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The Balance

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by L. J. Jackson

  “That’s true,” Lilly said.

  Before Lilly could wonder what he was doing, Josh walked into the room where the babies were lying. He opened his mouth and blew sparkling glitters that landed on the babies, healing them of cancer.

  “What’s going on, Josh?” she said.

  He didn’t answer but walked out of the room and vanished into thin air. Lilly ran down the hallway looking for Josh, but he was nowhere to be found.

  The next day Lilly was on her way to work when she noticed that Josh was sitting on a bench at the park she passed every day. Lilly said hello and asked, “What happened yesterday? You left without a trace.”

  “I had to leave,” he answered. “Sorry I left without saying goodbye. I apologize.”

  “No problem,” said Lilly.

  “Would you like to meet tomorrow after work?” said Josh. He wanted to have a conversation with her so they could be friends.

  “OK,” said Lilly, “that sounds great.”

  After work the next day Josh and Lilly walked to a coffee shop near the hospital to get acquainted. She ordered a cup of coffee and dessert and sat down beside Josh at a long table.

  “Do you live in Florida?” Lilly asked.

  “No,” said Josh, “I’m visiting a friend.”


  “On the other side of town,” said Josh. “How long have you lived in Florida, Lilly?”

  “A few months,” said Lilly. “I moved here from New Jersey with my grandparents after graduating from college.”

  “Are your parents still in New Jersey?”

  Lilly explained that her grandparents raised her and that her parents had died in a car accident when she was a baby. “I never got a chance to know them,” she said, and she surprised herself by crying even though she had told this story many times before.

  Josh could feel Lilly’s sadness, and he calmed her with a hug and wiped the tears from her eyes. He knew everything about Lilly’s life before she informed him. She finished her coffee and expressed her gratitude to Josh for listening to her story.

  Josh said, “Your heart is filled with so much love, Lilly.”

  “Thanks, Josh,” said Lilly.

  He kissed her on the forehead, and their spirits connected, comforting her broken heart. When Josh walked Lilly home, she told him she felt a sense of peace after they talked.

  “Will I see you again?” Lilly asked Josh.

  “Of course,” he answered.

  “Let’s meet after work tomorrow about 5:30, and we’ll walk over to the beach. It’s nearby,” she said.

  “Great,” said Josh. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  When Lilly got to work the next day she noticed that the babies with cancer in the nursery had been moved from the NICU to the recovery unit. She asked the doctor on call what happened to the babies, and the doctor said they noticed a difference in the blood samples from the babies—all traces of cancer had miraculously disappeared.

  Lilly thought about Josh coming to the nursery blowing his breath across the room on the babies and seeing glittering sparkles as they floated in the air. “It can’t be,” she said. She wondered if she had been seeing things or was going crazy.


  After work Josh was waiting for Lilly on the bench, and they walked together to the beach. They lay on the beach watching the sun go down and then gazed at the stars beginning to twinkle in the night.

  “The sky is so beautiful,” Lilly said to Josh. “I often wonder if there are other life forms like earth. What would they look like? Are they evil or good?”

  Josh smiled at Lilly but didn’t say a word.

  “Don’t mind me, Josh,” said Lilly. “It’s just that it would seem foolish to think that earth is the only existing planet. I mean, our sun is just one of the many stars in the universe. Therefore, there must be several other life forms somewhere.”

  Josh smiled again and said, “Let’s go for a swim. The ocean is so beautiful under the night sky.”

  Lilly said, “That sounds great. It’s such a beautiful night.”

  As Josh and Lilly swam out into the ocean his body started to glow and sparkle like a bright light. All the fish and sea life swam around Josh’s glowing body. Lilly’s eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky; she could not believe what she was seeing. She thought about Josh blowing glittering sparkles on the babies at the hospital and healing them of cancer. Now he was communicating with sea life. This is impossible, thought Lilly. She was so afraid she swam back to shore, but the fish swim behind her, trying to communicate. When Josh swam back to shore, he was in his real form—tall, with orange skin and yellow eyes. Lilly was so frightened that she covered her eyes and shook like a leaf.

  “Be not afraid, Lilly,” said Josh, and suddenly peace came over her body, calming her down.

  “Josh, where did you come from and why are you here?” asked Lilly.

  Josh said, “I’m an Ovel, and I came from a far distant galaxy.”

  “Why are you on this planet?” Lilly asked.

  “We are protectors of the earth,” said Josh. “We visit earth and live as humans.”

  “What are you protecting it from?” said Lilly.

  “Humans and evil forces have tilted the balance of love on earth,” Said Josh. “Earth’s climate is unbalanced and needs to be restored. That’s why humans are experiencing climate changes, natural disasters, and ice melting around the world. The planet is dying. This problem must be corrected by balancing the planet again with pure love.”

  “How many of you are there?” asked Lilly.

  “We are the seven guardians of the earth sent by the Creator. He will decide the fate of the human race based on our findings.”

  “Would all human life die?”

  Josh said, “Babies and those who love the Creator would be the only survivors because they are pure at heart and have not been corrupted by the world.”


  “My planet is pure,” answered Josh, “and only the pure at heart can see my planet.”

  Lilly was very curious about his planet. “My heart is good,” she said. “Can I see your planet?”

  “Not in the human form. Only your spirit can visit my planet.”

  “My spirit?”

  “Yes, Lilly—the inner part of you that lives on when you die to this world. Hold my hands and close your eyes.”

  “Why?” said Lilly

  “Just trust me,” said Josh, holding her hands very tightly.

  She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was standing with Josh in her kitchen at home. Then Josh vanished before her eyes as glittering sparkles filled the air.


  Lilly looked around for her grandparents, but they weren’t home. She took a shower, ate her dinner, then went to bed and gazed at the night sky through her skylight window. As she fell asleep, all she could think about was Josh and everything he said about his world. While she slept, Josh appeared, but she was not aware of it. He blew his breath across Lilly’s bed as glitter filled the room and danced like the stars in the night sky. Lilly dreamt that she was walking in slow motion, wearing a long white dress and letting the wind blow through her dark brown hair. She came to a large, strong gold wall that was both long and tall. When she placed the palms of her hands on the wall it opened very slowly, splitting from the middle right before her eyes. When it opened, a bright, powerful light shined out like the rays from the sun. She gazed inside the wall and saw a glass floor that looked like freshly frozen ice on a winter pond. Under the glass floor was running water that sparkled and flowed over rubies, diamonds, emeralds, pearls, sapphire, and other jewels she had never seen on earth. Lilly looked at the glass floor and hesitated to walk on it because it was so thin. As she placed her bare feet on the glass floor, fear left her thoughts, and she walked into another dimension.

  When she stepped through the gold wall her spirit separated from her fleshly body. She gazed
back and noticed her fleshly body standing outside the wall waiting for her to return. The body with her now looked the same, but it was her inner spirit without flesh and bones, as Josh had said. She gazed around the room and noticed there were no walls—just clear glass reflecting the bright light. This place was beautiful and peaceful, like nothing Lilly had ever experienced on earth. There was a large glass throne that was so tall it reminded her of skyscrapers. There were tall creatures with their backs turned whose large wings surrounded the throne. It seemed as if the creatures were guarding someone. She tried to get closer to see who was sitting on throne, but then she woke up. She noticed her windows were open, and the wind was blowing her curtains as they dazzled in the night air. Lilly was so amazed by the dream that she could not go back to sleep. She had a feeling of déjà vu, as if she had seen that place before.


  When Lilly returned to work the next day, she decided to visit her friend Linda, who was sick with cancer. They had met on her first day of work at All Saint Hospital and had been co-workers in the NICU as nurses. Linda had been battling cancer for the past two years and now was living in the last stages. It hurt Lilly to see her new friend suffer from such a devastating illness. The doctors had tried every treatment, but nothing could cure the cancer. As she walked into the room, Lilly saw her friend lying nearly lifeless with tubes in her nose, pale skin, and fragile flesh clinging to her bones. Linda told Lilly she didn’t want to die and that she was afraid, and tears rolled down her face. Lilly cried, too, as she hugged Linda and told her she was not going to die.

  Lilly closed her eyes and connected with Josh in the spirit. She had noticed that she could feel his presence when her eyes were closed. Josh felt her calling and walked through the brick wall in the hospital, followed by six others. They were tall with orange skin and yellow eyes, and each wore a golden crown. They stood around Linda’s bed.

  When they arrived, Lilly said, “Can you help my friend Linda? She’s dying.”

  “Yes, we can,” said Josh. “It shall be done this day.”

  Lilly closed her eyes and hugged Josh, thanking him. When she opened her eyes she was back in her home.

  Linda was now alone in her hospital room, and she was afraid. “What’s going on?” she said.

  The Seven said, “Linda, don’t be afraid. We came to heal you.” They gathered around Linda’s bed in a circle and held hands. Their bodies were as bright as hot lava from an erupting volcano, and the seven crowns on their heads glowed like the sun. Fire and glittering sparkles flew from their mouths to cover Linda’s body. Linda could feel their love and power like a thousand volts penetrating her flesh and bones. Her body was being restored to its normal state. Her skin changed from pale to pure as her body healed. Her bruised flesh rose from her fragile bones. The blood beneath her flesh was very warm, and she could feel cancer leaving her body. Linda saw her skin shining like crushed diamonds. Tears of joy flowed from her eyes. All at once, the beings vanished like the mist on a foggy day.

  When the nurse came to Linda’s room on the next morning, she noticed that Linda was sitting on the side of the bed with the tubes removed from her nose. Her body and face were shining like the sun on a summer morning.

  Linda said to the nurse, “I’m ready to go home.”

  “Not yet, Linda,” said the nurse. “That’s not possible.” The nurse examined her and noticed her vital signs had changed. She drew her blood for a sample and called in a doctor, who examined Linda further. “You sure seem better,” said the doctor. “Linda, what happen last night?”

  Linda said, “Seven aliens came in my room last night. They were tall with orange skin and yellow eyes, and they had gold crowns on their heads. They said, ‘Don’t be afraid; we came to heal you.’” She told them about the fire and glittering sparkles, and she was so excited she cried with joy.

  The nurse and doctor looked at Linda and shook their heads, but they agreed that something miraculous had happened, and they ordered more tests to look for cancer.


  The next day, having waited overnight for testing, Linda gathered her belongings to leave the hospital. The doctors had called the U.S. government and CBS News to report the miracle that had taken place at the hospital. Lilly called the hospital to find out if Linda had been released, but they refused to give her any information about her friend. Even when Lilly asked in person, they refused to release any information about Linda. Lilly noticed that the hospital lobby was crowded with reporters from every major network. She sneaked past the security desk and made her way to Linda’s room. Linda jumped up to hug Lilly when she saw her and said, “The doctors are holding me hostage and refusing to release me.”

  “Oh, really!” said Lilly. “Then we will walk out of this hospital right now without release papers.”

  They attempted to do that, but two tall government officials, wearing black suits and dark sunglasses, confronted them.

  “What is going on?” said Linda. “Why are you blocking us from leaving the hospital?”

  Both men just stood in place like two strong trees in a raging storm, unmovable. Then they grabbed the women’s arms, not speaking a word, and dragged them to a very strange vehicle that had dark windows. Lilly and Linda were blindfolded and driven somewhere. When they arrived the blindfolds were removed, and they saw a large, dark, iron city on top of a hill. The buildings had no windows. The two men took them to a very large room filled with doctors and strange-looking technology. When Lilly gazed around the room, she noticed unethical human experiments on test subjects and odd creatures in glass compartments. When she looked in to a dying creature’s eyes behind a glass wall, she could hear its thoughts crying out to her for help. It said, “Lilly, you’re the chosen one, please save us.”

  She wondered if she was hearing things and how it was possible that the creatures were communicating with her. Lilly said to the creature, “The chosen one? How could that be?”

  The creatures said, “In due time it will be revealed.”

  Linda grabbed Lilly’s hand and said, “I’m afraid. What type of place is this?”

  Lilly said, “I don’t know, but it’s really scary.” Then a strange-looking woman walked into the room. She was very thin with black hair, piercing gray eyes, and a look of death on her face. She said, “Hello, ladies. My name is Dr. Hade.”

  Linda said, “Dr. Hade? That means death.”

  The doctor laughed at Linda.

  Lilly said, “Why did you bring us to this place? We want to go home.”

  The doctor said, “That might be possible if you tell me who healed you from cancer.”

  “The Seven healed me,” said Linda.

  The doctor said, “Who are the Seven, and where did they come from?”

  Lilly said, “The Seven are mystical creatures. They came from a far distant galaxy beyond the stars.”

  The doctor said, “How can they be reached?

  Lilly said, “I’m spiritually connected to their spirits. Why do you want me to reach them?”

  “I want to know the source of their powers,” said the doctor.

  “That’s not possible,” said Lilly.

  The doctor, full of evil, screamed in Lilly’s face, “Call them now or I will kill you!”

  “No,” said Lilly.

  The two men grabbed Lilly and Linda by their arms and dragged them to a large metal table. They shoved needles in their veins as they screamed for them to stop.

  The doctor said, “Scream! No one will ever hear you in this dark city.” Lilly was afraid they would never leave the dark city.

  Lilly closed her eyes and connected with Josh in the spirit. When she opened her eyes, a large gold door shaped like a pyramid appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. The room was so bright that it penetrated the human eyes like a nuclear blast. Everyone in the room seemed amazed. The Seven walked through the pyramid-shaped door, which was flowing with gold liquid that sparkled like diamonds. It dripped down t
heir sleek bodies and was absorbed back into the gold door. They had seven gold crowns on their heads that glowed like the sun, representing their power. The Seven said, “Lilly, we felt you calling us in the spirit.”

  “Please help us,” said Lilly.

  “Don’t be afraid, Lilly. We are here now,” said the Seven.

  The Seven told Lilly and Linda to close their eyes and they would be free.

  When they opened their eyes, they were home.

  When the evil doctor saw the Seven, she was amazed. She said, “Are you aliens from another world? Where did you come from? I want to know more.”

  “No,” said the Seven, “we are not aliens. We are the protectors of the earth, sent by the Creator. Why have you requested our presence?”

  The doctor and the two men were so afraid they could not speak. Then the doctor said, “I want to know the source of your power and how can I possess it.”

  The Seven said to the doctor, “Your soul is damned, and you will never possess our powers, which are pure. Your soul is consumed with darkness; it flows through your anatomy. We have been watching this city and your unethical experiments on humans and supernatural creatures. We must destroy you and this dark city this very day.” When they lifted their hands, their oranges bodies and gold crowns glowed as fire spewed from their mouths. The wind swirled around like a powerful tornado, opening a doorway that absorbed the dark city in to a large black pit filled with blazing fire. The doctor and the people in the city screamed as the fire consumed their flesh. It destroyed everything and everyone in the dark city. Then the Seven disappeared back into the pyramid-shaped gold door.


  Lilly was very tired after the long day. She wondered what happened to the evil doctor and the other people in the dark city. She took a shower and then went to sleep as a cool breeze blew through her bedroom window. She woke up in the middle of the night and startled when she noticed that the Seven were standing around her bed in the dark. Their orange bodies and gold crowns lit up her dark room like a lighthouse shining over the dark ocean.


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