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The Digestive Health Center: Susan's Story

Page 9

by Pepper North

  Mark woke up in the late afternoon. He put dinner in the crockpot to cook and changed into his exercise clothes. Mark hit the gym for an intensive workout and left sweaty to go pick up Susan at work. He parked his car and went to stand by the doors. He had timed her exit perfectly. She had left 20 minutes early to avoid him. He watched her leave the building and begin walking to the bus stop. Mark fell into step beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist guiding her to the parking lot where his SUV awaited.

  “You knew I was going to leave early,” Susan said with a nervous frown.

  “Yep!” Mark said simply as he helped her climb into the vehicle. He buckled her in safely and went around the hood to get in. Starting the car, he drove carefully through the traffic. He parked in her driveway and went around to unlock her door. Mark’s SUV was set with child locks on all the doors. Susan couldn’t open the door until he reached her.

  “You have my door locked,” she accused.

  Mark opened the front door and ushered her into the house. “I would hate for you to get injured trying to get out of the car at the wrong time, Susan,” he replied gently as he watched her lift her nose to sniff at the yummy smelling dinner that he’d left in the crockpot.

  Instantly, she was in a better mood. “That smells wonderful. What is it?” Susan walked to the kitchen to pull off the lid and peek inside. “Spaghetti and meatballs? I love spaghetti. I’m so hungry. Can we eat?” Susan said eagerly.

  “We have something to do first. Let’s into my office. He led her to the newly repurposed exam room. Mark began unbuttoning her shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Susan demanded trying to stop his hands.

  Mark calmly continued undressing her. He captured both of her hands in one of his and held her firmly. When she was nude, he walked her over to his exam table and lifted her to lie on her back. He attached her hands above her head before pulling a strap across her ribcage placing it below her breasts that heaved as Susan repeatedly complained loudly and jerked to free herself. Mark lifted each leg into supporting stirrups and tethered those in place before taking a large thermometer out of a case, lubricating it, and pressing it deep in her bottom.

  When Susan started yelling at him. Mark calmly took a step back and said, “Do you want your neighbors coming over to check on you? The Center has already informed the authorities that you are under our care. They will come if the neighbors call but after coming in to inspect your treatment, they will leave peacefully. Do you want several police officers to come in while you are being treated?” he asked calmly and waited as she suddenly fell silent. “I know that your schedule and normal routine have been upended, Susan, but if you think about it, you will realize that I have treated you very well. Remember, I warned you that sometimes you would not like the treatment plan and that you would not like me sometimes too. I have a feeling that you deliberately did not eat the lunch I sent with you to work today.” He watched her flush in guilt. “I can easily check by testing your blood sugar.” He picked up an instrument and pricked her finger before placing drop of blood on the monitor. “Just what I thought. Do you want to tell me the truth? What did you do with your lunch?”

  “I threw it away when I walked in the door,” Susan admitted. “Then, I got so hungry at 10 that I ate chocolate out of my emergency supply. I’ve told you the truth. Can we eat now?”

  “Soon, Susan. We would be sitting down to dinner right now, if you’d eaten your lunch. Now, you need some nutrients to make up for skipping lunch to eat chocolate.” Mark picked up an enema syringe and dipped the top into a large bowl filled with a green, liquid mixture that Susan had not noticed. He squeezed the bulb end and the syringe sucked in a quantity of the nutrient infusion. He sat it next to her head so she could look at the two-inch barrel while he pulled out the thermometer and read the results. “Your silliness has dropped your blood sugar and your temperature drastically. It looks like you need a double dose of the nutrients.” As she tried to convince him that she’d eat her lunch tomorrow, Mark pressed the injector on the syringe deeply into her rectum and squeezed it firmly to push in the green nutrient mixture. Pulling it out, he refilled the syringe and again pressed it deep inside and ejected the liquid into Susan. He slid a plug into her bottom and said, “You’ll need about 30 minutes to absorb the nutrients and then we can eat dinner. I’ll go turn down the spaghetti so it doesn’t overcook and I’ll take a shower. I’ll be back when your infusion has had time to be absorbed.

  Susan watched sadly as he walked out of the room. Wafts of delicious spaghetti made her mouth water. Susan struggled against the restraints but could not move. She dropped her head back to the surface of the exam table. “What a mistake, I made,” Susan said aloud to herself. “I could have just eaten lunch. I wouldn’t have been hungry all day and I wouldn’t be laying here with green goo in my butt.” She had no idea, Mark was listening through the monitor.

  He smiled as he stripped off his sweaty gym clothes and stepped into the shower. Mark began to slide his hands up and down his erect penis. Susan was starting to get to him. He’d have to be sure to maintain a professional façade but his mind remembered her struggles to get free and the effects on her beautiful nude body. Those bouncing, rose-tipped breasts alone helped him ejaculate quickly so that he could soap himself clean.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Twenty minutes later, Mark reentered the exam room with a bedpan. He lifted Susan’s bottom and placed it over the bed pan before pulling the plug out of her rectum. “Okay, Susan. The infusion should be ready to come out.”

  Susan visibly struggled to hold the liquid inside. “I can’t use a bedpan. Let me go to the bathroom,” she asked urgently.

  “Sorry, Susan. I have to measure how much of the infusion you’ve absorbed. Don’t worry about the bedpan. Just let your muscles relax,” he instructed calmly.

  “I . . . I can’t,” she wailed turning bright red with embarrassment.

  Mark gently pulled her buttocks apart causing her to lose control of her clenched muscles. The infusion spurted briefly and then dribbled out into the bedpan. Very little of the original liquid was left. Mark waited five minutes and then removed the bedpan and cleaned up Susan’s bottom. He took the bedpan and cleaned it before returning to the room and leaving it on a rack very visible and easy to access. “I’ll just leave that there in case you decide again you’d rather have the nutrients absorbed through your intestines rather than eat your lunch.” He quickly fastened all the restraints holding her in position and helped her sit up.

  “How do you feel, Susan?” he asked. “Think for just a minute about how light-headed and cold you were when you walked in the door.”

  “I think I feel better?” Susan asked aloud. “My headache’s gone and I really thought I was coming down with something because I was shivering. Everyone else at work wasn’t cold. They keep talking about turning the fan on and I wouldn’t let them. Was that all because I skipped lunch?” Susan was amazed.

  “Yep.” Mark answered succinctly. “Are you going to eat your lunch tomorrow?”

  Susan nodded her head without a second thought. “I’d better. I don’t want to feel that way again. Or, feel that infusion in me. Can we eat now? I’m starving.”

  Mark helped her off the table and wrapped her nude body in the white robe before leading her to the kitchen table. He had her sit and drink her milk while he dished up a pile of spaghetti and added several meatballs. He took it over to set in front of her and watched as she added a bunch of grated parmesan cheese before forking it into her mouth.

  “MMMMmmmmm!” she hummed. “This is so good.’ She put her fork down as he approached the table with his own plate. She looked down and apologized, “I’m sorry, Mark. I should follow your directions and Dr. Anderson’s treatment plan without protest. It’s just hard to give someone that much control.”

  Mark gently tilted her chin back up so he could look into her eyes. “You took a big step today. All patients need to test whether the trea
tment is going to help. You’ve tested it now and you know. It does make a difference. Tomorrow’s a new day. You’ll test me again in the future and we’ll work through it. I’m your home health nurse for a reason. They knew you’d make progress with me watching out over you. And they knew I’d enjoy working with you – even when you don’t follow directions,” he smiled fondly at her. “Eat your dinner,” he said simply. “I can hear your stomach from here.”

  Susan laughed and started eating again. She knew the prosthesis would be going into her bottom after dinner. She decided to enjoy life when she could. Maybe these treatments weren’t too bad.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  With a stomach full of delicious pasta, Susan laid on the couch to watch TV. She always recorded her soap each day so she could watch it in the evening. Mark had told her to choose anything that she wanted to watch. She snickered to herself. She knew he’d hate watching her show with her. She had chosen it deliberately. As she watched, Susan tried to keep track of the noises coming from the kitchen as Mark cleaned up after dinner. He’d promised that she could take some spaghetti with her for lunch tomorrow.

  Mark deliberately waited about thirty minutes into the soap opera before appearing with the prosthesis and lubricant. He stripped off her robe and lifted Susan to lay bent over the back of the couch. She protested and tried to wiggle her feet to the ground but she was too short. Mark held her easily in place. “Watch your show! Something’s happening,” he alerted her. While Susan was distracted by the maneuvering of the key villain on her show, with a gloved hand Mark spread lubricant on her anus and pressed it in repeatedly into her rectum. He then began to press the prosthesis into Susan. Despite her wiggles and moans that it was too big, he soon had it seated inside her. He stripped off his glove and pressed two fingers into her vagina to check the fit of the prosthesis. Mark was not surprised to find her dripping with moisture. She really did enjoy attention to her bottom. He lifted her and carried her around to the couch where he sat down and draped her in the same position over his legs. Mark separated her legs and replaced his fingers in her vagina.

  “What are you doing?” Susan asked embarrassed to have his hands between her legs.

  “I’m just helping you adjust to the prosthesis, Susan. This may be a little embarrassing but I’m hoping that you’ll be able to have a couple of good orgasms. It’s the best thing to help the prosthesis stretch your narrowed intestine. It also usually helps people feel better and you’ve had a tough day,” Mark said nonchalantly as if he helped patients orgasm all the time. Mark leaned forward and grabbed the remote with his free hand and rewound the recording for several minutes. “You’re missing your show. I’ll watch with you. I always enjoy a good soap.” Mark rub the sides of her vagina searching for the sensitive spots he’d felt before. He watched Susan try to focus on the soap opera as she shivered in reaction to his wandering fingers. Mark tapped on her clitoris with his index finger. Quickly, she orgasmed once and he drove her immediately back into a second orgasm. Both wracked her with sensations.

  She’d had such a long day at work followed by embarrassing treatment at home and now, the implanted prosthesis and two massive orgasm. Susan was totally wiped out. She yawned and began to doze through the rest of her show. She was so deeply asleep by the end that she didn’t feel Mark lift her off his lap and carry her to her room. He placed her on her side in the sheets that he’d pulled back earlier before covering her nude body. Her prosthesis would need to stay in place for an hour more before he would pull it out.

  Mark turned on the monitor before shutting her door almost fully. He stopped in the kitchen and washed the remnants of Susan’s juices from his hands. Returning to the family room, he switched off the DVR and watched sports for an hour. Mark laid back on the couch that smelled like Susan and relaxed. Things were going well. She was starting to trust him.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Mark woke Susan up the next morning at her normal alarm time of 6:00 am. She vaguely remembered him shushing her complaints as he removed the prosthesis last night but she’d been too tired to fully wake up so she’d just let him do what he wanted so he’d leave her alone. Now, she scrambled out of bed after a panicked look at the clock. “I’m going to be late after my enema,” Susan squeaked. She hadn’t even registered that she was naked.

  “No enema this morning, Susan. Just get ready as you normally would and come in the kitchen for breakfast. I’ve started the shower so it will be warm. Oatmeal this morning,” Mark added as he left the room.

  Susan hurried to get in the shower. “Ahhhhh,” she moaned in pleasure as the warm water cascaded over her. She usually froze for several minutes waiting for the water to heat. This had been very thoughtful of Mark. He was taking good care of her. She felt a little ashamed of all the times that she’d questioned him or resisted his treatments. She’d try to do better. She showered and dressed quickly before putting on her make-up and choosing shoes. Susan appeared in the kitchen looking like the successful business woman that she was.

  “Great power suit, Susan. Sit down, hon, and I’ll get you a bowl of oatmeal,” Mark instructed waving to her spot at the table already equipped with a cup of hot coffee and a glass of orange juice.

  “I’m sorry, Mark. I don’t like oatmeal. I’ll just drink my coffee and juice,” Susan said quickly. She watched as he ladled oatmeal into two bowls and brought them to the table. When he set it in front of her, she repeated, “Really, I don’t like oatmeal.

  “You haven’t tried my oatmeal. It’s as good as my spaghetti.” When it looked like Susan wasn’t even going to try it, Mark added. “The best thing about oatmeal is that it can be absorbed in a human’s stomach and in their intestines. I would try it, Susan. It will have to go in your rectum for absorption at work if you aren’t able to eat it.”

  Susan looked at him with goggling eyes to see if he was joking. When he looked calmly back at her before indicating a large, empty injector and bottle of lubricant sitting on the kitchen table, she picked up her spoon and tried the oatmeal. Amazed, she took another bite. “This is really good, Mark.” Susan quickly finished everything the oatmeal, juice, and coffee. She set down her spoon and grinned at him. “Your oatmeal is great, Mark. Tell me the truth now that I’ve eaten it, you weren’t really going to put that in my bottom, right?”

  “Oh, it was going in you, one way or another. I’m glad you chose the right way. The other is messy and would have taken some of your lunch time when you’d had to meet me to remove the plug,” Mark replied evenly. Susan would soon learn he never made up any threats. His statements were all true consequences of her actions. He watched her thinking about his statement as she imagined what would have happened. “Go brush your teeth, Susan,” he said gently. “It’s almost time to go. I want to take your temperature before we leave.”

  Mark cleaned the kitchen rapidly and was waiting in her bedroom with the large thermometer. He quickly unfastened her pants and pulled down her light blue panties. He sat on her bed and pulled her over his knee before applying some lubricant and sliding the large thermometer in deep. “Five minutes, Susan and we’ll be ready to go.” When the five minutes was up, he removed the thermometer and held her in place over his lap while he read her temperature. “Still a little low. Be sure to eat your lunch today. I’ll mix up a batch of nutrients just in case you come home tonight and need it.” He helped her stand up and he redressed her while Susan stood quietly thinking about last night’s nutrient infusion.

  “I’ll be sure to eat my lunch today, Mark,” she promised.

  “Good! Go get your things and I’ll wash my hands. We’ll meet at the door to leave,” Mark instructed.

  Susan walked quickly down the hall to the chair where she stored her purse and briefcase. Her lunch was sitting right next to her purse. She picked everything up and met Mark at the door. The ride to work was filled with small talk as he asked her about her job and responsibilities. He dropped her off at the door and reminded her to call him wh
en she was walking out of the door so he could pull around to the front to pick her up.

  “Have a good day at work, Susan. I’ll see you this afternoon!” Mark said cheerfully.

  Susan smiled back at him. It was certainly more pleasant to have Mark drive her to work instead of taking the smelly bus. She could get spoiled by this.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Susan rang his cellphone number as she was walking to the door. “I’m finished for the day,” she told him happily. She’d had a great day at work and gotten lots of work done. Her energy levels were higher than normal and several people at work mentioned how rested she looked. Susan had been sure to eat her lunch today. Mark had packed the promised spaghetti and other nutritious items like vegetable sticks and a delicious dressing as well as a carton of milk and a cookie for dessert. Susan had devoured everything down to the crumbs. When she caught herself licking her finger and pressing it onto her desk to get the last bits of the cookie, she forced herself to stop and brushed them into her trashcan.

  He was waiting for her at the front. He jumped out and opened her door before helping her in and buckling her seatbelt. Getting back in the SUV, Mark drove them home as he asked questions about her day and laughed at some of the stories about an inept intern.

  When the conversation came to a brief lull, Susan complimented him on the lunch. “Your spaghetti was even better today, Mark. Thanks for packing my lunch. I felt much better all afternoon.”


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