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The Keepers Collection

Page 4

by Pepper North

  This time, the meal went smoothly. Payi was distracted by the influx of medicine filling her bladder in cycles. Oreg offered her only a nutritious bottle of human formula so that she would not overtax her body during the bladder treatment. Oreg was pleased to see that Payi did not protest sitting in the high chair and that she accepted the bottle immediately. After he decided that she had eaten enough to sustain her, Oreg put the food away and lifted Payi into his arms. He cradled her against his warm, soft fur and carried her back to her sleeping and nurturing room where he sat in the large chair that swayed gently.

  “Is it almost over?” Payi asked weakly.

  “There is about a half lora left in your treatment. Just relax and let your Keeper hold you.” Oreg shifted her so that she laid on her side with one leg held high by one of Oreg’s strong arms. The other hand first checked the placement of the instrument in her bladder and then began to trace its way down the seam of her swollen lips. Oreg smiled when he felt her moisture. Many humans responded with sexual stimulation when their rectums or bladders were filled. Oreg held Payi in place as she began to buck away from his searching fingers. “Follow directions, Payi. I am just helping distract you.” Right on time, the medicine began to flow back into Payi, and she stiffened in place. Oreg brushed her vaginal lips and began to inch one large finger into her vagina. That tight passage was even more petite with the pressure of the medicine from her bulging bladder. He slowly slid his finger inside until he felt the soft tissue of her cervix before gliding it out. He repeated this motion as the medicine continued its cycle of filling and emptying her bladder. He smiled when he heard her pleasure filled moan.

  Payi began to beg Oreg, “Please, please, please!” She felt the medicine swell inside her and remain trapped. Little did she know that Oreg had closed the valve keeping her body filled with the fluid. His gradual motions in and out of her vagina began to speed up as her hips began to reach back toward his hand. Soon, Oreg heard her gasp as her body seized into a strong climax. Oreg held his finger in place and enjoyed the firm squeeze of her muscles. His human had very good muscle tone. This was a good sign for a long-fulfilled life with an attentive Keeper. Oreg swore to himself to be nothing but the best. He released the valve allowing the medicine to drain from her body. Payi melted onto his lap falling asleep immediately.

  Chapter 7

  Oreg enjoyed sitting holding Payi. He held her cradled softly in his arms watching her expressive face change as her dreams drifted through her mind. She was the most beautiful of all the humans he had helped adjust to Nrantia. She filled his arms perfectly. After a long time, Payi began to stir. When Payi turned her head to lock eyes with him, Oreg knew his emotions were tied to this human. She would live with him for the rest of her life. Oreg caressed her face with his one arm. A shadow passed over Payi’s face. “What is wrong, little one?”

  “I’m so sorry I caused you to lose an arm. I promise never to bite again,” Payi said softly.

  “You did not know what the effect would be, Payi. I accept your promise never to bite again. Are you hungry to bite into food this time?” He said smiling.

  Payi’s stomach growled loudly. She cupped her hands over her stomach to muffle it. Looking ruefully up at Oreg, she nodded her head. “I am super hungry again, Oreg.”

  Oreg stood and carried Payi over to the high table and laid her gently on her back. Parting her legs widely, Oreg released the bladder injector and slid it from her small opening. He opened another small door and removed a jar of cream that he dabbed on the entrance of her urethra soothing the irritation from the tubing. Oreg wrapped a quobon around her bottom and sat her up. He moved to the side of the room and punched a few buttons looking back at Payi every occasionally, before pressing a few more buttons. Finally, a drawer slid out to display folded clothes. Oreg carried them to Payi and helped her into the clothing.

  Payi looked down at herself and smoothed the fabric over her legs. Oreg had dressed her in a pair of snug leggings that fit perfectly over her quobon. On the top, she was wearing a long-sleeved brightly colored short dress. It looked like what a nursery school age child would wear back on Earth, but it was so soft and comfortable that she couldn’t stop touching the fabric. “Thank you, Oreg.”

  Again, with a smile, Oreg picked Payi up and set her down on her feet. He would have preferred to carry her to the table, but humans needed to learn to walk on Nrantia. He held her hand carefully to help her balance as they walked. When they reached the dining area, Oreg sat Payi in the high chair, gathered a cloth around her neck, and fastened the tray securely. He gathered a number dishes for her to try and sat down to lift a purple bite to her lips. This time, Payi opened her mouth politely and accepted the food. He could tell that she was very nervous about how she would like the food.

  Payi chewed carefully. Immediately, a burst of delicious citrus-like flavor burst into her mouth. She began to chew eagerly. “That was awesome, Oreg. I’ll have some more of that.”

  “You must eat a balanced diet. I will remember that you like the rituf. Try this now.” He held a red chunk to her lips.

  Payi was a little more at ease and took the bite. She chewed thoughtfully before nodding, “This is great, too. It tastes like chocolate milk. It’s kind of strange to chew milk, but I like it. Let me try the blue one.”

  Oreg looked at her thoughtfully. He had placed the genom on the table for himself. It had a strong flavor. He cut a little bite off for her. “This is more of a male food,” he said to warn her.

  Making a dismissive sound with her mouth, Payi bit into the genom. Instantly, she spit it out to land on the tray. Payi took the cloth around her chest and tried to wipe off her tongue. Oreg handed her a bottle with a nipple. He would like Payi to drink only from this type of vessel. It seemed to work in human minds to help them relax into their role as a cherished, little. Payi did not complain at all. She drew on the nipple deeply for several minutes.

  “Yuck! Who could eat that?” Payi frowned at the blue genom. “It tastes like dirt.”

  Oreg picked up a large chunk and dropped it in his mouth chewing eagerly. “It is an acquired taste. Maybe not the food for a little female human. You will like this better,” he assured her as he fed her another bite. After having her try five new foods, Oreg fed her the three that she had liked the best. He would gradually increase her diet to include a larger range of foods, but now it was important to help her find items that she liked. In his experience, food was very important to humans. It was not only for sustenance but a social and delectable experience. His human was very hungry and ate well. This was a good sign.

  When she couldn’t eat any more, Payi held her hand up to block Oreg’s next bite that he tried to feed her. “No more, Oreg. Thank you. I’m going to let you choose the foods for me. I’m finding color here can be misleading.”

  Oreg put away all the leftovers and wiped Payi’s hands and mouth before letting her down to walk on the floor. He led her to a corner of the great room in the front of the house. “Payi, I want you to play a game with the computer. It will help you adjust to life here in Nrantia.” He took her finger and placed it on a button with squiggled on it. “A little hurt and you will be ready to start.”

  Payi grabbed her finger back to stick it in her mouth. “That thing pricked me,” she said accusingly. Almost immediately, a variety of things began to flash in front of her. Payi was immediately involved in touching and moving different items as the computer began teaching her Nrantian.

  The prick had been an implantation of a technology that would help her brain absorb quickly. Oreg would have to monitor her use of the learning system. Humans seemed to be very susceptible to becoming addicted to this. They would spend hours in front of the screen if their Keepers allowed this. Oreg did not. He watched his human closely. When she began to squirm, he knew that she needed to use her quobon but was fighting it. He allowed her to interact with the computer a little longer before closing it down.

  “Wait! Turn it back on!�
�� Payi demanded.

  Oreg leaned down to pick her up and knew she’d had enough playing when she threw herself on the floor to avoid his arms. Oreg picked her up with his arm around her tummy dangling her over his arm. He had learned that this position didn’t allow humans to kick at you. It had a bonus that Payi’s weight was on her full bladder. Immediately, he heard her gasp as she lost control and filled her quobon. He carried her to the changing table and laid a much calmer Payi down. Without talking, stripped her of her clothing and soiled quobon before he cleaned her bottom and wrapped her in a fresh one. Gathering her to his chest, Oreg began to walk around the nursery. Within a few minutes, Payi laid her head on his shoulder and began to yawn. Oreg walked a few more minutes to make sure she was asleep before laying her on the bed and securing the clear screen. He stood and looked down at his precious human before walking quietly out of the room.

  Chapter 8

  Oreg created a schedule for Payi while she was sleeping. He built it around her sleep schedule allowing for plenty of sleep during the greenness and adding a nap after her short session with the computer. Her brain would absorb the information more quickly while she slept. Her quick relaxation into sleep earlier had reinforced in his mind how important it was for Payi to have a regular nap. He also set up a time with the Nrantian physician who specialized in humans. He would give Payi a complete physical in two pinknesses. He also set up a play date for Payi with Srah. He would take her to Yoha’s home. It would be good for her to get some fresh air.

  When the new schedule beeped to indicate that Payi should wake up now, Oreg walked into the nursery and raised the containment shield and reached in to pick up a sleeping Payi. Immediately, Payi started to grumble and push Oreg’s hands and body away. He gathered her in his arms and carried her to the soothing chair. Oreg sat down and pushed the chair to begin its smooth glide. He pressed the bottle into Payi’s mouth and began speaking softly in Nrantian. His translator was now turned off. Keepers were only allowed a small window of time to use the translator before it was deemed to be a detriment to the human’s adaptation to Nrantia.

  Payi grumbled and fussed. She was so sleepy. Eventually, she opened her eyes slightly to look at the purple creature holding her. “I wanted to sleep,” she said grumpily and then, her eyes flashed open. “What did I just say?” The sounds coming from her mouth were not English or any language that she’d learned on Earth.

  “You are now beginning to learn to speak Nrantian. You are doing a very good job,” Oreg praised her.

  “I can’t have learned another language that quickly,” Payi protested. Oreg looked at her calmly and pressed the bottle back into her mouth. Payi settled down in his arms to think. That screen must have done something to her brain. Briefly, Payi wished that she’d had that screen in her life when she’d been trying to learn to conjugate French verbs in high school. She wondered what else her brain had absorbed. She suddenly knew that Oreg was male. She knew the Nrantian physiology. Oreg was built slightly different than humans. He had two sexual organs that became erect and that both were used in mating.

  Oreg smiled. “What have you remembered that you’ve learned, Payi? Are you remembering the segment on Nrantian sexuality?”

  Payi sucked on her bottle rapidly to avoid answering. Her cheeks flamed red. She was glad when Oreg picked her up and carried her to the changing table. He pressed on her bladder and immediately she released her urine. “Was she imagining it or were her muscles in her bladder weakening?” Payi thought to herself as Oreg cleaned her and wrapped another quobon around her. He redressed her in her outfit of dress and tights before putting a new pair of foot coverings on to protect her sensitive feet. By this time, Payi had finished her bottle and was wide awake when Oreg lifted her into his arms.

  “We are going to visit Yoha and Srah, Payi. I will carry you because I take bigger steps than you do.” Oreg placed his hand on the pad by the door, and it slid open smoothly. He walked out into the colorful pinkness and began to walk. Payi looked around amazed at the speed that Oreg was able to walk. Suddenly, a large dome arose ahead of them. “We are here. Payi, Srah often gets in trouble. She is sweet at heart but does foolish things. Think twice before following her actions,” Oreg warned looking into her eyes. When she nodded, Oreg placed his hand on Yoha’s door.

  Almost immediately, the door slid open, and Yoha stood in front of them. “Welcome, Oreg and Payi. Come in.” He made a quick motion and caught a flash of tawny skin that tried to run outside. “We will go outside later, Srah. Be good,” Yoha said to the human in his arms. He stood back so that Oreg and Payi could enter.

  When the door slid closed, Oreg lowered Payi to her feet as Yoha released Srah. Both humans looked at each other for a few seconds before rushing together to wrap their arms around each other. The Nrantians looked at each other before returning their attention to their humans. They were stepping apart and assessing each other. Srah was Hispanic with caramel colored skin and dark brown eyes. Her hair was long and braided on each side of her head. She wore a one-piece outfit that was fitted to her body allowing extra room for her quobon.

  Payi broke the ice. “My name is Marnie. I’m from Colorado. Where are you from?”

  Immediately, Oreg corrected her. Your name was Marnie. Now you are Payi. Srah will call you by your Nrantian name.”

  Srah rolled her eyes and then, winked. “My name is Srah. I grew up in Guadalajara, Mexico but moved to the US when I was fourteen. I had just moved to Denver when I was brought here. Or at least that’s the last thing I remember. They say we lose some memories in stasis.” She took Payi’s hand and turned to Yoha. “I’m going to show Payi my room. Okay, Papa?”

  Yoha nodded with a smile. “Go play, little ones. We will be here.”

  “Okay, Papa!” Srah dropped Payi’s hand to rush over to hug Oreg’s leg. “Hi, Oreg. I’m glad to see you and to meet Payi.”

  Oreg caressed her head with a large purple hand. “I am glad to see you also. You look healthy. Are you happy?”

  “Yes, Oreg. I am happy here with Yoha even if he spanks my bottom too often,” Srah shared rubbing the back of her quobon.

  “I remember spanking your bottom many times myself,” Oreg chuckled. He glanced at Payi and discovered that she was frowning. “Oh, my little human is jealous,” Oreg thought to himself. He picked up Payi and turned away slightly to talk to her privately. “Remember, you are the one I kept. The most special of all the humans that I helped transition to Nrantia. Do not be jealous of my brief time with Srah.” He waited until she met his eyes. “Remember what I said – no trouble.” When she nodded, Oreg set her on her feet and smiled as Payi hugged his leg possessively before turning to Srah.

  “Let’s go, Payi!” Srah took her hand and tugged her toward the side of the room and into her nursery. Once in the room, Srah hugged Payi again before saying, “Hi Marnie! I’m really glad to see you, but I’m sorry you’re stuck here, too. My real name is Natalia. But here, I’m called Srah. It’s an okay name. It reminds me of Sarah. That was my grandmother’s name,” she said as she sat in one of two chairs at a small table.

  “That does make your new name special. How long have you been here?” Payi asked.

  “Who knows. The journey here takes twenty years. After that, I was with Oreg for my transition for a little while. He’s transitioned a lot of human’s - both female and male. It’s wild that he has decided to keep you and not work with any other humans. He must really think you are special. I’d be jealous that he likes you better, but I’ve got Yoha. He takes very good care of me. I don’t know all the Nrantian phrases, but I think he tells me he loves me every night when he puts me to bed in here or with him. Are you sleeping with Oreg, yet?”

  “Is that possible? I just learned about the Nrantian anatomy. I think I remember that they have two penises?” Payi asked.

  “Oh, yes. It’s not only possible. It’s the best sex you’ll ever have. I’d stay here just to have sex with Yoha. I don’t like being treated
like a little kid here, but there are some perks along with the negatives. Have you had your first cleansing?” Srah asked with a strange look on her face.

  “Like a bath?” Payi asked perplexed.

  Srah giggled. “That would be a definite no. A cleansing is the Nrantian practice of helping our weak human internal functions by introducing a cleansing formula into our bodies,” she explained.

  “It doesn’t taste like dirt, does it?” Payi said having a flashback to the awful genom.

  “No, you don’t eat it. It goes in your bottom and fills up your intestines to wash everything out. The waiting for the cleansing to be effective is the worst. Although Yoha is very creative in helping me forget that I’m uncomfortable,” Srah added with a smile.

  “You call him, Papa?” Payi asked not wanting to know anything else about the cleansing. She was sure that Oreg would never do this to her.

  “It’s the only English word that he will allow now. You’re really good at Nrantian, Marnie. You’ve been watching the screen?” Srah asked.

  “Just once. I would have watched for longer, but Oreg turned it off,” Payi said sullenly.

  “That’s good. It’s scary addictive. Good Keepers always limit your time. Bad Keepers use it as a babysitting device, and their humans end up in bad shape. Be glad you’re with Oreg. He’ll take good care of you.” Srah looked around her room. “It’s really not that bad here. I’d be dead if I was back on earth. They’d just discovered that I had an inoperable brain tumor when I was put in stasis. The Nrantian scientists discovered and treated it while I was in stasis, and I’m as good as new now. It’s pretty unbelievable.”


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