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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

Page 22

by McKayla Jade

  The instant Alexandar had gone, the blackness let go and he could breathe again. Something about this blackness hated Alexandar and while he had been within its grip, he had learned it wanted Cassidy dead more than anything else. That was not a risk he would ever take. Whatever it was she had done; had shown this thing she was no mere novice in the magic world. She was gifted beyond her own knowledge. This parasite knew it and wanted to destroy her for it. She was everything good to its evil. She was the only one with the power to destroy it.

  He dropped his head into his hands. He would never put Cassidy in that much danger. He would keep this thing away from her at all cost. He walked to his horse, grabbed a hank of mane and hoisted himself into the saddle. Giving the horse a kick, he sent it into a fast trot. He needed to put distance between himself and those he cared for. He would find a way to get rid of this thing inside him. It would not live long.

  His father had been wrong, this was not just his beastly side being protective, this went way beyond it. He kicked his horse harder. He wanted to be as far away from Rogue Stone as was possible. He could not put Cassidy in danger again. He sent his thoughts to Gareth and told him to find Alexandar and keep Cassidy safe until he could return. It was only moments when he heard Gareth say to him. ‘Hawk, you know you cannot be away from her for long. Your bond will kill her if you don’t come back in time.’

  Cursing louder than he thought possible, he pulled rein. He and his horse were both breathing heavily when it finally came to a stop under him. He let it rest there for a moment and looked out at his surroundings. This land did come with a cost. He knew nothing so great would come as easy as it had. He knew it and still he had let down his guard. He turned his horses head toward home and Cassidy. It is where he wanted to be, but it was the last place he should be.

  His ride was slower and as the towers of the castle came into view, he felt the connection with Cassidy hit him. She was worried and her headache had started an hour before. She needed him. He kicked his horse into a trot. He needed to talk to his Elites first. Then he would go to her. ‘Gareth, gather the men at the stable. I ride there now.’ He would inform them of the new information and this time he wanted a couple of them in the room nearby when he took the poison from Cassidy. Nothing mattered but keeping her safe.

  His horse nickered to another as he arrived in the bailey and his men awaited him. He dismounted; he could hear them discussing the reason he had called them there. He held up a hand for silence. It was obeyed and he explained. “Men, I have learned some things today. Within me lies a parasite, or black magic if you will. It wants Cassidy dead. I would ride away from here never to return if Cassidy and I did not share the blood bond that we do. As you all know I cannot leave her. I ask that two of you come with me now, Cassidy’s headache will not wait. I will explain more as Alexandar and I figure it out.”

  Seeing his men were all in agreement, he continued into the main hall, where he found Cassidy sitting at the table, leaning over the arm of her chair with one hand on her forehead. Her need hit him full force, like a blow to the chest. He had to drag in another breath. “Cassidy.” He breathed her name. She turned to look up at him, like she was seeing him for the first time. She blinked rapidly, smiling up at him and reached out her hand to him. “I knew you’d come.”

  Chapter 33

  Cassidy turned when she felt Hawk enter the room. She strained to blink her tears away. It was hard to see him through the haze. The ache in her head was pounding now. She reached her hand out to him, but instead of taking it, like she thought he would, he lifted her up and carried her from the room. He did not stop until they reached their bedchamber door. He turned back to talk to his men, who she had not realized followed them.

  “Stay just outside this door, I will leave it open just slightly.” He paused. “I know of no other way. If I lose control surely you should be able to tell.”

  Keith replied, “Of course, Sire. You need not worry about her safety.”

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he stepped through the door. Once they reached the bed, he set her down gently, but she could not stop the fear from snaking up her spine. She was ready for anything. As much as her head hurt, she almost told him nay. She put a hand up to his chest but did not have the strength to push him back. He paused. “Little one?” He caught her hand in his, looked down at her and nodded. Without a word he walked away. She blinked and felt warm tears roll down her cheeks.

  He was her husband, her best friend, and her only love. Why was she so scared of him? She paused and corrected herself. She was not. It was not him she was afraid of. It was what she found inside him that terrified her. Black magic was unpredictable enough, but what she found inside of Hawk was deeper than just black magic. It was evil in its purest form. It was not born from the black arts. It was darker. Every instinct she had told her this was more. This was something else.

  Sadness overwhelmed her. She did not want to fear the man now approaching her. With his men, her protectors, by his side. She wanted to feel the love she used to feel. She wanted to be his treasured warrior queen again. She wanted to be wrapped in his arms without worry he would crush her to death, because some inner demon told him to. She wanted him to come home and hold her close without fear. She could feel the distance he kept from her and it almost choked her. There had to be a way to banish this demon. She wanted her night demon back.

  Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself as she felt his fingers brush her hair behind her ear. His palm cupped her face so gently, she could not hide her heartache. Her lip quivered as well as her body. He moved his face fractions at a time closer to her neck. Gently he kissed her there, his hand still cupping the other side of her face. She brought her trembling hands to cover his, melting into the warmth of his calloused palm. His scent comforted her, and she closed her eyes, accepting him. She was his. He roared and she felt it in her breast.

  He must have felt her quiver because he asked her. “Little one, are you alright?” She refused to open her eyes. She knew if she did, she would see the war he fought with the black magic raging in his eyes. She did not want to see it, so she nodded her head and whispered. “Yes, Sire.” She choked back a sob. Oh, she missed Hawk. She would find a way to heal him. She had too. He was her everything.

  This demon, black magic, whatever it was, had to go. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he wasted no time sinking his teeth deep. His lips gently sucking against her. The poison coursed through her veins, lessening her aches. He clamped his jaw closed tight on her neck. Every muscle in his body tensed tight and she could feel the blackness swamp him. She cried out, trying to alert the warriors. Hawk wrapped her in his arms at the same moment the men grabbed him he was able to release her. Tossing her back on top of the bed he raced backward almost falling against the wall. He wiped his mouth and glanced at her face as he ran from the room as fast as his legs would carry him.

  Not until he was through the main doors did, he let the full force of it hit him. He dropped to his knees in the gravel of the inner bailey. His breaths heaved from his chest. He gulped in air, as if he had been drowning. A heavy hand rested on his shoulder. A glance up told him Gareth was standing over him. He returned his gaze to the ground. “There is no help, is there?” Hearing no answer forthcoming from his friend, he nodded. “I thought not. I will leave.”

  “Where will you go?” Gareth wanted to know.

  “The First Keep.” He said. “Perhaps if Alexandar can keep people from entering our world from there, he and his magic can keep me there as well.”

  “That cannot last.” Gareth warned.

  His jaw clenched tight. “Do you think I don’t know that? How else can I keep her safe?” He whirled around on his heel to face the inner bailey. “She cannot even look upon me, she is so terrified of what she found inside me.” He pulled his clenched fist up in front of him. “Do you know what it is like to fight an enemy from inside yourself?” Before Gareth could answer, he walked toward t
he battlements. He did not need or want an answer. He would come back only when Cassidy needed him and only under guard from his men. The last thing he would do, was hurt her. Flying from the castle was the hardest thing he had ever done. She was his. This black magic kept them apart, but it would not be for long. He vowed he would find a way. He looked to the skies. “Take care of her.” He said out loud to whatever gods might be listening.

  Chapter 34

  Cassidy waited in her room, for the tears to stop. She knew the men waited just outside her door if she needed anything. They had jumped in to stop Hawk when he started to lose control. Hawk had raced out, his wings tucked tight as he cleared the doorway. She sat up, composed herself and stood next to the bed for a moment. She had a duty to her kingdom. She would be present for the meal. This would be the first time without Hawk. Her guts churned. Food was the last thing she wanted. She wanted her night demon back. Alexandar had better be at dinner. She wanted answers. She took a deep breath. She could heal Hawk. She knew deep in her bones, she could. She crossed her room to the door, and gently pulled it open. She looked up to see the smiling face of Dalton and next to him, Calum. The men could have picked no better pair tonight. Dalton’s wit and humor would keep her going and Calum’s quiet reserve would steady her.

  “Let us go to the dining hall. I am sure you are hungry.” She walked ahead of them.

  Not to be forgotten, Dalton spoke up. “’Tis a long walk.”

  She glanced up at him. “I suppose,” her words trailed off when she saw the mischief in his eyes.

  “We could race.” He tempted her. She did not even answer him. Since she was not wearing a skirt, she thought she might have a chance. She took off running down the hall of the fourth floor. She heard Dalton running fast behind her. He could not hide the sound of his boots on the stone floor. Calum must have declined the invite. She only heard Dalton’s boots behind her, but he was gaining. She pumped her arms hard and rounded the corner. She listened for his footsteps but could not hear anything. Did he stop? She slowed and he sped past her so fast she would have sworn he was a blur on the wind.

  They reached the hall, their flight catching everyone’s attention. The other elites roared with laughter as she and Dalton landed heavily in their seats at the table. Calum must have warned the others they were coming. No one seemed surprised they had rushed into the hall. She sat in her chair a minute to catch her breath and listened as the men joked with Dalton about being a little slow. She had almost caught him. As her breathing returned to normal, she turned around in her chair, so her legs were not lounging over the arm and she was facing the table properly. She may not be dressed as a lady, but she was no heathen either.

  For a moment, her chin quivered. Dalton had done exactly what she had needed him to do. He had made her forget for a moment, just how much her heart ached. She looked up and there he was across the room talking to Jenna. They both looked her way and she nodded to them.

  Jenna turned and made her way across the hall to stand in front of her. “M’ Lady. I can’t promise you answers, but I can promise to help you look for them.” Jenna told her.

  “That is all I can ask.” She told her. “Now, let us eat. We have delayed this meal long enough.”

  Jenna sat down across from her. They ate in a comfortable silence. The others in the hall were as loud as ever. She let it be. She needed the distraction. She had hope. They would find a cure for Hawk and soon they would be together again. Picking up the food in front of her, she tried to eat. It had no flavor, but she ate it anyway. She wanted to show her warriors and her people she was alright, or that she would be. They would find a way out of this.

  Chapter 35

  Hawk sat perched on the ledge of the keeps north tower, it had been two days since he had begun his self-imposed exile. His wings laid out on either side of him. He had flown for hours, looking for answers he knew he would not find. Perhaps leaving this realm and the safety it offered behind, was the only answer. He could hide Cassidy and himself well enough. He had hidden this long. He shook his head. That had not been easy. Nor was it the life he wanted to give her. Here she could live as the queen she was to him and have the safety she deserved. In Wales there was no life. Hiding what and who they are, would be too great a task. The king would find a way to kill them both and then his men would follow. No, there was no safety there.

  Here he sat, in the dark night and his heart was miles away with Cassidy. It is where he wanted to be, but the last place he could be, if he wanted her safe. He shook his head. “Alexandar. I need your council this night.” He swallowed past the lump in his throat and looked to the skies. There in the distance he thought he saw something. He looked a little closer. Now he could see the black shinning wings of one of his men glinting off the moon light. He did not have to wait long, and Gareth landed next to him. He could not stop himself from asking.

  “Is she alright?” He could not wait for Gareth to even catch his breath before he asked. He had to know.

  “She’s fine.” Gareth told him. “She even raced Dalton to the hall last evening to eat with us all. She is putting on a brave front, but she is hurting. Just as you are.”

  Hawk dropped his head to his hands. “I have no answers. I need Alexandar.”

  “What you need is a swift kick in the pants.” Alexandar spoke from the shadows.

  He and Gareth both spun on a heel to face him. “Alexandar! You do show up in the oddest of places and do you have to wait until we nearly beg you to come?” He wanted to know. The old wizard ignored his questions and told them to sit. Motioning to the battlements. They followed his commands, as if they had a choice.

  “Now, Cassidy has all the answers you seek. She, alone can solve your problems. If...” his words trailed off, leaving he and Gareth to guess. He growled. “You may be a Merlin sorcerer, but I have no time for games and riddles. Every time I get near her this thing inside me wars with my demon side. It tries to kill her, and my demon side and I fight to protect her.”

  Alexandar jumped and spun around to face him again. “That! Right there! That is what you needed to learn.”

  He and Gareth had both leaned back from Alexandar when he spun on them. “What? What did I need to learn?”

  “Your demon side as you call it, is protecting Cassidy! It was never meant to harm her. Ever. Not once!” He finally started explaining. “The black magic in you, that is a different matter and only she can fight it.” The seer took a breath and looked straight into Hawk’s soul when he said. “Until you trust her completely this parasite will not die. And it will be that way for everyone in this realm. Every warrior, must trust with their whole being.”

  His whole body shook. Every vein vibrated with energy; his skin glowed with it as it raced just underneath the surface. He took a deep calming breath. Something inside him was reacting to Alexandar. His eyes clouded with a red haze as he stared at him, soon he was lost to sight. Hawk blinked and turned his head to look for Gareth. He was flying just above the ground out of reach. He blinked. What was going on?

  “Gareth?” He asked. His friend dropped to the earth and folded his wings behind him. “What happened?” Gareth raised his eyebrow. “You don’t remember?”

  “Would I ask if I did?” He sighed and shook his head. “Forgive me, friend. I know it isn’t I alone, who has trouble with this.”

  Gareth rested his hand on his shoulder. “I know, Hawk, but you know as your friend and her brother I will step in where it’s needed. You lashed out, or maybe it was the black magic, at Alexandar and he vanished. Perhaps he agitates it?”

  He nodded. “Perhaps. There are so many unknowns with this thing. I will wait until Cassidy needs me to go to her. Perhaps you can talk to her and decide when it would be best to remove this parasite as Alexandar has named it.”

  Gareth nodded to him. “I will send for you when it is time, and you have my word; I will tell you everything I can about what we learn.”

  He watched his friend fly away, wonderi
ng if he would have enough control when the time came for him to return to Cassidy. It could not come soon enough. He missed her.

  Chapter 36

  Cassidy was in the main hall with Jenna and the Elite’s when Gareth came in. She watched him hesitate to sit in Hawk’s chair, but he did, and once settled he looked over at her. She waited for him to speak. He reached over and took her hand in his, turning his body to face her.

  “I have talked to Hawk.” He took a deep breath. “He will wait for word from us. He will not come here until we ask him too but wishes for this to be over quickly. He misses you.”

  She started to speak and had to swallow the lump in her throat. She missed him too. The emptiness swamped her, and she bowed her head. “Gareth, this is hard. I never dreamed I would love someone so much. I know how to help him, but I am scared.” She paused. “Alexandar has assured me, that I will know exactly what to do, when the time arrives. I will have Jenna’s help and Megan, but I only know for certain where to begin. I don’t have all the answers I wish I did.”

  Gareth took her hands into his and told her. “None of us have the answers. All we can do is what we know, or what feels right. I am confident in your abilities. I have seen too much in this realm I cannot explain, to doubt you can heal Hawk.” He reached to wipe a tear from her cheek. From the corner of her eye she noticed Keith and Calum step closer. Gareth glanced at them but turned back to her. “I swore to Hawk, I would protect you as if you were mine. I will never break that vow. If you are ready now, I will call to him and I will protect you. As will all of the others here.” The others in the group spoke up, startling her. “Aye.” They all said in unison. She thought she even heard Jenna.


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