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Born of Darkness

Page 18

by Jamie King

  Dominic gazes up from a book. “What happened to you two?” Luka grunts and grabs a bamboo staff from the weapons rack. “You guys have a fight or something?”

  “No.” We reply in unison.

  “Well, if you want to talk about it, I have two very good ears.”

  “Thanks Dom.” I mumble.

  “If you’re good to go, then I have something special planned today. Today you learn to dodge.” He smirks as he places the book on a countertop. “Luka here is your opponent. Avoid his staff and you win.”

  I groan in protest. “Don’t I get to warm up first.”

  “No. In a real scenario you will not have the luxury of warming up or preparing. You need to learn how to adjust to an emergency.” He smirks. “Especially when you’re exhausted and distracted like today.”

  “Great.” I hiss. “I’m in for a long day.” Luka grunts what may have been a laugh and swirls the staff with a skillful mastery. Crap. I face off with Luka and stand about four feet away. His lips part slightly and my eyes dart to the movement. Oh, how I want to kiss them. The way his muscular bare arm moves and ripples with power as he swings the stick.

  The bamboo slaps against my arm. The stinging pain shoots through my body as I gasp for breath. My eyes swell with tears and I stare up at him. “What the fuck?” I shout. The pain and shock slowly ease, but the emotional harm hasn’t recovered as quickly.

  “You're distracted.” He spins the stick. “Pay attention and take this seriously.”

  I rub my arm and watch him spin the stick around once more. It lands hard against my thigh sending an echoing clap through the room. I suck in a deep breath as pain shoots through my body once again. “Holy hell.” I manage to spit out.

  “Move.” He whacks me again on my butt. My breath catches. “Dodge.” He swings the stick around and sweeps it against the floor. I brace myself and close my eyes. The bamboo touches my ankle. Before I realize what’s happening my head slams against the mat.

  I open my eyes to see Luka and Dominic staring down at me.

  “Oh, honey.” Dominic says in a saddened motherly tone. “You need to at least attempt to avoid the attacks.”

  “Guys!” I glare at them. I know they aren’t doing this to purposely hurt my feelings or me, but it feels like they are. “I’m really bad at this.”

  “You think?” Luka half chuckles. He steps back. His face serious and stern. “Again.” He growls.

  “Maybe this time you try to move away?” Dominic offers. I slowly stand and take a deep breath. “Don’t look at the stick. Watch your opponent’s movement. Allow your instincts to guide you.”

  I focus my attention on Luka and his stick. I relax and take steady deep breaths. I move into the defensive stance Dominic taught me on my first day and prepare for the attack. Luka's eyes squint and his arm moves quickly. Air whips by my face as I step back and bend away from the reach of the bamboo. He went for my face!

  “There, right there!” Dominic exclaims with pride.

  I flop onto the mat. My entire body aches and my breath is heavy. Beads of sweat slide over my skin. Heavy footsteps approach me and stop near my head.

  “You did good today.” Luka smiles down at me. His body glistens with sweat and his hair is falling out of its bun. “You deserve a good meal after today. Dominic knows of a place nearby.”

  I jump up with newfound energy. “You mean I can go outside?” It’s been so long since I saw the sky. Breathed fresh air. Felt the sun on my skin.

  He nods with a small grin. “I think you’ve earned it.”

  Dominic saunters over to us. “Make sure you dress well. Rae and I have a reputation to keep.” He twirls and saunters out of the training room.

  I slide the key into the door and push it open. “So, how nice are we dressing?”

  “I assume cocktail dress attire?” Luka says with uncertainty. “Either way, Dom will make sure we are suitable before we leave.”

  “True.” I turn down the hallway and into my room. The wardrobe is filled with gym clothes and one pair of jeans. I fumble through the vast amount of unsuitable clothes before my fingers find a single black dress.

  The high low silky skirt is layered to give a thickness without being too much. The waistline is tied with a red lace bow and the modest silk heart shaped chest is covered in black lace that leads into delicate sleeves that fall off the shoulder. The dress is stunning. I set it down on the bed and turn back to the wardrobe in search of shoes. In the back of the shoe bin is a pair of black pumps that match the dress in every way. The black suede shoe is blanketed in a red lace covering.

  I quickly shower and blow-dry my hair. I pull out a bag of makeup from under the sink and get to work applying a fashionable Smokey eye. I spritz my neck with a lavender scented perfume and slip into the dress. It fits perfectly. The lace sleeves stop just below the elbow and with my heels on, the skirt of the dress nearly kisses the floor.

  I inspect at myself in the mirror. I seem thinner than I used to be, but not unhealthy. It may be the help of all day physical activity, but I feel amazing. I nervously stand at my door staring at the handle as if it has the answers to all of life’s questions.

  This is a double date. Is that what this is? A double date? No, it just happened to work out this way. I gather the courage to leave the safety of my room and pill the door open. Laughter erupts through the hallway.

  Luka is sitting in a chair across from Rae and Dominic. His hair is roughly tied back and his usually untidy beard is trimmed. Black leather bracelets with a golden circle woven into the leather adorn his wrists. His black dress shirt is left unbuttoned around the collarbone and his sleeves are rolled up his forearm. The shirt is half tucked into dark jeans slung low on his waist and his black leather belt has a thumb hooked on it resting heavily. Black dress shoes complete his “bad boy” formal attire.

  My entire body is on fire just from looking at him. His deep green eyes glance up at me as he laughs at something Rae had said. His smile falters and his Adam’s apple bobs noticeably.

  Rae turns around to face me at Luka's reaction. “Look at you! Hubba, hubba.’”

  Dominic peers around Rae for a look at me. “Ow-Ow.” He howls. My cheeks warm and I glance down at my toes avoiding eye contact. “Now that we’re all dressed to impress, how about we go eat?” Dominic says as he grabs his jacket and prances toward the door.

  The brisk night air stings my face as I pass through the doorway for the first time since my arrival to the gray coven. The overhead light flickers and I tug my coat collar closer to my face.

  “Cold?” Luka stands beside me.

  “A little.” I say between chattering teeth.

  “Rae should be pulling the car around soon.” He moves closer and slides his arm around my shoulder. His warmth encases me, and he tugs me closer to his side.

  “You two ready for the best food in all of Virginia?” Dominic says as he saunters up behind us in a long black trench coat. I try to stifle a laugh, but he looks like he just walked out of the matrix. The only thing he’s missing are the sunglasses.

  “What? Why are you laughing?” He checks his attire and shrugs his shoulders satisfied that nothing is wrong with his outfit.

  I shake my head and cover my face with my hands. “It’s nothing.”

  He looks to Luka for an explanation. “I have no idea.” Luka seems as baffled as Dominic.

  “What world do the two of you live in to not understand?” I stare at them both while imagining their childhoods and most of their adult lives. They’ve been fighting real monsters, so I guess sci-fi movies weren’t high on their to do list. “Oh, never mind.” I wave them off as a steel gray SUV pulls up in front of us. I slide into the back seat and Luka hops in after me.

  “So where are we going?” I ask.

  Dominic cranes his neck to look back at me from the front seat. “This little place a town over, Elements. You'll love it.”

  Quaint brick buildings line the two-way street. Wooden shop
signs hover above the thin wooden doorways on iron arms. Iron lamp posts are spread out along the side walk casting a yellow hue over the occasional pedestrian. Rae pulls the SUV into a dark parking lot just off the main road. I hop out of the SUV and follow the guys to the entrance. Cars fill the small parking lot and expensive sports cars and black SUVs crowd the entrance.

  The one story brick building is nestled in a grove of pine trees. Dark red brick walls are in serious need of repair. Vines climb up the wall and spread over a large window near the entryway. The white paint of the window is flaking from weathering and age. Elements is embroidered in blue elegant script on the cream overhang above the door.

  A young man in a red vest hands a keychain to a tall blonde. “Thank you for coming, Miss Stokes.”

  She takes the keys from his hand and walks to a lime green two-seater sports car. Her bright red lips curl up in a sinister smile as she leans over the hood of the car in a seductive manner “Maybe let me have a bite next time, Jimmy?”

  Jimmy winks at her. “Not a chance, Miss Stokes.”

  “Too bad. You smell divine.” She licks her lips and slides into the car. The engine purrs to life and she offers Jimmy a wave before she drives off.

  Dominic and Rae saunter up to Jimmy. Their hands entwined together and their shoulders touch as they come to a stop. The two of them are adorable together.

  “Jimmy, how are you tonight?” Dominic asks.

  “Good sir, here for the glow party?”

  Rae looks back at Luka and me with a smirk. He glances back at Jimmy. “Of course.”

  “Glow party?” I whisper to Luka.

  “I'm afraid to ask.” He whispers in my ear.

  “These two are your guests tonight?” Jimmy asks as he looks Luka and I over as if inspecting us like cattle.

  “Sure are. They’re new to the area, so they haven’t been here before.” Dominic explains.

  “But don’t worry, Jimmy,” Rae steps forward, “We'll teach them everything they need to know.”

  Jimmy laughs and heads in the direction of the main entryway. “Sandra will show you to a table.”

  A young woman with aquamarine hair steps through the doorway. Her hazel eyes are surrounded by dark makeup. “Welcome to Elements, please follow me.” Her short choppy hair seems to glow as we pass into the low light of building.

  The quiet restaurant is mostly empty on the inside. I glance out the window at the number of vehicles parked. “I know I’m bad at math, but this doesn’t add up.” I mumble to myself and glance around the nearly empty dining area. The cozy booths are fitted with cream cushions and wooden tables covered in white cloth and silver place settings. A young couple is seated in a corner chatting and eating their salads.

  Sandra leads us through a pair of French doors and into a hallway. “Where is she taking us?” I whisper to Luka.

  Another pair of doors opens into a foyer and a large spiral staircase that leads into a cellar. The cool gray stone lines the walls and racks of wine span the room. Two large barrels of what could be beer are set to the side and racks of beer bottles line the left wall.

  Sandra opens a wooden door at the back of the room. The small door leads to an elevator at the end of the narrow hallway. She presses the button and the white glow lights the dark condensed space.

  The elevator doors open and Sandra steps in first. When we’re clear of the door Sandra presses the down button. Only two buttons are on the keypad, up and down. That’s odd. I glance around, no one seems phased by this mystery tour.

  The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open displaying Elements on a bright blue neon sign hanging above two white doors. Club music booms through the walls. I follow the boys to the entrance and vaguely hear Sandra from behind us saying her goodbye.

  “Where did you bring us, Dom?” I shift closer to Luka.

  He turns around to me with the largest grin. “To fun.” He raises his hands in the air welcoming the sounds. “I brought you somewhere to have fun.” He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Enjoy it darling.” He falls back and pushes the doors open.



  The dance music booms into the small entryway. White and blue strobe lights pulse from the ceiling. I stand in silent horror. Is this a club? What happened to good food? A mass of bodies sway and bounce to the music at the center of the dance floor. Booths filled with people line every wall encircling the dance floor. The DJ is in a metal cage suspended above the dance floor and strings of light wrap around the metal fence encasing him.

  Luka nudges me forward. “Don’t gawk. It isn’t nice.”

  “They brought us to, to –,” I motion at the strobe lights, “This.”

  He chuckles beside me and rests his hand on the small of my back. “They sure did.”

  Dominic and Rae lead us to a metal podium littered with laminated menus. A tall man with jet black hair and sharp features glances up from a computer screen. The deep blues of the ambient lights cast shadows over his gaunt cheeks and the light from the computer screen spreads deep shadows under his eyes.

  “How many?” The man says in a low monotone voice as he glances up at Dominic. His eyes return to the computer screen within moments.

  “Four.” Rae murmurs. He turns and leans in close to my ear. “You would think they would find more lively help.” He whispers and rolls his eyes.

  Our host takes us to a horseshoe shaped black granite table top with a brushed metal booth and black velvet cushions. I slip out of my coat and fold it over the back of the seat before I pull the laminated two-sided menu closer. The menu is filled with odd items that sound like they are out of some fantasy book. Smoked solar stallion, silver fox stew, and roasted flame ibis. The guys are laughing and relaxed against the seat cushions.

  “Uh, so, about this menu.” I say as I push the menu toward the center of the table.

  Luka glances at the menu and a smile spreads over his face. “This is a supernatural restaurant, so they have foods from the Fae and Demon realms here.”

  That explains the creepy basement and weird food names. “So, then what should I order?”

  He slides closer to me. “Here, I’ll help you.” He rests his arm behind me over the back of the seat and reads over the menu. ‘The braised primal steer is similar to a venison steak on earth.”

  “Uh, okay.” The casual way he speaks of Earth as separate from his world still gives me the impression like we don’t belong to Earth. As if, somehow, I shouldn’t consider it my home, but instead think of myself as a visitor.

  Rae leans into me. “Know what you want?”

  “I guess so.” I read through the first few names again. “Yeah, I’ll just get what Luka recommended.”

  He winks and presses a button on the table. Within seconds a woman appears in a cherry red blouse with an Elements logo embroidered on the left breast. Her black skinny jeans hug her curved hips and accentuate everything I wish I had. Her full lips part with a smile and her deep red eyes glisten expectantly.

  “Are you ready to order?” She asks in a silky tone.

  Our eyes lock. Deep reds swirl and dance around her pupils. “Ri?” Dominic leans in. “You okay?”

  I blink a few times. “Oh, sorry. May I have the braised primal steer please?” I avoid eye contact and focus on her lips.

  “Wonderful.” she coos. “And to drink?”

  I haven’t even looked at the drink menu. I flip to the back and read the names. “May I have the sour lily?”

  “Great choice.” She takes the boy’s orders and disappears into the crowd.

  I gaze at the dance floor across from us as the songs change. The strobe are a rainbow of laser-like lines that shoot out over the patrons in geometric patterns.

  The server appears in the crowd. Her hands full with our food. I take in the sight of my slab of juicy meat beside a bed of vegetables. The drink is white with a swirl of pink in the center and white and pink flowers decorate the surface of the cool liquid.
r />   Dominic leans over the table and smiles at me. “Magical isn’t it.”

  “I’m actually quite impressed that this looks like I normal meal..” I giggle and dig into my primal steer.

  Luka was right in his comparison. The steer was very similar to venison. I wonder what this primal steer looks like. Could the two creatures be similar? I slide the empty plate to the center of the table and pull my drink closer to me. The smell of flowers wafts up from the glass and I take a sip. Sweet floral flavors explode in my mouth. The sensation is like biting into a fresh rose petal.

  From the corner of my eye I catch Luka watching me intently. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. A smile forms at the corner of his mouth. He knows something.

  Dominic chugs the rest of his orange fruity drink and then pulls Rae to the dance floor with him. I study them as I sip on my sour lily. Wish I could dance with Luka. I sigh and take another sip. Maybe I will only ever be able to fantasize about it. With each sip my body feels heavy. “Do you know what’s in this drink?” I ask Luka. I stare past him at the strobe lights. They seem to move slower now, so slow that they hang in the air before each flash. The bodies on the dance floor seem to move in slow motion.

  Luka leans over. His movement is unnaturally slow. “I believe that is mead and the sour lily plant which contains toxins and when ingested you, well-,” He cocks his head to the side, “Have a very special type of drunk.”

  I glance down at my drink. It’s alcohol and a plant that gets you high? “Oh great, why didn’t you tell me this when I ordered it?”

  “Curiosity.” He mumbles into his palm as he rests his elbow on the table gazing over at me.

  “I’m not an experiment.” I grumble and take another gulp of the sour lily. I may as well enjoy it since it’s already here.

  “I know,” He smirks, “But, at the same time you kind of are. Not like there are many Daesidh around here.” He waves his hand around.

  Dominic and Rae stumble over from the dance floor breathing heavily and dripping with sweat. “Come on you two, we didn’t come here to sit and talk. We can sit and talk at home!” Dominic grabs my hand and tugs me from the comfort of the booth. “Come on girl, you can’t look this good and not flaunt it.”


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