Book Read Free

The Balance

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by L. J. Jackson

  © L.J.Jackson

  Print ISBN: 978-1-54398-722-5

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-54398-723-2

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  To my father God in Heaven for giving me the knowledge and ability to write this book;

  To my 94-year-old grandmother who I love for always believing in me;

  To my mother in heaven for giving me life;

  I pray that every person who reads this book will have a burning desire to seek out the Creator for a more personal and intimate relationship.

  This is for you



  Mission to Planet Earth

  The Secret

  The Messengers

  Strange Things Happen in the Ocean

  Lilly Dreams

  The Miracle

  The Dark City

  The Glass Pyramid

  Tell the World

  The Truth is Revealed

  The Evolrace Visit Lilly

  The Vrail

  The Visitors Are at the House

  Nature Speaks to Lilly

  The Prophecy is Fulfilled

  The Evolrace Arrive

  Lilly Meets the Creator

  The Grocery Store

  Strangers at the Door

  The Battle is Coming

  The Vision

  Lilly Talks to the Creator

  Healing at the Vatican City

  The Woman in the Bed

  The united Nations

  The evolrace Arrive in new York



  When the universe was formed in darkness in the beginning of time, it was perfectly balanced by the Creator. Unfortunately, humans and supernatural forces that walk the earth have the ability to disturb the levels of good and evil, upsetting the balance. It’s been over a thousand years since the Creator last balanced the earth. The cries of humanity, nature, and supernatural creatures on earth have ascended to his throne like vapor for redemption. They have waited patiently for the prophecy to be fulfilled—that a child would come from the universe one day to balance the earth with love and destroy evil, as foretold by the guardians of the earth. Then the Creator looked down from his throne and said, “I have a plan to redeem the earth.” He opened his mouth and blew fire into his hands and spoke new life. When he opened his hands, a newborn baby appeared, sealed in a diamond crystal dome.

  The Creator sent the baby with seven mystical creatures from a realm from beyond the universe. They traveled to earth with the baby protected in the diamond crystal dome. They came down from the stars spinning like a raging cyclone in a ball of white fire with a sleeping baby sealed in the center.

  Their landing sounded like a powerful lightning strike penetrating the earth. Suddenly they opened their wings, and there she was, looking up at them with a smile on her face from the diamond crystal dome. Her face shone like the sun and her brown eyes sparkling like pure axinite. That night a bright star appeared in heavens. It shined down on the baby and the seven creatures as they lifted her from the diamond crystal dome and then flew off through the night like soaring eagles.


  The Ovelrace are seven mystical creatures that came from a far distant galaxy to protect the earth. They look like humans but are very tall with orange skin and yellow eyes, and each wears a golden crown. They visit the earth periodically to watch humans and see if they can change from their wicked ways. They have existed since the beginning of time, before humans were created. They have the power to walk the earth in human form. They know all things and see all things, but they cannot change the human heart. Their mission is to observe humans for signs of love and change. If humans refuse to change and continue in their evil ways, the earth may be destroyed. The planet cannot survive without love. Love keeps it balanced. Without love, the planet will self-destruct. The Creator formed the earth out of pure love because he is love. Babies have the strongest life force, for they are full of love. Their love is so strong because they haven’t been corrupted by the world.

  The Evolrace are six mystical creatures that visit the planet and have been here since the beginning of time. They, too, look like humans and are very tall, but they have gray skin and red eyes, and each wears a black crown. They influence humankind’s reasoning power with all manner of evil because they are an evil race without love. The Evolrace’s mission is to destroy love on earth and keep the planet for themselves.


  Lilly was a beautiful African American girl who had a heart of gold. Her grandparents raised her in Jersey City, New Jersey. She never knew her parents, who died in a car accident when she was just a baby. During her childhood years her grandparents were protective and would often shelter her from the outside world. They barely allowed her outside the house to play, especially not with the children on the block. When she did play with them, her grandmother would look out the window and watch her like a hawk. Lilly could still hear her grandmother’s voice saying, “Lilly, please don’t get corrupted by those bad children in the neighborhood.”

  The neighborhood Lilly lived in was pretty rough. The people on the block had love for one another, but that didn’t fix the environment. When fights broke out on the block it would take the police hours to show up and stop the violence. One night a group of men were standing in front of Lilly’s house yelling and playing loud music. Lilly’s grandparents went outside and yelled, “Leave this place and never return again!” The men ran down the street screaming like they’d seen a ghost. Lilly wondered why the men were so afraid of her grandparents and why they ran away in fear. Her grandparents loved people and would never hurt a fly. Still, Lilly noticed the neighborhood changed tremendously after that night. On the following night the block was very quiet. The loud music and the fights ceased. She noticed people moving out of the community to the next block, where they continued their business as usual.

  Lilly kept a secret from her grandparents for several years—something she never felt comfortable talking about with them. Every night after dinner she would shower and then prepare herself for the next day of school. She would lie in the bed staring at the ceiling in her bedroom until it got late. When midnight came she would jump out of the bed and pull the curtains back. Then she would peek out her bedroom window at the strange men. Every night she would notice tall, strange men standing outside her house. She wondered why they came to her house. Were they protecting something or someone? When Lilly looked up at the night sky, she always noticed a bright, shining star hovering over her house that never moved. When the strange men looked up at the bright star, the light came down and covered their entire bodies as their eyes glowed yellow from the star. The men’s faces shined, and their skin turned a strange color and sparkled from the starlight. Then all at once, their bodies, seeming to absorb power from the starlight, lifted into the air like eagles. Lilly wasn’t afraid of the mysterious men, and in some way she felt connected to the starlight as well. She wondered for several years if she was the only person who saw them. Did the neighbors see them? If they did, why didn’t they complain? Lilly also noticed that the palms of her hands would glow like bright crystals when the mysterious men appeared at midnight. She wondered if she was seeing things or going crazy.

  Lilly was a very intelligent student. She wondered why she never had to study for a test and why her homework was never a challenge. She ranked at the top of the class every year with a perfect grade point average. Her grandparents made sure she did her homework every night, took her to school every morning, and picked her up every afternoon until she fin
ished high school. When Lilly walked out of the school, she was always sure her grandparents would be there waiting with smiles on their faces. Her teachers wondered why her grandparent never came inside the building or to any school events. They finally met her grandparents when she graduated from high school, which was very strange to the staff.

  After she graduated, Lilly decided to attend college. She had a passion for helping people, so she decided to attend a nursing college in New Jersey. Her grandparents were happy about her decision to attend college close to home. When she graduated from college, however, she decided to move to Tampa Bay, Florida, but she didn’t want to tell her grandparents. She had heard the job market for nurses was good there and that finding a job would be easy. But how would she tell them?

  She was surprised, therefore, when one day her grandmother said to her, “You know, Lilly, we were thinking about moving to Tampa Bay, Florida.”

  “Florida!” said Lilly. “Are you serious?”

  Her grandparents nodded.

  Lilly was so shocked she hardly knew what to say. “Why Florida?” she asked.

  “Your grandpa purchased a house there two years ago,” said Grandma. “Florida is a beautiful place, and the weather is great all year.”

  “Oh, Grandma, that sounds like a great plan.”

  Why had her grandparents never told her they purchased a house in Florida? Lilly wondered how they might have known about the decision she had made to move, knowing she didn’t tell anyone.

  “Well, it’s time to start packing,” said Grandma.

  “Packing already? Grandma, you only just told me about this.”

  “Yes, Lilly,” said Grandma. “I know you’re looking for a job in Florida, so we must move quickly.”

  “How did you know, Grandma? I didn’t tell anyone I wanted to move to Florida.”

  “Oh, Lilly, grandparents know these things. It’s called intuition.”

  They packed their belongings, and five days later they were flying to Florida.

  “What’s going to happen to the furniture?” asked Lilly.

  “We don’t need it,” said Grandma. “Grandpa and I bought furniture for the new place already, so the house is all set up.”

  After landing in Florida they took a taxi to their new house. The taxi dropped them off in front of a brown brick house. Lilly could not believe her eyes—the house was so big and beautiful. It was much different from the one they had in Jersey City.

  As Lilly stepped into the house she noticed the beautiful shellac hardwood floors that reflected like a mirror. The tall, vaulted ceiling revealed a glass skylight window.

  In the large backyard, palm trees swayed in the breeze around a large pool with a diving board and a built-in barbeque grill.

  “Could I see my room, Grandma?” asked Lilly.

  “Sure,” said Grandma, “let’s walk upstairs.”

  Lilly was so surprised when she saw the room that tears rolled down her face.

  “This room is beautiful, Grandma,” said Lilly. “I can’t believe I have a skylight window in my bedroom!”

  “We don’t know how to tell you this, Lilly,” her grandfather said, “but, well, this house is your graduation present.”

  “What?” said Lilly. “Graduation present? I can’t believe it!” She hugged her grandparents. “Where is your room?” she asked.

  “We’re not staying here,” her grandma said. “Grandpa and I have another house across town, and it will be ready soon.”

  “I don’t want to live alone,” said Lilly, standing in the middle of the floor with her hands folded. She’d been ready to move to Florida without them, of course, to seek a job, but now that they were all here together, she wanted to stay with them. She had lived with her grandparents since she was a baby and couldn’t imagine living without them. Her grandparents decided to stay with her for two weeks until she was comfortable in the new house.

  The next day Lilly interviewed for a position as a nurse. The interview went great, and soon Lilly was offered a position working with babies who had been diagnosed with cancer. The day before her job was to start, Lilly ate a celebratory dinner with her grandparents, and the next morning her grandmother cooked her favorite breakfast.

  “Wake up, Lilly, breakfast is ready!” Grandma called.

  She could smell the aroma of turkey bacon, eggs, grits, and homemade biscuits wafting through the house. Then the alarm clock went off. “Wow,” said Lilly, “It’s time to get up already!”

  Lilly felt like she had just gone to sleep. She rolled over in the bed and stretched. Then she jumped out of bed and brushed her teeth, showered, dressed, and went to the kitchen to have breakfast with her grandparents. She gave them each a kiss and then sat down at the kitchen table to eat her breakfast.

  “Hurry, Lilly,” said Grandpa. “It’s your first day at work, and you don’t want to be late.”

  “OK, Grandpa,” Lilly said. “You’re the best grandparents in the whole world.”


  When she opened the door, she saw a beautiful June day—sunny and about 95 degrees. The sky was as clear as the blue ocean. It’s a beautiful day, thought Lilly as she walked down Main Street with a big smile on her face. She looked down at the flowers in a park garden and picked two roses from a rosebush. She placed the roses under her nose and thought, Wow, these flowers smell amazing. As she sat on a bench for a moment, twin little African American girls appeared out of a bright white mist. They wore pure white sparkling robes that covered their bodies from head to toe, revealing only part of their faces. When they removed the sparkling hoods from their heads, they revealed their curly locks and glowing faces. Their beautiful faces and skin reminded Lilly of baked clay sitting in the heat of an African desert, and their faces shone in radiance like the sun. They sat down beside her on the bench, one on each side, with smiles on their faces. “Lilly,” one of them said, “you’re destined to do great things. Did you know?”

  “Great things?” whispered Lilly, puzzled.” “No, I didn’t know. Who are you, and where did you come from?”

  “We are messengers from the Creator. We come from a place of love and peace far beyond the universe. You will travel there very soon and meet him.”

  “Creator?” said Lilly. “Are you telling me I’m going to die? I’m not ready to die.”

  The twins chuckled. “You’re not going to die, Lilly,” said one. “But even if you did, you would not have to fear death,” said the other. “Death is the beginning of life for those who love the Creator. The second life with the Creator is eternal. It’s a place where souls never die,” said the twins.

  When she gazed upon the girls her eyes could not handle the glory that was upon them. They glowed so bright it was like looking directly at a sunset in all its radiance, making it impossible to gaze upon their beauty.

  They grabbed Lilly’s hands and said, “The world will be a better place because you were born.”

  As they lifted their hands to the sky, a bright light shined down on Lilly. Tiny drops of sparkling water fell from the heavens and covered her entire body, making her glow. When Lilly started to glow she became afraid. “What’s happening? Why am I glowing?” she said.

  “Don’t be afraid,” said the twins. “It’s a blessing from the Creator. Fear not.”

  Lilly looked around and noticed that the people in the park didn’t seem to see her or the twin girls. Everyone was walking past them as if they were invisible.

  The twins walked into the bright light with Lilly and whispered, “You are the anointed one. Angels are watching over you, sent by the Creator. His blessing will follow you throughout the earth.”

  Then the twins disappeared back in to the bright white mist.

  “Wait!” yelled Lilly. “Please don’t leave! Tell me more; I don’t understand.”

  Their voices echoed in the breeze: “Soon, Lilly, all things will be revealed.”

  Lilly sat on the park bench for a few minutes, unable to move and s
hocked by the event. She pulled herself together then off she went to work at All Saints Hospital. She did not tell anyone about the twin girls she met on the park bench.

  It was Lilly’s first day working as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It had always been her dream to care for babies because she believed they were pure at heart. At work she met another nurse named Linda, who was very kind. When they weren’t busy they talked about their personal lives. Lilly told Linda about the death of her parents when she was a baby and how she had just moved to Florida with her grandparents. In turn, Linda told Lilly some disheartening news: she had been diagnosed with cancer, and it was her last week working at the hospital. “I hope you will visit me in the hospital,” said Linda. Lilly assured her she would.

  One evening Lilly was tired after a long day at work and was glad to leave the hospital before nightfall. When Lilly walked out of the building, a strange man was waiting by the doors.

  He reached out his hand and said with a smile, “Hello, my name is Josh.”

  Lilly said hello, looking surprised, and continued to walk quickly down the street.

  Lilly wondered who the man was, but she didn’t mention him to her grandparents when she got home because she didn’t want to disturb them. She peeked in their room to say good night, but they were sleeping peacefully.

  When she returned to work the next day she saw the strange man, Josh, looking through the nursery window at the babies.

  “What’s your name?” he asked her.

  She looked at him, surprised, and said, “My name is Lilly.” She added, “Are you visiting someone at the hospital?”

  “Yes” said Josh, “I’m visiting the babies who are sick with cancer.”

  “Do you work here?”

  “No,” said, Josh. “Do you?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly. “I’m a nurse, and it’s my second day working in the NICU.”

  “That’s great,” said Josh as he watched the babies from the glass window. He added, “Babies are so pure when they are born because they haven’t been corrupted by the world.”


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