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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 6

by Amy Marie

  I start to demand an answer again, but this time, each word is accentuated. “Why. Were. You—”

  Then it happens. It’s so fast, I don’t have time to process. His hand releases my wrist as he brings both up to my face, gripping it tightly before smashing his lips to mine. It’s unexpected. It’s wrong. It has to be. But it’s so fucking hot. Especially when I wrap my arms around his neck and give in to him.

  Swiftly he reaches down, grabbing the back of my thighs underneath my robe and picks me up to pin me against the wall. I am almost completely naked and dripping wet, in all senses of the word. My bare pussy brushes up against the harshness of his jeans. It’s a pleasurable pain, and when he grinds into me, I yelp breaking our kiss. He takes the opportunity to bite, lick, suck, and kiss my neck as I arch my back, attempting to get more friction on my clit. It’s been too long since I’ve touched a man; I know in mere minutes, I will embarrassingly come, receiving pleasure from the man who was in my room, invading my privacy.

  He rocks into me, picking up the tempo before reclaiming my lips. I’m in heaven and hell at the same time. Briefly, I wonder why this is happening, but the start of my orgasm erases all sensible thoughts. I’m almost there, and the grin I feel in the crease of my neck tells me he realizes it too. I can’t believe I’m about to come on his jeans. He spreads my legs wider and bites my lip before pulling his head away. My eyes open to find Lennox staring at me. He is going to watch me, and that is something no one has ever done. The moment a woman orgasms is the most exposed she can be, and I’m showing him my vulnerability.

  Without a word, he pulls me up off the wall and carries me toward my bed. My back hits the mattress, and his body covers mine. It’s only now that I remember the running shower, but I don’t care. I’ll give them more money for the water bill.

  My knee is lifted up to give Lennox more access to my core. He brushes the harsh denim against my pussy, and I can only imagine the wet spot it will leave. My back arches. I want to come. I need to come. I can feel the intensity begin, and like a splash of cold water, it fades away instantly when the sound of a throat clearing reaches me.

  “Uhm. Hey, guys,” Dex says while laughing. “I’ll get this door for you.”

  I lift my head to peer over Lennox’s shoulder and watch as Dex gives us the privacy we thought we already had.

  Lennox lifts himself off me and glances down, but I don’t miss the guilt swirling in his irises. I look down in shame and adjust my robe as he runs out of my room. I swiftly follow but slam my door shut, click the lock, and slip to the floor, dropping my head in my hands.

  What the fuck was that?

  What did I just do?

  Why the hell was he in my room?

  Awkward is an understatement. After I finished my shower, saying “fuck it” and not shaving, I decide it’s time to face Dex downstairs and make dinner for everyone. I heard Lennox in his room, and his music has been blasting most of the day, so I don’t expect him to join us.

  “Well, well, well,” Dex’s annoying voice echoes throughout the kitchen. “I didn’t recognize you without Lennox on top of you.”

  I laugh it off, not one to let others see they got to me, and face him. “Shut up, Dexter. What do you want for dinner?”

  “I told you to lock your door, Sydney.” His lips purse as his head turns to one side. “Unless you did that on purpose.”

  In annoyance, I cross my arms over one another. “Actually, I caught Lennox in my room by my computer. I was confronting him.”

  A hearty laugh billows from his stomach, coming out full and rich. “That’s how you confront someone? Maybe I’ll hack your Instagram account.” He winks, making me blush.

  Ignoring him, I go searching for apples to make my apple pie. I promised the guys I would bake it for them.

  I’m setting the temperature on the oven when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It’s like I know the sound of his footsteps.

  “Lennox!” Dex shouts. I don’t dare whirl around.

  “Dex,” he responds, and it sounds as if he is speaking through gritted teeth. A second later, Lennox acknowledges me, “Syd.”

  I was hoping he’d stay in his room and that by tomorrow we could both forget how much I wanted him to take his cock out and fuck me. Had it only been a few hours ago? Heat colors my cheeks, and I give him a half-hearted wave over my shoulder.

  Dex rises from the table where he’d been working on his computer, bringing his empty cup to the sink next to me before putting an arm around my shoulder. “Let’s not make this awkward. We’re just animals and need to give in to our animalistic needs.”

  “Fuck off, Dex,” Lennox growls.

  This makes Dex guffaw again. Dex is a nice guy, but right now, I want to punch him in the face. He is ruining my plan to never speak of it again.

  Pulling away from me, Dex saunters over to Lennon and taps him on the chest. “I have needs, too, and if you ever want to make it a threesome, you can—”

  He doesn’t finish his sentence. He can’t because Lennox has somehow grabbed his wrist, twisted it around, and pushed Dex onto the table, flat on his stomach. I’m terrified as Lennox leans down and snarls into his ear, “You will not talk about her like that.”

  “Okay, man,” Dexter grunts. “Get the fuck off me.”

  He does. Pulling back and letting Dex free, Lennox storms out of the room, leaving the two of us confused.

  Rubbing the pain from his wrist, Dex looks at me. “I didn’t know you two were a couple.”

  My shoulders rise in a shrug as my head shakes back and forth. I’m utterly dumbfounded. “We aren’t. That was just a one time, in the moment type of thing.”

  Smirking, he slams his computer shut. “He just showed his cards.”

  Dex turns to leave, but before he can, I ask, “Do you know why he would have been snooping in my room?”

  He thinks for a moment, shaking his head no. “I don’t. Lennox pretty much keeps to himself. He really hasn’t opened up to me, but I know he’s under a lot of stress. He’s behind on rent and his tuition. I heard him fighting with someone on the phone the other day. Other than that, we try to keep the peace around here, which is why I’m headed upstairs to apologize.”

  I nod and return to the task of making my pie.

  “Sydney?” Dex questions.

  “Mmmhmm,” I hum as I mindlessly roll out the dough.

  “I’m sorry. I hope you know I was only messing around?”

  At that moment, the other five guys come barreling through the front door like a pack of wolves.

  I nod at Dex and move closer to hug him. “I realize that. Now, get out so I can make dinner and feed you animals.”

  Chapter 4

  “Fuck,” I shout a bit too loudly as I push open the door to the building housing the English department. “Fucking snow.”

  It’s all around. Little snowflakes falling to make a big mess on the sidewalks and streets, and I am in flats. I guess I should have checked the weather, but after tossing and turning last night, I couldn’t even remember my own name this morning. To top off this debacle, I walked to class today.

  Students rush around me, trying to make it to class or run to their cars as I stroll along in disbelief at how stupid a move not checking and wearing flats was. It’s the Mondayest Monday ever.

  I only manage to get a block before the slush starts to seep into my shoes. My toes almost instantly begin to freeze. Not having a lot of money, I don’t splurge, but today, I’m calling an Uber. My body shakes as I wait the three minutes until it arrives.

  “A RED NISSAN,” the app tells me.

  As I’m contemplating waiting in the lobby of the apartment building I am standing in front of, a flash of red stops in front of me. Hurrying to the back passenger door, I open it and jump in, slamming it to lock the cold outside.

  “Sydney?” a familiar voice speaks my name, causing my nipples to pucker and heat to rise throughout my body.

  “Lennox?” I a
sk in confusion. “You’re my Uber driver?”

  He laughs. “No, I pulled over when I saw you, and you just jumped in.”

  Glancing down at my phone, I notice my driver is still two minutes away. “Shit.” I reach for the handle. “I’m sorry,” I mutter, trying to open the door.

  “Wait. Cancel your Uber,” he suggests. “I can give you a ride back.”

  “How do you know I am going home?”

  He twists around, locking his eyes with mine. “Because I stalk you.”

  Icicles run through my veins. “Stalk me?” I grab the handle again.

  He laughs.


  I’ve never heard Lennox laugh this much. Hell, I’ve never heard him laugh before today. Not in class. Not in the house. He’s always so serious. I wouldn’t think it was him if I wasn’t staring straight at him.

  “I’m kidding.” He chuckles. “I assume you are. Hit cancel and hop in the front seat.”

  I do as he says, calming myself down, and move to the front.

  The roads are a bit icy, but he seems secure in his abilities. It’s a quiet ride, and it’s not long before we end up at our shared house. Neither of us tries to make a move to get out, though.

  “Thank you.” My words break through the silence and risk glancing at him.

  “You’re welcome.” He smirks. “I’m always up for giving you a ride.”

  I bite my lip to keep from giggling at the double entendre. Reaching for the handle, this time pushing the door open, I jump when I feel his hand on my thigh. It’s an instant turn on. His pinky is way too high…or not high enough.

  “I’m sorry about the other day, Syd,” he says, but I can’t take my eyes off his hand. It’s like I’m willing it to move further up. “Sydney?”

  I still can’t move. I’m frozen in my seat. The cold is rushing in from my open door, but my body is over-heated, canceling out the frigid temperature. I am so very hot, or is it Lennox? I watch his thick fingers lift off my thigh. I mourn their absence, but they seek out another part of me. My jaw. They wrap around the bottom of it, and his thumb brushes my skin just below my lips. I follow their silent instructions as they lead me, turning my head to the left where Lennox is staring at me. The question in his eyes, asking me for permission this time. I can’t deny him. I lean in, giving the go-ahead, and close my eyes as I wait for the contact. It feels like an eternity, but I’m greatly rewarded for my patience.

  Unlike the last time, his kiss is soft and sweet as he brushes his lips across mine. His tongue peeks out, licking between us. Willingly, I open my mouth, deepening the kiss. It’s erotic and electric and sensual. I’m lost. It’s like I’m not myself as I move closer to him, grabbing his coat and kissing like I can’t get enough. I can’t. I want this kiss to last forever. I’ve never felt cherished like this before, making me wonder what he can do in the bedroom. The other day, I saw rough Lennox, but sweet Lennox is taking the lead this time.

  I don’t understand what is going on here. He has always been so distant, and now, it’s like he can’t help himself when I’m around. I’ve been attracted to him for such a long time, but what has changed with him?

  I pull away, my thoughts throwing me back to reality. “Why now, Lennox?” I ask mere inches from him.

  He’s still staring at my lips, hypnotized, and doesn’t answer. Instead, he pulls me on top of him, and my ass hits the horn. Settling me on his lap, my legs spread to straddle him; he cups my face in his hands, and jerks me toward him, causing our lips to collide together once again. This feels more like the other day. Rough. Edgy. Scary. Fucking hot. I grind my pelvis against his, and I’m rewarded with a moan.

  I feel like a goddess being able to make a man like Lennox come apart. He pushes off my unzipped jacket, exposing my sheer black sweater, and a hand drifts down to caress the side of my breast. I want to rip my shirt off, let my bra follow, and force him to take my nipple into his mouth. I’d grip his hair and ride him while he nibbled on and then pulled my bud with his teeth.

  I’m a woman, which means I need to go for what I want, but as I reach down to pull my shirt up and off, not giving two shits we are outside in broad daylight, Lennox draws back with a horrified expression on his face.

  His hands press against mine, halting them in place. “Don’t, Sydney.” Shaking his head. “We have to stop. This was a mistake.”

  Anger surges through me. This guy almost had me fucking him in his car. “A mistake?” I ask, slipping my jacket back on and opening his driver’s side door.

  No one has ever called me a mistake. Maybe my evil step-mother, but not once has a guy made me feel like such trash with a four-word sentence.

  “Sydney,” he begs, for what, I don’t know. I’m done.

  I slam the door, but not before I whip around and say, “Fuck you, Lennox. Fuck you and your ability to make me feel like shit every time I see you.”

  Chapter 5

  My eyes flutter open. It’s still pitch dark in my room, the way I like it with the fan blowing on my face, but something feels off. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I see it’s just after two o’clock in the morning. I growl in frustration, knowing I have to get up early for class and snuggle back under the comforter. But then I feel it. Rather him. The blanket shifts and his warm body envelopes me, the rough calluses of his hands sliding over my bare stomach. Even though the temperature just rose, my skin prickles. His lips find the crevice of my neck, and he places the briefest of kisses there.

  “Lennox,” I breathe out as he makes his way down to my shoulder, pushing the strap of my tank top down my arm.

  “I’m so sorry, Sydney,” he whispers, returning his fingers to my stomach. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.”

  I can barely register his words with his cock nestled between my ass cheeks.

  I should be disappointed in myself. He has fooled me twice; therefore, shouldn’t it be shame on me? I’m allowing the man who I’ve crushed on for a long time to have free rein over my body. He’s done nothing except ignore me and then physically bring me to the brink only to walk away…twice. He’s let me down as many times. I should care about myself. I should push him away, but I can’t. He feels right. Fits behind me like he belongs there. If I turn him away then…well, I can’t even think of that right now.

  I’m too focused on the way his fingertips glide over my skin as if they already know my body.

  Interrupting my sensual thoughts, he asks, “Sydney, did you hear me? I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “I heard you,” I finally respond. “But you being here, touching me, is torture. I can’t play games anymore.”

  I press my panty covered ass into his groin. He’s getting harder by the second. Grabbing his wrist, I dip his hand under my top and lead it to my left breast. There is no hesitation in taking my nipple between his thumb and pointer finger.

  “I need you to accept my apology, Syd,” he tells e, trailing his lips down my shoulder and nipping at my arm. “I am so sorry.”

  Many thoughts race through my mind. I want to say it’s okay because I don’t want him to stop touching me, but I’d be stupid to let this go any further without speaking my mind. Ergo, momentarily ignoring the will and demands of my body, I shift to face him, losing all physical contact in the process.

  “I can forgive you, Lennox, but you have to understand some things.” I can’t see, but I feel him nod. “That won’t happen again. I won’t allow you to walk away or cut things off or go cold the minute things start to heat up. You made me feel like I was nothing except a warm body, and when you came to your senses when you realized it was me you were touching, you didn’t want me.”

  The bed rocks as he shuffles closer, placing his hand on my cheek. “I want you, Syd. I’ve wanted you for a long time, but I haven’t been able to act on it.”

  My belly flutters with his words. “I’ve wanted you for the longest time, too, and imagine how torn up I was when I thought you felt the same and yet discarded me.”r />
  Lennox brushes his lips against mine. “It won’t happen again. I promise. I want you in every sense of the word.”

  Hearing the words I’ve wanted to hear since I saw him for the first time, I open up to him, literally. My right leg lifts wrap around his hip, and I’m rewarded with a pinch on my ass.

  “I forgive you, but this is the last time,” I stress in a soft voice.

  With nothing else to say, he presses his lips to mine, taking them prisoner. My fingers dig into his hair, bringing him closer—if that’s even possible. Lifting me up to lie on top of him, he never allows me to break the kiss. His hands roam into the back of my panties, squeezing both cheeks of my ass, and uses the motion to settle me so that his cock is centered perfectly with my pussy.

  “Fuck,” he groans, ripping his mouth away from mine.

  I sit up, my hands grabbing the hem of my tank top to pull it over my head. Lennox shifts underneath me right before I am assaulted with the light coming from the lamp beside my bed.

  “I need to see you,” he urgently growls with desperation, his voice soft. “I don’t want to do this in the dark.”

  Smiling at him, I bend forward, brushing my breasts across his bare chest and begin to trail kisses down his body. When I get to his athletic shorts, he lifts up, so I can lower them, along with his boxer briefs, down to his ankles. I jerk them off, tossing them over my shoulder beside the bed and crawl back up his body.

  Without warning, he flips me over, and I scream. His hand comes to rest gently over my mouth. “Shh, Snow. I want to make you scream, but only when no one else can hear it.” He thrusts his hips into mine, and my eyes roll back. “I want all your screams for my ears only.”

  When he moves his hand, I ask him to remove my panties, and I’m rewarded with the sexiest grin. He mimics what I did by kissing down my body, but he makes sure to pay special attention to each breast before moving lower. By the time he reaches the top of my panties, I am desperate for him. His hands are everywhere, making each part of my body feel worshiped, but it’s when he slides his fingers into the waistband of the pink cotton panties I’m wearing and pulls them down over my legs, I squirm in anticipation. He is slowly kissing his way back up my body.


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