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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

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by Amy Marie

  Lucky 13: Volumes 1 and 2

  Quickies, a perfect indulgence when stuck waiting in line, relaxing before bed, or for a quick fix during your lunch break. Step into the pages with seven short reads sure to whet your appetite and stir your imagination. These sexy Doms will take your mind on an erotic journey and arouse your deepest desires where all things are possible within the dark corners of our mind where fantasies take shape for our own pleasure.


  If taboo is what you desire, take a wicked walk on the dark side. I can give her glitz and glamour, every comfort, even make her famous, but my gifts come with a price. She must become my willing submissive. Mine to do with as I please, make her shiver or scream. But in the end, she still holds all the power, binding me with one final word...No.

  Her Master’s Salvation

  Molly Pool is an unemployed former hacker turned coder. Ivan Daborevki a business man and Sovietnik in the Bratva mafia. When their worlds collide, will the power of love and family protect them from the dangers lurking behind every shadow?

  I’m a dangerous, dominant man with a dark side and a past. In my world, it is the only way to survive. Appointed to the rank of Sovietnik of the Bratva after my father’s death, with the title comes fame, money, power, women, and corruption. The crest I now bear on my chest symbolizes power and leadership, both qualities I possess. But with those responsibilities, darkness sometimes overshadows the light. The only thing that matters more than life is protecting my family. I will go to every length that I can to make them safe. Including the unthinkable, death.

  Then one day, that all changed. She stumbled into my life, and whether by fate or chance, I know I have to make her mine. And the path we are about to take, will change our lives. Forever.

  Birthday Present

  A new practice has kept Blake working late hours away from his husband. Hoping to regain their connection, he plans a special surprise for Andy's thirtieth birthday. But he never expected his gift to Andy would bring them not only pleasure but a promising new future.

  Burlesque Dance

  In a futuristic world where humans travel the galaxy in the blink of an eye, burlesque dancer Galicia Raven makes her living with artistic erotic dance. When she arrives to perform for her newest client, she meets General Tobin LaForge. Highly decorated and attractive, Tobin is several years her senior and while entertaining a client is permitted; falling for his staff is not.

  Tobin is dedicated to his work and loyal to his boss, but something about Galicia makes him question his chosen path. She is tempting, tantalizing, the sweetest of forbidden fruits. And he craves more than just a taste. Could their dance last forever?

  Part Two

  Snow’s Temptation by Amy Marie

  A Snow White Retelling

  Chapter 1

  I’m not sure how I got here.

  Well, actually that’s a lie. Every detail of the past five years is engrained in my brain. It’s been a shit storm of epic proportions that I don’t think anyone with the most twisted of minds could have conjured up.

  Death of my mother? Check.

  Loss of my three-year relationship with a man who cheated on me? Double-check.

  My father marrying a woman four years older than me who treats me like I’m her competition for his attention. Triple-check.

  And the fourth, and most disturbing, check off the good old “my fucking life” list: the wicked step-mother convincing my father I stole his money.

  So, I know how I got here…standing on the doorstep, pointer finger mid-air about to push the doorbell of my new job. The one which is going to pay for my college tuition now that the evil step-monster told my father to cut me off.

  I wasn’t just thrown out. No. I was given two days to pack my shit and leave. I mean, if I was taking his money, I wouldn’t have jumped at the opportunity Dexter White offered me. Five hundred dollars a week to keep his off-campus frat house of a home clean.

  Dexter comes from a wealthy family. His father, the CEO of some stupid online shopping website, grants his college son the opportunity to spend his money frivolously on a babysitter. That’s what I’m calling this job anyways. I’ll be babysitting, cooking, cleaning, and making sure they all have clean jockstraps in time for their football games.

  Before I can even finish pulling my finger off of the doorbell, the oversized wooden door swings open. There stands Dex in all his glory. Well over six feet tall, dark blue eyes, and the sandiest color of hair, he is so far from my cup of tea…if I drank tea. He is without a shirt, showcasing the very abs most women on our campus dream about. Despite how stunning his body is, I roll my eyes at him. He shoots me a half-smirk and trails his gaze up and down my body. The look on his face a far cry from the sweet and caring guy who listened to me cry over my lack of home and income. From the tips of my red snow boots to the top of my long dark hair, the lust in his eyes is palpable.

  No, thank you.

  “May I come in?” I ask as sweetly as I can. “It’s cold out here.”

  Without a word, he steps aside, allowing me and my two rolling suitcases past him. The warm and cozy inside surprises me. Nothing you would expect in a house with seven grown boys. I hear the door shut behind me, and with it, the brisk air is gone.

  “May I take your coat?” He asks, his voice profound, rattling the nerves inside of me.

  I nod, letting both suitcase handles go and unzip my jacket. He helps pull the garment off, and I whip around to find him hooking it on the back of the door. Heat comes from the room just to the right, and I notice an inviting fireplace against the back wall. The gigantic couches surrounding the coffee table is where I plan to read and study in my spare time.

  “Let me take you to your room so you can put your stuff up, and then I’ll introduce you to the rest of the guys,” Dex offers, reaching down and picking up my suitcases with ease before climbing the stairs. I follow him without a word, watching his ass flex with each step and his calf muscles, which are defined from two-a-day practices.

  My only excuse for the way I’m panting after him is that it’s been quite a while since I’ve had sex, which I could blame on my ex-boyfriend. He did quite a number on me.

  He enters the second room on the right, and I’m stunned upon seeing my new living quarters. A king-size bed sits in the middle of the back wall with a creamy white down comforter laying gently over it. In the corner between two windows, a sofa chair has been placed, and a desk is situated on the opposite wall.

  Dex walks over, standing between two doors and points to one of them. “This is your walk-in closet. And this,” he states, apprehension in his voice, “is your Jack and Jill bathroom.”

  I furrow my brows, completely bewildered. Surely I hadn’t heard correctly. “Did you say ‘Jack and Jill bathroom?’” Shuffling over, I peek inside. Sure enough, I find another door directly across from the access on my side. I spin around to face him, my eyes wide. “How is that supposed to work? Two rooms connected to one bathroom? What about privacy?”

  One of his arms leans against the wall, making his workout shorts drop a bit lower, fully displaying his V. “Lock the door when you are going to the bathroom. Lennox will do the same.”

  My body temperature instantly rises at the sound of his name. Lennox Holden. The only man in this house who isn’t on the football team. The dark-haired, dark-eyed man with an attitude to match. The only person I knew who could take anyone, men and women alike, down with just one look. In my two years at this school, I have run into him a handful of times…and each time, his mood is darker than the last. I don’t understand what I’ve done, but I do know when Dex came to me in the coffee shop, Lennox stayed rooted to his seat and wouldn’t even glance our way. I have to admit, his darkness intrigues me. Something about a bad boy hits all of the synapses in my body.

  “But feel free to leave it open when you shower.” Dex winks. “I’m sure he’d love to help you save water.”

  I push his broad chest, but he doesn
’t budge. “Not going to happen, Doc,” I inform him, mocking his pre-med major.

  He shrugs. “It was worth a shot. I know he’s been on a dry spell.” His arm drops, and he crosses both of them across his pecs. “The guys won’t bother you much. We all have pretty rough schedules and just need someone to manage the house.”

  Moving around, I take in more of the room. “Okay. Well, what should I start with?”

  “We are all caught up on cleaning and laundry, but if you want to plan out a weeks’ worth of our meals, I can go ahead and give you money to go to the store. You don’t have to eat what we eat but don’t spend your own money on food. Add it to the grocery bill.” He turns to leave but doubles back around. “And, Sydney?”


  “Please make sure to lock your door at night.” He thinks for a moment, narrowing his eyes and biting his lip for a second. “Better yet, make sure you lock both the room door and bathroom door. We wouldn’t want anyone coming in and taking advantage of you, now, would we?”

  Shivers creep up my spine. “Of course not.”

  Chapter 2

  The house is eerily quiet as I make my way downstairs the next morning. You’d think with a bunch of football players, it would be chaos, but as soon as my foot hits the kitchen tile, I’m greeted by all seven of them quietly going about their morning routines. It’s intimidating to be not only the sole female of the house but to also be at least a foot shorter than all of them.

  “Morning, Sydney,” Dex greets me from beside the coffee pot, a travel mug in hand.

  I look around, not moving an inch. “Morning, everyone.”

  Dex sweeps his hand from one side to the other, encompassing the entire spacious kitchen, which seems to be too small for all eight of us. “Have you met everyone yet?”

  Shaking my head no, I decide to make myself at home and get seven sets of eyes off of me by finally moving further into the room and searching for a coffee mug. I came here with nothing except some clothes and school supplies, as well as my toiletries. My Kuerig and stunning coffee cups from around the world still reside at my father’s house just ten miles off-campus. I was staying there while I attended college. My father didn’t want me living in the shitty dorms or with friends. He wanted to keep tabs on me…if he truly was, he would have realized I couldn’t possibly have taken his money.

  Dex introduces me to everyone; however, I forget their names before he gets to the next one. That is until he introduces me to Lennox. I heard the shower running this morning, and his dark brown hair is still damp. I can’t say I didn’t fantasize about soap running down his body. My cheeks heat with embarrassment, and I pray no one can read my mind, especially Lennox.

  “Well, we won’t be home for dinner since we have two-a-days this week. You can just leave us the leftovers.” One of the guys—I think his name is Ted—pats me on the shoulder.

  I nod, staring at Lennox. If I’m going to be living here, I’m going to have to speak to him. I swallow hard and steel my nerves, gathering up any false confidence I can. “And you? Will you be home tonight? I know you don’t play.”

  “I will,” he responds in a hoarse voice and immediately jumps up out of his seat, grabs his bag, and heads for the door.

  “Don’t worry, Snow,” Ted tries to reassure me and calls me by my last name. “He’s like that with everyone.”

  With those words, the rest of the guys get up to leave for their morning practice, and I’m left alone to drink my coffee in peace before class.

  “Dad, please, call me. This is ridiculous,” I beg into my cell phone. It’s the third voicemail I’ve left in as many days. I can’t believe he could cut me off like this. I got a warning email today, informing me I had one week to pay this semester’s tuition. Thank God, Dex paid me in advance for the month, and the rest, I was able to work out a payment plan with admissions.

  Throwing my backpack on my bed, my cell phone following, I slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top, getting ready to make dinner. I decided baked chicken with roasted vegetables would be a perfect and easy meal for them to heat up once they got home later tonight.

  Satisfied with the top knot I put my hair in, I head downstairs and begin my search for pots and pans around the expansive kitchen. Most people would have them in the lower cabinets; however, these Neanderthals have them stacked on the highest shelves. I jump onto the counter and grab what I need one by one when I begin to lose my footing, slip on the counter, and tip backward. Grabbing the open cabinet door does nothing, and my grip breaks free as I fall ass first toward the floor. It’s like my life flashes before my eyes as I realize my head will surely hit the kitchen island on the way down, not to mention the floor when I finally land.

  A scream blares out of my mouth, the air in my lungs giving it volume, and it ends with a “uff” as I’m caught mid-air. Moments ago, I fully expected pain to be radiating through my body, but it didn’t happen, and instead, I feel safe as a set of strong arms hold me securely. My eyes, which closed as I fell, fly open to find Lennox peering down at me. He’s breathing heavily as though he ran a marathon. His body heat seeps through his shirt and my tank top. This man is warm, inviting, and so close I almost…almost want to lick him. He’s moody. He’s quiet. He’s dark. And I can’t help myself because I’ve always been attracted to him.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as my nipples pucker with arousal.

  What has gotten into me? My life is falling apart, and yet, I am thinking about getting down on my knees and taking this man into my mouth?

  Squirming, I silently beg him to put me down, and thankfully, he takes the hint. Gently, he allows my feet to drop and regain their balance, standing firm on the cold tile floor. Once I’m settled, he backs away, taking his arms and his heat with him.

  “You’re welcome. You’re going to have to be more careful,” he growls harshly before storming out of the kitchen.

  My brow furrows in confusion. That was weird. One minute he was rescuing me, and the next, chastising me.

  Chapter 3

  The rest of the guys came home so late last night, I was already asleep. They must have liked the dinner I made because when I opened the fridge, all of the leftovers I had set aside for them were gone. Lennox didn’t bother to come down for dinner; therefore, I ate alone before going upstairs to study. He, like myself, stayed in his room all night.

  And this morning, yet again, I listened to him take a shower, my imagination taking over my thoughts. I wish I had soaked in more of the heat his body emitted when he caught me, but his hurried exit makes me believe he wouldn’t give me a second thought.

  Sighing and shaking him from my mind, I grab robe and head into the Jack and Jill bathroom. To ensure no one comes in, I lock the door leading into Lennox’s room as well as my own. All of the guys seem friendly enough, but being the only woman, I want to make sure I’m secure.

  This shower is much better than the one I had in my room back home. My thoughts drift back to my house and how empty it must feel. Two people don’t need that much space, and honestly, it was too big for the three of us. I only wish my dad would stop listening to my evil step-mother. But he won’t. Instead of downgrading, he’ll probably keep the too-large house and continue spending money on frivolous things. I swear that woman has over 600 pairs of shoes and a purse to go with them all. That inventory alone could support me for the rest of my life. I know he puts her on an allowance, I just wonder how big it is.

  As I reach for my razor, I realize I didn’t unpack it from my luggage yet. I leave the water on as I slip out of the shower and throw my robe over my soaking wet body. Quickly, I unlock the door to my room and sprint for the closet. Halfway there, I notice someone running from my desk to the door, and I jump at the almost collision.

  It’s Lennox. His eyes meet mine for a brief moment before he rushes to the door.

  What the fuck?

  Not wasting a moment, I follow, calling out his name before he can escape inside his own room.

  “Lennox,” I shout again, and this time, he turns at the sound of my voice. “What the fuck were you doing in my room?”

  He brushes both hands down his face, breathing out a harsh breath. “Nothing, Syd.”

  Syd? Since when can he call me Syd?

  “Don’t say ‘nothing.’ You were at my desk. Why?” I step closer, poking my finger in his chest. “That’s my room.” I poke again. “My safe space.”

  He looks down at where I assaulted him. I poke again, but this time he catches my wrist before I can pull back. “Stop doing that,” he commands, a fire igniting in his eyes. He’s mad, or at least, it seems like he’s angry.

  “Tell me why you were in my room!” I yell, attempting to pull my hand away. He keeps his grip firm.

  “I didn’t do anything to your stuff,” he seethes with narrowed eyes. He’s breathing through his nose, sounding more like a bull than a man.

  I lean in closer. Our faces mere inches apart. Anger and hate and desire all mixed into one emotion to fuel my gallantry, or it could be my stupidity. I’m never this confrontational, but I am sick of those around me taking advantage. I’m sick of not knowing what is going on. “Then why the hell were you in there?” I snap.

  He exhales, allowing me to smell the mint of his gum.

  I inhale. The rise of my chest pushing the robe open a bit more.

  Lennox looks down to my breasts and then up, licking his lips as his gaze focuses on my own.

  If I didn’t think he hated me. If I didn’t think he’d rather be anywhere else other than in my presence, it might look as if he is going to kiss me.


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