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Finding You

Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

  Walking up to Alex, I put my hands on the top of her arms and smiled. “Alex. Stop worrying. We’ve got Noah.”

  Shaking her head, Alex said, “He doesn’t know shit about plants!”

  Pressing my lips together, I held back my laugh. “But he knows about business, and he is handling all the back office shit that neither one of us was wanting to do. All we have to focus on is helping people dig in the dirt and have fun while Noah runs the business side of things.”

  Alex looked down and I couldn’t help but notice the tears building in her eyes. Placing my finger on her chin, I pulled her eyes up to mine. “What’s really going on, Alex?”

  Seeing her chin tremble and tears roll down her face had my heart breaking for her. “I’m scared, Grace. What if I’m not a good mother? What if I can’t manage to be a mom and work? What if I can’t even birth this child?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I said, “Well that last one certainly threw me for a loop. Alex, women have been pushing out babies for years. I don’t think God is going to decide that you’re going to be the first woman to not be able to deliver a child.”

  Letting out a nervous chuckle, Alex shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. Oh gosh, I have no clue what I’m even saying. I’m just so afraid.”

  Taking Alex’s hand, I led her over to a small wooden bench Will’s father, Josh, made for the nursery. “Alex, have you talked to your mom? Or Heather, about how you’re feeling?”

  “God no, Grace! They are like super moms. If I tell them I’m scared, what will they think?”

  Cocking my head, I lifted a single brow and said, “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Did you really just say that? Alex, I would bet this whole place that both your mother and Heather, and hell my mother too, freaked the hell out before they had us. Do you remember Amanda telling us that when she was pregnant with Meagan she ate this really spicy food and she started having what she thought were contractions? She said she was so afraid to tell Brad because she thought she had thrown herself into early labor!”

  Alex laughed and nodded her head. “Yeah, turns out they were just Braxton Hicks contractions.”

  Taking Alex’s hand in mine, I giggled. “Yes! I would imagine every mother is nervous no matter if this is their first or the fifth time giving birth.”

  Alex worried her lip. “I know. It’s just I have this really weird feeling and I can’t shake it.”

  “Listen, why don’t you head on home and take it easy. I can take care of the little things that need to be done. Besides, I’ve got Noah and Luke here helping. Just go home, take a nice bath and relax, Alex.”

  Alex’s eyes lit up. “Oh a nice warm bath to soak in would feel so good about right now.”

  Standing up, I helped my very pregnant best friend up into a standing position. “Then go take one.”

  “Promise you’re okay with this?”

  Tilting my head and sighing, I gave her a stern look. “Alex, you were here handling everything when I was helping Noah. Please. I’ve got this.”

  “Okay, I think I’m going to do what you say. I’m feeling so tired for some reason.”

  Leading Alex out back through the building, I glanced over to see Noah sitting behind the computer. He was setting up all the financial stuff for the nursery. Smiling, I couldn’t help but notice how happy he looked.

  Alex grabbed her purse from the countertop and gave me the sweetest smile ever. “Thanks, Grace. I love you.”

  Giving Alex a hug, I whispered in her ear, “By the way, you look beautiful.”

  Alex pulled back and blushed has she brushed me off with her hand. “Oh stop!”

  Letting out a chortle, I said, “Want me to walk you to your car?”

  Alex shook her head, “Nah, I’ll call you later to see how everything went today.”

  “Sounds good. Love you.”

  Alex called out over her shoulder, “Love you back. Bye, Noah!”

  Turning to Noah, he looked up as he lifted his hand, “Later, Alex!”

  Letting out a deep sigh, I walked over to Noah as he pushed his chair back. “What’s going on? Is Alex okay?”

  Sitting on his lap, I wrapped my arms around Noah’s neck. I was so proud of Noah and how well he was doing with his recovery. I knew he missed his sister but knowing Emily was happy made Noah happy. “I think so. She’s started to get nervous about things, but I think she’ll be okay.”

  Noah’s hand rubbed on the inside of my thigh and my lower stomach instantly craved for more.

  “Is she nervous about the opening?” Noah asked as his lips moved ever so softly across my neck.

  “Um . . . I don’t . . . think . . . that’s . . . it,” I said as I exposed more of my neck to him.

  My body was on fire as Noah’s hand moved up and under my shirt. “What is she nervous about then?”

  My mind was spinning and I was silently begging Noah to take me right then and there. Never mind the fact that my father and Luke would be showing up any minute to help with the last bit of things to check off our list before we opened.

  “W-what are we talking about?” I panted out.

  Noah’s lips moved over to my ear where he gently bit down on my earlobe and then sucked on it before whispering, “Alex, you said she was nervous.”

  Can’t take much more.

  Moving quickly, I straddled Noah and grinded against his hard dick. The friction of his jeans against mine was adding fuel to the fire.

  “Noah,” I begged as I pushed harder against him. “Take me now, please.”

  Noah’s hands grabbed my ass as his mouth took mine in a frenzied kiss. “Your dad is on his way, baby. We can’t.”

  Pressing my hands against his chest, I pushed back and looked into his eyes. Those dreamy light-brown eyes of his. “Yes! Yes we can. Just be quick about it.”

  Noah threw his head back and laughed.

  “Noah, I’m being serious.”

  Looking back at me, Noah lifted me off the chair and stood up as he adjusted his dick. “I know you are. That’s what’s so funny, Grace. The last thing I’d ever want to happen is for your dad to walk in here while we were—”

  The front door to the nursery opened and my father and Luke walked in. “While you were what?” Daddy asked as he made his way over to us. I knew my face was still flushed from our little make-out session and I quickly tried to appear normal. Glancing over to Luke, he wore a huge smile and shook his head slightly as he spoke under his breath, “Been there done that.”

  Giving him an evil eye, I turned to my father. “Hey, there is so much to do. Let me grab the list and we can get to it.”

  My father looked at me and then turned to Noah. “Why are you breathing like that?”

  Noah’s eyes widened as he said, “Um . . . w-what? I mean, excuse me sir? Ah, breathing heavy?”

  Narrowing his eyes at Noah, Luke walked up and hit Noah on the back and said, “Dude, you just fucked up.”

  Taking a step closer to Noah, my father got his face so close to Noah’s I was almost positive I heard Noah whimper. “I didn’t say you were breathing hard. Why would you pick that word to describe your breathing?”

  Noah swallowed hard. “I um, I was just you know.” Noah looked at me and I shook my head.

  What was he doing? What. In. The. Hell. Was. He. Doing?

  “No, I don’t know. Enlighten me, Noah.”

  Pointing to me, Noah yelled out, “It was Grace’s fault. She started kissing me and then sat on my lap and started doing this thing . . . but I stopped her! I said you were um . . . on your way and we couldn’t!”

  Dropping my mouth open, I gave Noah an incredulous stare. Turning to look at Luke, I noticed he was sitting in the chair laughing his ass off.

  Jerking my head back toward Noah and my father, I walked up to them and pushed Daddy away as I turned to Noah. “My fault? Did you seriously just say it was my fault?”

  Leaning over and looking past me to my father, Noah said, “See. Sir, she can be demanding.”

/>   “Jesus H. Christ. You’re selling me out to my own father, you pansy ass!”

  Leaning closer to me, Noah said, “Baby, you don’t understand, I need him on my side. He knows people who know people.”

  Sucking in a breath, I stepped back and placed my hands on my hips as I glared at Noah. “Is that so?”

  Noah nodded his head and gave me a weak smile. Turning around, I gave my father a once over. He had a satisfied smirk on his face. “Oh, you . . . you just wipe that smile off your face, dear old Dad. Yes. I asked Noah for sex.”

  My father’s smile dropped as his eyes widened. “But don’t worry, Dad. That little stunt Noah just pulled guarantees no sex from me for a very long time.”

  “What?” my father and Noah both asked in stunned voices as Luke let out another round of roaring laughter. “Shit, this is the best thing I’ve seen in months!” Luke said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Looking between Noah and my father, I rolled my eyes and stomped off to the back office where I slammed the door and made my way over to my desk. Plopping on my desk chair, I let out a scream loud enough for the whole county of Mason to hear.

  Ugh. Men.


  Leaning back in the rocking chair, I took a drink from my bottle of water. I loved being out here in Mason. The fresh air cleared my head and the peacefulness calmed my nerves. There were still days I wanted to take a pill, but they were less and less. With Grace by my side each night, I was sleeping the best I had in years. The anxiety was still there, especially when I thought of my mother. Or the future I was planning with Grace. I never wanted to let her down.

  Glancing over to Jeff, I watched as he stared out over the countryside. “It’s beautiful here. I swear I could sit here for hours and be happy.”

  Jeff nodded his head and smiled. “There is not a place on Earth like the view off this back porch.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, we sat in silence another five minutes or so. “Are you going to ask me Noah, or not?”

  My throat constricted as I fought to find the words to speak. I rubbed the palms of my hands on my pant legs and pulled up the speech I’d been practicing in my mind.

  “Um . . . yes, sir.” Turning my body toward Grace’s father more, I gave him a weak smile as he stared blankly at me. Holy shit. He looked like he was ready to chew me up and spit me out.

  “The reason I asked to speak with you alone sir is because I’d like to ask for Grace’s hand in marriage. I love her very much and I’ll spend the rest of my life doing whatever I have to do to make sure she is happy.”

  Lifting his eyebrows, he stared into my eyes. I’d never been so unsure of myself in my entire life. Would he think I was good enough for her? Did he believe me when I said I would do anything to make her happy?

  “Marriage huh?”

  My eyes widened as I felt a panic attack starting to build. “Shit. I wasn’t planning on you saying that. It wasn’t part of my planned speech.”

  Narrowing his left eye at me, I closed my eyes. I can’t believe I just said that.

  “Noah, open your eyes for Christ’s sake.”

  Snapping my eyes open, I attempted to get spit into my bone-dry mouth. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud and well this is not how this is supposed to go.” Shaking my head, I let out a frustrated sigh.

  Jeff let out a laugh as he stood up. “Walk with me, Noah.”

  Doing as he said, I quickly jumped up and followed him toward the barn. Once we walked inside, I smiled as all the horses popped their heads out one by one to see who had walked in.

  “Tell me why you want to marry my daughter.”

  Oh this was easy.

  Grinning like a fool, I walked up to a bay horse and ran my hand along his neck. “Why do I want to marry Grace?” Letting out a small chuckle, I pictured all the crazy things Grace has done and said since I’ve met her. The time she tied me up to the bedpost at my apartment in College Station and left me there after she got pissed when I accidentally called her another girls name when I asked her what kind of pizza she wanted.

  Then there was the time she called me a cocksucking, dirty rotten, pussyfaced, bastard when I tickled her so much she peed her pants. I’d never known anyone to string curse words together like Grace.

  “I want to marry, Grace because I love her like I’ve never loved anyone in my life. She makes me laugh and sometimes she gets me so frustrated. Her smile—” Closing my eyes, I grinned from ear to ear before opening my eyes and looking at the beautiful horse in front of me. “Grace was there for me during the darkest time of my life. The love she has for me pulled me out and saved me.” Shaking my head, I let out another soft chuckle. “God her smile makes my stomach flip and my knees weak just as much as they did the first time she looked at me. If I was lucky enough to wake up every morning to her beautiful face, I’d count myself the luckiest bastard in the world. If I had to live without her, it would be like living with no air.

  Glancing away from the horse, I looked over to Jeff. He was sitting on a hay bale with a stunned look on his face. Finally, he frowned and said, “Did you fucking talk to Gunner before you talked to me?”

  Letting out a nervous chuckle, I said, “Um, no, sir, I didn’t speak with Gunner first.”

  Shaking his head, Jeff appeared to be deep in thought. Letting out a quick breath, he slapped his hands on his legs and stood up. “Damn boy, I gotta tell ya, that hit me right here.” Placing his hand over his heart, Jeff nodded. “Where in the hell were you when I asked Ari’s dad if I could marry her.”

  Tilting my head, I gave Jeff an amused look. “Not even thought of yet, sir.”

  “No, I guess you weren’t.” Jeff walked into the feed room and grabbed some oats and walked back out to give them to the horse I had been giving attention to.

  “This is Jack. Jack is probably the meanest motherfucking horse we have on the ranch and son you walked right up to him and started touching him. Now, I let you do it because two things could have happened. One, he’d have bitten the shit out of you, or two, he’d let you touch him. He’s only let two other people touch him that I know of.”

  Looking back at Jack, I smiled as he bopped his head up and down. “Who’s that?”

  Jeff gave Jack the oats and then gave him a good hard pat on the neck before he turned around and said, “Me and Grace.”

  Offering up a bemused smile, I said, “No kidding.”

  Jeff smiled and said, “No kidding. You can thank Jack for the answer you’re about to get.”

  My smile faded and was replaced by a look of confusion? “O-okay.”

  Placing his hand on my shoulder, Jeff gave it a slight squeeze. “Yes, you have mine and Ari’s blessings to ask Grace to marry you.”

  A feeling of relief washed over my body as I let out a sigh of relief. Reaching my hand out for Jeff’s, I said, “Thank you so much sir. I promise you, I’ll love her till the day I die.”

  Jeff’s eyes appeared to glass over as he looked away and said, “You’ll never love her like I love her. Never.”

  With that, Jeff started walking out of the barn. Jack started nickering as he bopped his head like he was also pleased with Jeff’s permission.

  Wait. Did he really base his decision on if the damn horse liked me or not? Quickly turning, I jogged out of the barn and up to Jeff.

  “Um, Mr. Johnson?”

  “Call me Jeff, Noah. You’re going to be my son-in-law. We can be on first names.”

  Agreeing with a quick nod, I asked, “Sir, did you really base your answer to me on whether or not Jack liked me?”

  Jeff stopped walking and looked me straight in the eye. Then he busted out laughing and headed into the house as I stood there not really knowing what to do.

  Looking all around, I glanced back and watched as Jeff disappeared into the house. “What in the fuck just happened?”

  Grace was standing at the kitchen sink helping her mother wash dishes while Jeff and I played a card game with Matt. It th
rew me every time Matt called me an assmole.

  “Noah, it’s your turn to go fish,” Matt said with a smile.

  Returning the smile, I said, “Wow! My turn already?”

  Matt rolled his eyes and laughed. “Noah, you’re an assmole.”

  Ari called over her shoulder and said, “Matt, you know that’s not a nice word.”

  Jeff cleared his throat and said, “Yeah, you also know that only Josh gets called assmole ‘cause he is one.”

  Matt chuckled and agreed with Jeff. “Yes. Josh is an assmole. But he made me a cabinet for my paintings. I love, Josh.”

  Oh gosh. Either I was truly turning into a pansy ass or I was falling hard for Matt. He may have been in his late thirties, but he still acted so young at heart. I knew it was from the Fragile X. His heart was so pure and good. He loved making people laugh too and he knew he did it by using the word assmole.

  “Matt, do you think you could paint me a picture?” I asked.

  Matt’s eyes lit up and he jumped up. “Yes, Noah. I can paint you a picture. What of?”

  Giving him a wink, I asked, “Can it be a secret?”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Grace turn and look at me. I could feel the love pouring off her body and I knew if I turned to look at her she would be smiling.

  “A secret? I’m good at keeping secrets. Ask Jeff. I keep lots of his secrets. Like the one of him backing Ari’s car into the fence post.”

  Ari spun around and said, “I knew it! I knew that wasn’t me who put that dent in the back of my car.”

  Jeff held up his hands as he laughed. Ari walked up to Jeff and snapped his leg with the dishtowel. “You dirty rotten, son-of-a-bitch, bastard, asshole!”

  “Assmole, Jeff!” Matt called out.

  “Yes! He is an assmole, Matt. The biggest one of them all. How could you make me think I did that, Jeff?”

  Tears were running down Jeff’s face as he held onto his stomach. I couldn’t help but laugh, especially with Matt now repeating what Ari had called him.


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