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The Watchman

Page 3

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Bart and his worker moved about the yard, inspecting the various stacks, feeling the wood and sometimes smelling it, examining the straightness of the boards or gaging the uniformity of their thickness.

  He said, “Joshua, this is very fine cutting. Let us think about this.”

  Bart and his worker talked for several minutes. I could hear them saying, “This is very fine lumber.” “The amount here already would last us a month or more at our current rate.” “There are men who would love a new barn, or repairs to a shed or a house.” “And, I have a brother who’s a good worker and has some skill, but he can do labor and learns quickly.”

  They went back and forth for a while and finally Bart said, “My friend, how much of this lumber are we talking about?”

  I said, “A lot, if you want it. This amount took me three days to produce. I can provide at least that much for quite some time. The way that I have it cut produces much less waste than you may expect. And the sawdust and bark I use for planting and landscaping material. I have chosen these sizes because they seemed good to me. See this box on the post at the back of the yard? If you need more of one thing or another, or if you need particular sizes, write a note and put it in the box. I will have the lumber cut according to your specifications.”

  The worker said, “These boards here are smaller than we can cut economically. But, they lend themselves to techniques that are ancient. If we relearn some of those old ways, we can make good use of it. We can build lighter and faster.”

  Bart said, “That’s true. These here are good for roofing, especially. And these others for flooring. Joshua, this is a bit overwhelming. It changes how we think…and certainly how we work.”

  I said, “I was hoping so, but only if it makes things better. Are you willing to lower the costs of building if you don’t pay for lumber?”

  He said, “Certainly. I won’t take advantage of my neighbors.”

  I asked, “And can you take any extra and sell it at a good price to builders in other villages so that they can do the same? And can the money that they pay be used for charitable projects? Repairing the home of a poor man or a house for widows and orphans, or to build a playground or a village hall?”

  He said, “So, we would sell some of this and I would use the coins to pay men to help our village? If that is your wish, it will be our honor.”

  I smiled and said, “Good. Do you need anything but lumber from me? Can you handle all of the business of it, or do you need help with that?”

  Bart said, “I can do it if you like. There is no need to trouble yourself. But, I will bring the charitable projects to you and you will tell me how to use the money from selling the lumber.”

  I said, “That’s a wonderful idea. I will have a committee and you will be part of it. You will find us projects to do and the men on my council will review them, and if more money is needed, we’ll see how to fund it. I have one in mind as a matter of fact. Do you know John and Dot, the cobblers? Dot needs a new kitchen.”

  Bart smiled and said, “A kitchen for baking cookies and pies? For the girls that we call ‘The Wizard’s Daughters’? You will have it. I like this. I like it so much that I will go there today and draw the plans. If they will have it, may I offer a small, sunny work room? They learn knitting and stories as well. My girls are not without a father, but they are friends with those who go to Dot now and they would be part of it if they could. Is it forbidden, or is it possible that my daughters would be welcome. Their dear mother is gone. I loved her very much and it was very difficult for us when she became ill. I have another woman, but I have never taken her to bed.”

  I clapped Bart on the back and said, “My friend, I’m sure that your girls would be very welcome.”

  Bart said, “Antonio, if you have a good woman, I think that I can soon afford her, and if she bakes or knits, I could send her during the day to be with Dot and help her in this.”

  Antonio smiled and said, “Bart, we are of the same mind. I decided this morning that I’m going to try to purchase a house in Bonvale and make my home here. I will find a few good women for myself, and I will let you know what I find. I have also decided that from now on, all of my events will take place here in this village, rather than in every village along the loop. Perhaps twice a month. I will make the loop, find the women who need an arrangement, and bring them here. Every two weeks on a certain day, we will hold an event. If anyone is interested, they will come to Bonvale on those days.”

  Bart said, “The cafe and the innkeeper will be happy.”

  Antonio said, “I had not thought of that. You can benefit as well. Instead of going to the other builders to sell the lumber, what if they come here and on those days, or the day before, you bring them here and sell them lumber? For two days a month, you have a workman here who handles the sales.”

  I said, “Antonio, what if the women who need an arrangement come on those days as well. If they arrive the day before the event, if they are rested and ready, add them to the event. If for any reason they are not ready, keep them at your home until the next event two weeks later. You can explain the new way of doing it a few times and then perhaps stop traveling at all unless you want to for your own reasons.”

  Antonio said, “I’ll give it some thought. I don’t want them to travel the roads alone and without protection. Bandits are rare, but I would not forgive myself if one of the women were harmed.”

  I asked, “Men, why isn’t there a ferry between this side of the river and the other? It would make travel much easier.”

  Bart said, “A ferry? A boat that crosses back and forth? The current is swift in the spring, but at other times, a small boat could be rowed, I suppose. It would be a lot of rowing. I don’t know of a suitable boat in any of the villages, but it could be that one could be built.”

  I said, “It was just a thought. I might see what I can do about it. I like the idea of easier commerce between the villages. Do you think that other merchants would come to Bonvale on these two days a month for other reasons? Do you think that there could be a market for those days only where unusual goods could be purchased?”

  Antonio said, “The journey from the farthest village to Bonvale is four days. Four to Bonvale and four to return.”

  I said, “Those who come so far would come only every two months or at their own desire. If they come, then they come. If not, they don’t. Perhaps only the small villages nearby take part.”

  Antonio said, “It might be very festive and it would bring more income to Bonvale. It would be easier than traveling constantly.”

  I said, “Then let’s keep it in mind. Bart, what do you think of my lumber yard? Will it benefit you and the rest of our village?”

  He said, “It certainly will. May I ask how it’s done? It seems like wizardry.”

  I smiled and said, “In my haunted woods, you will hear strange sounds. In fact, you should spread the word that it is the sounds of my tree harvesters and lumber mill. I have collected and restored some of the old machinery that does the work of many men in a short time. I don’t want to put anyone out of work, so I want my machines to only do work that is backbreaking and tedious. Maybe someday I’ll be able to show you, but for now, please let the manner of the work be my secret. Are the dimensions of the lumber acceptable for now? I can have them changed, and as I say, all you have to do is leave a note saying the dimensions and quantities and it will appear the next day. But, you can also tell me the lengths.”

  Bart said, “The lengths? But surely we have to cut the lengths ourselves. It’s too much work for you.”

  I said, “No, it’s not too much work for me. See this long board, about two inches by four inches in size? If you say, ‘I need three hundred of these that are eight feet long and four hundred that are one and a half feet long’ they will be cut and stacked for you. You will want to paint the ends so that they don’t crack as they dry, but the cutting is easy for me. Come with a cart and open the gate and take what you need for a day. Le
ave the rest and it will be here tomorrow when you need it. If you leave a cart and a note with what should go in it, I can have it stacked and ready for you.”

  Bart said, “What do the boys do? The ‘The Wizard’s Sons’? Like the girls who bake and knit? Can’t the boys stack wood and my customers pay a small fee that is paid to them in the same way that I buy a cookie from time to time. It has been only a few days since the woman Dot has been teaching them, but it’s a tradition now and a mark of how Bonvale does things. The waitress has a boy and he can learn to fish and make things with leather, but he can also stack wood, he and his friends. Two hours in the mornings. Perhaps some of them will come and carry tools for my workers and become carpenters one day.”

  Antonio said, “Bart, we are friends now! You want a good woman. It’s the most difficult to find an arrangement for a widow if she has a child. It is a sad thing in my eyes.”

  Bart immediately said, “There’s nothing wrong with having a fine widow in one’s house and if I’m right, even in one’s bed. This thing that we’re doing for the fatherless excites me. Bring me two of them if they are pleasant and will appreciate what I have for them. I may be caught up in the moment because of our talk, but if I have even four more small ones in my house, along with two new women, I think that I could be happier than I am. I’m happy now, but I could share that happiness.”

  Antonio smiled and said, “What a day this is turning out to be. And when I find a house, I’ll need work done on it. My own skills are not related to fixing a house.”

  Bart said, “As you say, we are friends now, and unless I’m mistaken, part of Sir Joshua’s new village council, if he thinks us useful. If not, we’ll serve him in other ways. Your house will fixed up at a very fair price. And I’ll pay your fee for the women if they are found.”

  I said, “Men, you’re both very useful to me and to the village, and if there is a village council, I will beg you to be a part of it. This is great, but are we finished here for today?”

  Bart said, “If you say so. May we take a few boards with us now?”

  I said, “If you like. Take what you want at any time. It’s in your hands.”

  I took another minute or so and we all said our goodbyes and shook hands and swore to meet again soon. When we were done, I asked Antonio if he wanted to come with me and see something else surprising. He looked quite excited as he agreed to stay with me as long as I wished.

  Chapter 3 - A Quick River Trip

  I took Antonio farther into the woods and I asked him to wait for a moment while I went ahead just a little way by myself. When I was alone, I made a quick call to arrange my next adventure with Clarice and then I returned to him.

  As we walked the short distance remaining to the river at the edge of Paul’s property, I asked, “Antonio, if you were going today to find a good woman for yourself or for Bart, perhaps the one that you fancy, what village would you go to?”

  Antonio said, “As I said, she is in Meadows. It’s the village about sixteen miles east of Bonvale.”

  I asked, “And if you were going to find another?”

  He thought for a second and said, “For another, I would start looking at Rockshale, another three miles east from there.”

  I asked, “And if you went to Meadows today, would you be ready to ask her to come to Bonvale with you?”

  He said, “After our talk this morning, I would do it in a heartbeat. I can stay at the inn here until I find a house, and she could stay with me if she’s that comfortable with me. Or in the dorms if she’s not. I would think that she would want to get to know me a bit. What am I saying? She does know me. We have traveled together many times. But if she knows that I have intentions toward her, she may think about it for a few days or more. Joshua, you’re causing my heart to jump in my chest with these questions.”

  We came to the river bank just as Ellie arrived in the boat that we used. I had asked Clarice to have Ellie dress very modestly and not to talk unless I asked her a question directly. The boat glided into the cove at Paul’s and Antonio and I walked over to where it landed.

  I said, “Antonio, this is my boatman, Ellie.”

  Ellie tipped her hat, but stayed seated at the controls.

  I said, “Shall we go for a ride?”

  Antonio looked at me and then quickly began to climb into the boat. I smiled and when he was in, I pushed away from the shore and climbed in over the bow myself. Ellie expertly backed the boat away from the beach and then turned out into the river.

  I said, “Ellie, to the village of Meadows. Slow and steady until we are a bit farther away.”

  Antonio was seated on a bench, and I sat beside him. He said, “I’ve never been in a boat. Not even a fishing boat. And I do not swim.”

  I said, “Ellie is an excellent swimmer and if the need arises, she can rescue either of us. The river is calm and we’ll be comfortable.”

  He said, “It is sixteen miles. How long will it take to get there by river?”

  I said, “Ellie, top safe speed please,” and the boat leapt ahead at about twenty miles per hour.

  I asked, “Ellie, how long?”

  She said, “Forty-five minutes.”

  I said, “There you have it. Forty-five minutes and we will be in Meadows. When we get close, tell us if you know of a good place to land.”

  The boat was quiet. Because the motors were electric, there was no engine noise. The trip was fairly smooth, and we didn’t talk much along the way. Forty five minutes later, Antonio pointed to a cove that had a small road right at the edge and we pulled in. I jumped out first and then helped him to his feet on dry land. I gave the boat a shove and Ellie went back out into the deep water to find a place to stay out of sight and wait for us.

  As we stood looking toward the village, Antonio took a deep breath and sighed. He said, “I’ve been doing this for almost all of my life, and yet, I have never done this. But I have a new life starting today and there’s no reason to put it off. Joshua, you are the best friend that I have ever had. Shall we go and see if we can find her?”

  We started walking and Antonio led us straight to the village square. He seemed very deliberate now. A short time later, we walked up to a shop where paper was made and sold. Antonio went to the man who ran the shop and exchanged words for a few minutes and then came back to me and we approached a woman with blond hair and gray highlights. She was clearly born one of the little sisters. She was older than Viola and the others, but her figure, and even the way that her face was structured, was clear evidence that she was one of them.

  Antonio called her to us and said, “My dear, I have spoken to your master, and if you are willing, I have a new arrangement that I would ask you to consider. It’s a special arrangement and not an event.”

  The woman looked at me and Antonio saw it and quickly said, “No! Um, this is my friend Joshua.”

  She said, “We have heard of Joshua.”

  Antonio stammered, “But no, you don’t understand. The arrangement is with me. Joshua is a friend and he brought me here, but the arrangement that I ask you to consider is with me. In my house. And, if you want it, even more.”

  The woman smiled just a little and raised an eyebrow as she said, “More?”

  Antonio looked slightly panicked and said, “Well, if you want it. You can come with me and I’m buying a house in Bonvale and I know all about the Nogud now and where they come from and I find that I fancy you greatly and I won’t come between you and your current master if you wish to stay, but I don’t know what I am saying now. If you want to come with me, and if you can start to love me, I’ll do what I can to make you happy. And you will never go away from me again.”

  The woman smiled. She asked, “And what do you know about the Nogud and where they come from?”

  Antonio rushed ahead, saying, “They are misjudged by the horrid witch who runs the school. She is dead. They are beautiful, just like you are and they are not defective. They are the daughters of women like themselve
s. Women who found love and ran away from their shame with a kind young man who loved them as they should have been from the beginning. I know that a man like me would be lucky to find a woman like that and if you don’t despise me for the years that I was ignorant, I would have you come with me. Oh, I was supposed to ask you a question! And I don’t remember what it was or how to word it!”

  She smiled again and said, “You have already asked me a question. And I’m liking the sound of it. I have a question for you. Let us say that I was one of those women, the Nogud little sisters, and in a younger life I had found happiness with a young man and was thrown out of his house and his village. And let us say that years later, he died and I became a widow and did not return to the tunic and hood. If that was what I was, would you still want me?”

  Antonio said, “That is part of the very reason. Not out of pity, but out of a new heart and a desire for a happier life.”

  She said, “And, you’re ready to take me as a bedmate without another minute to get to know me?”

  He said, “If you consent, yes. I’m impetuous, but now that it’s in my mind, I can’t see another way. Please, if you deny me, I will be ruined. This isn’t how it’s done and no one knows that better than I do, but all rules are broken now and I don’t know what new rules to make.”

  She eyed Antonio and then untied the work apron that she wore over her dress and laid it aside. She said, “Master, I will go with you. I will do whatever you say. You are a good man, and I know it. I am yours, from this moment onward. I have another question for you. Wait here.”

  The woman disappeared into the back of the shop. I noticed that perhaps eight women could be seen moving about working. Antonio stood breathless and silent and we waited. A minute later, the one who would go with Antonio returned, accompanied by another.

  The woman said, “How big is your home?”

  Antonio’s eyes went wide and he blurted out, “Certainly big enough for three! I mean myself and two more! Are you asking to take your sister with us? Of course. I remember you as well. If you want to come, you are welcome in my home!”


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