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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

Page 10

by Lisa Oliver

  There were some things familiars couldn’t protect themselves from, and a bullet to the chest was one of them. Silent tears poured down Stefan’s face, dripping onto the silky feathers below. Images ran like a slide show through his mind – meeting the familiar for the first time and how Garrick had pecked at his fingers hard enough to draw blood – The crushing sadness Stefan felt when Gaston died and how he’d worried about what would happen to Garrick then. No one could ever assume to own a familiar, and Stefan knew how loyal Garrick was to Gaston. But he needn’t have worried. As soon as Stefan had packed his bag once Gaston’s house had been sold by his family, Garrick landed on his shoulder, and had been a fixture ever since.

  “I am so sorry.” Stefan couldn’t stop crying. “You didn’t deserve this. You… you’ve been the most faithful familiar, my only true friend and now…” Sobs wracked his body as the events of the last week overwhelmed him. There was so much he should be doing – burying Garrick, using his magic to try and get back to Lucifer, but Stefan was too emotional, too distraught.

  In a way, he thought the hole he was in was fitting. That’s what Stefan’s mind felt like – one big black hole with no escape. Life had been so hard for Stefan since Gaston had died. Landing in hospital was bad enough and Stefan had long made his peace with his part in that. Since then, he’d tried to be careful, leaving an anchor position the moment things became uncomfortable, but there were so many nights when Stefan had curled up in his tent, with only Garrick for company, when he’d longed for a home to call his own.

  There was no chance of that now. Stefan might have trusted Lucifer with his body, and that was a huge step forward for him. But the man didn’t talk to him, there was no discussions about where they would live or what they would do past the case Lucifer was pursuing. Knowing that the criminal in this case was someone Lucifer had been intimate with just made Stefan cry all the harder.

  “I might as well be dead,” he sobbed. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this without you my dearest friend.”

  “Now, now, is that anyway to feel after being newly claimed?” A soft familiar voice came out of the gloom. “I know I didn’t teach you to be a quitter.”

  Stefan raised his head in shock. “Gaston?” And it was. The image was translucent but there was no mistaking the way Gaston’s hat always sat at a jaunty angle, and Garrick was there, just as see-through, sitting on his shoulder, happily pecking at Gaston’s ear. “How… I… how did you come to be here?”

  “I came for Garrick,” the older man said simply, petting his ghostly raven. “Garrick chose me almost before he could fly, and there’s no way I’d let him wander into the underworld without me. I knew you’d be close when he died, and I’d hoped I would have a chance to speak to you again too, but I didn’t expect this.”

  “This sums up my life,” Stefan said bitterly, waving his hand at the rock walls. “I’ve tried, Gaston, I truly have, but the world’s not a place for people like me. I don’t know how much longer I can go on.”

  “Even after claiming the great Lucifer Fireborn?” Gaston’s voice held the teasing note Stefan remembered. “Word among the dead is he’s quite a catch.”

  “I’m sure he is a catch.” Stefan’s breath hiccupped. “I knew we were fated, and I couldn’t let him die. I claimed him to save his life and mine, but after…” Stefan shook his head. “He wouldn’t even talk to me about the case.”

  “A mistake he’s now regretting. Look at me, young grasshopper.” Stefan couldn’t refuse, his heart melting at Gaston’s nickname for him, based on their shared love of a certain movie. His first mentor’s eyes were as warm as he remembered them. “You and Lucifer have a long life ahead of you – one mired with crimes and pain yes, but intense love and passion too. Do you really want to give up the chance to experience all your future life has to offer?”

  Torn, Stefan stroked over the feathers on his lap. “Without Garrick…”

  “Garrick is with me now,” Gaston said firmly. “You’re holding the shell that housed his amazing spirit while he breathed, but that is all there is on the earthly realm now. You need to put that aside and find your way back to Lucifer. He’s already punched Monty in his frustration and anger over losing you, and Darwin’s beside himself thinking what happened to you was all their fault.”

  “I’m not even sure I can get out.” Stefan looked around, but it wasn’t as though there was an exit sign anywhere close. In fact, all he could see was rock. “I don’t even know where I am or how I got here.”

  “The being who created this prison has a sick sense of humor,” Gaston said drily, and Stefan saw his spirit was wavering. “I have to go, but know this. Lucifer is close enough to touch. You just have to look beyond what you can see with your eyes. Take care young grasshopper and know Garrick and I will always be near.”

  Stefan reached out, but Gaston and his familiar were already gone. He had so many questions – not least, why had Gaston never come to him before when he was in trouble? Because I’ve always trusted you to pull yourself out of it, Gaston’s voice bounced off the rocks. Don’t make a liar of me now.

  Inhaling a shaky breath, Stefan acknowledged his mentor’s words. I am stronger than this. I can do this, he thought as he gently picked up Garrick’s body. He made to set it aside, but no. Stefan magicked up a small box, and laid the body reverently in it. He would bury the box and its precious contents somewhere on Lucifer’s estate and if Lucifer didn’t like it, then he can kiss my ass.

  “Now, look beyond what the eyes can see.” Standing up, Stefan centered his breathing, focusing on the rocks directly in front of him. Rock is just matter, made up of atoms and the energies imbibed in all living things, he chanted to himself, taken back to a time when Gaston first started teaching him. All things present a physical surface to the naked eye, but you need to look beyond the surface to witness the object’s true essence.

  Stefan looked more with his mind than his eyes. He could feel his magic bubbling out, pushing beyond the rock’s defenses. There was a room behind – comfortable, plush, not somewhere Stefan recognized, but then it was as if he was being turned around, and he could actually see Darwin sitting on a loveseat, cradling Monty’s head. Then he was whipped around again, and he saw the original view.

  Am I…? Stefan reached out his hand, pushing through the rock illusion. Can I…? He took a step, and then another one, and all of a sudden, he stumbled onto the carpet he’d seen. Lucifer, who was in the middle of another turn, almost fell over him.

  “Stefan! Oh, my gods, you’re all right.” Stefan didn’t have a chance to speak, put Garrick’s casket down, or anything else before he was swept up against Lucifer’s chest. “I’ve been so worried,” the big man mumbled into his hair.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lucifer was a jumble of fear and anger. While Darwin was horrified at Monty’s loose lips, he was equally worried and upset when his mate had crumpled like a fly with one punch. Consequently, Lucifer was reduced to ranting and pacing, waiting for the damn man to wake up. Honestly, what was the use of having magic if you can’t bloody use it.

  But now Stefan was back, in his arms. Or was it a trick sent by Technic? “It is you, isn’t it?” Lucifer said urgently. He patted Stefan’s face and hair, sensing their magical connection crackle between them. “Show me your arms.” He dragged up the sleeve of Stefan’s shirt cuff. “Nope, that’s not enough. Every mated anchor has glowing arms when they’re near their partner and he would know that. It could still be a trap. I need to check your neck, let me see.” Undoing Stefan’s tie, he unbuttoned the shirt at the neck, peering down Stefan’s body. His mate’s skin was completely lit up as though happy to be close to Lucifer again.

  “It is you.” Letting out a sigh, Lucifer tugged Stefan close again. “Thank the fates. Where the hell have you been? How did you get away?”

  “Erm…” Stefan cleared his throat. “Can I put this somewhere safe before I go into any lengthy explanations, please?”

sp; What? Then Lucifer became aware of a sharp edge of a box pressing against his stomach. Stepping back, he bit the inside of his lip, his heart dropping. “Is that…?” He gestured toward the box.

  “Garrick. Yes.” Stefan reached over and placed the box carefully on a table. “Garrick is with Gaston now, and I know Gaston said I could just discard the body, but I didn’t feel that was right.” Stefan looked up and Lucifer was struck all over again by the sadness in his mate’s eyes. “Is there somewhere here… or I could go out into some woods on the edge of town…”

  “No. No.” Taking Stefan’s hands, Lucifer led him to the nearest seat, settling them both on the cushions. “Garrick was an important part of your life. He will be buried here, somewhere special so you can visit him when you feel the urge. I’m just so sorry that the actions of someone in my family caused your familiar’s death.” He turned to snarl at his silent brother who was still trying to get Monty to wake up.

  “Hey, Monty didn’t know your movements were supposed to be secret. How the hell was he to know you’ve got some madman following you,” Darwin said quickly.

  “Because I warned you of the danger when I said the pair of you would be safer here than at Monty’s apartment,” Lucifer shot back. “For fuck’s sake, he got the news out I was coming back to town faster than a radio bulletin.”

  “I don’t know what you’re worried about.” Darwin cast another worried look at his mate. “Stefan got back a lot quicker than my mate’s waking up, so keep your shitty mood to yourself.”

  “Is that why that gunman was waiting for us?” Stefan asked and Lucifer turned back to his mate, stroking the hands he was still holding. “Was it Monty’s fault Garrick was killed?”

  “He didn’t pull the trigger, if that’s what you’re asking.” Darwin staunchly defended his mate. “Monty’s not like us. He doesn’t deal with criminals on a daily basis. He never has to watch what he says or does. His brain isn’t automatically thinking of dangers every time he does say something.” Darwin looked down at his unconscious mate. “He’s proud of me, so proud we were able to claim each other at last.”

  “Proud enough to run his mouth off to a dozen people he probably called while you were waiting for me.” Lucifer shook his head as he tried to think of what he could say to a mate he knew intimately, but who he barely knew on a heart level.

  “Stefan, there are no words...” He looked down, noticing how much bigger his hands were than those of his fine mate. “I can’t begin to understand how you must feel losing Garrick that way.” He gave a half-shrug, almost embarrassed. “Darwin will happily tell you what an uncaring bastard I can be. But my heart hurts for you, Stefan, and I’m so very sorry. I wish I knew what I could say to make this right.”

  Thank you. Lucifer double blinked as he heard Stefan’s voice in his head. But can we… we need to talk, like desperately need to and I’m not sure I can face Monty right now. Darwin’s right. He didn’t pull the trigger, but…

  “My mate and I are going to lay Garrick to rest.” Lucifer stood, taking Stefan with him. “We’ll be in the garden and we don’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Stefan.” Darwin looked torn. “I am really sorry about Garrick, and I know Monty will be too when he realizes... I just… I don’t know what to say.”

  “Come up with something while we’re gone, because if you can’t get your shit together, then Technic be damned. Me and Stefan will work out a way to take him on ourselves. At least if we die trying, then Monty won’t have to work out how to get his fucking foot out of his mouth.”

  Lucifer didn’t bother apologizing for his rudeness; he could feel Stefan’s pain running through their magical bond. Carefully picking up the box Stefan had left on the table, he escorted his silent mate out of the French doors into the garden beyond. He knew just the place to lay a beloved familiar to rest.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The hole was dug (Lucifer), words were spoken (Stefan), and the raven familiar known for some reason as Garrick was laid to rest. But through it all, Lucifer knew he had to talk, explain, share stuff. His issue wasn’t that he didn’t have anything to say – it was that he had too much. Lucifer wasn’t even sure he could get his words out, when all he wanted to do was take his mate to the privacy of his bedroom and reassure himself Stefan was safe and well.

  But there was a tenseness around Stefan’s jaw and a determined gleam in the man’s eye that suggested sex, or any form of physical reconnection, wasn’t foremost in Stefan’s mind. Accepting that some of his base instincts would just have to go on hold, Lucifer touched Stefan’s hand and created a bench seat. The glade was quiet with nothing but birdsong breaking the silence. The way the trees stood sentinel around the gravesite gave the area a spiritual vibe. A fitting resting place for a revered familiar and a private place to hold deep conversations.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say right now,” Lucifer admitted as Stefan settled in beside him on the bench. “You’ve had a huge shock, losing Garrick, and shit… I can’t apologize enough for Monty’s part in that.”

  “Technic is definitely sharing his powers with the demon who possessed him. His power over illusion is off the charts.” Stefan was looking at the disturbed patch of ground. “The reason I was able to get back so easily, after a talk with Gaston, was because I hadn’t really left you. I believed I was in a dark hole made entirely of rock, that seemed to have no way out. In reality I was attached to you like a baby in a backpack. Once I realized that, it was easy enough to step out of it and back into the real world again. But before that…”

  “Did Technic hurt you?”

  Stefan looked down at his hands. “Not physically, no. But thinking back, that’s why I know a demon was running the show. I couldn’t think of anything positive. Being in that hole - I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go on anymore. Garrick has been the only constant in my life since I was seventeen. To see him taken so suddenly, no warning. Damn it.”

  Stefan blinked rapidly, tilting his head up. Lucifer longed to hold him, but he wasn’t sure if his touch would be welcome.

  “Even when I was in hospital, Garrick was there. I haven’t got a clue how he even got into my room, but nothing the nurses and doctors did could shift him. We’d been homeless so many times since. He’d shared my tent, watched over me when I’ve slept in doorways. He’s just… he was there for me, always, through everything and now…”

  “You will never be homeless again. On my life, I promise you.” Lucifer gave into his instincts, draping his arm over Stefan’s shoulder and holding him close. “I can’t… You don’t know me, and I’m sure you probably think I’m a poor substitute for Garrick, but I swear I’m just as loyal, just as devoted and I will watch out for you in everything, for always.”

  There was a long moment of silence, then Stefan said softly, “I believe you and I know I have to move on from what happened. It is easier being here with you. It’s just, I keep thinking about what Abdullah said – about the importance of seven, and how not only do we have to find a threesome, but Abdullah specifically mentioned Monty and Darwin by name. To beat Technic, we need their help, don’t we?”

  Stefan wasn’t saying anything Lucifer hadn’t already been thinking. “The Fates aren’t making this one easy on us, that’s for sure.” Sighing, Lucifer pondered how to ask his next question. In the end, it was easier to just come right out with it. “Can you handle that? Working with Darwin and Monty, I mean, especially after knowing how Monty contributed to Garrick’s death.”

  “Darwin’s right in one respect. Monty didn’t pull the trigger.” Stefan slumped against Lucifer’s side. “I’ve picked up enough to guess you didn’t make things easy for the pair when they first met, although Darwin didn’t say anything to me about it specifically. You’ve never liked Monty, though, have you?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with him as such.” Lucifer tried to think how to explain. “Monty is what I call a PC magic user. Like a politician. His magic scores aren’t much lower tha
n mine, but he’s never been pushed to use it to his full potential, preferring to spend his time in meetings, and on committees.”

  “He talks, whereas you’re more of an action type of guy?”

  “Yes.” Lucifer was pleased his mate caught on so quickly. “He’s not a bad guy, he’s just… just…”

  “A lover not a fighter?” Stefan suggested.

  “Oh, you’d better believe I can do both.” Lucifer quickly kissed the top of Stefan’s head. “Monty prefers to talk a problem to death. I find that annoying.”

  “Which is why you punched him, I suppose.” Stefan nodded as if that was perfectly understandable, giving Lucifer a warm glow inside. “So, it seems we both have issues with Monty we have to push aside if Technic’s to be beaten. But what about the twins Abdullah mentioned? Don’t tell me, you slept with all of them at different times, and now they’re not taking your calls? Or was it the three of them at once?”

  And those warm fuzzies Lucifer was enjoying just went down the toilet. “I didn’t sleep with them,” Lucifer said quickly. “Any of them. The offer was made countless times, from all three of them, together and separately.”

  “Together? Really? I was only joking about that. I assumed they were all siblings from what Abdullah said.”

  “They’re a close family. Apparently closer than me and Darwin.” Lucifer rubbed Stefan’s shoulder. “And it’s not a case of them not taking my calls. They’ve tried to get in touch a dozen times. It’s me. I don’t trust them – not with Darwin’s life and definitely not with yours.”

  “I take it they fucked up somehow?”

  Lucifer nodded. “Darwin and I were on a mission north of here, tracking a group of vampires who were holding magic users and draining their blood, trying to gain their magical abilities. A lot like the case you went on with Gaston, the one that made you famous.”

  The way Stefan blushed and ducked his head would never get old, at least not in Lucifer’s eyes. “I guess you didn’t have magi-mech, and had to fight them the old-fashioned way?”


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