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The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2)

Page 15

by Fiona Miers

  She felt small for a moment, her stomach twisting with guilt, especially when she noticed the hint of disappointment in Kitty’s eyes.

  Whether it was directed at herself or Lord William was still to be determined.


  “What on earth is going on here?” James exclaimed, his annoyed voice booming into the dining room.

  Will was not used to this tone, and it made panic flutter in his chest.

  James had always seemed intimidated by William. He assumed it was due to his superior height, and the mere fact that he seemed much older than James in appearance.

  It had led to countless arguments and disagreements between them that had only been settled by their father stepping in and clearing the air between them.

  Their father was the voice of reason, who spoke with a deep, baritone voice filled with knowledge and life experience. He would sit the two of them down in his study, and if they had not come to an agreement, he would lock the door and leave them to battle it out in whichever manner they wished.

  Many times Will had won, as he was taller and stronger than his older brother, which only made matters worse. As they grew older, the arguments seemed to happen less often, and things did not always matter enough to engage in a disagreement.

  Still, William hated the feelings of inadequacy pulsing through him at this moment, with James staring at him in the same manner of disapproval as his father had.

  Kitty took a step forward, her rosy cheeks paling, and she glanced at Emma. “Emma?”

  “It was merely a small misunderstanding,” Will interjected before Emma was able to answer.

  “Do not speak on my behalf,” Emma muttered and stepped away from William.

  Will’s new sister-in-law raised a brow at him..

  He looked away, towards his nemesis.

  “Lord William does not seem to respect my view on women and their place in the world,” Emma answered confidently.

  “As she does not respect mine,” William returned.

  “The two of you are still arguing and disagreeing about that?” Kitty asked.

  “Indeed, Your Grace,” William said.

  “Different people have different opinions, especially when they were raised in different manners. Surely there should be a way that the two of you can get along without arguing,” Kitty suggested.

  “Absolutely not,” they responded simultaneously, both sounding equally exasperated.

  Kitty continued to try. “I understand that you both believe strongly in—”

  “With all due respect, Your Grace,” Will interrupted Kitty with a respectful tone. “It would do no good to attempt for us to settle our differences. They are merely too far apart.”

  James and Kitty glanced at one another, not speaking, and for a moment it seemed as though they silently deliberated what to do with them.

  James grinned and turned back to William. “Brother, do you recall Father’s rather effective method when you and I could not settle our differences?”

  Yes! I was just thinking the same very thing. He can’t possibly think that she and I could…

  “You cannot be serious, James!” Will said.

  James raised his hand, silencing Will with one move. “There will be no more exclamations. There have been an abundance of outbursts, and I will not stand for it. I wish for my home to be a serene and peaceful place, not a fortress of argument.”

  “James, please be reasonable. You cannot expect me to be locked inside a room alone with this woman,” William muttered through gritted teeth.

  “I beg your pardon? Locked inside a room?” Emma asked with a trembling voice.

  “My brother and I had many disagreements while growing up,” James explained to a perplexed Emma.

  “I cannot imagine why,” Emma retorted, as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

  Little brat.

  “Please, allow me to finish,” James requested kindly.

  William glanced briefly at Emma and stepped back without a word. Her usually bright eyes were darkened by her anger, but it did not make her any less beautiful.

  Perhaps it was because William was attracted to Emma that made him feel upset and agitated, as he was well aware of the fact that she would never choose him. Perhaps it was those thoughts that angered him the most?

  William shuddered at the thought and crossed his arms, turning back to James.

  “When my brother and I would disagree,” James continued, “our father would take us to his study and make an attempt to rationally settle things between us. Sometimes it worked, other times it did not.”

  “And what happened if it did not?” Emma inquired, her voice shaking.

  “Our father would lock us inside his study and leave us to battle it out on our own,” James answered.

  Emma’s brows raised and after standing perfectly still for a few moments, she shook her head. “You cannot expect either one of us to be comfortable with such a thing.”

  “I see no other solution. Do you?” James asked.

  “My love, perhaps it is not the best idea for them to be locked together in a confined space,” Kitty suggested.

  “Listen to your wife, James,” William mocked.

  “It is the only way they will be able to unleash their frustrations,” James said to Kitty.

  “You stated mere moments ago that you wished our home to be a peaceful place,” Kitty countered.

  “And in order for that to happen, this must be done,” James said and Will almost groaned. That tone… he knew that tone. It was their father’s.

  Kitty pursed her lips and nodded in understanding. “Very well.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Will asked.

  “Kitty, please do not tell me you agree with this?” Emma said.

  It went against all social etiquette.

  “You and William have been at each other’s throats from the moment you were introduced,” Kitty answered. “Perhaps if both you and he merely became better acquainted—”

  “I refuse,” William interrupted and turned away.

  “I did not offer you a choice in the matter, brother,” James answered sternly.

  “But this will not ensure—”

  “I do not care,” James spoke over Emma’s words, and she snapped her mouth shut. “This is my home and I will run it as I see fit. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Emma answered quietly and slowly stepped towards the door.

  William nodded, his jaw clenched as James motioned towards the hallway.

  In silence, Will and Emma were led to the downstairs study, although he would have been able to find it with his eyes closed.

  He didn’t say anything else though. It was obvious they had pushed James too far already.

  As expected, James stopped in front of the door to the study and opened it. He gestured to Will and Emma to enter, which they did swiftly, yet carefully.

  “James, before you close the door, can I state that this is highly—”

  James ignored Will’s words and slammed the door shut before he could even complete his sentence. James locked the door from the outside, and his and Kitty’s footsteps could be heard as they made their way to the stairwell.

  Will pressed his fists against the door and inhaled a slow breath. He shut his eyes briefly before turning around. Emma stood facing the window with her arms crossed, perfectly still. Will unclenched his fists and slowly approached the large bookcase that was so familiar to him. There had been a few occasions when Will had held James against the bookshelves as they settled their differences and unleashed their frustrations towards one another.

  James had quite a temper when he was sufficiently provoked, and William would grab him by the collar, holding him against the bookshelves in order to calm him down.

  “This is all your fault,” Emma said bitterly.

  I don’t think so.

  “And why is that?” William scoffed.

  “If you had not been so sensitive, we wouldn’t be lock
ed in the study in the first place,” Emma answered, turning towards him.

  “I was not being sensitive. You were downright rude, and humiliated me in front of my friends and family,” William defended.

  “You humiliated yourself while being foxed, my lord. I had nothing to do with that. You did it all on your own,” Emma pointed out.

  “I did not have as much to drink as you think,” William muttered under his breath.

  “My eyes did not deceive me. I have come to learn to see such things from experience,” Emma answered quietly and turned away.

  William glanced at her with a furrowed brow and for a brief moment, he tried to read deeper into her words.

  Had she been in the company of intoxicated men before?

  Had those experiences been terrible and upsetting to her?

  Had she lost a family member due to it?

  Will was on the verge of asking her those very questions, but he realized they were too personal, especially given their lack of knowledge of one another.

  And then it became clear that due to his intoxication at the wedding, Emma had purposely distanced herself from him. So it made sense that despite the reluctance he felt inside, he deemed it necessary to apologize, regardless if it was needed or not.

  “I am sincerely sorry, my lady,” the words formed softly on his lips.

  Emma scoffed and turned to him. “What on earth are you apologizing for?”

  “Anything and everything,” he answered.

  “You cannot be sorry for everything because then your apology does not stand for anything,” Emma muttered.

  “Very well, I shall be more specific.” William sighed. “I apologize for being intoxicated, as it displeased you from the start. It was not my intention to make you feel anxious.”

  Emma cocked her head and an expression of disbelief formed on her beautiful face.

  “What are you saying?” Emma exclaimed. “That is not…”

  A frustrated sigh escaped her throat and she shook her head, the red tendrils around her face brushing her cheeks. “My lord, you are a fool if you are under the impression that is why I…”

  William glanced at her expectantly, wanting her to continue.

  “You are a foolish coward who knows nothing about the world, and nothing about me,” Emma exclaimed.

  “Oh, I am the fool? Is that what you think?”

  “Indeed. You will never comprehend what it is like living as a woman in this world.”

  “Once again,” William threw his hands up in the air in agitation, “we return to this damned subject.”

  “Hold your tongue. You shall not speak such profanities in my presence,” Emma shouted.

  “This is my home, and I shall do as I see fit!” William’s voice echoed through the study.

  Emma stomped towards him, pointing a delicate yet deadly finger at him and growled, “One day you will fall to your death from that pedestal you have placed yourself on.”

  “And you? Just because you are a friend of Kitty’s, does not entitle you to think you are better than others,” William said.

  “I am still more respected than you. A drunkard who plays second fiddle to his brother!”

  “Rather that, than a woman with a precarious mouth and preposterous opinions, whom no man would ever wish to marry!” William answered.

  He glanced down at Emma and marveled at how beautiful she was when she was angry. Her chest heaved heavily as her angered breath moved in and out. And her sharp stare woke feelings inside Will that he had not felt in a very long time.


  The sting of Lord William’s words caused Emma to momentarily freeze, but she knew he merely wanted a rise out of her. She refused to allow him such power.

  She continued to stare into Lord William’s blue eyes, his huge stature towering over her. Then she stepped away and shook her head, uncertain whether she should be entertaining the thoughts that suddenly rose in her mind. Lord William was a very handsome man, and there was something that desperately attracted Emma towards him.

  He made her stomach tighten, her heartbeat quicken, and warmth pool between her thighs. It was more powerful than anything she had experienced before.

  “Your words are cruel, my lord, and I certainly don’t appreciate the fact that you think it’s appropriate to speak to me in such a manner,” Emma said as she attempted to swallow the lump in her throat.

  Emma’s heart pounded in her chest as she glared at him, and despite the feelings of anger and disdain, there was another mixture of feelings that bubbled to the surface. An uncontrollable urge that had been building up inside her from the moment she’d first seen him.

  “I have encountered many women in my lifetime, my lady, but none as stubborn and strong-willed as you,” Lord William said with a grimace.

  “It is certainly not the first time, nor the last time I will hear such words,” Emma answered.

  “Why is it that you infuriate me so… may I call you Emma?” Lord William asked with a furrowed brow.

  Emma lifted her chin. She didn’t see why not, since they were in a heated discussion that made all the politeness of their titles seem trite. “Only if I may call you William.”

  He nodded once.

  Emma smiled, strangely pleased to have changed their familiarity, then returned to the question he had posed. “And as far as me infuriating you… perhaps you have not met a woman with firm beliefs and values instilled in her by her parents, my lord. My grandmother was a powerful woman, the strongest I have ever met. She fought until her very last breath,” Emma answered, striving for strength but finding her words weakened by the grief that still tugged at her heart every time she spoke of her grandmother.

  Surprisingly, William’s lips tilted down. “My sincerest condolences. Losing a family member is… difficult, even if they left this world peacefully.”

  His eyes were sad, and Emma’s heart yearned for him. For the pain she knew he’d already endured.

  “I cannot imagine how difficult it was for you, losing both parents in such a short space of time,” Emma whispered, her angry words forgotten.

  Much to her surprise, William’s fingers slid into the spaces between hers and their palms pressed against one another’s. The warmth of his skin caused her belly to tighten with need.

  Emma gazed up at William, his blue eyes crashing over her like waves of the ocean and dragging her away with the current of his breath. Did he feel the same way? This strange, intense, hot desire to be closer?

  There was a gentle squeeze of his hand and Emma’s lips parted in anticipation.

  William reached up his idle hand and lightly traced the line of her jaw with his fingertips. She closed her eyes.

  The sensation he created in her skin was electrifying and pulses of desire filled her.

  William continued to lightly touch her neck and décolletage. Gently. Almost reverently, taking his time as she grew impatient for more.

  Her breathing became even more ragged as Lord William’s touch grew more urgent, and as Emma opened her eyes, she glanced up at him.

  William leaned in and kissed her on the lips, gently at first, as though testing her response. When she didn’t protest, and instead leaned in closer, his strong arms enveloped her in an urgent embrace. His kiss was filled with passion, and Emma relished the eruption of desire inside her.

  Her lips parted and she allowed him access to her mouth at the same time that his hands ran down her shoulders, moving the fabric of her sleeves. Emma reached for the front of her bodice, which was interlaced with ribbons.

  “Wait, my lady,” William whispered suddenly against her lips.

  But she didn’t want to wait. She didn’t want to think or stop, only feel.

  “Please, do not ruin it,” Emma sighed and kissed him once more.

  But he pulled back. “I do not wish for your first time to be with someone whom you despise.” William whispered against her lips, his tone almost joking.

  She backed away and smiled at

  Her hands loosened the ribbons in the front of her dress as she gazed intently at William. “Fear not, William. It is not my first time.”

  She didn’t give him the opportunity to respond. Instead, Emma wrapped her arms around William, her bare bosoms now pressed against his chest. “Now ravish me until I beg you to stop.”

  The urgency in her voice was obvious even to her own ears, so she was grateful that William didn’t question her or resist.

  His hands reached down and searched for the hem of Emma’s skirt, lifting the material until she could feel his fingers running along the skin of her thighs.

  Emma threw her head back and his lips kissed the soft skin on her neck. She panted for breath as her heart began to pound. William’s arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her off the ground in a smooth and skillful movement.

  William turned them and took a few steps, before setting her down on the desk. Emma heard something crash to the ground with a loud thump. She glanced to her right and noticed a stack of books had toppled over and was now strewn across the floor.

  She ignored them and fumbled with the front of William’s trousers.

  “Allow me,” William whispered.

  Emma watched him with desire pulsing through her as he loosened his trousers, and bit her bottom lip.

  William ran his fingers up her thighs and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, forcing him closer to her.

  His lips met hers once more in a passionate kiss, as he stepped between her open and waiting thighs. His fingers stroked her flesh for several moments, making her gasp with need and pleasure while he explored her.

  She threw her head back and closed her eyes, focusing on the delight each touch of his fingers brought her.

  Then he was lining his hot flesh up with her body, rubbing himself against her wetness.

  Oh, please.

  William set himself at her entrance, grabbed her thighs and thrust himself inside her with one slow movement.

  Emma gasped loudly, as William’s hand gripped her hips hard.


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