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The Watchman

Page 4

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  The first woman asked, “And in your bed?”

  Antonio said, “Of course! Of course! Yes! Will you both come and see my house? Wait, I don’t have a house yet, but I’m buying one and you can choose it. And we’ll have to stay at the inn and our home will be in Bonvale, but you’ll be happy if I can make you happy. Will you come with me?”

  The two smiled and the first said, “Master, we are yours. We will make you happy if we can. We are both widows and the idea that we are defective is not what we have experienced. We look forward to experiencing many things again with you. This is so unusual, but what else could we expect? You come with Joshua, the Wizard Hero of Bonvale.”

  Antonio said, “Then let’s get away from here together. I’ll speak to your former master an d be right back”, and he hurried away to talk to the man.

  I said, “You have made a good choice in my opinion.”

  The second woman, who had brown hair, said, “Sir Joshua, has it come true? That you are the sleeper in the haunted woods?”

  I said, “I suppose so. No one has called me that, but I was asleep for a very long time and I am the owner of the haunted woods.”

  She said, “Then we are in your hands and we will do as you say. They say that you are our king. If you say that Antonio is a good man, we are your daughters and we all take your advice on our happiness. Is it true that our younger sisters will be happy now in your own house?”

  I said, “I have four now. All little sisters. I have found good men who know our secrets and will love all of you that we can find. If you know of more like us, tell me. I say us, because I am like you in a special way.”

  The first said, “This is a fine thing. If I’m allowed to say it now, I did fancy Antonio myself. I’m thinking that I will be happy with him.”

  The other said, “And so will I. Sister, he says that we will make a house together in Bonvale. Our own house and our own family and a shared bed. I start to feel…stirrings…in my heart and in my body.”

  The first smiled and said, “Don’t we both? I think that we should tell our master that it’s been a long day already and that if he’s kind that he should take us to the inn as soon as possible.”

  The second smiled and said, “Yes. That would be best. You suggest it when it’s time.”

  When Antonio returned he was grinning as he said, “I have refunded the man for your fees and he is happy to let you go under the circumstances. I am so happy. Shall we go? Or do you have something to retrieve? Or if it is not personal, you can leave it and we’ll buy everything that we need when we get to our new home. New dresses for you and anything that you want or think that we need. And we can shop when we return to Bonvale and unless Joshua has more for us to do…”

  The first woman said, “Master, be more at peace. If you will allow us to care for you, we should go to an inn and rest. We were working very early this morning and it’s our habit on days like this to retire early. We should take you and do our duties to you as our master and give you a relaxing massage and lower your heart rate for some time before supper. We are fine in these dresses, but if we go for dinner in a cafe, perhaps a clothier will be open later in the afternoon. If not, we’ll be fine until morning.”

  We were walking hurriedly back toward the river now as Antonio said, “But, you have nothing with you. And, you will need something to sleep in and…”

  The woman said, “Master, we need nothing to sleep in. Not tonight, or any night, unless it’s very cold,” and she smiled and took his hand.

  Antonio looked at her and seeing the smile said nervously, “Oh! I um, I am, I see. Um…”

  The second woman said, “Master, remember, we are widows, not girls who know nothing about how our husband should be treated. You know that a woman wears no underwear for good reason. It has been just a few minutes, but our hearts, and therefore our bodies, are yours. We will provide all that we need for sleeping in tonight. But it a very long walk to Bonvale. There’s no inn here in Meadows. Should we turn toward Rockshale for this evening?”

  I said, “No, we’ll go back to Bonvale. Forgive me for speaking for my friend, but your master has heard many surprises today and I won’t trouble him with trivial things. We’ll be in Bonvale in a hour.”

  Antonio said, “But, Joshua, you said that we need to go to Rockshale on behalf of our friend Bart.”

  I said, “We can do it another day. We didn’t promise him that it would be done today. Our ‘wagon’ seats no more than six and with my boatman, we have five already. And besides, these lovely women of yours are eager to help you relax and get out of your dusty clothes.”

  Antonio said, “There isn’t much dust…oh! Um, I see what you mean. Ladies, is that how you feel?”

  The second said, “Master, your manner and your innocence with us is very attractive right now. You come suddenly and take us away to be loved and be the mates of a good man again after so many years. Yes, we are excited and even eager to start a new life between your sheets.”

  The first said, “Or in the woods, like the first time we knew love. Master, we want to be women again and soon.”

  The second said, “Joshua, forgive me for my boldness, but I am going to say it like this. Master Antonio, you say that you are my husband and now I want a look and feel of your manly cock and I want to feel it between my lips again and I want the taste of the creamy nectar on my tongue. Don’t be shocked. Joshua says that he has four of the little sisters and so he knows what tigers we can be if we have a lion to tame us. These tigers haven’t been fed for a long time and the look in our eyes is because we are about to pounce and devour you. You don’t know as much about the little sisters as you think you do. The two of us haven’t felt the juices flow between our thighs for so long, but now that you have made your pledge, we are wedded once more and why make a married woman wait?”

  Antonio looked surprised, but pleased.

  The first woman said, “Master, do you intend to take us to bed before you tell us our names? Or will you tell us our names first?”

  Antonio said, “Oh, names. You may use your old names if it pleases you.”

  She answered, “It does not. It pleases us for you to name us.”

  He said, “Oh! Then, you are called Orchid,” indicating the blond, “and you are called Blossom,” indicating the other one with the brown hair.

  Blossom said, “I like that. I like it a lot. What do you say Orchid?”

  Orchid said, “I think that it suits us both very well. It’s not what I expected.”

  Antonio said, “It was Joshua who gave me the idea. He has women named Viola and Aspen and Lark and Raven. I liked the way it was done. I thought that flowers in my house would make us happy. So, you are pleased?”

  Blossom said, “Yes. I like it. The river is here. Do you have a wagon? How can we be in Bonvale so quickly? Are you teasing us?”

  I said, “No, wait a moment.”

  As we waited, Ellie came quickly into the cove and beached the boat to let us board.

  I said, “I need to see about having a dock built in each village to make this easier.”

  Antonio and I helped the women into the boat as Ellie kept it in place. After I had pushed off and climbed in myself, I introduced Orchid and Blossom to Ellie and we were on our way. Antonio and the two women sat together on a bench seat that would be more comfortable for two than for three, but they were happy. I sat with Ellie as she piloted the boat. Clarice could pilot the boat remotely, both by network position and using cameras mounted on the boat for vision, so Ellie was there mostly for appearances.

  As far as Ellie’s appearance was concerned, she was wearing a pair of loose fitting, heavy coveralls that I thought were cute, but they did nothing to show off the wonderful shape of her body. There was a zipper, more or less hidden, that unzipped from the neckline down to the crotch. Just the fact that what she wore could be instantly removed was sexy in itself. And of course, I knew that she was entirely naked underneath. I whispered to her that I
thought that she was very attractive and I was happy that she was nude beneath her coveralls, but she smiled and told me that underneath her coveralls was her protective, form-fitting, nymph suit. Somehow, that was even a bit sexier in my mind.

  The trip back to Bonvale, to Paul’s cove downriver, took a few minutes less than the trip upriver had. When Antonio and I had helped the women from the boat, the five of us, including Ellie, walked up to the house and I introduced Antonio, Orchid, and Blossom to Yuki and Marvella, who were there today. I didn’t remember if Ellie had been to the farm before. I didn’t think so, and I introduced her to the women as well. Aspen had gone to Havenrest during the day and Viola was at the shops helping Susan and the others of Paul’s house.

  It was decided that Ellie and I would accompany Antonio into the village and introduce him to Paul before he took the women to the inn to find accommodation for the next few days. Ellie and the nymphs had planned for the need for a clothing change and she had one of the skirt and pants outfits in our apartment. While Antonio and the women sat together in the living room, Ellie and I went to get her changed.

  As we closed the door to our apartment, I grabbed Ellie playfully around the waist from behind and pulled the zipper down.

  I said, “Let me help you.”

  She laughed and squirmed in my arms and said, “Help me?” and the coveralls fell off her shoulders to the floor. The suit that she wore underneath was like a second skin, black and thin, conforming to every curve and crevice.

  I said, “You won’t need the protective suit in the village.”

  She giggled and spun around and quickly struggled to remove it, saying, “You mean because a girl never wears underwear! That’s a good rule. We like that princess rule.” She had the black fabric pulled down to her waist and she sat on the small coffee table and lay on her back with her legs in the air to pull it down her hips and bottom.

  She said, “You could help me.”

  I smiled and reached down and dropped my pants and then grabbed the suit and yanked it up her legs, exposing her sex. As soon as her hairless mound and slit were in view, I made a show of fumbling with the legs and ‘accidentally’ pressing my erection between her tiny thighs. Ellie was only four foot two, and her body was made in a way that she was constantly lubricated, and I slid in easily. She was short, but her lady parts were sized appropriately for my full-sized man parts. She was warm and slippery and felt wonderful.

  She giggled some more and said, “That’s a nice way to help me. I like it Mr. Cock Monster.”

  Without removing the suit from her legs, I took her by the waist and stood up so that she was leaning back, suspended in the air, with her ankles on my shoulders and her bottom against my groin. I began bouncing her against my hips as we stood in the center of the room. We both started laughing as Ellie had her first climaxes.

  I said, “We better get you changed though.”

  I pivoted Ellie’s body downward so that she was face-down toward the floor and I turned us around so that she was able to put her hands against the cushions of the sofa. Ellie wasn’t constrained physically in some ways that a normal girl would be, and as she braced herself against the sofa, I pressed forward so that she was supported mostly by my hips and my penis deeply inside her pelvis as I lifted her ankles and bent her knees to finish removing the skin-suit. When It was off, I dropped it to the side and put my hands around her waist and began plunging in and out of her pussy vigorously. Ellie continued squealing in delight.

  When I was ready to orgasm myself, I said, “Ellie, I’m about to come. Don’t let anything escape, OK?”

  She turned her head and looked at me with a grin and I felt the ring of her opening tighten and then squeeze from the base to the tip, in a wonderful milking motion that was a special skill that she and the other nymphs had. The effect was that I orgasmed immediately and every drop of my semen was captured and contained. When I finally pulled out, I was slightly slick, but perfectly clean. The entire escapade had only taken three or four minutes.

  Ellie hurried to retrieve the clothes that she would wear in the village and started to dress while I pulled my pants back on and arranged myself. One thing about sex with Ellie was that there was no tell-tale sex odor; just a hint of the fruity fragrance of her lubrication.

  She said, “I like quickies! That’s fun.”

  I said, “Come give me a kiss”, and Ellie jumped onto the sofa and stood facing me and I kissed her deep and hard.

  I said, “OK. Ready to go?”

  She smiled and said, “Again?, OK,” and she started to undress.

  I smiled and said, “You know what I mean. Let’s go to the village.”

  We left the apartment and joined the others and no one seemed to think that we’d been gone longer than we should have been. After a few more minutes chatting, the five of us, Antonio and his two, and me and Ellie, left for the short walk to the village.

  Blossom said, “Yuki explained to us that Ellie is from a faraway country where the women all look like she does. Ellie, you are very beautiful. I would have thought that you were a young girl, but you are obviously very developed as a woman and your face isn’t that of a girl either.”

  Ellie looked at me, having been given directions not to talk unless I asked her a question.

  I said, “Ellie is very special. And older than she looks. She may not talk much, but I love her and couldn’t live without her. She has two sisters who live with us at my home in Goldenwood.”

  Orchid said, “That’s what you call the haunted woods now? Goldenwood? It’s a good name.”

  I said, “Someday I’ll want to hear what you know about the history there.”

  Blossom said, “Our mothers told stories told by their mothers. If we can come and visit with you someday, at a home or in the cafe, we’ll tell you what we were told.”

  Chapter 4 - The Matchmaker

  When we arrived at Paul’s shop, I introduced Antonio and his women to Paul and his mates, and to Viola. Orchid and Blossom were especially interested to talk to Viola and the three of them moved to stand apart from the rest of us for a little while.

  Paul and Antonio chatted very warmly. It was agreed that Antonio and his women were more than welcome in Bonvale and that they should come to supper at the farm in the next day or two.

  It was getting to be late afternoon now, and neither Antonio nor I had eaten lunch. I decided that I would skip a meal and let Antonio do what he wanted without my interference. I had intended to take Ellie shopping, but it was too late for that now. There was one errand that we could run, but I wanted Viola with me for that. Actually, I wanted Viola to handle the whole thing for me and not involve me in it at all.

  At one point in the conversation, which I had not been paying close attention to, Antonio said, “I have no occupation other than the women and caring for them. Joshua, you and Paul are doing a fine work establishing a new school, but I’m thinking that maybe it should be me, unless you specifically want it yourselves. What I mean is that if you have it in your heart to establish a new school out of kindness, should it be me that runs it for you? You could certainly house and teach a few girls at your farm, but I’m buying a new house here and I have two new women and they seem like they could teach the things that girls need to know at some level. You have a clothier and a cobbler shop and other endeavors related to the wellbeing of our village. I don’t want to take anything away from you, but what do you think about the idea that I buy a larger place and make a dormitory, because I will need one for various women between arrangements in any case, and the school could be housed with me. I know that the best instructors will be women who keep a house with a man every day, and not women who have not been bedmates, but if the women who know best were to come on certain days, or we were to send the girl to one house to learn a skill during the day at a home like yours, would that be better for everyone? A woman like your Susan could come and teach occasionally and a few girls could be sent to your Yuki at your farm for the
day at other times. On other days, they go to the woman Dot and practice with the little ones and help care for them. It can all be done in one place: the school, the dormitories, the events, and even registrations.”

  Susan said, “That’s a good plan. Our friend has a heart for it and he has experience in many ways that we don’t and the business of it especially. The others and I would gladly bring girls to our home for the day or go to the school for the day.”

  I said, “It is what we call ‘scalable’. If more women appear, we enlist more teachers. If the number goes down, we enlist less. If twenty come, we can’t care for them at Paul’s farm and as Antonio says, he will have room for them.”

  Paul said, “But the Nogud?”

  I said, “Paul, I have explained to Antonio everything. There are no such things as Nogud.”

  Antonio said, “Paul, my Orchid and Blossom are widows, but once wore the tunic themselves. All of the exceptional ones will be reported to Joshua and he will determine if they have any different treatment than the rest. And that includes other women that are recognized as having been of the same kind as my new mates.”

  Paul said, “Then I can’t see a reason not to pursue it. Make a plan and we’ll review it and see what part each of us has. I see the wisdom in it. Antonio, women are your business. Mine is clothing. And because that’s the way of it, what clothing can we get for your women?”

  Susan said, “I think that Viola is seeing to that already.”

  Antonio said, “Oh, then they will have whatever they want. I’ll pay whatever you ask. I don’t know what they need. The women traditionally have a single dress, but whatever a bedmate needs is what they should have.”

  Susan smiled and said, “They need a new dress for a new life, a work dress for the house, and a night dress for bed. Viola will help them with something nice.”

  Antonio said, “But tell them that they don’t need to ask or hesitate or be shy. Tell them that what they want is theirs already! Please.”


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