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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

Page 21

by McKayla Jade

  His fingertips traced a trail between her breast, down her belly to her core. His lips followed close behind. Tenderly kissing every inch of her beautiful skin. His seed threatening to spill forth, he had to slow himself down. Listening to her moans and whimpers he kissed and licked and massaged her body. He had never kissed a woman, where he was about to kiss her. He feared he would not do it right. Kissing her belly once more, he moved down the bed ever so quietly. With her eyes closed and her hands in her own hair, Cassidy did not seem to notice. His thumb rubbed back and forth on her nub, moving his thumb slightly out of the way, he licked her there.

  “Oh my. Hawk!” She gasped out loud, her face turning redder than he had ever seen it. “Surely that is a sin.”

  “I told you love, nothing we do in private will ever be a sin.” He watched her lay back on the pillows, and as he felt her relax, he began his assault again. Slowly rubbing her little nub, then he licked it again. He rubbed slow tiny circles and waited for her to relax and then he added a finger. Sliding in and out of her soft warm velvet folds while he licked and then sucked on her nub. Her moans got louder, and he moved with more intensity. Sliding his finger faster, in and out. Licking and sucking in turn until she cried out in pleasure. She was so close, he could hear her thoughts, she was not sure what was coming or what she needed but her need was almost overpowering. He increased his assault.

  Then all at once, she cried out, grabbed hold of the hair on top of his head and called his name. She was panting and calling his name and suddenly her wings exploded from her back, thrusting her upright and into his arms. With the taste of her still on his lips, he kissed her. He held her cradled in his lap, while she caught her breath. When he felt her relax and her vision became clear again, he murmured. “Little one?”

  “Hmmm.” Was her only reply. He chuckled and rubbed his nose against hers. “It’s not over.”

  She blinked her eyes open wide. “Wha...” He kissed away whatever response she was about to give him. His swollen shaft throb against his leg. He needed her. He gently laid her back down on the bed and told her. “It’s my turn to see stars.” With care for her, he reached to her center and parted her thighs just enough to allow him entrance to heaven. Taking hold of himself, he carefully glided inside her. Inch by slow inch, he watched her eyes grow wide and then flutter closed as her pleasure overtook her once again. With each thrust he moved a little faster and a little harder. Her moans of pleasure driving him onward. Steadily increasing his speed, every muscle was straining. His own pleasure was building, he forced himself to slow down, so he could pay her more attention. One glance at her told him, he need not have worried. Her face was flushed, and her eyes were fluttering. He let his release take over. He pounded into her and in the last moment, laid over her and sunk his teeth into her neck. Drawing the poison out he blinked, as pain lanced through his neck. Cassidy had sunk her teeth in as well. They were bonding again. The sensation so great he bucked his hips again, driving himself into her, and she purred against his neck.

  Chapter 30

  Hawk looked over the keep he had called home all his adult life. He would only miss the sanctuary it offered. Nothing more. It reminded him of being alone and lonely. Not things he wanted to remember. He grabbed a hank of his horse’s mane and mounted the saddle. Gareth and Keith led the group out the gates. He rode next to Cassidy and just behind his two men. The rest followed them. His father had extended an offer for sanctuary and training for his men. There were so many things they had learned on this trip. So many techniques he would implement when they reached Hells Vein again.

  The ride back to the Lounsbury stronghold was uneventful. They said their goodbyes to everyone and walked through the doorway next to the fireplace. Returning to Hells Vein, he breathed a sigh of relief. Calm washed over him. This was home. This was safe. Cassidy crossed the room and spoke to Keith. His temper flared. His blood raced through his veins pounding in his ears. Why did she speak with Keith? What could he possibly do for her, that he himself could not? He took a deep breath. Was this his beast rising up? Or was this his temper?

  Cassidy smiled and turned back to him. ‘I can feel your anger.’ She told him. ‘This really is getting tiresome.’

  He bowed his head. This was not how he wanted things to be between them. He wanted what they had. They had just had a great trip. He had learned so much from his family, about who he was, and who he thought he was, was no more. He knew some triggers now. He had promised his father he would pause before accusing. He promised he would think things through and look beyond what he sees with his eyes.

  He took a deep breath, his chest heaving, ‘I’m sorry.’ He sent her all the love he felt for her. The disappointment he kept to himself. He would deal with it. It was his burden to bear. He returned the smile she sent and halted his steps. Gareth rescued him, by stepping up to him, asking.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m struggling with this urge to kill any male that gets near Cassidy. It simply must stop, but I know not how to do that. I promised my father, and Cassidy I would work on my temper.”

  “She deserves that. She has been through enough already. She wants, rather, she needs to know you are her safe place.”

  While Gareth continued talking, Cassidy touched Keith’s arm and turned back to face him. A red haze blocked his vision. He could no longer hear Gareth. All he wanted to do was kill Keith. How dare he get that close to Cassidy. She was his. He was across the hall and yelling at his warrior before he could blink.

  “How dare you touch her.” He roared. His voice echoing off the walls intensified it. “She is mine!”

  Keith’s wings burst from his back, flapped once almost hitting him in the face and he bellowed right back. “Aye, Hawk. She is yours and always has been. I have never betrayed you and I shall never.”

  Keith’s anger at him, stunned him. Keith rarely showed emotion. Before he had a chance to calm down, from behind him he heard a roar. He had just turned his shoulder to look when he was hit from behind. The force of it knocked him to his knees. As his knees hit the hard-stone floor, he saw Keith back away. Keith was supposed to protect the king above all others. He had never backed away or bowed down in the face of trouble. Before he could process the thought, he was hit again, twisting his neck sideway with the renewed force. “Cassidy.” He breathed the word just before his face hit the floor and his world went dark.

  Chapter 31

  Cassidy had had enough. Hawk was not acting like himself. While they had traveled to their former homes, he had been nothing but a gentleman. They had loved and talked a great deal, giving her hope for their future. Now they were back to this. His uncontrollable anger over her speaking to another. He had to learn to control his temper or he would push away even his best warriors. Gareth had already threatened it. Keith would go next. Then what? She stopped thinking and followed her instincts. They had never done her wrong before.

  For the first time, she was able to make her wings burst from her back. The thrust of them pushed her forward, giving her the idea. She took a deep breath and with strength she did not know she possessed she leapt forward her hands outstretched. When her hands and feet, contacted Hawk’s back magic surged through her. Hawk slammed into the floor in front of him, making her gape open mouthed. She had knocked him to the floor.

  She stood there stunned with the power she had just used and could still feel coursing through her. She was tired of this, she saw Keith start to reach for Hawk, but she held up her hand, staying his action. Keith’s foot still held in the air, he stopped. She put her hand down and Keith lowered his boot. She tilted her head. That was strange. Dismissing it for now, she said. “Let me touch him first, just stay close, please.” She approached Hawk where he lay on the floor. From the corner of her eye she saw the others gather around.

  She carefully knelt next to his unconscious form. She could feel the magic pulsing in her fingertips. This was all so strange. Just a few months ago she was just a normal yo
ung woman, training for battle in her father’s army. Now she knelt on the floor next to her husband, wondering if she had killed him with magic. It was too unheard of to think about now. “I think I can help him.”

  “M’ Lady, he is not himself. Perhaps you should let one of us.” Keith warned her and she saw Gareth and the other Elites move closer.

  “No.” She held up her hand to stay them. “I need to do this. Just stay close. I don’t know what will happen.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She tried to concentrate like she did when she first “talked” to her horse. Instantly she felt the connection. Inside him she could see all the veins flowing with blood. Everything looked to be flowing and running, as it should everything felt correct. She had no knowledge of what he should look like, but she knew what felt good and what felt wrong. Surely, she would know if she found something that didn’t belong. Hawk’s behavior was strange to say the least.

  She took a moment to absorb her strange surroundings and look at everything in every corner. Slowly she assessed things. If his blood flowed away from and then to his heart. She just needed to find the right stream and follow it to where it pumped fast and loud. Determining it to be in fine working order, she moved on to his mind. Maybe there she would find answers. It felt like walking, she just imagined walking from one room to another. Except, this doorway was blocked by a black stone wall. She reached out and black smoke appeared, snaking around her arms, the tendrils of smoke turning to two giant black snakes. Their eyes homed in on her and their mouths yawned wide, showing deadly fangs.

  Abruptly she was shoved out of Hawk’s body and into her own, flinging her into a hard wall. She blinked and tried to pull in air. She gasped and gulped. She touched her forehead, it ached horribly. She looked up. Gareth stared down at her.

  “What happened? Are you okay?” He wanted answers she did not have.

  She took a moment to breathe, then answered him. “I’m not at all certain. I believe as Alexandar has suggested, black magic has control of his mind. I just wish I knew how to fix it.” She hoped Gareth would not press for more, she wasn’t ready to tell anyone just how terrified for Hawk she really was. Nor did she want to tell them what she saw inside him.

  Chapter 32

  His head hurt and his chest felt like he was being crushed by a bolder. He took a deep breath and tried to figure out where he was and what had happened. Last he remembered he was looking for Cassidy. God bones. Was she in danger? Where was she? He tried opening his eyes. His whole face hurt, but he tried again. Groaning with every movement, he thought he heard someone’s voice. He stopped trying to get up and listened. “Hawk? Are you awake?” It was her. Cassidy was right here. Where was here?

  He tried to move his arm so he could lift himself up, but it was stuck and why in bloody hell could he not see anything. Suddenly, the weight lifted from him and he realized he had been pinned to the floor of the hall. His cloak draped over his eyes, preventing sight. He heard her again. She sounded uncertain. “Hawk?” He lifted himself up slowly, every joint and muscle cried out in protest. He turned to look at her. Cassidy was surrounded by all his Elite’s. Every one of them had a look on their face that said he had done something wrong. Then he looked at her face. It was a mistake. He could read the sheer terror there.

  His guts twisted and he reached for her. She pulled back just slightly, but it was enough. He was the cause of her terror. He could not live with that. He had to find Alexandar. The very last thing he wanted to do was hurt Cassidy. He wanted answers. Turning away, he took a step toward the door when her voice stopped him. “Hawk. I love you.” He did not turn back. He could not. He simply nodded and left the room. In his thoughts he called for only Keith to follow him.

  Once out of the keep, he told his warrior. “Her safety must come first. I don’t know why she is now terrified of me, but it is clear she is.”

  Keith nodded and told him. “You went into a rage when she spoke to me, charging across the room and yelling. She caught you from behind and knocked you unconscious. Then she knelt next to you and closed her eyes. She looked to be in a trance. Tears fell from her eyes, but she never opened them. I don’t know how else to explain it, but suddenly she jerked away from you, her body slamming into Gareth.”

  His ears perked up at the description Keith gave him. She had probably been looking inside of him as she had done to herself. That must have been the white-hot light he saw that blinded him momentarily. She must have been trying to heal him. She was too new to the arts to be trying something so bold. He asked. “What made her kneel beside me?” Keith grinned. “Well after you made her angry, she knocked you to the floor. You hit your head and were out cold.” “I felt like the weight of a wall held me to the floor. My chest felt crushed.” He glanced at Keith. “What has you grinning?” They had finally made it across the bailey to the stables. He needed a ride to cool his head.

  “You felt crushed because you were. Once we figured out Cassidy was not, how to say it, Cassidy was not able to defend herself. Calum and I sat on you to hold you down and Gareth stayed near Cassidy.”

  “You sat on me?” He was stunned. He finished tying the saddle on his horse, made sure it was secure and then said. “Well, if it made her safer from me then it was a good decision. I ride now to get away. The last thing I want to do is hurt her.”

  “I know that. Aye, we all know it.” Keith paused. “Maybe you should stay and hear what she has to say? Perhaps she has learned something.”

  He shook his head. “No, I need time. My instincts say to leave. They have never steered me wrong before; I doubt they do now.” He swung his leg over his horse and once seated, told Keith. “Go to her. This will not be like the last time. I will keep my thoughts open to you. Let me know if she needs me.”

  “Yes, Sire.” Keith bowed and Hawk left the castle keep at a trot. No need to alarm anyone. He just had to get away from Cassidy. He did not want to hurt her and if his men had held him down, surely, they would see the wisdom in his leaving.

  Once his horse’s hooves hit the soft dirt outside the castle’s gates, he let it take the lead. He cared not where he went or how fast. Truly he paid no attention to their route. He just needed to be away from Cassidy and away from the castle and all the magic therein. He needed time to figure out why his attitudes seemed to change the moment they returned to Hells Vein. While they were gone, he had not once thought ill of her. The moment they returned, and he saw her with Keith his rage had taken over. He had wanted Keith dead. It made no sense.

  Cassidy was his everything. There had to be an answer. His horse trotted onward, with no real direction from him. As he approached the tree line ahead Alexandar stepped out from behind a tree, spooking his horse and him. Once he brought the rearing snorting beast under control and back around to face the old wizard, he wanted to know. “What is the meaning of jumping out at me so?”

  “Boo, did I scare you, Your Highness?” Alexandar mocked him, but put a finger over his lips, telling him to be silent. He was not at all certain what this old buzzard was up to, but he dared not question him too much. He had been too valuable in the past. Instead he tilted his head to the side, asking without words, what was going on? Alexandar silently took hold of his horse’s reins, calming the beast. He watched the old man, wave his hand over the grass and it turned to dirt. Dry dusty dirt. He blinked and there in the dirt was written. ‘Cassidy found black magic still within you. The witch sees through you.’ As quickly as he read it, it was gone.

  Alexandar turned to face him. “Now. My boy. The question becomes, how do we get rid of it?”

  Exhaustion hit him full force. “Is it a danger to Cassidy?” he asked.

  Alexandar only nodded.

  “What can I do? I cannot leave her. She will perish as well as I.”


  Hawk paced the edge of the wood, with Alexandar at his back and the castle to his front. The castle was barely visible from this vantage point, but still, it was there. That was
where his heart lay. With Cassidy, for now, and forever more. How could they make this dark magic die and stay dead? It appears, every time they thought it was gone, it came back in another form.

  Alexandar sat on a fallen tree, silently rubbing his chin, was deep in thought. If he could not find an answer, he would be doomed to live with this curse, just as he had the other. Except the other curse, had not been a curse at all. He had been born this way. His whole adult life had been a lie, because of his own cowardice and stubbornness. Now he had to get rid of this black magic inside him. It felt raw and angry and evil. “Alexandar! You must make it stop! You must get rid of it!”

  Alexandar hopped off the log he had been sitting on and walked over to him, where he was bent double with pain. He was suddenly extremely hot and incredibly angry. Looking up, he glared at the man. “You are nothing, old man.” His voice came out as a snarl, like he had never heard. It was not his own. He pleaded to Alexandar with his eyes, but his voice and his words contradicted his thoughts. “I need nothing, from no one. I am strong! I am whole!” His arm swung wide and would have knocked Alexandar to the forest floor, had he not moved away already.

  He could feel the black magic snaking through him, evil and wicked. Urging him to lash out and destroy Alexandar. Kill. Destroy. Enemy. The words echoed in his head. He tried to close his eyes and grab his head with both hands, but his body would not cooperate. This black magic wanted to kill Alexandar. In a last extremely difficult effort, he yelled at Alexandar. “Leave this place or kill this parasite! It means to kill everyone!” His chest was heaving with the effort it took to battle the parasite and give Alexandar the warning. The old wizard hesitated for the briefest of seconds and then in a cloud of smoke, was gone.


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