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Born of Darkness

Page 17

by Jamie King

  Luka’s eyes sparkle. “Fajitas.”

  Dominic leans into my shoulder. “So how long have the two of you been an item?”

  The wooden spoon Luka had been holding slips from his fingers and bounces to the floor. Dominic and Rae look confused and surprised as they await an answer to their seemingly normal question. “Y-you see-.” I stammer.

  “We aren’t.” Luka says firmly.

  Although he isn’t lying the firmness of his statement sends my heart into shattered pieces. “He has a fiancé.” I blurt out through my tight throat. My breath catches as soon as it leaves my lips. It isn’t like he and I had time to discuss where we stand with one another. We haven’t even had time alone since we escaped; outside of running for our lives.

  “Oh.” Rae whispers in surprise. The two men exchange a glance before turning back to Luka and me.

  “Had.” Luka mumbles. “She’s the one that turned us into the white coven.” He bends down and picks up the fallen spoon before shoving it into the sink and grabbing a new one.

  “Sorry we asked. Didn’t mean to pry and bring up bad memories.” Dominic turns to me. “Rae and I have been together,” He looks over his shoulder to Rae, “What three years now?”

  “Sounds right.”

  “How’d you meet?” I ask in an attempt to distract my mind from the silent heartbreak.

  “Rae here had just been bitten when I met him. He was cowering in a dark alley unable to transform back into his human shape.” He pats Rae’s thigh. “I felt so bad for him. Alone, in the middle of D.C. in the cold wet night. He was down a back alley near the Southwest Waterfront. It took a while, but I managed to take him to our townhouse in Georgetown.”

  “You have a townhouse in Georgetown?” I squeal.

  “Not me, the pack.” He scratches his head.

  “That is so cool!” I lean forward on my elbows with a cheesy grin.

  “So, tell us. How did little miss Nuri discover her birthright as a Daesidh?” Dominic asks.

  “Well, we have to start from the beginning.” I say and tell them my whole story. The moment I met Jake and my awakening. Up until our arrival at Summer guard stronghold in search of sanctuary.

  “So, you guys found out that you are destined to restore balance to the realms and when you get back the white arrests you for treason?” Dominic leans back against the breakfast bar. “That’s a crazy story.”

  “Tell me about it.” I laugh.

  “Do you guys have any idea how you’re supposed to restore the balance?” Rae asks.

  “No idea.” I lean against the short back of the chair and rub my eyes.

  “Know that no matter what happens, the Scarlet Tail pack is here to help.” Dominic pledges.

  “Thank you.” I giggle awkwardly.

  Rae glances at his watch and then nudges Dominic with an elbow. “We should get going Dom.”

  Dominic nods to him. “It’s late, we should head out. It was wonderful to meet you both and thank you for the food. It was spectacular.” He shoots a wink at Luka.

  “It was good to meet you both. Thanks for eating with us.” Luka shakes their hands.

  I slide from my chair. “It was nice meeting you both.” Dominic pulls me into a big hug before passing me over to Rae.

  Dominic stops at the door and gazes into my eyes. “I will see you bright and early tomorrow.” With a short wave he closes the door.

  An awkward silence descends over the room as I help Luka clean up the dishes. “You can go shower if you want.” I say in an attempt to bring myself relief from the tension filled room.

  He moves toward me as if he’s about to say something, but instead turns around and walks into his room. I let out a relived breath and continue to wash the dishes.

  I place the last plate onto the drying rack and walk toward my room. The light in Luka’s room is on and the door is ajar. Unable to help myself I peek inside. A white towel is slung low around his hips. The fabric shakes with each movement of his arms as he dries his hair with another towel. With each movement his back muscles ripple under the warm lamp light. I bite my lip. Get a grip. I shake my head as I slip into my room and quietly shut the door behind me.



  I jolt awake to my alarm blaring in the morning darkness. My muscles are tight and sore. I take a deep breath and muster up the strength to hit the off button. I should kill the human responsible for the creation of that god-awful buzzer. I slide from the bed, each movement more painful than the last. A folded piece of paper is on the floor next to the door. I hobble over to it and unfold the crisp folds.

  Nuri, drink the shake I made for you in the fridge. No complaining. You’ll thank me later. Make sure you go to training with Dominic. I had some business to take care of and will be back later. -Luka

  I groan and toss the note on the bed. Why does he get to skip training? Besides already being in perfect shape. I manage to slip into a tank-top and leggings before finding the retched dark green liquid in the fridge. I think this is torture. I sniff it and choke down my gag reflex. Definitely torture.

  I stand at the entryway of the training room. Dominic and Rae are cleaning equipment. “Morning.” I say as I wobble in their direction.

  “Good morning.” They say in tandem.

  “All righty, I’m going to have you start with stretches to loosen up those tight muscles from yesterday.” Dominic leads me through a line-up of stretches before he sends me onto the treadmill to jog for thirty minutes.

  Dominic keeps me prisoner for eight grueling hours before releasing me from the torture. I stiffly make my way back to my room and sink into a warm bubble bath. The steam seeps into my skin and the scent of the lavender bubbles tickles my nose. A wave of relaxation overflows through my body alleviating the built-up tension. When my fingers begin to prune, I slide out of the bath and wrap my fluffy towel around my sore body. I wince at a bruise just under my right shoulder blade. Where did that even come from?

  I slip into sweatpants and a tank-top and then sneak quietly into the hallway. No sign of Luka. I straighten and turn the kitchen lights on. I grab a pan and set it on the stove top before turning toward the breakfast bar and grabbing the loaf of bread.

  I freeze mid reach. Luka is staring at me from his seat at the breakfast bar. I didn’t even see him. How did I not notice he was there? His hands grasp a large worn leather-bound book with gold lettering. Was he reading in the dark?

  I grab the bread hastily. “Hi.” I stutter. He continues to stare at me. I shift uncomfortably and clutch the loaf of bread. “Cool looking book you got there.” I point with a shaky finger.

  A smirk forms on his lips as he squints at me. “It’s very old and was hard to find.”

  I throw myself into the fridge in search of butter and cheese. “What's it about?” I grab the items and back out of the fridge allowing the door to swing shut.

  “You.” He says playfully.

  “Me?” I squeak.

  “In a sense, yes.” He closes the book and leans forward to watch me. I butter the bread and add the cheese before placing the sandwich on the warm pan. I stare intently as the butter melts beneath the bread. “I've been thinking and realized that you are a Daesidh and that you are so powerful that the rules of earth cannot bind you.” He grins and clasps his hands over the countertop. “You're a force to reckon with and we’ve only been focused on your melee skills.” He holds the book up and shakes it. “This is research.”

  “Research?” I flip the browning bread.

  He nods. “I want to help you control your abilities.”

  I remove the golden brown grilled cheese from the heat and place it on a plate. “Want some?”

  “Sure.” Luka slides the book off to the side.

  I set the plate in front of him and turn back to the stove to make more. “So, then what is that book about then? How will it help?”

  “This seems to be a detailed account of one of the first known Daesidh.” He tak
es a bite of the cheesy sandwich. “The author called him Marcelo.”

  “And what does this author say about Marcelo?”

  His brow furrows. “It seems that once Marcelo discovered his power, he lost sense of who he was and fell into self-destruction.” He takes another bite.

  “So, he went crazy?”

  Luka shrugs. “He could have been crazy from the start.”

  It did feel good to allow the anger and the power to overtake me when I was escaping the white coven. The power made me feel invincible and immensely powerful. “No. I don’t think so.” I place another warm sandwich on a plate and flip the stovetop off. I stand across from Luka at the breakfast bar. “What happened to him?”

  Luka tosses the last bite of his sandwich in his mouth and swallows. “The three covens attempted to make peace, but he refused. They went to war and ended up capturing him. After a torturous interrogation they sentenced him to death.”

  “I see.” I take a bite and revel in the warm gooey cheese as it gushes into my mouth.

  “Ri, when you used your power how did you feel?”

  “Euphoric. I felt pure rage and as if nothing could touch me. A man spoke to me, I think it was Baal. He told me to give in and allow the anger to take over.” I gaze down at the cheese slowly drip from the opening created by my mouth. “But then a woman spoke to me. I think she was me. Well, I think she was the demon side of me. She wanted me to completely let go and give in. Then a different woman spoke to me. She may have been my human side, I really don’t know.” I shake my head. “She reminded me that I can’t allow myself to be lost to the darkness.” I take another bite. “It was like my own self was trying to pull me in while also trying to pull me out. It was like a dangerous game of tug of war and if one side had gotten more of a hold on me, then who knows what would’ve happened.”

  Luka rests his hands under his chin. “You know, if that’s the case then there may be a way to use your power without losing yourself.”

  “How do you figure that?” I take another bite. I wanted to lose myself. I enjoyed the power. I wanted more. I stare down at my plate like it has all the answers. How can I avoid losing myself to those feelings?

  “Not quite sure yet, but when I figure it out, I’ll let you know.” He stands and reaches over the breakfast bar, gently placing his plate in the sink. “By the way, how was training today?”

  I groan. “Terrible. I think I ran a hundred miles.”

  He chuckles. “I doubt that.” He leans back in his chair.

  I glare at him and then look down at my plate. “Are we ever going to talk?” Oh, god! What am I doing? I take it back!

  “Talk about what?”

  How could he not know what I’m referring to? Does he care that little? Does he not want me anymore? Did he only want me because I was something to play with? No. Stop it. Luka wouldn’t do that. He isn’t cruel. I bite my lip. “Us.” I whisper as I wish he would forget I said anything.

  He sighs. “I'm not ready yet.” He looks down at his lap. “A lot happened and well, we’ve been worrying about so much. I haven’t had time to really digest any of it. I’m sure you feel the same way.”

  No. I don’t. I nod unable to look up at him as I hide the pain crushing my chest. Tears threaten to escape, and my throat tightens. I need to hide. I need to get away. “I’m going for a walk. Don’t wait up for me.” I say in a surprisingly even tone. I grab my hoodie as I leave the apartment.

  I find myself in the training room. The memory of the Golden Oak garden pops into my mind. I wish there was a place like that here. Somewhere I can feel at peace. I rub my eyes and lean against the wall. How can I expect Luka to just claim me as his lover after everything that happened? His entire life has been ruined because of me. His fiancée is now his enemy and we were imprisoned because of me. Of course, he doesn’t want me. I’ve ruined his life and turned him into a traitor. Everyone and everything he loved are gone because I entered his life.

  I stare at our front door for some time. Embarrassment and fear prevent me from turning the knob. What am I doing here? I’m being ridiculous. I gather the courage and push the door open. Only darkness greets me.

  Fear. Pain. Darkness. The deafening crunch of leaves beneath my bare feet in the silent night. My heart thuds in my chest and I struggle to catch my breath. I lean against a large tree and glance up at the full moon. Her gracious light drapes over the dark forest. Jewels of dew litter the moss covered tree and fallen leaves. I caress my protruding belly. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”

  A twig snaps behind me and adrenaline shoots through my veins propelling me forward. I didn’t expect them to notice my absence so quickly.

  A man’s voice bellows through the dark night. “Endellion! You can’t run!”

  I pick up my pace. He was closer than I had anticipated. A twig snaps beneath my foot and slices into the soft skin. Just make it to the road. They can’t get me if I find people. I huff in deep breaths as exhaustion calls to me. The drone of cars is barely audible ahead, but the sound gives me the energy to continue.

  Wolves howl in the distance behind me. The nightwalkers must have caught my scent. I don’t have much time now. I climb over a fallen tree and pick up my pace to a run. I hug my belly as a sharp pain shoots through my back. I should have done this sooner. If I wasn’t so close to being due I would be able to outrun them all.

  Thundering reverberates through the forest as the werewolves catch up. “Don’t harm her or the baby! They must survive.” Agnes screeches.

  Growls and yips explode behind me as the sound of heavy breathing grows closer. Light flashes through the tree line ahead. I pump my legs harder and will every cell in my body to make it to the road. To safety. To survival.

  Deep thundering breaths resonate beside me. Their large paws thunder over the earth in their pursuit of me. “Luna.” I breathe.

  Luna’s silky yellow and black spotted fur streaks past me as she leaps to battle. A wolf cries in pain as Luna tears into him. He quiets and Luna rushes toward the wolf closest to me. Her agile body slams into the large wolf and they tumble to the ground. Their snarls and growls pierce the cool night air. I hear her cries as the wolf gains the advantage. Then silence. The feeling of completeness I had always felt from the connection to my familiar is now gone. My heart clenches in despair as I burst through the tree line and step directly in front of a pick-up truck.

  The tires squeal and the lights blind me as I wait for the driver to stop. The pick-up slides to a halt only inches away from me. I walk around to the passenger side and open the door. A thin older man with tired brown eyes and white hair sits wide eyed in the driver seat. His hand is shaking against his chest as he clutches the red checkered button up.

  “Goodness.” He whispers and sucks in a few quick breaths. “I almost killed you.”

  “Please sir, let me ride with you to the next town.”

  “Young lady, do I need to take you to the police?” He reaches a wrinkled shaky hand toward me.

  I shake my head. “Just a ride.”

  “Ri.” A hand grasps my shoulder. “Nuri.” The warm presence of Luka encases me. The bed dips under his weight. “You were screaming.” A calloused thumb wipes away the tears streaming down my face.

  “I saw the night my mom escaped the Black coven.” My body shudders with a sob. “They killed her familiar.”

  He scoops me into his lap and leans against the headboard. I curl into him listening to his steady heartbeat. A hand leisurely strokes my lower back beneath my oversized t-shirt. His warmth comforts me as my heart breaks for her. For the young girl that was raped and impregnated. For the girl that risked everything and sacrificed herself for a child that she should have hated. For me. A demon’s spawn.

  I wipe my face with a trembling hand. “She went through so much for me. So much pain and fear. How could she think a demon child was worth her own life and happiness?”

  Luka’s body tenses and I feel his hands find my chin. His f
ingers bring my gaze to meet his. “She loved you. She didn’t care how she got you. You are part of her and she did everything she could to protect and love you. Her daughter. Her light.” He removes his fingers from my chin and cups my cheeks with both hands. His words cause more tears to stream down my face and my chest tightens. “You are worth it.” He breathes. My throat clenches at his words.

  “I wish I could talk to her. Hold her, one more time.” I whisper. “I wish I could tell her I love her. Just one more time.” My body shudders and my throat burns. Tears pour uncontrollably down my cheeks and I curl into his body.

  “I know.” Luka hugs me tighter. “I know.” He breathes onto the top of my head.

  “Can I ask you something?” I manage to sputter through my clenched throat after a few moments. The words burn, and I struggle to swallow.

  “Of course.” He presses his chin into the top of my head as I settle against him.

  “How could my mom call her familiar to earth?”

  He takes a deep breath. “Well, she was the child of the Maher lineage.” He strokes my back. “It’s possible that she was powerful enough to summon her familiar to earth for short periods of time.”

  “Is that normal?”

  “You could say it’s not unusual for a powerful witch to summon their familiar in a desperate situation as long as that witch has the magical power to do so. Even if it’s for a few minutes a familiar can assist in battle enough to give you the upper hand.”

  “Do you think I could summon Bel?”

  “I have no doubt you could summon her and keep her here for a long time.”



  I drag my feet as I enter the training room. I’m exhausted from my sob fest. I glance at Luka from the corner of my eye. He looks tired. His face is drawn, and dark rings are visible under his eyes. I can only imagine that I look similar. I didn’t shower and I’m wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I probably smell worse than a men’s gym locker and we haven’t even started today’s torture.


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