

  I kiss him. “As I said earlier, it’s mutual.”

  We fall asleep in each other’s arms. It’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while. When Harper wakes us the next morning, I know that nothing good ever lasts in the apocalypse.

  Dave asks, “What is it?”

  His eyes are wide as he says, “Rocco’s missing.”

  Rule 13: The other shoe always drops.



  “Rocco’s missing.”

  Nikki sits up in bed. “Are you sure?”

  Harper nods. “Jeff came back a bit ago. Said they went to search an old grocery store. He couldn’t find Rocco when he was finished and he’s not answering the radio.”

  We get out of bed and make our way to the kitchen, where Jeff and Noah stand.

  Jeff says to me, “This isn’t like him, Dave. Something happened.”

  I know this, too. Rocco might be a lot of things, but reckless isn’t one of them.

  I ask, “Did you sweep the area?”

  “Twice. A group of biters started following me. It was too many to handle on my own, so I came back, hoping he was here.”

  Fuck. This isn’t good.

  Jeff goes on, “Nothing was out of place in the store. You could tell it hadn’t been touched in a while. I thought he might have gone to another building in the same shopping strip, but didn’t find any signs of him.” He shakes his head. “It’s like he fucking vanished.”

  Noah asks, “Were there any vehicles? Maybe he was able to get one started.”

  “And leave me? No. That’s not what happened.” Jeff runs his fingers through his hair. “What if the other group caught up to us?”

  There’s n
o way that’s possible.

  Except, it’s the only thing that makes sense.

  I grab the radio on the table. “Rocco, do you copy?”

  There’s static on the radio, but no answer. I meet Nikki’s gaze, which is as worried as I feel.

  “Dave, we need to go after him.”

  “No can do. We have a plan and we need to stick to it.”

  It’s a dick move, but I’m running scared now. We’re so close to the hospital. I need to find out if Eli is there. Especially when we don’t know how close Air’s group is to catching up to us, if they haven’t already.

  She touches my arm. “He’s family. We can’t leave him out there.”

  Noah nods. “She’s right.”

  I know she’s right, but it’s too dangerous.

  Harper stands. “He volunteered to save our asses. If something happened to him then we need to know.”

  “I hear what you’re all saying, but you’re forgetting one thing.” I pause. “The group that’s following us.”

  Harper replies, “Even more reason to get our asses out there. Now.”

  Jeff puts his coat on. “I can’t believe we’re debating this, Dave.”

  “Don’t act like I’m not worried about Rocco. We have to be smart about this. What if they have him? Then what? We already know there are more of them than us.”

  Noah says, “What if four of us go out, splitting up into two groups while one person stays behind. We can take the last two radios and search the area. Make sure he’s not right on our doorstep before we freak out.”

  I pat him on the back. “Good thinking.”

  Nikki asks, “Who’s going to stay behind?”

  Everyone stares at her, as if it had been obvious that she wouldn’t be going.

  Her arms cross her chest. “Fuck you all. We’re doing this the fair way.”

  I say, “Nikki, we’re all trained soldiers. This is what we do.”

  “That might be true, but I’m certified in first aide and, more importantly, I love him. So, don’t sit there and look at me like it’s already assumed who is going to look for him!”


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