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The Keepers Collection

Page 3

by Pepper North

  Oreg just shushed her with a low sound, “Relax your muscles, Payi. I know this is a forbidden area for play for many humans, but I can tell you are enjoying this. Let me help you find pleasure. I will touch you often in this beautiful spot. Enjoy, Payi.” He pressed slightly with his finger while Payi felt her bottom cheeks pulled firmly apart.

  Payi felt pleasure and a brief burning sensation as her rectal tissues were stretched open to admit his furred finger. Each strand of the fur seemed to caress her sensitive opening.

  Oreg steadily introduced his finger into Payi’s tight rectum until his hand touched her body. Then, holding his finger firmly into her bottom as she tried to push out the intruder, he rotated his hand so his fingers could reach her clitoris. Lightly tapping on the bundle of nerves, Oreg began to withdraw and reintroduce his inserted finger into Payi’s bottom as she began to moan and thrash on his lap. Far too soon, Oreg watched his precious human shatter into a very strong orgasm that rocked her body. Holding her in place until her body quieted, Oreg watched her with joy. Payi was his. He would never let her go.

  Chapter 4

  Slowly, he withdrew his finger from her rectum and began to redress Payi as she lay limp in his arms. “Payi, would you like to meet another Nrantian? My closest neighbor is approaching to meet you.”

  Payi looked around wildly. She couldn’t believe she had lost such control and been totally unaware of her surroundings.

  “He did not see you reach your pleasure, Payi. Your body is for my eyes only. Do not be embarrassed,” Oreg reassured Payi. He cradled Payi in his arms and stood to greet his friend, Yoha.

  “Yoha, I did not know you were back from your travels. This is Payi. I have been chosen as her permanent Keeper. Isn’t she lovely? I am very honored,” Oreg said warmly.

  Yoha smiled gently at Payi. “You are very beautiful, Payi. And what a beautiful name your Keeper has given you. You will need to come over to my home and meet my human companion, Srah. I also have the honor of being chosen as a Keeper. Oreg assisted Srah has she transitioned to like here on Nrantia. She is very fond of him. Will you come during the next light period, Oreg?” Yoha looked questioningly at Oreg.

  “I think Payi needs a little more time to adjust to her new home before she has the energy to socialize. May I bring her in three light periods, Yoha?” Oreg responded.

  “Of course! I forget what a big change it is for these little humans. Srah and I will be glad to see you whenever Payi is feeling stronger. Now, I must get back. Srah is known for getting into trouble when I leave her alone. She is very mischievous. She will be very eager to meet you, Payi. Oreg, care for her well.” Yoha set off retracing his steps at an incredible pace. Obviously, the large, muscled Nrantian body was built to move much faster than the average human.

  “Let’s get you home, Payi. Enough outdoors for you. It’s time for some magriri milk and bedtime.” Oreg turned with Payi in his arms and quickly returned to his home. Opening the door with a press of his handprint to the glowing panel, he carried her through the rooms to her quarters where he laid her on the changing table, undressed her, and once again restraining her legs in a spread position, swiftly lubricated and inserted the reading probe into Payi’s anus. “Shhhh! Payi, you enjoy having things in your bottom. Relax and let me take care of you.” Several minutes later, he read the report on the glowing screen and programmed in a command for the needed medication. Swiftly inserting the capsule deep into Payi’s bottom, Oreg rewrapped his precious charge into a new quobon. Returning to the cushioned chair, he cradled Payi into his strong arms and inserted the nipple of the magriri milk into Payi’s mouth. Hushing the protesting sounds from his sleepy charge, Oreg soothed her until the milk was gone and Payi had relaxed into sleep. Laying his head back on the chair, Oreg allowed himself to relax and doze.

  Chapter 5

  Remaining perfectly still as he woke up, Oreg could feel Payi sit up on his lap. He decided to see what his little human, Payi, would do. Would she be mischievous like Srah or timid? He felt Payi carefully slide her body to sit on the edge of his leg. Oreg cracked one eye open to observe her reactions.

  Payi sat on Oreg’s lap. He was so big that the ground looked like it was far away. She peeked back at Oreg, but he was still. “This is my time to get away,” she thought to herself steeling her courage to jump to the floor. Quickly, she pushed gently off the purple creature’s leg and dropped to the floor. Amazed at how the floor cushioned her landing, Payi slowly took one step and then another. She started to regain her balance but her muscles were very weak, and she was forced to go slowly. Holding her arms extended out for balance, Payi walked as if she was on a high wire over to look out the small window once again. “I wasn’t dreaming.

  The sky stretched in front of her eyes. She thought this time it was greener than pink. “Could it be changing to evening?” Shadows were beginning to form among the plants. Suddenly, a large, round head with six eyes jumped to the other side of the window to block her view. Payi automatically jumped back and shouted, “Holy crap!” She began to back away from the window keeping her eyes on the brown creature as his six eyes were locked on her. Finally, she turned around and ran.

  Three steps behind her stood Oreg. She wrapped her arms around his long, purple legs and tried to climb his body. “Oreg, what is that thing? It looks like it wants to eat me!” she cried.

  Oreg scooped her up in a pair of arms and held her tightly against his body shielding her view. There was a bright flash outside and the brown creature stiffened and dropped from view. “It’s okay now. The derisp is gone.” He rotated her to be able to look out the window again.

  “He looked like he wanted to eat me,” Payi whispered as she shivered in his arms.

  “The derisp would have made you his evening meal, Payi. My world is very beautiful, but it can be dangerous – just like yours. I’m sorry you were scared, but it’s important that you do not leave my side. For me, the derisp is harmless. For you, it could be fatal without quick intervention. Are you feeling better now?” Oreg asked moving in small, swaying motions.

  “I was really scared, and it was right there - on the other side of the window. I don’t want to see another derisp,” Payi said empathically.

  “Nrantia is very beautiful during the day. But in the pinkness, some creatures would harm you. When the greenness takes over, the most dangerous creatures come out to eat. Even Nrantians stay indoors during the greenness. You must promise me to stay indoors unless I am with you. It is not safe for humans to wander around alone,” Oreg looked seriously at Payi.

  “For all I know, you’re a dangerous creature keeping me captive,” Payi said spitefully.

  Oreg’s four arms drooped in reaction to her harsh words. His eyes searched hers. Finally, he said, “I can only hope that in time, you will see that you are the most precious creature to me. To be selected as your Keeper is a great honor but it is a great emotional endeavor as well. From the minute that you entered my home, you became more important than my own life. I hope that in time you will be able to return some of the affection that I already feel for you.”

  He turned to face away from her and walked into a room which Payi had not ventured. “Come, Payi. It is time for the greenness meal. I will fix you some of the berries from the Varitus plant that we saw outside as well as some other Nrantian delicacies.” He turned and waited for her in the arched doorway before putting one large, purple hand on her back and ushering her to a raised chair. Lifting Payi into the seat, Oreg quickly fastened a tray in front of her. He opened a small door and pulled out a rectangular cloth which he tucked around her chest and throat. Oreg scattered some brightly colored lumps around on the tray and said, “Try the berries. They are delicious.”

  Payi pushed on the tray, but it didn’t budge. She liked the chair because it lifted her up to see what was going on. When she stood everything was taller than she was. She watched Oreg gather several weird things and begin putting items together. She guessed that was Nrantian
food. Payi lifted a bright orange lump and brought it to her nose to sniff. It didn’t have a smell, so she tried touching it to her tongue. It didn’t have a flavor. “Oreg, is this plastic? It doesn’t have a taste.”

  “Plastic, the translator is telling me, is a made-up substance that used for bags and toys. We do not have plastic here. Those are Varitus berries. You must bite into them to release the flavor. Here, like this,” Oreg said popping a grey lump into his mouth and chewing. “Mmmmmmm,” he hummed with satisfaction.

  Payi put the orange lump into her mouth a crunched it between her teeth. Instantly, juice began to flow in her mouth. It was heavenly. The taste was close to a strawberry and a banana mixed together. “MMmmmmm,” Payi repeated Oreg’s evaluation. “Those are yummy.”

  “Yummy is a new word for me. It means it tastes good?” Oreg asked seriously.

  “Yummy means that it tastes extremely good,” Payi answered. She entertained herself by eating the rest of the Varitus berries. All the colors had different flavors, but Payi liked them all. By the time she had finished them, Oreg had placed several plates on the table.

  Oreg seated himself and picked up a small plate of long green things that looked like green beans. Selecting one, he held this to Payi’s mouth with the large purple fingers of one arm. She tried to take it from him to feed herself, but she soon found her arms trapped behind her by two other arms. Oreg again held it to Payi’s mouth, and she pressed her lips together stubbornly refusing to try it. “You must eat, Payi, or you will become weak. Try the turi root. It is very good,” Oreg urged holding it to her lips.

  “I’m not going to eat anything if you won’t let me feed myself. I’m not a baby,” Payi said emphatically.

  “Humans do not eat by themselves on Nrantia. It is a very rude practice and brings shame to the human and the Keeper. You must eat as I feed you,” Oreg said again holding the green thing to her lips.

  Payi was mad. She couldn’t make him release her arms, so she did the only thing left to her. Payi bit down hard on Oreg’s finger.

  Oreg howled and dropped the green root on to the table. He stood and removed a cloth from a concealed drawer and wrapped it around his finger. Payi could see the cloth staining with his yellow blood. She wiped off her face and found that she also had the thick yellow liquid on her mouth. She felt bad. She hadn’t wanted to wound him seriously. Just to cause him to stop trying to force her to eat that green thing.

  Without speaking, Oreg began to place all the food back into its place in the kitchen. He lifted Payi from her chair and carried her to the room with her elevated bed. He quickly stripped off her quobon and the towel-like bib. Oreg sat on a padded item that Payi had decided was a chair. Laying Payi over his legs, he lifted the three uninjured arms and began spanking her with force on her bottom. Payi squirmed and wiggled as she yelled at him to “Stop. Stop now!” She told him repeatedly that he couldn’t spank her, but Oreg did not listen. He continued to swat her bottom sharply until she began to sob and promise that she’d be good and that she’d never bite him again. When Oreg judged that Payi’s bottom was sufficiently red and that her tears were genuine, he stopped spanking and cuddled her to his body.

  Payi clung to him and apologized over and over. She felt bad that she’d hurt him. Oreg still wasn’t using that arm. “I just wanted to feed myself,” she wailed.

  “That is not allowed on Nrantia. You will have to follow this world’s rules now, Payi. Unfortunately, now that I am wounded, I must see to your health and put you in your bed. I will need to go into the evacuation chamber to rid myself of waste. You will remain in your bed until I can leave. This will be a long period. I will leave an extra bottle of magriri juice with you. Drink it and sleep while I am healing,” Oreg said ominously.

  Payi was lifted and placed on the flat table. He lifted her legs high, so her bottom left the table surface. Pressing her feet in the air over her head, Oreg took advantage of her naturally separated buttocks to press the reading device deep within her rectum. He did not use the fluid in the jar to help it slide in, and Payi gasped as he was forced to work the reader into her bottom in and out several times before it was deeply implanted. When it beeped, and a new medicine capsule appeared, Payi knew it was going in her bottom. Again, placed without lubricant, Oreg held his finger in place until it began to melt. Finally wrapping her in a quobon, Payi was lifted into her crib. Oreg handed her a bottle and placed another in the corner of her bed before closing the transparent shield to contain her in place.

  Payi stood on her knees in the bed with her hands on the clear shield watching Oreg walk away. He held himself very rigid and walked slowly. At the door, before he turned off the lights, Payi saw him stumble and catch himself at the last second by pressing a hand against the wall. Then he was gone from her sight. Payi wrapped her arms around herself and began to cry. Oreg was her only friend here. He had treated her very kindly, and she had hurt him. She didn’t know what he meant by ridding himself of waste, but that didn’t sound good. “What would happen if he didn’t come back?” Wiping the tear streaks below her eyes, Payi lifted the bottle to her lips as she laid down. The magriri milk sent her to sleep quickly.

  Chapter 6

  When Payi woke up, the green light in her room had changed to pink. She was learning that was the equivalent of daytime here on Nrantia. She tried pushing her hands against the transparent shield, but it was unmovable. Payi pressed her hand to low on her stomach and groaned. She needed to use the bathroom, or she guessed her quobon but with Oreg missing she’d have to wear a wet quobon until he reappeared. Payi crossed her legs tightly and tried to think of anything else. Finally, ten minutes later, she lost the battle and wet her quobon.

  Payi dropped her head in her hands and cried again. She had caused this mess. Oreg had been nothing but very nice to her, and she had bitten him just because she was too proud to eat the food that he had offered her. The thought of food made her hungry, and soon her stomach growled. Payi looked at the extra bottle of magriri juice and decided to drink it. Again, the juice made her tired, and she drifted off to sleep, wet and uncomfortable.

  A jingle in the room woke, Payi up. She blinked sleepily and saw a large purple figure in front of her. As the shield raised, Payi jumped up to launch herself into Oreg’s arms. Only this time, he only had three arms and a small stub where the other had been. His three arms wrapped around her and lifted her into his arms.

  “Payi, I think you missed me. I’m sorry I was gone so long,” Oreg apologized as he carried her over to the high table. Stretching her out on the soft surface, Oreg began unfastening her quobon.

  “I’m so sorry, Oreg. I didn’t mean to hurt you. What happened to your arm?” Payi asked in a rush of words.

  “You didn’t know that a human bite is dangerous to Nrantians. My arm was rejected by my body to save my life. It will regrow within several greennesses. Until then, you will have to be very careful not to injure me,” Oreg smiled at her to soften his words as he began to clean her bottom free of urine.

  Payi didn’t even flinch when Oreg raised her legs before picking up the reader to place it in her bottom. She smiled when he dipped it back into the thick liquid before sliding it deep inside her. “I will be sure not to hurt you again, Oreg. I feel really bad,” she whispered.

  “I am well now, Payi.” Oreg patted her still red bottom. “I did not like to spank you. Humans that do not follow directions are a risk for themselves and their Keepers. You must always follow my directions, even if you do not like them. If not, I will have to spank you again.

  Payi dropped her eyes away from his. “I’ll try, Oreg. Sometimes, I’m just stubborn.” She wiggled on the table. What was taking the reader so long?

  Suddenly there was a loud beeping, and a message flashed across the screen above her. Immediately. “Oooh, Payi. You have hurt yourself as well. You will need to relax. I will help you stay still,” Oreg said mysteriously. He lowered her legs and fastened a band around each of her ankles and wri
sts before pushing a button. Instantly her limbs were stretched to the corners of the table spreading her legs widely. Oreg opened another small door and pulled out a long cord with a long, blunt end. He spread her labia and began to feed the long blunt end into Payi’s urethra. When she began to wiggle, he pressed a big hand into the center of her torso and held her solidly in place.

  “I’m going to have an accident. Please stop,” Payi begged as she felt the thin instrument feed into her urethra and then up in her bladder. When it was in place, Payi felt the end expand into her bladder and close it off. Liquid began to flow into her bladder filling it until she felt like it would explode. “Oreg, please. Don’t do this.” After a short period, she melted onto the table as the liquid flowed back out.

  Oreg continued to hold her in place. “Your body needs medicine, Payi. Our medicine for this is too strong to stay in you for a long time, but you need several doses to heal you. You will feel the medicine flow into your bladder and then flow out. This will need to continue for five lora. Then, it will be time to feed you if you will cooperate,” Oreg said looking at her seriously.

  “How much time is a lora?” Payi questioned quickly her voice breaking as the liquid again filled her bladder completely.

  “I don’t know what the equivalent would be in your Earth time. Now, if you will cooperate?” Oreg’s purple finger hovered over the button.

  “I will be good, Oreg,” Payi promised. Immediately, she felt her wrists and ankles released. Oreg helped her sit up gingerly trying not to jar the device implanted in her bladder.

  Oreg picked up his little human. She was totally nude, but the bladder implant seemed to be distracting her from embarrassment. He enjoyed looking at her beautifully smooth human body free of hair except in a few places. He would remove this hair later when her medical treatment was over, and her tummy had been fed solid food. Oreg reseated her in the high chair and fastened the tray to hold her in place. He watched her wiggle as she sat on the hard surface. Her spanked bottom was tender from her spanking. She had promised to follow directions, but he was not sure that she would remember this. He knew that her bottom would be red many times in the future. His Payi was intelligent. She would need to be shown the consequences of her independent behavior often.


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