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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

Page 9

by Lisa Oliver

  As if sensing his discomfort, Lucifer’s pressure on his dick increased, his wicked tongue swirling around Stefan’s cockhead, sending tingles right through his body. Caught, Stefan could feel his legs ready to give out, but there was nothing he could do. With a mouth on his cock and a finger up his ass, he rested his hands on Lucifer’s shoulders, doing his best to stop the wobble in his knees.

  Lucifer pulled off his cock with a pop. “You deserve a bed,” he said hoarsely, “but all I can offer is my lap.” Punching down the armrests on his seat, Lucifer tugged him closer and Stefan found himself straddling broad thighs. “I can’t wait a second longer. Our magic will protect you.”

  Stefan wasn’t sure what his mate meant until he felt himself lifted and pulled even closer, a thick rounded lump probing at his ass. It’ll never fit! Stefan squashed his momentary panic. The Fates knew what they were doing, and they’d crafted him with Lucifer in mind. Which meant… Closing his eyes, Stefan hung on to all he could reach – Lucifer’s shoulders – tears appearing at the corner of his eyes, not from any pain, but from the sheer pressure of being penetrated. Whatever magic Lucifer had used, it’d taken care of the lube side of things at least.

  “Breathe, babe,” Lucifer rasped in his ear. “Breathe and push out.”

  I knew that. But learning about sex from a book, and actually doing it were two different things. Jordan had fucked him ruthlessly and often over three days, but Stefan had never felt it, pushed under Jordan’s spell from his first, and at the time, only kiss. Everything with Lucifer was different. The heat between them, the way their magic ebbed and flowed between them, and through it all, the consistent pressure from a member that felt enormous.

  My mind’s playing tricks on me. I should have looked, Stefan thought, as he bit his lip. He’s not an elephant… it can’t be that… oh my gods, maybe it is.

  “Shush, precious. You’re doing great.” Lucifer’s lips were back, and Stefan surrendered into the kiss, determined to block out everything except the passion that flowed between them.


  Never had Lucifer been so thankful he was a magical being. He knew his inexperienced mate would be nervous, and there was no way he was going to think of the reason why that was, when his dick was half enclosed in Stefan’s incredible tightness. But as their magic sparked and bubbled up, he could sense his mate’s turmoil, and felt it when Stefan was about to hyperventilate. What better way to prevent that happening than to share their breath along with everything else.

  Lucifer would never admit it but making love to Stefan was a first for him too. Not in the put tab A into slot B type scenario – he’d done that more often than he could count with a variety of slots. But for the first time ever, he could feel everything from the slight tremors in Stefan’s body, through to the overwhelming tightness surrounding his cock. Stefan’s tiny moans, his whimpers – they resonated with something primal in Lucifer and he knew as his dick made that last push in, he would never let Stefan go. He’d protect the man and see to his happiness for as long as they graced the earth. Step one was claiming his mate fully.

  Sliding his hands around Stefan’s hips, Lucifer encouraged his affection-starved mate to move. Gently at first, Lucifer was well aware he’d given his mate a lot to handle. But like everything else Stefan had thrown at him so far, he handled it like a champ. It wasn’t long before they found their rhythm, and with their magic singing between them, the two men gave into their animal instincts, Lucifer thrusting up as hard as he dared.

  With his head thrown back, his face flushed and the symbols over his skin pulsing, Stefan looked like a wild angel – debauched with a slice of innocence. Lucifer felt there was almost something wrong with the way he was using his mate’s body – he would never be mistaken for an angel, more like the opposite – but Stefan wanted him. It was evident in the man’s cries, the bob of his red-tipped cock, and the way he pushed on Lucifer’s shoulders to leverage himself up and down.

  Up and down.

  Up and down.

  It couldn’t last. Nothing that perfect ever did. Lucifer’s lower belly felt heavy and heated, his balls were tensing – ready for what was to come. He tuned into the connection he had with his mate – the magical one that let him know Stefan’s frantic movements were because he was close… so close…

  Damn. Wrapping his hand around Stefan’s dick, it took one slide upwards and a stream of warm spunk hit Lucifer’s belly. In the time it took for that musky smell to hit Lucifer’s nostrils, his balls let loose. Reaching for his magic, Lucifer slapped his hand over Stefan’s heaving heart. “Yours forever more.”

  There was the slightest hesitation and then Stefan’s hand covered Lucifer’s heart. “Yours forever more,” Stefan panted.

  Their magic rejoiced. There was no other word for it. As Lucifer held his mate close to his chest, their combined powers swirled around them like a maelstrom, streaked with light, stars, and sparkles. It might have been five minutes, ten, Lucifer didn’t have a clue. But when the magic finally settled back into their skin, Lucifer was left with a powerful sense of ‘all was right with the world’. He felt stronger, more aware of everything, especially the man on his lap.

  “You okay?” He asked softly, brushing Stefan’s hair out of his face.

  Stefan nodded slowly; his cheek still pressed against Lucifer’s chest. “That was quite a magic show we put on there,” he said shakily. “Do you think anyone noticed?”

  Lucifer was just about to explain how his pilots were the soul of discretion when a cautious voice could be heard from the speakers. “Excuse me, Mr. Fireborn. We’ve had a bit of problem with our instruments, but they seem to have righted themselves now. I do hope everything is all secure back there, as we’ll be landing in fifteen minutes.”

  Lucifer shrugged, a chuckle rumbling from his chest. “Maybe they did notice something. But I will never be ashamed of claiming you, Stefan de Marco. I will still be holding you tight when our bodies turn to dust.”

  “That is not something I want to think about right now.” But Stefan laughed too, showing he was teasing, and Lucifer settled back in his chair, determined to enjoy another five minutes with his mate in his arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Lucy, you made it.” Darwin was out of the car before they’d even gone down the plane steps, hurrying to his brother’s side, as soon as they hit the ground. Stefan tried to hang back, not wanting to get in the way of the brothers greeting, but Lucifer held him firmly under his arm, so there was no escape. Raising his arm, Stefan let Garrick go and stretch his wings, grateful his familiar seemed to accept his new mated status, at least. But what would Darwin say?

  Stefan didn’t have long to wait to find out. “What’s all this, hanging over your anchor as if you’re afraid he’ll disappear?” Darwin teased. “Come on. Admit it, Lucy. You go on your first case and I’ll bet you were a grouch, rude and unbearable to be with, and now Stefan wants to be released from his contract.”

  “I haven’t signed one yet,” Stefan muttered, but Lucifer’s voice was a lot louder.

  “Stefan and I are mates. We’re claimed. What are you doing out of the house? I told you to…”

  “Woah, woah, woah.” Darwin’s mouth dropped open. “Mates? Like as in fated, or have you decided to use your considerable sexual charm to tie one of the best anchors to your own selfish self, just so you don’t have to train a new one?”

  “When I said I could behave professionally, I meant it.” Stefan gathered the edges of his coat together. Greenford was a lot chillier than Egypt and any of the warmth he felt from his sex with Lucifer was dissipating fast. “If you didn’t think I was good enough for your brother, as is evidenced by that absolutely rude comment, you should never have introduced us.” With a twist of his shoulder, he got out from under Lucifer’s arm and stalked off in the direction he saw Garrick flying.

  I told my story to Darwin and his freaking mate. How could he think… how could he even suggest…? Feeling as thou
gh his feathers were ruffled, Stefan scanned the sky. It was midday, the lukewarm sun was overhead, and there were storm clouds on the horizon. Garrick was a small dot in the air, but Stefan knew he wouldn’t go too far. Oh, I wish I was you right now.

  “Stefan, Stefan. I’m sorry.” Darwin came running up beside him. “I honestly didn’t mean anything hurtful by what I said. It’s just Lucy… well, he’s Lucy. He can get anyone he wants just by winking in their direction. I know you said you weren’t the type to fall at his feet, but don’t you think this is all rather sudden?”

  Steeling himself, Stefan turned. To his credit, Darwin did look upset, but that was probably because Stefan could see Lucifer glaring from over Darwin’s shoulder. “Sudden. Yes, I suppose you could say it is. But when you met Monty, wouldn’t you have claimed him on the spot if it hadn’t been for your position as Lucifer’s anchor?”

  “Well, yes, I suppose I would. But then I didn’t have a background like yours…”

  “Oh, I see.” Stefan glared. “So, a homeless anchor without two cents to rub together was fine to anchor for your precious brother, but not the sort to be welcomed into the family.” Stefan wasn’t even sure why he was angry; he just knew the feelings were growing fast.

  “And what would you suggest I do, when your brother was having the magic sucked out of him by a being in the sand we couldn’t even see? Should I have thought of you, and the fact we’d only known we were mates for roughly a day, and decide it was too soon to tie us together for life? You think I should have just let him DIE?”

  “Die?” Darwin looked between Stefan and Lucifer; shock written all over his face.

  “Yes, die,” Stefan spat. “I didn’t know what else to do. I said the words and claimed your brother when his life was being sucked out of him, but he didn’t have to say them back. But maybe, just maybe, he said the words because being claimed by a loser like me was a slightly better alternative than losing his life.”

  Now, Stefan felt like crying, because when it was all said and done, Lucifer still hadn’t talked to him… Darwin was looking like he wished they’d never met… He heard a sharp crack and looked up, just in time to see a black dot tumbling to the ground.

  “GARRICK!” Stefan sprinted as fast as he could, but he already knew he wouldn’t get to his precious familiar in time. Holding out one hand, he called on his magic, sending light streaming in the bird’s direction as he ran. Please don’t be dead. Please…

  “Stefan, stay back!”

  Stefan could hear Lucifer’s roar, but he wasn’t giving up on his familiar. He could still be alive… he could…

  His body arched as he slammed into something he couldn’t see. His body twisted in the air, wracked by power assaulting him from every side. He had just enough time to catch the prone form of his limp raven as he felt his molecular structure dissolve, and someone translocated him.


  “Where’s Monty?” Lucifer tore his eyes from where he’d seen Stefan disappear and grabbed his brother by the shoulder. Then he shook him for good measure. “Where is he? Tell me he’s in the car.”

  “No. No.” Darwin shook his head, looking as shocked as Lucifer felt. “He said… he’s back at the house. He knew I would want to greet you as soon as you arrived, and he thought his being here would put your back up again, like always. But Stefan… Stefan…”

  “Stefan is my fated mate. He and I are claimed in every way.” Lucifer’s tone was harsh. “You insulted him, demeaned me. The least you can do now is get your damn mate on the phone and find out where Stefan has been taken.”

  “He can’t do anything until I’m there to anchor him.” Darwin looked up; his face etched in grief. “Oh, my gods, Lucy. If you’ve claimed an anchor you can’t use your magic at all, now he’s gone. I’m so sorry.”

  “Sorry? I don’t need you to be sorry. I need to get my mate back.” Lucifer strode off towards the car. There was no point searching the area where Stefan was taken. Whoever had shot the familiar, thereby setting the trap for Stefan, was sneaky and clever. Besides, the waft of sulfur in the air told Lucifer all he needed to know.

  “But claimed him, really?” Darwin was running to keep up with him. “Lucy, you’ve got to admit this was damn quick. You never said a word on the phone…”

  Pulling open the driver’s door, Lucifer swung around, furious at his brother. “Since when did I need to consult you about this? Did you say anything to me every time you went sneaking off to meet Monty behind my back?”

  “I had to sneak.” Darwin’s face was flushed as he got into the passenger side of the car. “You didn’t give me any choice in that – always keeping me too busy to get to know the man I knew was mine.”

  “And that was why you were snarky with Stefan today, isn’t it? Because I wasn’t supportive of you being with Monty.” Folding himself into the car, Lucifer barely waited for Darwin to get his door closed before gunning the engine. Peeling out of the airplane parking lot, he got them on the road, his foot pressed flat to the floor. “I admit it. I was selfish when it came to you.”

  Swerving around another car, Lucifer kept going, willing the car to go faster. “I was selfish, and I didn’t want things to change. You were right about that. But flaunting my sexual history in front of my mate, after I told you we’d claimed each other… what were you thinking?”

  “I was worried about Stefan if you must know.” Darwin hung onto the passenger door as Lucifer slid the car around a corner. “I thought you’d overwhelmed him, overpowered him. How was I to know he only claimed you to save your life?”

  “Our claiming was inevitable from the moment we first saw each other.” Swinging the steering wheel hard, Lucifer overtook another car. “He might have claimed me to save my life, but you’ve got no idea what we’ve been through this past three days. He cares about me – he’s shown it in a dozen ways. If he didn’t care then he wouldn’t have let me…” Biting his lip, Lucifer cursed as he overtook yet another vehicle. The picture of Stefan the moment he climaxed was still front and center in his brain. Christ in heaven, does everyone have to drive like an eighty-year-old today?

  “He might be a caring person and I’m not doubting that at all. But do you care about him?” Darwin said quietly. “Lucy, you’ve never given a damn about a living soul except your family before now, and even with half of them it’s debatable. You haven’t talked to Patsy in two years and Mom and Dad haven’t heard from you since Christmas. If you accepted the claim, like Stefan suggested, just to save your life, which I’m forever thankful for you know, then maybe Monty could speak to someone on the council and get your mating bond broken.”

  Lucifer gripped the steering wheel so tight he heard it crack, focusing his eyes on the road in front of them. “Did I ever suggest that option to you?”

  “Well, no, but why would you? Monty and I are different. We took the time to get to know each other, discussed our life dreams, made plans, and really thought about what we were getting into before we decided to make a solid commitment with each other.”

  “You’d have claimed him that first night if you weren’t torn between your desire for him and your need to anchor for your older brother.” Turning the car sharply, Lucifer pulled into the driveway of his house. Parking out front, he almost snapped the key in the ignition, twisting it to turn off the engine.

  “Stefan is one of a kind – he’s special,” he enunciated slowly, turning in his seat to face his brother. “He has empathy for everyone. Did you know, he tried to fight me in an alley in fucking Cairo, because he wanted to sit with Brutus’s body, and I wanted him out of harm’s way? When he did a reading of the last crime scene, he hung in there, even when the images must have been horrific. Damn it, his palms were bleeding from where he’d dug his fingernails into them. Instead of running when I was shot, he scared off our attackers, got me to safety, patched me up and watched over me, taking pains to let me know the moment I was awake that he hadn’t been drooling over me, because he thought I
wouldn’t like that. We might have only had three days together, but we’ve lived a dozen lifetimes in those three days and if you think for one second, I am going to let a treasure like that walk away from me… you must think I’m stupid.”

  “Brutus is dead? You got shot at?” Darwin scrambled after Lucifer who was already out of the car and storming up to the house. “Lucy, what the hell has been going on? Lucy, talk to me.”

  Pausing on the steps, Lucifer turned, holding up a finger. “You know, that’s all Stefan wanted me to do too. Talk. And I didn’t, and I really wish I had, because I know damn well he’s been taken by Technic. What I want to know, is how the hell did Technic know when the plane was coming in? How the hell did he even know we’d be there?”

  “At the airport?” Monty came out of the house, wearing his customary smug expression. “Heavens, the whole town knows. It’s not like your comings and goings are a state secret and your actions keep the paparazzi away from hardworking souls like myself. You should be thankful. I know how you love the attention. I must have told a dozen people, making calls, getting work done while your brother was waiting for you. People do make polite conversation, you know, and everyone I spoke to today wanted to know where my lovely mate Darwin was. Why wouldn’t I tell them?”

  “You fucking bastard!” Smacking his fist into Monty’s jaw wasn’t half as satisfying as Lucifer thought it would be. But the scream and the way Monty fell to the ground like a stone, was marginally pleasant. If it wasn’t for Stefan having been taken, Monty’s reaction to what was basically a love-tap would have been funny.

  Chapter Seventeen

  There was barely any light where Stefan had landed. There was no furniture, no walls, no nothing really. Nothing except a hole in a rock that Stefan could reach the sides of if he held out his arms. Which he didn’t do, because his hands were busy stroking over the lifeless feathers of his best friend.


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