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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

Page 7

by Amy Marie

  I can’t believe this is even happening. Lennox cannot possibly be placing soft, gentle kisses on the apex of my thighs. His tongue cannot be performing the most amazing magic.

  “Damn it,” I whisper-yell through gritted teeth. The pleasure is too much, and yet, not enough.

  He laughs. “It’s been a while, huh?”

  “Put your mouth back on me!” I command, making him chuckle again.

  He complies, dragging his tongue through my slit. I start to moan loudly but remember what he said about no one else listening to my screams, and I think better of it. I don’t want him to stop. Not now. Not ever.

  I climb higher and higher with each lick. It’s as though I am sacrificing my dignity when I reach down and grip his hair between my hands, shoving him deeper into my pussy. His teeth graze my clit, and that’s the push I need for my entire body to explode. My back arches off the bed and my hips attempt to follow, but Lennox holds me down, forcing me to take each and every lick, suck, and bite.

  I defy his earlier command and begin to scream in ecstasy. No man has ever successfully made me come undone with his tongue. It’s glorious. In fact, I may make him live between my legs for the rest of our lives.

  When I come down from my high, Lennox travels north, covering my liquefied body with his. I can’t move, but I can feel each and every touch of his hands. They widen my legs to fit his hips between them, and the head of his cock rubs over my clit, making me beg for orgasm number two.

  “You want this?” he teases, thrusting a little harder without entering me…yet.

  Like a wanton slut, I beg. I fucking beg with everything I have, “God, yes. I’ve never wanted something this bad in my life.”

  Gripping both of my wrists in his hand, he skillfully slides his cock inside me. It fits perfectly. I may sound like a cliché, but it feels right. Every ridge of his cock hits the more erotic spots inside me.

  His eyes stare straight into mine. I can’t help except to notice the tortured glint as if he’s waging war within himself, but the rest of his body shows no signs of hesitation when he slides out, only to slam back into me. Even though he started out slightly rough already, his thrusts are getting harder and harder, bringing me easily to the brink of another orgasm.

  “Lennox,” I pant, each breath more desperate than the last. “Oh my God.”

  He says my name like a prayer, “Sydney. This is everything.”

  Our bodies slap together in the quiet of the middle of the night. My headboard begins to bang against the wall. All thoughts of anyone discovering what we are doing are gone. There is no way that if anyone is awake, they won’t realize I’m getting the shit fucked out of me.

  Lennox lets go of my wrists, bracing himself on the side of my head and lifts his body to hover over me. We both peer down to where we are joined and watch as he slides in and out of me.

  I can feel his cock begin to swell inside of me, creating a whole new sensation that consumes me. “I don’t think I can last much longer, Syd. It’s too much.”

  “I’m there, too! It’s way too much.”

  The orgasm under his tongue was nothing short of amazing, but the one that is currently building up within me, the one he is giving me with the intense connection we have, surpasses that. It is way too intense. My body is on fire. I’m desperate to come again.

  “Come,” he demands. “We need to come together. I can’t hold on any longer.”

  His thrusts become more harsh, desperate. My legs widen as far as they can go, allowing him to plow into me. I’ve been fucked before, but I’ve never had it feel this good.

  The fire begins in my toes and filters throughout my body. I can feel the convolutions as they take over, and I come undone. He rubs his pelvis on my clit, causing such a forceful orgasm, I scream out in tortured pleasure. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”I whimper repeatedly.

  “I’m coming, Syd,” he groans through gritted teeth. “You’re pussy is fucking golden. It’s perfect.”

  We come together, both of us screaming, forgetting about where we are and who is around us. It’s only when I come down from the high that I open my eyes and see him staring down at me. I immediately feel self-conscious and try to cover up my breasts.

  “Don’t do that.” He shakes his head. “Don’t hide yourself. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.”

  I snicker, “Stop.”

  He leans down, brushing my lips with his own. “I’m serious. You’re beautiful.”

  I bit my lip, trying to prevent him from seeing how much I enjoy the compliment. “Beautifully broken.”

  An expression of guilt flashed across his face before a mask covers it. “We are both beautifully broken, Syndey. Maybe that’s why we can’t stay away from one another.”

  I shrug. “Or it’s because you’re fucking hot, and I really needed a good bang.”

  He slowly slides out of me. Immediately, I feel empty. “Well, anytime you want a good bang, you let me know.”

  Turning over, I lie on my side, and he curls in behind me. “Are you going to stay with me?” I question.

  He pushes my hair off of my neck and kisses it before wrapping his arms around me. “I won’t leave, but in the morning, we are definitely going to have some shower sex.”

  “Definitely…we can clean each other up after all the dirty, dirty sex.”

  Chapter 6

  The bed is cold to the touch the next morning, and Lennox is nowhere to be seen.

  I sit up, the sheet just barely covering the top of my breasts, and bite my lip. Last night was amazing. Everything was perfect. Almost too perfect, I think to myself.

  I’m startled as I hear a commotion outside of my room. My ears perk up, attempting to block out all other sounds besides the yelling coming from Lennox’s room. I can hear the harsh baritone of his voice, followed by the high-pitched yell of another. Pulling myself up and off the bed, I glide over to the adjoining bathroom and try to listen from my door, my sheet trailing after me. The voices are still muffled, and my nosey personality guides me into the bathroom, forcing me to lean my ear against the door leading to Lennox’s room.

  The argument continues, but this time I can actually understand what is going on.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” Lennox shouts. “I need to be released.”

  The woman laughs, and it’s a familiar cackle. “How are you going to make money, Lennox? If it wasn’t for me, you’d be out on the streets in a heartbeat!”

  My body tenses. That voice. I know that voice, but I cannot put a name to it.

  “If it wasn’t for me…” he speaks louder, and I think to myself, If they don’t want me to hear, they wouldn’t have started an argument in his room. Lennox continues, “You wouldn’t have the money either!”

  A crash startles me, causing me to jump back. “I married him!” she yells. “All you had to do was jump on your little computer and move money. I’m the one who had to see him naked every night, fuck him until he couldn’t see straight. All I asked was that you kept her close and looking guilty. I never told you to sleep with her or ask Dex to move her into this house!”

  All of the blood drains out of my face. My fingers tremble as they hold the soft sheet around me. The voice…it belongs to Tilly…the evil step-mother.

  I run back into my room, throwing some clothes on and grabbing my coat. I have to get out of here. I’d been wrong…or maybe, I’d been right. The evasiveness. The hot and cold. The accosting me. It was all an act.

  Oh my God! I slept with him. I let him control me, and it was all an act! Something to keep me close! But why?

  Tears stream down my face. She said all he had to do was move money. Is he the one who made it seem as though I was stealing from my father? Why did he have Dex move me in here if his job was done? My father believed Tilly and her lies. They abandoned me. I wish my mother was still alive because she wouldn’t have allowed this to happen. Not only that, but my father would have never met Tilly, and I wouldn’t be sittin
g here on the floor, crying like a baby. Mom would tell me to be strong, to not let this define me. Thinking about her, I go from sad and defenseless to downright pissed. It’s time I took control of my own life.

  Fuck him.

  Fuck her.

  Fuck all of them.

  I need to confront them, but right now, all I want to do is leave. I jerk open the door and storm down the hallway just in time for Lennox’s door to fly open. My feet betray me, rooting me to the spot I stand, watching as Lennox walks out of his room with Tilly following closely behind. It takes both of them a moment to register that I am standing there.

  Tilly, with her dark hair pinned up to perfection, wearing an outfit to match the lifestyle she tries to emulate, starts to smile when she notices me. Lennox appears disheveled dressed in only his boxer shorts. The second his eyes find me, his face falls, and I can clearly see the guilt is written all over it.

  “Sydney,” he whispers, stepping closer to me. “It’s not—”

  I interrupt with a laugh. “What it looks like?” I shove him. “Fuck you, Lennox.” I shove him again.

  “I think you already did, sweetheart,” Tilly interrupts while watching the show.

  I can’t take it anymore. Instead, I do what I have wanted to do for years. My right arm rears back, I clench my hand into a fist and watch as it soars into Tilly’s face. She screams, falling to the floor as she grabs her nose.

  Lennox takes a step back. It’s a good thing because he was next.

  “Was I a joke to you, Lennox?” I seethe, stomping closer. “You just wanted into my fucking pants, and all the while you knew you set me up!”

  He attempts to wrap his arms around me, but I swat them away. “Don’t touch me!”

  “Sydney, let me explain,” he begs.

  “No.” I stride past him, but he doesn’t take that for an answer. I can hear him following me as I tear down the stairs.

  “She threatened to cut me off,” he declares, running behind me. “I had no choice.”

  I swing around when I’m at the entrance to the kitchen. I realize some of the guys are probably in there, but I don’t give a shit about our audience. “I was cut off, Lennox, because of you! And then you fuck me? And for what? To add me as a notch on your belt?”

  “My mom didn’t know how I felt about you, Syd. You have to believe me.”

  My eyes widen in shock. How had I not known this before? “Your mother? Tilly is your mother?” It feels as if the rug has been pulled out from under me, and my head is swimming.

  “Yes,” he steps closer, reaching out to me. “If you just come back upstairs with me so we can talk in private…”

  Stretching up on my tippy toes so that I’m more on his level, I lean in real close and tell him through clenched teeth, “No. I don’t ever want to see you again. Expect me to move out as soon as I can.”

  I hear an “oh, shit” from the kitchen and don’t bother to look around as I throw open the front door. The sogginess and white from yesterday’s snow greet me, but it doesn’t stop me. However, before I can make it to the sidewalk, I feel a hand wrap around my upper arm.

  “Sydney, don’t go,” Lennox beseeches.

  I eye his hand where it is holding me hostage, and then glare up at him. “Let me go.”

  He shakes his head, his brow wrinkled, his lips turned down, and his eyes seem both guilty and sincere. “I can’t. I want to tell you everything. Let me tell you everything.”

  I almost give in and allow him to take me back inside, but I can’t. I need to be strong. He and his mother ruined my life.

  “You had your chance before you stuck your cock inside me.” I rip my arm away from him and run. Where am I going? I don’t know, but away from him is my only stipulation. I can hear him yelling my name, screaming at me to watch out, but it’s too late.

  I’m already in the street.

  I’m looking to my left.

  And I already know that I’m not going to be quick enough to move out of the way.

  One second, I’m standing, and the next, I’m hit by an apple-red sedan.

  Next, everything goes black.

  Chapter 7

  I’m annoyed at the constant beeping sound. I can’t open my eyes, but it smells like a hospital. The left side of my body hurts. I try to speak, and nothing comes out.

  “How long until you think she’ll wake up?” I can hear Lennox ask. I want him to leave, but for some reason, I can’t get the words out.

  “Soon. It usually doesn’t take this long,” an unfamiliar female voice tells him.

  The sounds of feet shuffling fade as someone, who I assume is the nurse, leaves.

  I can hear Lennox breathing beside me and feel the bed dip to my right as he grabs my arm and lays his head on top. “I’m so sorry, Sydney,” he whispers. “Please, wake up.”

  His pleas gut me, but before I can attempt to speak again, sleep takes me.

  An argument wakes me up the second time, at least, it’s the second time I can remember waking. From the sounds of it, it is Lennox and my father.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” my dad’s angry voice cuts through the beeping of the machines.

  “Mr. Snow, nothing I can say will make up for it,” Lennox informs him. “I swear my mother forced my hand.”

  My father scoffs, “You’re not your own man?”

  “You don’t understand,” Lennox responds. “My mother has controlled me for most of my life, but this has gone too far. I’m enamored with your daughter. I want to break free from my mother.”

  I can feel myself fading again, but I want to hear this. I don’t want to slip back into darkness just yet.

  “So, if you didn’t feel how you do for Sydney, you wouldn’t have stopped her from taking my money?” Dad pauses. “You’d still be doing your mother’s bidding?”

  It’s a long while before Lennox speaks again. “To be honest, I don’t know, Mr. Snow. But I can’t think of that now. All I want is to separate myself from my mother, beg Sydney for her forgiveness, and maybe start over with all of you. I wish to make things right.”

  Darkness takes over before I can hear my father’s retort.

  “I saw her eyes flutter,” Lennox says excitedly. “Does that mean she’ll wake up soon.”

  Someone tugs on my arm, and the same feminine voice from earlier replies, “She might. Just give it time. She was hit by a car and broke her ribs as well as hit her head pretty hard. We don’t want to rush anything.”

  Flashbacks of the accident come full-swing. I can see the car, but luckily, I don’t remember the pain. She said I broke my ribs, but right now, I can’t feel the extent of the injury. They must have me on some good medication.

  I hear her leave again, and Lennox’s breath blows close to my ear. “Please, wake up, Syd,” He pleads. “ I need to know that we are going to be ok.”

  When I don’t open my eyes, he continues to talk to me.

  “I remember the first time I saw you. It was freshman year at a party. You wore a blue crop top and ripped jeans. No one in the room could compare to you, and I was enthralled with you. I tried to approach you, but I believed we could never be together. Our parents were married, and not even your father knew about me.”

  So, she lied to my dad about that, too.

  “When I knew you had been kicked out, I asked Dex to invite you to stay with us. I wanted to take care of you, even though I knew I was the one who caused it. There is no apology big enough for what I did, or for what my mom made me do.”

  The room is silent except for the beeping of the monitor. It’s starting to grate my nerves.

  “I was trying to stay away all while fixing what I did.” I can hear the sadness in his voice. “I called my mom and told her I returned the money, moving it out of the account she started in your name. I also informed her I was going to tell your father everything. That’s why she was over. I guess I should have talked to you first, but I couldn’t fight my attraction to you. I wanted you. I needed you.
  The calluses on his fingers brush against my face, causing me to internally flinch. “Please wake up,” he whispers. The fresh mint smell from his breath revives me some more. “Please.”

  It’s then I feel the softness of his lips on mine. They convey so much emotion. Love. Guilt. Forgiveness. He continues, his lips moving to kiss my nose and my forehead.

  My eyes begin to flutter, trying to open, but I can barely make out his face. I only see blurred shadows.

  “Syd?” he asks. “Are you waking up?”

  I try to say yes, but a groan escapes instead. Lennox takes the opportunity to kiss me again like this is a fairy tale, and his magical touch will awaken me.

  I’d laugh if it wasn’t actually happening.

  Unconsciously, I begin to kiss him back, and when he pulls away, my eyes fully open.

  His disheveled appearance greets me. He is a complete mess with crazy hair and dark circles under his eyes, but the worst part is, the relieved expression on his face.

  “Sydney, you’re awake,” he mutters as if I didn’t know that myself. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  I say nothing and watch as he presses the button for the nurse.

  She rushes in to find me awake. “Well, Ms. Snow, I’m so glad to see those beautiful eyes.” She smiles. “I’ll call the doctor.”

  “Nurse,” I squeak out, my first words since the accident.

  She turns at the door. “Yes?”

  “Can you ask this man to leave?” My voice is hoarse and rough, my throat sore.

  Lennox’s face drops as he stares down at me. “Baby, please. I want to explain.”

  The nurse walks toward my bed, approaching Lennox’s side. “He’s been here the whole time, never leaving since you were admitted three days ago. Are you sure?”


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