Barely Breathing (Keep Breathing Book 1)
Page 16
I pinch the bridge of my nose. "This is unbelievable."
"Girl, you needed him. Even if it was to only put the whole thing to rest.”
“So you were willing to put him at risk? Put me at risk? My dad probably would have destroyed him. Look what he did today.” My hands are shaking. My whole body is shaking. “Did you know we were still married?”
“No, we didn’t. Jaxson didn’t tell either of us till after you were back together.” I glance over at Liam and narrow my eyes.
“He never told me.” Liam raises his hands defensively. “I swear.”
I believe them. Jaxson said it was something he kept from everyone, but right now, I don’t know what to think. Our best friends played matchmaker in the middle of taking down a man that would do anything to keep us apart and all while trying to unravel a giant Ponzi scheme?
“I was hoping while your dad was away, we would have time to figure things out. I planned to have Jaxson move out of the office a couple days before your dad was due to return. The jerk came back a week and a half early,” Sam huffs, and I understand her frustration. The bastard is always ruining everyone’s plans and always seems to be one step ahead.
“Listen, I know you’re upset with both of us. But I think it’s time to get down to more important matters. Taking Jeffery Graham down once and for all."
"Well, we should notify the FBI and the SEC. Hopefully, it won’t take them forever to get things going."
"That's already been done," Sam says quickly, and her eyes dart away from me. The guilt is radiating off her like the heat from a blast furnace.
"When?" My teeth grind together. My best friend is playing with fire right now.
"Two months ago."
From the very beginning?
I take a couple of steady breaths and let them out. I should’ve known she did this. She made it no secret she needed help and wanted to blow the whistle on my father from the very start. I had to beg her to make sure there was enough and do it quietly because of my own fears of what he could do to me. At least now we won’t have to wait for follow up.
"I'm not sure if I want to hug you or smack you right now."
"I'll take hugs. Thanks.” She gives me a cheeky grin, and I roll my eyes. “I have something that’s going to make you hug me even more. Well, you’d hug Jaxson if he was here, he’s the one who found it.”
“What is it?”
“There’s something Daddy dearest didn’t tell you that has been sitting in front of our faces the whole time.” Sam’s face lights up and she rubs her hands together. I wave my hand waiting for her to get on it with already.
“Yeah? Spill.”
“First, what’s the best way to make a Ponzi scheme collapse?
“Everyone wanting their money back at once, usually, and not having the funds to pay it. But how do we do that, all the investors are pleased with their investments and how they’re growing. The stock market is stable.” He had enough money in the beginning to pay all those who wanted their investments back, and with the market being stable enough, there hasn’t been a panic to ask for money back.
Liam snorts and Sam glances over at him, her face still lit up like a Christmas tree. “They’re not happy, well, not anymore. That’s what Jaxson found out and after I was fired, I made some more calls to some investors. You see, my dear, you had the key to take this down from the very beginning. We just didn’t know it.”
I swing my front door open, ready to crash into my bed. My body and brain are exhausted, my anxiety has shot through the roof, and I only wish when I wake tomorrow this day will only have been a nightmare.
But I'm never that lucky.
At least one thing went right in this shit day: we have a plan. An actual functioning plan.
I kick the door closed and glance towards the living room where the overhead lights shine. I don't remember turning those on.
"You couldn't stay away, could you?" My father steps out in front of me sending my heart into my throat.
To think I thought I was going to be able to come home and sleep this god awful day away.
I place my hand over my poor heart that's taken quite a beating today. “Dad, you scared me.”
"That was the whole point, my dear,” he snarls, his olive eyes turning into the devil's. They're black, but I swear there's a red hue around the edge, the warning telling me evil is here to play, and I'm the victim. “Now I ask, you couldn’t stay away?”
"What are you talking about?" I ask nonchalantly and push my shoulders back preparing myself for battle.
"Jaxson," he hisses his name like a snake. My dad, the king cobra, ready to strike.
"Jaxson? I don't know what you mean." I play it off, but before I’m able to react, he raises his arm and backhands me, making my head twist and my cheek sting.
"Don't lie to me. I knew you two have been seeing each other. Especially after I get a call from Harry that, not only are you not signing off on deals with investors but there's some tattooed boy in IT playing hero. Imagine the alarm bells that went off. Sure enough, my informant tells me you’re hanging out with him. I was hoping you would have admitted to me that you were seeing him, but I knew you wouldn't. So, I took matters into my own hands."
"Like having him arrested on bogus charges?" I cross my arms over my chest, trying to stand strong against my living nightmare.
"I knew you were smarter than you look." He pats my shoulder. "You see kiddo, I want to show you I'm not fucking around. What I'm capable of when it comes to you and that boy and his family. I told you before I could have that whole family arrested with a snap of my fingers.” He snaps his fingers millimeters away from my face, and I jolt. An evil curl draws his lips up, thrilled he can make me flinch. “Today he was lucky there was bail involved. I'm happy to know you weren’t the one who paid it."
"Is returning to your executive position really that important to you? Can't you just enjoy your child-like bride and move on? Take the money you’ve made and run and let me go?"
"I have a lot of people counting on me. I have investments and quotas to fill. The only way to get that is to keep going." He smirks.
“You don't have enough?”
“There's never enough. It’s not like I’m not helping people along the way.”
“The little good you have done doesn’t compare to what you’ve stolen.”
“Stolen? My dear. I don't steal.” He puts his hand on his chest with the audacity to look appalled. “If I did, wouldn’t I have been arrested by now? I’m helping people make their money grow.” He waves his hands around.
I don’t say anything. There’s no point going around and around with this man. I’ll never win. I might as well talk to the wall.
“Alright. Fine. Can you go?”
“I can’t. There’s another reason for my visit, princess.” I cringe as the name rolls out of his mouth again. “Since you and Harry are getting married on Friday, I’m going to be staying with you till you say I do. You see, it seems you like to get into trouble while I'm gone, and I don’t trust you.”
It’s now as if someone added the acid covered cherry on the top of this awful day.
“Won’t your wife miss you?”
“She’s fine. I gave her the credit card and a day at the spa for having to come home early. Unlike you, she doesn’t question me.”
Because she’s a fucking airhead.
“Now, back to my original question. What the hell do you think you are doing running off with him after all this time?”
“He was the love of my life till you took that away from me. It’s kinda hard to stay away from someone you love.”
Not that he would understand that.
“If you think for one second, he actually loves you, then I retract my earlier statement. You’re even dumber than you look. He doesn't love you.”
“I know,” I answer simply. “It's not about that. Maybe I needed to know. Maybe I needed t
hat door closed, father,” I spit.
He grins. “Is that door closed?”
“Yes,” I lie. The door on Jaxson will never be closed.
“Good. Now I’ll be staying for a while. Can you have your guest room made up?”
“You really don't have to stay here. You have my word I’ll show up at the courthouse Friday.”
I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
He snorts a laugh. “You think I can trust you after the little games you were playing while I was gone. I gave you a chance, and the moment I leave, you run wild. With that boy. Oh, and by the way, I know he’s working in the company. He’s been dealt with, like your pal, Sam. I'm glad nothing is missing."
“You should have told your boyfriend to watch himself better. I knew something was up when you suddenly had this white knight come to your rescue,” Harry says, coming down the stairs, wearing a pair of blue cotton pajamas and a white t-shirt. What’s with these men making themselves at home in my house? “When I told your dad about it, he matched the jerk to your ex. You should be ashamed of yourself, sweetheart, bringing an enemy into the company.”
“He’s here too?” I shout and clench my fists at my side.
“He’s going to be your husband. It’s about time you two lived together.”
“I'm pissed you’ve been fucking that boy behind my back when you couldn’t even give it up to me. We’ll have to get you checked out before our wedding night." Harry licks his lips as his beady eyes run up and down my body, making my skin crawl. I suddenly feel the need for a shower.
"Oh, because you haven’t been fucking some side piece behind my back.
“Well, I had to get some. I'm pissed at your dad because he told me you were some sweet little wholesome angel.”
“The fact that you would even believe that shows you that you aren't very smart and also how great a con man my dad is." I roll my eyes. What a fucking dumbass.
“I'm not sure if I should be angry or be saying thank you, princess. So, I’ll let the smartass comment go," my father snarls.
"At least I know you won’t be such a fucking prude on our wedding night. You will be giving it up to me.
"Not happening."
"Oh, it will be, princess. One way or another." Harry comes toe to toe with me and runs his hand down my chest, and I swat it hand away. He chuckles darkly. "Don't worry. I happen to like it when they fight back."
Bile rises from my stomach as he reaches behind me and grabs a handful of my hair. He yanks on it hard, making my scalp burn and my eyes well with tears.
"Oh, yes, I picked well. I knew he would be able to handle you just fine." My father guffaws as the tears fall from my eyes and down my cheek. I hate after all the years of that man's abuse it still kills me deep in my heart that he gets off on my pain. On trying to destroy me for just being born.
Maybe if I was like him, wanting to follow in his footsteps, would he have spread this damage to my heart? The thing is, would I have been any happier living that life versus this?
"You will be mine after Friday,” Harry grumbles. “I don't care if you like it or not. I’ve been dealing with your fucking mouth for long enough, and I can’t wait to fucking close it up with something useful." With one final tug to my hair, he releases me and sends me flying to the ground on my ass.
I ignore the pain radiating through my tailbone and the tears that are stinging my eyes as they beg to fall. I've had some shitty days, but this might be the worst of them, as I'm now emotionally and physically done. Feeling as if I have nothing left or anything worth going on for.
"See you two didn't need more time to get to know each other. You'll be just fine. Now, tomorrow morning dear Harry will be watching over you as I go handle the corporation papers that you will be signing over to him. Then I will be working back at Dolson by the end of next week.” He looks to Harry who nods with a dopey grin on his face. Always ready to please my dad. “Now, it’s late. The princess needs some sleep. I also have someone coming over to bring you a wedding dress. We want you to look good for the pictures."
Two years ago
I twist the titanium on my left finger as I sit at the law firm of Norman and Andersen. I’ve only had this on my hand for six months, but it's left its mark on me, with a semi-permanent indent in my finger. It’s even faded the F where it spells out life on my fingers. I've tried slipping it off and not wearing it, but it doesn't feel right not being there, even if she's not around anymore.
"She didn't sign these." I flip my divorce decree to show my lawyer the papers I was served. Little red arrows point to where I should sign, yet above me, her line is blank.
"What? That can't be." My lawyer reaches over and grabs the papers to look through them. "Maybe her lawyer sent over the wrong ones. Let me just give them a call."
As my lawyer makes his phone call, I lean back in the chair and look up at the paneled ceiling. When I was served these papers two days ago, I was livid and wanted to rip them up. Then I ran into the kitchen where my mother was cooking her famous beef stew to dig through a drawer for a pen. I’ve been living back home for the last few weeks, not able to go back to the apartment where she lingers everywhere.
Mom continued to stir as I tore the place apart looking for a pen. I hadn’t even read the papers yet, but it was either sign or tear. My mom let me do as I pleased, she knew me well enough to let me get my aggression out on the cupboards. When I found that pen and saw that she didn’t sign, I fell to the floor as the grief hit me. I was tired of River playing games with my fucking heart.
My mom yanked the papers from my hand and looked them over. She slammed them onto the counter and put her fists on her hips, looking at me like I was a disobedient child.
“So, you’re just going to let her go?”
Sweat pours from my brow as I continue to pound the bag. Left, right, left. My knuckles are sore even with the heavy gloves on. Though it doesn’t matter how hard or how much I pound into this bag, my aggression and anger continue to burn.
I haven't slept because I’ve been up all night with my thoughts.
I’m mad at everything, at everyone, mainly myself.
Watching her leave again and seeing the hurt in her eyes killed me. This time it was on me. I shouldn’t have let her leave. I shouldn’t have been such a fucking dick to take my anger, my frustration, and my hurt out on her.
We need each other right now, and at the first sign of something going wrong, I push her away. I said things that I’m not sure I can take back.
I was so afraid of her leaving, and now I might have pushed her away for good.
I spent hours in that cold, smelly ass cell, with crooked cops harassing me.
When she wouldn’t answer the phone, my mind went to a dark place, thinking she was doing her father’s bidding once again. Mixed with the engagement photos, the thought of her leaving had my frame of mind trashed.
Yeah, I must have some form of River PTSD.
So fucking stupid. I hit the bag again and again, till I collapse to the ground in a heap of exhaustion. I toss my gloves across the room and they hit the wall with a soft thud.
This can't be how it ends again.
My first failure was two years ago and not coming after her sooner. Not seeing what was wrong.
She's right though, I've been waiting for something to go wrong. For her to leave again.
But I can fix it. We’re in this together this time. I’m not letting this little setback ruin us for good. This time, I will fight for her because I’m not letting her go.
The early morning sun burns the fog away as I race to her townhouse. I'm constantly looking in my rearview checking for cops. The last thing I need right now is to get pulled over again with some bullshit charges.
I slide my GTO into the parking spot next to her silver BMW and bolt to her front door. I ring the doorbell fifty times, and every second that goes by feels like an entirely.
"I kn
ow you’re home," I yell through the heavy wood door. Come on, baby, open up. Just give me a chance to say I’m sorry.
The door handle twists and River appears, wrapped in a blue polka dot robe. Her face is red and stained with tears.
She opens her mouth about to say something when I raise mine to stop her. "I'm sorry. So fucking sorry. I was a dick, and I get you hate me right now…" She shakes her head and then glances behind her.
"Jaxson," she says meekly, twisting the belt on her robe.
"Can I come in to talk?"
She shakes her head again and wraps the robe around her tighter.
"Rivs, I don't want us to end. I acted like a jackass. I know I've been acting like that a lot lately, but I love you. I love you so fucking much, baby. I should've said it the other day when we both wanted to say it. I've just been so scared of losing you again and shit. I've been acting like a fucking pussy about it. I'm sorry."
Tears stream down her cheeks, and she nods. Her eerie quietness isn't helping any matters.
"Talk to me."
She reaches up and puts her hand on my shoulder to overlap where my tattoo reads air. She inhales. I let her have her moment because I can tell she’s barely hanging on. This is more than me. It has to be. I rub my hand over hers and wordlessly tell her it’s going to be okay and beg for her to talk to me.
"What's going on?" I whisper, searching her eyes for a sign of anything.
Her green eyes are weary as they dart around her. I'm desperate to kiss her and want to heal her pain. All I want to do is pick her up and lift her over my shoulder and take her away from all this. It’s what I should’ve done in the first place. Hell, I still can.
I grab her hand and yank her out of the door frame and she gasps. She’s shaking her head, her eyes screaming no. “We can leave…”