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The Digestive Health Center: Susan's Story

Page 10

by Pepper North

“I’m glad. That’s my job to help you feel better.” He pulled into the driveway and parked. Again, he came around and opened the passenger door to let her out of the SUV. Mark opened her front door with his new key and ushered her inside. “Go take your clothes off and come in the treatment room, Susan,” Mark said simply.

  As she walked back to her room, she heard the water running in the kitchen. She moved as slowly as possible to take off her clothes before pulling on the white robe and walking back down the hall. She hesitated in the kitchen doorway. She really didn’t want an enema.

  Mark stuck his head in the kitchen and beckoned her forward. “Come on Susan. You’ve been feeling better with all our treatments. Let’s keep following Dr. Anderson’s plan.” He led her into the treatment room and helped her out of her robe. “You need to get in position for your enema, Susan. Today, is your series of cleansing enemas. That means head down and bottom up,” he directed. He smiled behind her as she slowly climbed on to the table and lowered her shoulders to the surface. Mark helped her shift her legs further apart and he strapped them into position before pulling the restraining strap across her back threading it under her arms so she wouldn’t be able to move away from the enema. He lubricated her anus and took the time to press the lubricant inside her rectum before pressing the large nozzle into her bottom and starting the flow of the cleansing enema.

  Mark stayed by her side as the enema flowed through her system. The cleanser was irritating to her sensitive tissues and Susan rocked her hips from side to side while asking frequently if the enema was over. Mark patted her back and bottom to reassure her while praising her for doing such a good job taking her enema. “It’s not easy, Susan. You’re doing a great job. We’re going to make sure that you are very clean inside so you don’t have trouble going to the bathroom.” Finally, the enema bag had almost emptied. Mark pulled apart her buttocks causing the last of the cleanser to gush into her.

  Susan groaned in reaction. “Please, Mark. Just let me go to the bathroom.” She froze in place as she heard the gurgle of the enema bag emptying.

  Mark pulled the nozzle out of her rectum and replaced it quickly with an anal plug. “That will need to stay inside you for a little while to soften up the fecal matter, Susan. Just relax. I’ll clean the bag and refill it with your rinse,” Mark explained as he removed the bag from the medical pole and carried it into the kitchen.

  Susan heard splashes and squeaks from the rubber bag. She knew he was washing out the cleanser. She then heard the water splashing consistently into the bag. The noise went on and on. Susan knew she would soon be getting a massive rinse for her enema.

  Mark returned to the room and hung the bulging bag onto the pole and pulled it over to her side. “How are you doing, Susan?”

  He listened to all her complaints and patted her on the back. “I know it’s tough. It’s not quite time for your enema to come out. I’ll go get dinner started. You’ll be hungry when we’re finished here.” Mark rubbed her tummy spreading the cleanser deeper inside her as he again listened to her. “I know, Susan, you really think you’re ready to go to the bathroom. I’m afraid you’ll have to trust me. Your intestines aren’t ready yet. Soon,” he promised as he left the room.

  Susan could hear him in the kitchen. The rattle of silverware as he set the table and the sound of a skillet on the stove top. She began to smell a wonderful aroma. Her stomach growled. Even stuffed with an enema, it was still hungry. Finally, Mark came in and unfastened the restraints. He helped her walk into the bathroom where he removed the plug. Susan dropped to the toilet seat and the stinging cleanser burst out of her washing poop out of her. The smell filled the bathroom. Susan turned bright red. She couldn’t believe that odorous mess had been inside her.

  Mark sprayed something that helped remove the odor. He helped Susan off the toilet when she was ready and he cleaned her bottom thoroughly. “Now, you know why it’s important to have a cleansing enema, Susan. Your narrowed intestines block the waste from leaving and it begins to breakdown in your system. The bacteria build and you’d become very uncomfortable without the enema treatment.” He helped her into her robe and led her back to the kitchen. “Dinner time, Susan.”

  “Don’t I have to have a rinse enema?” she asked as he washed his hands.

  “We’ll see after dinner if you want to have one. That cleanser can be unpleasant to some if it isn’t washed out. Maybe you’ll decide not to have the rinse, maybe you’ll be ready for the relief after dinner. It’s your choice,” Mark told her. “Take a seat, Susan. I’ll let you think about it over dinner. Tonight, we’re having meatloaf.”

  Susan hadn’t thought she liked meatloaf but it was delicious. Mark served it with green beans and mashed potatoes. Susan hadn’t ever eaten so well. He was a better cook than her mom. She squirmed through dinner. That cleanser was burning inside her. Finally, she put her fork down and looked up at Mark. “Will you give me the rinse enema, Mark. I really need it.”

  “You bet, Susan. That’s a wise decision. Are you finished eating?” he asked without any reaction to show her that he was glad she wanted the enema. When she nodded that she was finished, he helped her back through the doorway and onto her back on the exam table. “Your legs need to be up and spread for the rinse enema, Susan.” He moved her heels into the stirrups and fastened her in place. He placed the strap across her ribcage again before lubricating the nozzle of the bulging enema bag and pressing it into her burning rectum.

  “Click.” Susan heard the enema begin. She groaned in relief as the cool water began to dilute the cleanser easing the stinging in her bowels.

  Mark patted her inner thigh. “You’ll soon be feeling much better,” he promised. Mark left the room. Susan soon heard him whistling as he cleaned up the kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Two rinses later, Susan understood why the cleansing enemas came in threes. She was exhausted. Mark led her to bed and helped her climb under the covers. He turned her over to face away from the door and flipped out her lights.

  Mark went down the hall and returned several minutes later. He uncovered her bottom and lifted her top buttock to reveal her sore anus. Mark soothed a cooling salve around her reddened tissues and pressed his finger inside to spread it around. Susan felt a wide injector slide into her rectum easily and Mark dispensed a large amount of lubricant before pressing the prosthesis deep into place. He reassured Susan as she grumbled about having more things put in her tummy. Mark held the prosthesis in place as she restlessly moved around in bed. Within a few minutes, Susan had dropped into a deep sleep. Mark made sure that she was tucked into bed and he left the room cracking the door shut so he wouldn’t disturb her.

  Tonight, the prosthesis would stay in place a longer period. Hopefully, Susan was so tired that she would not notice the additional stretching. Mark returned to his exam room and straightened up after all the treatments. He filled the enema bag with a soothing mixture just in case, Susan woke up and was having pain from the prosthesis. He pulled it into his bedroom where it would be close and set an alarm for two hours. That would extend her wear time an extra hour to two hours and thirty minutes. Mark took a quick shower and pulled on sleep pants before jumping into bed.

  “Mark, Mark! You forgot to take this out of me!” Susan urgently pushed on Mark’s bare shoulder to wake him up. “It needs to come out. It’s really uncomfortable. Can you take it out for me?”

  Mark reached a strong arm out of the covers and scooped Susan in to lie next to him in bed. “Susan, the prosthesis can come out in thirty minutes. Just lay here with me and relax. I know it’s uncomfortable.”

  Susan pushed at his bare chest. “I can’t lay here with you. You’re half-dressed and you won’t let me wear any clothes to bed. Mark, I’m not kidding. It needs to come out.”

  “When the alarm goes off, I’ll take it out. Twenty-eight minutes to go. Here, sometimes this helps patients relax.” He pressed Susan backward so she was on her back. Mark’s strong legs separat
ed hers so she lay sprawled out. “Here, hon. Let’s see if we can get you to orgasm. It will take the discomfort away.” Mark reached his hand between her legs and slid his fingers into her pink folds. “See you’re already wet and needing some attention,” Mark answered as Susan tried to convince him to stop.

  “No. . . No. . . Stop, Mark!” She demanded. “I don’t want you to touch me.”

  “Your body does. Just relax, Susan. I promise it will make things better for you.” Mark held her in place as his talented fingers pressed into her vagina brushing and stroking all the sensitive spots that he’d learned would help her to orgasm. He knew Susan was embarrassed but her treatment plan recommended this and to be honest, he enjoyed touching her and making her orgasm. “Feel, Susan. Doesn’t that feel good? Can you come for me?” Mark asked brushing across her clitoris. He felt her body rocking into his caresses.

  “No, Mark, no.” Susan’s protests were beginning to sound more like moans of pleasure. Mark’s hands were no longer needed to hold her down. He began plucking her nipples and pulling first lightly and then strongly on them. He watched her writhe on the bed. She definitely wasn’t thinking of the prosthesis. Mark’s alarm sounded softly. Susan froze as he pressed a button and immediately resumed his arousing touch. Susan felt herself launch into a strong orgasm that caused her body to jerk softly in his arms.

  Mark pulled her into his arms as she drifted down from her pleasure. He brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead. Susan was beyond talking. When he felt her body relax, he shifted to that he was sitting on the side of the bed and Susan was stretched over his lap. He pulled the prosthesis from her body and rubbed some salve from the bedside table on her anus. It contained a quick acting sedative that would help the tissues relax while being absorbed and helping Susan fall back to sleep. He placed her back in his bed and covered her up before taking the prosthesis to the exam room. He would sanitize it tomorrow.

  He returned to his room and climbed in the other side of the bed. His white smile could be seen as Susan cuddled up to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and threw a leg over his. Just a few more inches and her leg would rest on his enormous erection. Susan was very attractive to him. He enjoyed taking care of her more every day. He’d heard of home health care nurses bonding with their patients. The most successful pairings for the client’s improvement at The Digestive Health Center had been matching the patient with a nurse of their preferred sexual orientation. Susan certainly responded to him. Mark closed his eyes and rested his head against hers.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  The next morning, Susan scrambled out of bed when she awoke cuddled up on Mark’s strong chest. She watched as he yawned and opened his eyes to peer first at her and then at his watch.

  “You’ve got thirty minutes more to sleep before we start your stretching enema, Susan. Curl back up in bed and stay warm, Mark suggested pulling back the covers.

  “That will not be happening, Mark. You took advantage of me last night,” Susan accused.

  Mark looked up at her and replied slowly. “Susan, you are my patient. You were in distress. I helped you feel better by helping you orgasm. You felt better afterward. The length of time the prosthesis will need to remain in you will continue to build. You will be very uncomfortable again. Do you not want to have relief?”

  “Uncomfortable? That wasn’t uncomfortable? I was in pain,” Susan stomped her foot in exasperation. Mark did not betray his appreciation of her naked breasts bouncing at her movement.

  “How did you feel after your orgasm?” Mark said gently.

  Susan stopped and was quiet. She did not answer.

  “How did you feel Susan after I helped you orgasm?” Mark repeated gently.

  “I . . . I was better,” Susan admitted.

  “Exactly. Now, you have twenty minutes left to relax in bed before I start your morning enema. Do you want to climb in and relax or should I start your enema now?” he asked raising a questioning eyebrow. He again lifted the covers up for her.

  Susan climbed in and lay stiffly. Mark pulled her over to his chest and hugged her to him. “Just relax, Susan. We can be friends as well as nurse and patient. I think you’re pretty wonderful. Am I an ugly troll that you can’t bear to be next to?” Mark said lightly. He felt her relax against him.

  “No. You’re okay,” she whispered simply. A few minutes later, Susan sat up slightly, “Wait, I don’t have a stretching enema. I wore my prosthesis . . . forever. I don’t have an enema when I wear it.

  Mark just pulled her back to his chest and closed his eyes. “Just fifteen more minutes.”

  Chapter Thirty

  After showering and dressing, Susan emerged from her bedroom. She didn’t know what to say to Mark as she walked toward the kitchen. She was nervous after their morning conversation. He’d aroused her to orgasms before but not in bed. That seemed more personal. As she rounded the corner, she began laughing. Mark had turned on the radio instead of the normal news and was dancing around the room as he poured milk and coffee for them.

  Spying her in the doorway, Mark swooped in and whisked her around the floor doing a darned good Texas two step to the country music filling the room. As the music stopped he twirled her around until she was slightly dizzy and she collapsed to her chair laughing. “Good morning, Susan. It’s going to be a good day.” Somehow, she thought it would as well.

  Their routine had already solidified, Mark drove her into work. He chatted with her easily about her day. Pulling up to the front door, he handed her the lunch he had made. As Susan juggled her briefcase, purse and lunch, Mark drew her close and kissed her cheek. “Have a good day, hon.”

  Susan got out of the car and floated in the door. Several times throughout the day, she caught herself pressing her hand on her cheek where he had kissed her. When it was time to go home, she gathered her things eagerly and caught the elevator down. She called Mark on the way and just like normal, he was waiting at the door for her. Ushering her in the passenger door, Mark drove a short distance and pulled into an empty parking lot

  “What are we doing? I think this store is closed,” Susan said hesitantly.

  “It is, Susan. We’ve stopped her for just a minute to get everything in order.” Mark turned off the engine and walked around to Susan’s door. He unbuckled her seat belt and said, “You’ll need to get in the back seat, Susan.” He ushered the confused Susan into the backseat before climbing in after her. Mark turned her away from him and unzipped her straight suit skirt. As she protested, Mark lifted her to remove the skirt and her underwear dropping them to the floor of the SUV. He slipped off her shoes as well leaving her nude from the waist down. Mark lifted her over his lap and he pulled a nozzle attached to a large enema bag disguised in the seatback in front of her.

  “You can’t give me an enema in the car. Someone will see,” Susan squirmed trying to reach her discarded skirt.

  Mark calmly held her in place with one arm pressed to her back as he opened her buttocks and applied a large amount of lubricant to her anus. “Enemas can be given anywhere, Susan. You’ll get used to having enemas in the car. My windows are dark, hon. No one can see.”

  He pressed the nozzle deep into her rectum and she heard the telltale “puff, puff, puff” as he inflated the nozzle to fill her totally. She wouldn’t be able to pull it out until it was inflated. “Click” the clamp was released on the enema hose and Susan felt warm water entering her. “Please, stop it. Can’t we just do this at home?” Susan begged as he laid her on the wide seat and covered her up with a warm throw.

  “We have some errands to run tonight, Susan. It makes more sense to start your enema now. Then, you can relax at home.” Mark let himself out of the rear door and reentered the driver’s door. He tossed something onto the passenger seat. Susan looked down to the floor and saw that he had even taken her clothes with him. She dropped her head to the seat cushion. She covered herself totally with the blanket and was determined not to talk to him.

/>   Mark drove around to several stores. He ran inside each one and brought back some packages. He stowed each one in the rear of the SUV. The last store was a pharmacy. About an hour after he’d picked her up, Mark pulled into a fast food chain drive through. “I think we need a change from healthy food tonight. What kind of burger do you want? Hey, you’re not giving me the silent treatment, are you?” Mark chuckled at the “hmmpfff!” that came from the backseat. He ordered several burgers and fries and returned to her house. Mark backed into the drive and pushed a button raising the garage. “Stay here, Susan. I’ll get you in the house without anyone seeing you,” he promised. He’d checked her enema bag as they had driven around and timed his stops so that it would be finishing just as they got home. There was just a little left so he carried in his packages from the trunk and the fast food. He stored the food in the oven turned on low and returned to the car to find Susan peeking her nose out from under the covers. Mark placed the enema bag on her tummy, wrapped her from head to toe in the blanket and carried her quickly into the house closing the garage door. Not a single neighbor had noticed their activities.

  Mark carried her into the treatment room and unwrapped his patient. Immediately, Susan started talking loudly to ask him what he thought he was doing. A gurgle from the enema bag interrupted her as he calmly hung it on the medical pole. Susan looked up at the huge enema bag. “Wait . . . was that full? Is that all in me?” Immediately, she felt the push of the large volume enema on her intestines. “Can I go to the bathroom?” she asked next. She watched Mark slowly detach the nozzle from the clamped bag and lift her to her feet. She waddled to the bathroom as the water sloshed inside her.

  Collapsing to the toilet, Susan was quiet for a few minutes before looking up at him. “You did that deliberately, didn’t you? You knew I had to have a huge enema and you distracted me with all that running around and enema in the car.”


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