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Samantha in Singapore

Page 13

by Alex Jamieson

  “Of course we do, Jake.” J had used my name. Was it because he felt sympathetic towards me? Was he pitying me? Paolo just nodded vigorously.

  I’d decided against telling them about the restriction on Charlie’s movements. It was none of their business.

  “There is one more thing. There are only six people who know of her previous shoot, and she is not willing to let that number increase. She has expressed a willingness to do this ONLY if one of you is prepared to do it with her.”

  If I’d had a camera, I would love to have captured the look on their faces. If Sam had been able to see it, she would never question her sex appeal ever again. The only word that comes to mind was elation.

  If two people can create a chorus, then J and Paolo achieved it. All I heard was a cacophony of responses.

  “Sure, yeah.” “Absolutely.” Wow, yes.” “Count me in.” “My honor.” “God, yes, please.”

  I was half expecting a hand to wave in the air and to hear the words “pick me, pick me.”

  I’d assumed they would both leap at the chance to get naked with Sam, but now they both looked so eager I had the unenviable task of picking one over the other. I’d heard Sam’s scream in the studio last week, and Charlotte was correct that we lacked interracial content, but something about Sam’s reactions to J concerned me.

  But how would I justify it to Charlie if I didn’t do my best for the project? I also feared how I would justify it to Sam if she didn’t get to fool around with J. He was obviously her first choice. I’d been aware of him gazing at her nipples on the day of her solo shoot and, ever since then, Sam had asked about him regularly.

  I had to make a choice, and I had to do it for the good of the project. I decided to let Charlie carry the blame.

  “The thing is that I am grateful to you both for volunteering, but Mrs. Smithson-Lee feels we need to develop some interracial content for Mylitta. So, J would you be willing to give it a shot?”

  A bad choice of words. This was to be softcore, and he would certainly not be shooting anything anywhere near my wife.

  Paolo’s face had dropped. Not only was he not getting to fool around with Sam as he’d hoped, but he couldn’t even watch from the control room. Perhaps I could get Sam to give a little on that condition just to make the poor guy feel better. After all, he would see all the footage afterward, and he would know who it was.

  I tried to appear as casual and normal as possible while, inside, my stomach was in turmoil.

  “Great. Okay. Now let’s get on with the audio editing that we’ve got on today’s schedule. Would Friday work for you J? For the shoot?


  When I got home that evening, Sam was waiting, just a little too expectantly, to hear how it had all gone down. When I told her that J would be her partner, her eyes drifted closed, and I could only imagine that she was picturing the scene.

  When I told her of Paolo’s disappointment and asked her to bend her control room rule, she acquiesced immediately.

  “Maybe I should have said I’d only do it if they both joined me. I hate offending anyone.”



  On the following day, J asked me if he could take a little longer for lunch, and I agreed without a thought. It wasn’t until I got home That I discovered the truth.

  “J called me this morning and asked me to lunch. He figured we should get to know each other a bit, considering what we are going to do on Friday.” She giggled uncharacteristically.

  “Why wouldn’t he have told me that he was taking my wife to lunch?”

  “I assumed he had. Sorry. But you know now, huh?”

  “Mmm. Did you have a good time?”

  “I did. He was so attentive and considerate. He really wants the shoot to be authentic in its intimacy.”

  Authentic intimacy. What the fuck is that?


  It was hard, being pleasant to J on Wednesday morning, but I decided to downplay the whole thing so he wouldn’t see how rattled I was.

  “Hi J. Sam asked me to tell you how much she enjoyed lunch yesterday.”

  That threw him a bit. Had he assumed she wouldn’t tell me?

  “Oh, yeah, great, good. I probably should have mentioned my plan, boss.”

  “Don’t worry about it, man. It’s all good.”


  On the fateful Friday morning, Samson drove us down to the studio. Sam was giving off an almost-palpable excitement by the time we arrived.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Of course I’m nervous. What do you think? At least I’ve got to know J a bit, what with the lunch and his calls.”


  “I thought you knew. He called me a couple of times yesterday. Just to chat. He must have called from the office, so I assumed you knew. It was nothing serious. He really feels it's important for us to feel a connection.”

  “CONNECTION. Sam, do you think porn actors feel a “connection”? They just get in there and do it.”

  “I am not and never will be a porn actor and don’t ever suggest it. I’m doing this for you and your damned project.”

  We walked into the lobby of the Smithson-McDougall building.

  Again, she’d chosen a sleeveless dress that buttoned down the front as the most practical under the circumstances. It was simply cut and white, and it seemed to emphasize the naturalness and innocence in her nature. The characteristics that had so impressed Tony and Charlie from the solo shoot.

  As we stepped out of the elevator in the basement, we found J and Paolo waiting for us. J gave me a brief nod then stepped straight towards Sam. He placed his large hands on her bare upper arms and leaned in to kiss her on both cheeks.

  He whispered into her ear, but it was loud enough for me to hear.


  He was thanking my wife for the honor she was about to bestow on him.

  J was wearing a skintight white T-shirt that showed every contour of his muscular frame. It was even possible to count the individual muscles in his six-pack abs. His tight jeans hugged a pair of thighs that could intimidate a linebacker. How could a mere mortal like me not feel inferior?

  Paolo went up to the control room to prepare the equipment, and the three of us moved into the performance room.

  “Any instructions, Jake?” J was polite enough to check if I wanted to set any criteria other than Sam’s conditions.

  “None at all. Just like I told Sam the other day, the whole point is to do what comes naturally. That will make for the best quality shoot. I will be turning off the audio from the control room into here. The only request I have is that you request Sam’s wishes.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I kissed my wife on the lips and went up to my designated spot in the control room. My stomach felt like it was about to fall through the floor, and my chest was tight with anticipation and dread. Throwing up was a distinct possibility. A chain of events had begun, and I was no longer in control.


  I took my seat at the main controls. Monitors around me showed fifteen of the potential camera angles. Another two hundred or so viewpoints were being captured but would not be seen until the stitching process. I flipped the switch, and everything was underway. The lights in the control room dimmed, the red light in the performance room shone bright, and the cameras started to capture the intimate action that was about to occur.

  J took a step towards Sam, and every single monitor showed the shiver of anticipation that ran through her body. He seemed to recognize the nervousness that was combined with that excitement and just took her by the upper arms as he had at the elevator. The audio from the performance room was provided by the highest quality high-definition equipment on the market. Even whispers could be picked up loud and clear.

  Sam’s nervousness and naturally innocent demeanor were the perfect fit for the role of a young bride at the Temple of Mylitta confronting the stranger who had chosen her to rava

  As he held her bare arms, J pulled her towards him and covered her lips with his own. He appeared to hold her more firmly by the arms, and it was clear that her legs had melted away at the first touch of his lips. He was actually supporting her.

  Their kisses were so intimate it was hard to watch. As their mouths explored each other, I found that watching was hard, but so was my cock. The temple of Mylitta was coming to life before my eyes. I’d offered my wife in accordance with the wishes of the Goddess, and she was being taken by this godlike young black man.

  I watched as her mouth opened wider to accommodate his forceful tongue. It was okay, he was kissing her, not the other way around. Somehow that mattered. And then it didn’t matter anymore. Her tongue was just as eagerly exploring his mouth. My erection went wild. I should have worn different pants.

  But didn’t tongues count as penetration?

  As their mouths almost fought each other for supremacy J reached for the top button on my wife’s dress, and slowly, very slowly, he started to undress her. I don’t think there was any conscious decision to play the part of the sacrificial wife, but Sam just stood there passively and allowed J to unbutton every button until her dress was hanging open from her shoulders. Her breasts were still hidden by the dress, but her delicate, sheer white panties revealed something that came as a shock. Usually, Sam is meticulous about keeping a neatly trimmed landing strip above her innermost treasure. The sheer panties made it evident that no such landing strip existed. My loving wife had shaved herself bare for J. My heart was close to exploding.

  J was still in control as he slid the straps of her dress from her shoulders. It fell softly to the floor, and Sam stood there looking almost virginal in just her delicate white panties. Her on-screen lover was still fully dressed but made his move to rectify the situation. In one fluid move, he pulled the T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Then, with practiced dexterity, he pulled down the jeans and stepped out of them. No underwear. I should have guessed.

  Both Paolo and I heard the gasp from Sam as she spotted J’s huge, thickly hanging black cock for the first time. Paolo even glanced at me to check that I was okay. I wasn’t. And I was. I didn’t know. Neither Paolo nor I am into men, but we both seemed mesmerized by the magnificent specimen of the male form that was being captured by the cameras in the performance room.

  My wife’s mouth was hanging open just a little as J took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Taking the sides of her tiny panties, he gently moved them down, over her hips, and to the floor. As she stepped out of them, his face was inches from Sam’s newly bare pussy, and he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her mound, as if in appreciation.

  My cock was leaking pre-cum.


  He stood again, and now he was stroking her breast. Gently circling her light brown and incredibly hard little nipple. He took her breast in his large hand, and Sam melted into him with a sigh. How I wished that the sound quality wasn’t as precise.

  He ran his hand down the center of her breasts and continued down until he was the first man to touch the smoothness of my wife’s bare mound with his fingertips. God, how I envied him as he stroked her softly. Sam shuddered so violently that he picked her up, as if she were as light as a feather, and laid her on the bed. He stood beside her, and it was easy to see the dominant stranger towering over the submissive wife in the temple.

  Then it was Sam’s turn to astound me. Laying there, in all her beauty, my wife gazed up at J, then reached out and took his cock in her hand.

  IS THAT IN THE RULES. My throat constricted.

  Immediately she touched it, the cameras picked up the hardening of J’s cock. As it grew, it was forcing Sam’s hand apart. She could no longer encircle the stunning girth of the man. She was watching it with fascination as she sat up to take a closer look. Her face was directly in front of his huge black shaft, and I felt like screaming at her.


  The exceptional camera equipment was capturing the most intimate details as Sam’s hand stroked up and down the length of him as she stared, entranced by the magnificence of it. It picked up the solitary, clear bead of pre-cum that formed at the tip of his manhood and horrifyingly it picked up a clear picture of my beautiful wife as she leaned forward and licked it from him.

  She held his enormous cock upright to his stomach then licked up the entire length from his balls to his glans just like she’d done with the fake version last week. Surely, she wouldn’t take that next step and take him in her mouth. That, most definitely, would be penetration. As her mouth approached the head of his cock, I saw her look mischievously up to the control room and smile. It was all for me. But I must work with the guy.

  I had never expected anything like this. I was ragingly jealous and equally turned on by my innocent wife’s behavior. No one will consider her naïve after this.

  J’s cock was literally pulsing with desire as Sam removed her hand and lay back on the bed. She hadn’t attempted to stretch her lips around his giant cock, but she wanted to tease me into thinking she would.

  Laying there now she looked like the picture of innocence once again. An innocence that was about to be tested as J got to his knees in front of her. He parted her legs, without any objection on Sam’s part, and ran his tongue up the inside of her thighs. This would be interesting. How much would Sam tolerate? J kissed up her thighs and over to the smoothness of her bare mound. He extended his tongue and started to move his head down towards her delicate lips. Would she allow this? Down he went, and we were now in territory that the monitors couldn’t pick up. Only the ancillary cameras would be filming it. Only when it came to stitching would I know for sure.

  The only clue I had was when Sam emitted a long groan, and we watched her whole body shudder. Over my shoulder, I heard Paolo groan as well.

  Was it possible that my wife had just had an orgasm from another man’s tongue?

  J stood again and towered over my gorgeous wife. I wondered what he was planning. He lay down on the bed beside her, took her hand, and placed it on his cock. She smiled lovingly and started to stroke him. Up and down that huge black shaft went her tiny hand as he reached between her legs and started to gently part her lips.

  He whispered something into her ear that was too quiet for even the most sensitive microphones to pick up.

  I watched her whispering back and shaking her head, almost ruefully. Was he asking to fuck her? Did she want him inside her? Was she regretting her rule?

  She pulled him over on top of her as if the rule was a thing of the past, and the cameras from below were able to pick up the sight of his cock head resting between her lips as if aching to be inside her. I imagined him losing control and plunging balls-deep inside my wife, and the thought almost made me cum in my pants.

  She whispered again, and J rose up off her. The sight was unforgettable. The head of his cock was slick with Sam’s wetness.

  I will never forget the next seconds as, quite clearly in the control room, we heard my wife’s voice. “Come for me, J.”

  The young guy looked lovingly down at my wife as she reached between her legs and pushed two fingers into her pussy. With the other hand, she was holding back the delicate covering of her clit so she could pleasure herself. It was enough for J to convince him to accede to her request, and with his eyes glued to her pussy, he started pumping his cock.

  The panting and groaning from the performance room, as those two stunning people brought themselves off in unison, was the most amazingly sexy thing I’d ever heard. The fact that one of those people was my wife just heightened the sexual tension.

  The approach of the climax was obvious as the noise started to build, and we heard J gasp “where?”

  I didn’t know what I wanted to hear, but Sam’s answer came like a shot through the heart.

  “My face.”

  NO. We’d NEVER done anything like that. TOO MUCH.

started to scream out her climax as J stepped forward and we watched as stream after powerful stream of his hot, white cum started to splash over my beautiful wife’s face. I had never seen anyone shoot as much. Even porn performers couldn’t match J. He must have been abstaining ever since the first mention of this assignation. He had covered her cheeks and her lips.

  Sam’s own powerful orgasm seemed to be subsiding as we watched her extend her tongue and lick the cum from her lips as if it was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted.


  I couldn’t stand up. I wasn’t decent. I shut off the cameras and asked Paolo to take a towel into our stars. I noticed that he wasn’t decent, either. A wet patch covered the front of his jeans, but it wasn’t the same for him. He didn’t have the embarrassment of having cum from watching his wife with another man.

  I watched through the window as J and Sam got cleaned up. I could hardly believe it, but Sam was giggling again. I’d found the whole session so intense that I nearly had a heart attack, but my wife was acting all coy and girlish.

  I’d left the microphones on, so I clearly heard her voice as she turned to J.

  “Thank you. That was quite wonderful.”

  She got up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He never spoke a word but looked longingly at her.

  Quite wonderful? It was supposed to be a performance for the Mylitta project. Please, God, don’t let me be losing my Sam.


  On the ride home, we couldn’t talk without being overheard by Samson, but we clutched each other’s hands, almost in desperation. As soon as we were through the front door, I pulled her to me and smothered her with kisses.

  “Oh, Sam, my beautiful. You will never know how much I love you.”

  She looked more than a little sheepish.

  “So, you liked it then?”


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