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The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2)

Page 16

by Fiona Miers

  “Come here,” William growled and she forced herself up to meet his kiss.

  The taste of his lips on hers allowed all her surroundings to fade into nothing. Suddenly, the only thing that mattered or existed was the two of them.

  William’s rhythmic thrusts sped up, going deeper and faster.

  Emma’s body was ready to explode into a burning inferno. Her loins quivered as William’s hands moved up to cup her bosoms, his breathing ragged against her ear.

  “Do not leave me on the edge, my lord,” Emma whispered.

  His thrusts became even harder and more powerful, unlike anything Emma had experienced before. The desire inside her reached a point of no return, causing her to press her fingernails into William’s back.

  A loud moan escaped her throat as she was thrown into ecstasy.

  She shuddered in William’s arms, enjoying the equally loud groan from her lover.

  Suddenly, he moved back, leaving Emma wondering what had happened.

  She opened her eyes and gazed at him, though her muscles still quivered.

  He motioned to her to stand up, and she did, on shaky legs.

  What did he want from her now? Had he not finished?

  As she stood up, William gently turned her around and pushed on her back so that she was soon bending over the desk.

  His hands ran up the back of her thighs and over her bottom. She shivered at the intimate touch, loving the feel of him.

  The soft muslin of her address caressed her skin as William exposed her bottom. He lingered for a moment, causing Emma to hold her breath in anticipation.

  When William stepped up behind her and finally thrust himself inside her once again, her body jolted and she cried out. Her hands grabbed the edge of the desk, her bare breasts pressed against the cool wood of the desk.

  There was no preliminary this time, William’s thrusts were faster and even more powerful than before. Emma felt herself slipping over the edge once again. Her body tightened around him and she gripped the desk.

  A powerful wave of desire ripped through her body as she climaxed with an unladylike scream, and William’s body jolted against hers.

  His breathing was fast and loud in the room and as his hands came to rest on the curve of her lower back, his skin was warm against hers.

  After a few moments of post-euphoria, William moved away from her, leaving an empty space where he had been moments before.

  Emma pushed herself upright and turned around to face William. Her dress fell to the floor, softly caressing her sensitive skin.

  William had already pulled up his trousers and looked at Emma with a smile.

  “Emma, I—”

  She reached out her hand to him and lightly pressed her finger against his lips. “There is no need to say anything,” she whispered. “Neither you nor I, are required to explain anything to anyone. We are consenting adults, and perfectly capable of acting accordingly. Do you agree?”

  “Yes, Emma. I agree. But I must digress. This was rather extraordinary. Your lips,” William uttered, gently caressing her lips, swollen from his kisses, “are sweeter than honey, and I do wish I could taste them once more.”

  Emma leaned in and kissed his lips in a sweet and tender kiss.

  William sighed with deep satisfaction and stepped away for what felt like the last time.

  As Emma watched him adjust his shirt, her euphoric feelings faded away faster than she had hoped.

  Had she been naive to think that a man such as William would wish to have her any other way than he had? Bent over the desk, giving him exactly what he wished, what he thought he was entitled to.


  Despite their moment being consensual, Emma now blamed herself for falling into the trap of being caught up in a moment of passion and emotion.

  Guilt came riding over her with the speed of a midnight stallion in full flight.

  From the moment she had met William, he had managed to get a rise out of her, and now look what she’d gone and done.

  “My lady? Emma?”

  Emma glanced up.

  “Is something the matter?” William asked.

  “No, not at all,” she answered as she tied the ribbons together at the front bodice of her dress, covering her bosoms and her shoulders from his view.

  A loud knock sounded against the door of the study. Emma jumped.

  “It can only be my brother, ensuring that we have not killed one another. Although, judging from the ragged breathing I witnessed from you, I came rather close, my lady.” William smirked.

  Emma, who did not find him amusing in the least, forced a smile and smoothed her hair as she approached the door.

  “My lady,” William said with a smile, “shall we discuss what happened between us at a later stage?”

  Emma stepped towards the door and glanced at William over her shoulder. “I already told you, we do not need to do such a thing. Also, I would request that no one knew of this.”

  “I understand, Emma,” William answered. “I will tell not a soul.”

  “I mean it, William.”

  There was a beat of silence, then William inclined his head. “You have my absolute discretion, my lady. It will be as though it never happened.”

  Emma nodded in agreement and turned to the door, knowing deep down that it had indeed happened, and it was not something she would, or could, easily forget.


  William’s gaze followed Emma as she made her way down the hallway, her steps rushed. She was followed closely by a concerned looking duchess.

  William was still having trouble fully processing what had happened between himself and the confounding woman. He still tasted her sweet lips on his tongue and felt the warmth of her skin against his.

  He shifted his weight uncomfortably. He noticed his brother glancing at him and sent his thoughts of Emma to the back of his mind. She would only be a distraction. They had both agreed that they would not speak of it again, and that it was something that was better forgotten.

  But how was it possible for him to forget the best moments he’d ever had?

  Despite not lacking in charm or confidence, his previous conquests and intimate endeavors had lacked depth. Lacked… heat.

  William had not experienced such passion with a woman in his life as he had with Emma, and it was not something he could merely erase from his memory.

  “I trust it went well,” the duke said, causing much-needed distraction from William’s thoughts.

  A pulse of alarm rang through him, as the duke glanced at him strangely.

  “Why on earth would you say that?” William asked defensively.

  “You and Emma argued for a long while until things quieted down. I trust you and the young lady cleared things up,” James answered, his eyes narrowed. “Or that is what I hope.”

  William lifted his chin. “Things are perfectly fine between us. We spoke, we agreed to disagree and be civil to one another. After all, she is your wife’s best friend and she will frequent the estate, whether I like it or not. We are bound to be in one another’s company sooner, rather than later.” William ensured that his expression and tone of voice were perfectly composed as not to raise any suspicions from his rather observant brother.

  There was a long moment of silence, then James smiled.

  “That is a relief to hear, as Kitty informed me that she has made it her personal mission to find a suitable husband for Emma, which means the young lady will be at the estate very often,” the duke answered. “I am delighted you chose to be a mature adult with regards to this situation, Will. I would most certainly not wish for Kitty to be upset.”

  Will’s heart thudded in his chest and he struggled to breathe suddenly.

  A husband? They are going to try and marry Emma off?

  He cleared his throat. “We would not wish for such strife within the first week of your marriage.”

  He grinned at his brother so that James knew he was joking, while inside his chest, panic was taking

  “There is, however, something I wish to discuss with you,” James said and stepped into the study.

  The books that had been stacked beside the desk that had tipped over in the throes of passion between William and Emma were still on the floor. He’d forgotten to pick them up afterwards.

  Emma’s moans still resonated in his mind as a hint of a grin formed on his lips, but he shifted his gaze away from the books. Hopefully, James wouldn’t notice.

  “I did not imagine Emma to be that kind of woman,” the duke said, which whirled William back to reality.

  “What makes you say such a thing?” William inquired.

  James indicated to the carpet. “The books on the floor. She hurled one or two towards you, did she not?”

  William stood silently for a few moments and nodded. “Indeed, she did. Women are rather erratic when they are angered.”

  “What in heavens did you say to her to cause her to toss books at you? As the duchess mentioned, Emma is a lover of books and literature.”

  How do I answer that?

  William plastered a smirk on his lips. “I was merely my usual, charming self.”

  The duke scoffed and shook his head. “I can only imagine why she acted in such a manner.”

  Enough about the books…

  “What is it you wished to discuss with me, James?”

  “Ah, yes. Of course.” The duke cleared his throat and glanced at William. “Brother, your behavior in the garden, as well as the past weeks has both Lizzie and myself…”

  James paused and Will waited.


  “Your behavior has us both rather concerned for you, brother, and even Kitty pointed it out to me. We only wish for you to be happy.”

  William rolled his eyes. “What, precisely, does that mean? I am happy as I stand here now. Perhaps you and our sister have different opinions on what constitutes happiness. Your idea of happiness for me is not the same as the kind I wish for myself.”

  “We only wish for you to marry and form a stable home, brother.”

  Will groaned. That was what he meant! They had very different ideas about what would make them happy. “I am not ready to do such a thing.”

  “Perhaps if you were introduced to the right woman—”

  Will put a hand up, silencing his brother. “No. I do not require your assistance in finding a suitable wife. I will do so in my own time,” William answered with a scoff. “I am not even certain whether it is something I ever wish to do.”

  James inclined his head in a regal way. “Perhaps not, but I felt precisely the same before I met the duchess. The right woman will arrive on your path at the right time, brother, as well as the time you will least expect it.”

  William forced a smile as his gaze once again came to rest on the toppled-over pile of books strewn across the floor.

  Perhaps I’ve already come across that woman?

  His brow furrowed as he found it difficult to fathom that Emma was the woman his brother spoke of. They had both agreed to continue as though nothing had happened between them, and that was precisely what William wished to do, however difficult it would prove to be.

  Will looked back at his brother, James’s smug face making anger curl up inside his gut.

  “What gives you the impression that I must marry in order to be happy?” William argued. “Many men do not marry until they are much older.”

  James simply shrugged. “Which makes it seem as though they are not the gentlemanly type. Women do not find unmarried men of such age desirable.”

  Will shook his head. “Your views of the world are warped, brother.”

  “I will simply pretend I did not hear you utter those words,” James muttered. “Be it as it may, being married and starting a family is a wonderful thing. Not even I was under the impression it would be this delightful, but—”

  “Wait. Do you mean to tell me that the duchess is with child? Already?” William asked, his tone more pitched than it should be.

  His perfect brother had conceived a child on the wrong side of the blanket?


  The duke chuckled proudly and nodded. “Indeed. It happened a few months ago, and I would not have it any other way.”

  “And you are not terrified?” William asked, blinking at his brother.

  “To death, every moment. But when I gaze into Kitty’s eyes, my fears melt away, as if they were never there to begin with.”

  William glanced away and Emma’s face appeared in front of him.

  Memories swam into his mind. The tender manner in which she had run her fingers through his hair. The ever so slight movement of her lips as she whispered to him. The smell of her skin as he kissed her knuckles.

  It had not occurred to him up until now, how meaningful their time in the study had been for him. But unfortunately, he was certain it had meant more to him than it had to her.

  He had to shift the image of her and the feelings that had risen up inside him to the back of his mind. The last thing he wished to think about was Emma.

  He clearly had more important things to focus on, according to the duke.

  Finding a wife.

  He had courted numerous young women, all beautiful and from well-respected and wealthy families. Often highly titled and prestigious ladies. But none of the moments he’d endured with any of them had truly been meaningful.

  He had enjoyed their company, but had never considered marrying any of them. Marriage was not something to be taken lightly, as his father had taught him when he was a young boy. Many important factors should be taken into account, as his late father had advised. Their lineage mattered, their family, their title. Love had no place in a marriage if it meant the family would not survive financially.

  But perhaps William had never thought of settling on one woman, as he had not been inclined to be bound, especially not by a woman.

  The duke narrowed his eyes and cocked his head. “Is everything all right, brother? You seem rather distracted.”

  William flicked his hand in a dismissive gesture. “I am perfectly fine. I merely have things on my mind.”

  “Perhaps you would feel better if you shared those thoughts.” James suggested.

  William snorted and couldn’t help but smile as he recalled the times he had spoken to the duke regarding such things, and he had, in fact, felt better.

  This, however, was not something he could discuss with his brother. After all, he’d given his word to Emma.

  “Trust me, brother. This is not something you would wish to hear of,” William answered.

  “I urge you to reconsider, as I am fairly certain I know what the cause of your annoyance may be.”

  Will raised an eyebrow. “I highly doubt that.”

  “Deny it if you wish, and I am well aware you will, but you are envious I married before you did.”

  William burst out laughing. That was the last thing he’d expected his brother to say. “Please, do not insult me.”

  “You are not denying it,” the duke stated.

  “Brother,” William said slowly, and turned to James. “As happy as I am for you, and I am truly happy you found a woman as wonderful and strong-willed as Kitty, I am not jealous. I do not seek the comfort of only one woman. I would much rather be a free bird and fly to wherever my heart desires.”

  “It is clearly not your heart leading you to such places,” the duke muttered.

  William chuckled and shook his head. “While I appreciate your concern and your insistence on assisting me in finding a suitable wife, I do not wish to waste your time. Time that you could much better spend with your lovely wife and developing child. And I do believe congratulations are in order, dear brother.”

  William reached out his hand to James, and the duke grinned. The two brothers shook hands, and before James released William’s hand, he embraced him. Will didn’t squirm as he usually would, and perhaps that was a mistake on his part, as now the duke would most certainly know th
at there was something amiss.

  “Brother, I am always available if you require an ear,” James said quietly, causing William to gently tear himself out of his brother’s embrace.

  “I appreciate that.”

  Will stepped away and turned to the door. “If that is all, I must be going.”

  James called out after him “I received word earlier that the Duchess of Waltham is hosting a ball next week, and she would be delighted if you attended along with Kitty and me.”

  He was aware that the only reason for this was to assist in the quest to find him a suitable wife, but he did not resist in any manner. What would be the point?

  “That sounds delightful,” William answered and made his way out of the study, the sweet scent of Emma still lingering on his skin.


  Emma placed her hair brush on the dressing table, her gaze lingering on the intricately carved flowers in the wood. It was quiet in her bedchamber, apart from the soft, shuffling noises the duchess made while sifting through Emma’s wardrobe.

  “You have such lovely gowns, Emma. It is rather difficult to choose one,” Kitty sighed and turned to her. “Which one do you wish to wear this evening?”

  Emma glanced at her best friend and pursed her lips. She had never before kept anything from the duchess, and now she sat in her bedchamber, preparing for a lavish ball as if nothing had happened last week.

  Emma had been unable to stop her thoughts from diverting back to William, though she had tried. She was well aware, of course, that she was the one who had suggested that they pretend nothing had happened between them.

  But now, as she sat at her dressing table, unable to even glance at her own reflection, she could not help but feel as though she had made the worst mistake imaginable. She was not certain whether the mistake was that she had been intimate with William, or that she proposed to not speak of it.

  Emma had vowed to herself from a young age that she would not deprive herself of things that brought her joy and happiness, but denying that something had happened with William felt as though she was doing just that.

  She was filled with confusion and frustration, and she did not enjoy the feeling.


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