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Heart of Steel

Page 10

by Cathleen Cole

  “Lead the way.”

  I clenched my teeth and spun on my heel, heading for the back. Steel hadn’t been subtle whatsoever about checking me out so when I looked over at Janet her eyes were bugging out of her head. “I’ll be in a meeting. If any calls come in could you…?

  She waved a hand at me to keep moving. “Absolutely, Remi. I’ll take care of it.” She smiled. I glanced back one more time before we went down the hall. Steel’s back was to her and she held out two thumbs up. I stifled a groan.

  I entered the meeting room and waited for Steel to pass before I shut the door. Turning, I stared grimly at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to set up a commercial shipping account.” His voice was infuriatingly calm at a time when my heart was pounding against my rib cage, trying to break free. Seeing him standing in my shop was so unnerving. Not because I was scared of him. I’d taken a lot of time, over the last two weeks, to think about his role in what had happened the night of the party.

  He’d done everything he could to get me to safety and then make me comfortable until it was safe to go home. Not that I was under any illusion that he wasn’t a dangerous man. I just didn’t think he was dangerous to me. At least, not that night and not right now.

  Blowing out a breath I motioned for him to take a seat at the table. I settled in next to him and spread out the papers I’d need to fill out. Later I’d be putting them into the computer system. It drove me nuts to have to take the time to duplicate the work when I could just use the laptop I kept in here and get it done in one go. But both dad and Uncle Caleb hated computers. There hadn’t even been a computer system until I’d started taking over.

  Uncle Caleb still refused to learn how to use the program so Janet, Anna, Julie, or I entered his orders. He always complained and said the paper system had been working fine for years. Eventually, I’d be getting rid of that paper system completely.

  I looked up and my mouth dried as I found him quietly staring at me. Why did he have to do everything with such intensity? It always threw me off my game instantly.

  “To set up a commercial account, I’ll need an employer identification number for your business.” I folded my hands in front of me. This was a test to see if he was seriously interested in working with me or if he’d just come here to see me. I shoved back the insecurity that flared at my assumption that he’d taken the time out of his day to come here specifically for me.

  Steel rattled off the number and I quickly picked up a pen to fill out the form. Alright, I conceded. He’d really come here for business. My stomach settled a little. Business, I could do. I carefully guided him through the process, making sure I didn’t miss anything that would make it hard for my guys to complete the shipment.

  “Just a few more things. What is it you’re shipping?” I didn’t look up from the paper because I was still filling out the answer to the previous question.

  “Various vehicle parts and frames.”

  I nodded, filling out the new line. “Where will we be picking them up from?”

  “The garage address.”

  I flicked my eyes up and then back down as I copied the address that I’d already printed at the top of the page. Once I’d finished, I set my pen down. “You’re set to have your merchandise picked up by nine a.m. tomorrow and it’s guaranteed to make it to your ending destination by the following day at or before three p.m.”

  I pursed my lips, trying to think of anything I’d forgotten. I’d gotten all the information, accepted the payment, and reiterated the guarantee. I was really starting to get the hang of this, and it almost felt second nature. I slid a paper over to him and held out a pen. “Sign here, please.”

  Steel had been leaned back in his chair, legs sprawled out, arms crossed behind his head as he watched me. Now he leaned forward, and his fingers brushed mine as he took the pen, sending a pleasant jolt through me. I tried not to suck in a breath and alert him to my reaction at the feel of his skin touching mine. Not once had I ever felt like this with any of my boyfriends from the past.

  Once he’d signed, I stood, prompting him to follow me. “That’s it. This was the hard part. Next time you need a shipment, you can either call or set it up online through our website.” I smiled at him as I began to open the door of the meeting room. I was mentally congratulating myself on remaining professional and composed. It hadn’t been easy. I wasn’t used to the way he affected me. The loss of control over my body was irritating.

  “So business is over?”

  I frowned at the odd phrasing. “Yes, I have everything I need. You are free to go.” I said the last line teasingly but felt lame as soon as the words left my mouth.

  “Good, that means we can discuss the other thing.”


  I couldn’t finish my question because he’d pinned me against the door and his tongue was already sliding smoothly against mine.

  “Mmmppphhmm.” I tried to shove at his chest, but he just caught my wrists and jerked them up over my head. He was well aware that I wanted him. The way he handled me threatened to have my resistance melt. He held me immobile between him and the door, and his mouth was wreaking havoc on my senses.

  I couldn’t start anything with this intimidating, sexy biker. My life was a constant shit sandwich right now. Not to mention Uncle Caleb would have an aneurysm if he found out. But my body seemed to forget that any time he came near me. My brain usually wasn’t far behind in forgetting. My eyes fluttered closed, and I gave in to temptation. The inner voice whispered that it was a bad idea to encourage him if I wasn’t planning on having it go anywhere.

  We’re both adults, I told the inner voice. A few kisses weren’t a commitment to anything. If they were, Bridget would have a whole harem.

  Work and school had kept me running, but each time Steel had shown up over the last few weeks I’d been impulsive and dropped what I was doing to either go with him or to sit and talk. He had me on edge, wondering where he was going to show up next. After each time, I’d reprimanded myself and promised I would avoid him from that point on. His phone call was the only thing I’d managed to keep that promise with. When he was standing in front of me, he was too hard to resist.

  I pulled at his grip on my hands and his kisses paused before he released them. He hadn’t taken his lips off mine, but he was only brushing light kisses, gentle flicks of his tongue against my lips, as he waited to see what I would do. I brought both of my hands down to his chest. The heat of his skin through his t-shirt would have burnt if I wasn’t already on fire. I slid my hands over his chest, under his cut, then down his sides, feeling all the ridges of muscles along the way. The sound he made was somewhere between a growl and a purr. I let my hands stop just above his hips. When I didn’t try to move away, he attacked my mouth with a new intensity. Despite the warning sounding in my head, I joined in.

  I’d ignored his call the other day. I knew that meant he would just show up somewhere unexpected, but he was doing that anyway. I wasn’t trying to string him along. I hadn’t contacted him or sought him out. But I also hadn’t insisted he leave me alone. The night of the party was supposed to be a one time, unplanned, totally spontaneous make-out session. He’d ruined that by randomly popping up.

  I still couldn’t figure out how he knew where I was at any given time. It was making me a little paranoid. Bridget had adamantly insisted she hadn’t told him or Gunnar anything when I’d asked her. I knew Bridget and Gunnar had been hanging out, but I didn’t think she’d ever tell them anything about my schedule. If she had, she wouldn’t lie to me about it once I’d confronted her. No, he was getting his information from somewhere else. Once again, the thought that he would make an excellent cop flitted through my head.

  Despite the thrill, I got every time I saw him, I just couldn’t figure out how I was going to fit anything else into my life at this point. Also, how would he and I work? I was a responsible, hardworking, rule follower. Honestly, I didn’t know exactly what he w
as. That voice was back telling me that’s because I hadn’t given him a chance to show me. I couldn’t tell whose side my conscience was on.

  Then there was the whole criminal thing. The thoughts exploded in my head when his lips dropped to my neck and I felt his tongue lap the side of my neck before gently sucking. His beard was scraping my sensitive skin, adding to the feelings his lips and tongue were creating, heightening my pleasure.

  Holy shit. My head dropped back against the door, eyes closed, and my pussy throbbed to the same rhythm in which he sucked on my neck.

  “Open your eyes Remi.” They fluttered open at his husky demand. I met his darkened grey gaze. “I want you to remember who’s making you feel this way.” He dipped his head and his breath feathered over my ear. “Then maybe next time you’ll return my call. Maybe I won’t have to find you at work. I won’t have to get you alone in a meeting room. I won’t need to mark you so anyone who sees you knows you’re mine.” His words penetrated my lust hazed mind. I frowned. “Yours?” He reared back his head, and we locked gazes. “Mine.” He growled it before his lips crashed down on mine.

  A knock on the door penetrated my lust-filled thoughts and made me jump, simultaneously. “Sorry, Remi.” Janet’s voice came through the door. “I just need to know where Mr. Felix’s paperwork is?”

  “Just a sec and I’ll give them to you.” Steel had paused with his lips on mine when Janet had knocked. He’d moved his head back to the side of my neck so he could rub his lips over the soft skin where my neck and ear met. I didn’t know how I managed to speak without stuttering. I lightly pushed back on him and he reluctantly let me go, stepping back, but only a few steps.

  I jerked my head, indicating I wanted him to move back further into the room. His eyebrows shot up and he just slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Otherwise, he didn’t move. I huffed in aggravation but hurried to the table and rifled through the documents there. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found them quickly. I headed to the door and opened it. “Here you go, Janet.” I smiled and handed her the paperwork.

  Janet frowned, and her eyes dropped down to the side of my neck. The side of my neck that Steel had just been sucking on. I felt a flush creep into my face as I remembered the words that he’d said. “Marked me.” They hadn’t penetrated at the time.

  Not much did when his hands were on me, I thought wryly.

  Her gaze slid over my shoulder to him, but she didn’t say anything. Janet murmured ‘thanks’ and scurried back to the front. I shut the door and turned to face him, slapping a hand to the offending area. “Please, tell me you didn’t give me a hickey?” The victory in the amused look on his face told me he had. I groaned. “What the hell, Steel? How am I going to hide that?”

  Steel shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t care if you don’t.” I glowered at him, but everything I wanted to say died in my throat when I heard Uncle Caleb’s voice coming down the hallway. My eyes widened and Steel just went along in amusement as I quickly shoved him out of the room, through the building, and out into the parking lot quickly as I could, before my uncle could see that he was still here.

  Outside, I watched as he straddled his bike. He was as graceful as a big cat. Images of tigers stalking prey in tall grass flashed through my mind until his voice broke through my thoughts. “It’s rude not to call people back, Remi.”

  Here was this biker, who I was almost one hundred percent sure was a criminal, lecturing me on social etiquette. It was absurd. But he wasn’t wrong, I thought guiltily.

  “Don’t make me have to come find you again.” Heat spiked through me and I watched as he drove off. I glanced back at the warehouses and grimaced when I saw one of the guys who worked in the loading dock slowly walking toward the building. He was rubbernecking it and had been watching Steel and me.

  I waved a greeting at him and he called out a hello before booking it inside. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my pants and opened a group chat with my housemates.

  Remi: SOS, house meeting needed ASAP.

  The responding texts from my friends flooded in as I walked back into Mackenzie’s.

  Chapter 22


  I dropped the bags of chips onto the coffee table next to the cans of soda and the rest of the junk food. House rule: she who calls the meeting, provides the snacks. I pulled the large whiteboard and easel over to sit in front of the TV. Ming had insisted we use it for our meetings. After the initial groaning, we had all conceded that it was a good idea.

  We had house meetings for all types of reasons. Actual issues in the house were the most common. Man trouble was the second biggest reason. With five young women living together, it didn’t take long for someone’s drama to appear. It was nice to have Ming and Julie’s organization and my good girl ways to balance out the wild natures of Bridget and Anna.

  Unfortunately, Ming texted and said she was on rounds at the hospital, so I’d have to fill her in later on the meeting. I was disappointed but understood. She basically lived at the hospital right now, only coming home to occasionally sleep. Getting out to our classes with Sergio was the only time we were able to see her.

  The door flew open, and my three roommates piled in, chattering. I’d managed to get out of Mackenzie’s not long after Steel left, citing homework as the reason for leaving. Thank God Uncle Caleb had been distracted. Otherwise, he would have noticed that I’d kept a hand to the side of my neck anytime we spoke. That fact hadn’t escaped Janet’s keen eye. Luckily, she hadn’t mentioned it and I just prayed she didn’t say anything to my uncle.

  “We’re dying, Rem! What’s with the meeting?!” Bridget flopped down in a chair, her eyes blazing with curiosity. The other girls followed suit, sitting on the couches and chairs, eager to participate. I recounted what had happened at Mackenzie’s and they all looked stunned. Both Julie and Anna had met Steel at one point or another over the last few weeks. Ming was the only one who had yet to meet him. They were as stunned as Bridget and me that he’d somehow figured out my schedule and was showing up wherever I was.

  “He said I was his.” I shook my head in confusion. “I don’t even know what that means.”

  Bridget gave me a patronizing look. “Exactly what he said. He considers you his already. Obviously, since he’s been showing up all over, he’s trying to pursue you.”

  I gave her an irritated look. “I know what he meant. What I don’t get is, why? We don’t even really know each other.” Sure, that was because I hadn’t really given him a chance to know me, but that was beside the point.

  Anna shrugged and chugged from a soda can before speaking. “Some guys are like that, Rem. It’s like they still live in the stone ages. It’s kind of sexy.” She smiled wickedly.

  “But is it, really?” I asked. “I don’t know if I want a guy who is that intense and possessive. Plus, all the other reasons we’ve gone over about why it’s a terrible idea for me and him to spend any time together.”

  “Are you worried about the fact that you want to throw him down and fuck him? Or the fact that your uncle would flip his ever-loving shit if he found out?” Bridget asked. The twist of her lips gave away her amusement for my predicament.

  “Yes.” I sighed, indicating that both were accurate and worrisome. The first thing she mentioned kept making me forget why I should be running in the opposite direction from Steel.

  Julie clapped her hands, drawing our attention. “You know what this needs?” She took our curious looks as confirmation to continue. “A pros and cons list.” She grinned, happily. Her dark brown eyes were sparkling. There was nothing that made Julie happier than a good list. We all groaned.

  Julie mapped out almost every decision in her life with the damn things. “You can’t pro and con sexual attraction, Julie,” Bridget said, horror etched in her face.

  Julie thinned her lips primly. “Yes, you can. I’ve done it many times.” Anna snickered and made some comment about Julie scheduling blow jobs. Julie flipped her off but stood up a
nd picked up a marker. She made the headers on the whiteboard.

  “Okay, let’s start with pros. That should be easy. One, he’s sexy.” Julie wrote that down under the pro side of the board.

  Anna nodded and piped in, tapping a finger on her full bottom lip. “He’s possessive.” She fanned herself as though the idea were going to make her burst into flames.

  “Wait a minute, isn’t that a con?” I asked her.

  She looked at me as though I’d lost my mind. “You’re telling me you don’t find it hot as fuck when your guy is protective of you?”

  Well sure, it was. “I don’t think protective and possessive are the same thing,” I said sarcastically.

  “They absolutely are,” Bridget argued. She shot me a heated look.

  Julie shushed us and wrote the word on both sides of the board, effectively ending the debate. “What else?”

  “Oh! He’s not after you for your money.” Bridget said smugly. We’d all had too many encounters with gold diggers of the male variety. All of our families were fairly wealthy. It was another reason we’d all banded together. Everyone who found out we had money usually just assumed we were a bunch of stuck-up snobs.

  I looked at Bridget curiously. “How do you know that?”

  She gave a dramatic sigh as if it was all so romantic. “Gunnar never lets me pay for a thing when we go out.” They’d had two dates since the party. I wasn’t sure if that gave her the authority to mark gold digger off the checklist yet, but they tended to make themselves known pretty quickly, so I trusted her. I was happy for her, if not a little worried that she was in a similar situation since both of the men were equally dangerous. Bridget, of course, wasn’t worried in the slightest.

  “It’s a point of pride for all those guys. They won’t let their women, or even just a date, pay. Plus, Gunnar mentioned that Steel and his brother own a business.” My brows shot up. That surprised me. He’d come in to do the shipping for a garage, but I’d just assumed he was a manager. Although, I wondered if the mechanic shop he’d given me the information for was his, and he wasn’t just an employee.


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