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Crimson Warrior

Page 1

by Amanda McLaren

  Guardians of the Seven Gods:

  Crimson Warrior

  Dedicated to:

  All those who cut me and didn’t care

  I am I stronger for it

  All those who believed even when I didn’t

  You taught me to believe in magic

  All those who showed me it could be done

  Because you showed me I could too

  I will never forget any of you

  Special Thanks to:

  Teresa McLaren, my mother

  Joyce Kline, my grandmother

  & Angel McLaren, my sister

  For their endless patience and devotion

  Chapter One

  The Crimson Blade Returns

  Sanquility was fast asleep when I woke to the light of dawn. I simply lay there, somehow comforted by her arms brought around me. The realization that her arms made me feel so safe, so peaceful, unnerved me. No matter how I fought it, the feeling was still there. No matter how little I liked it, this powerful woman lying there – so serene, innocent and still in her sleep – was the biggest comfort I’d felt in years.

  I hate this! Even now she tells me I fight for the glory of battle, that I’m bloodthirsty, and I’m still feeling like this – for her! I fight for my family. Why? Why doesn’t anybody understand? Why don’t they even bother to try?

  The thought reminded me of Lyrea, which in turn led me to think about the spell. I reached far back into my mind – searching and focusing. There it was, coiled around a part of me I didn’t quite understand, glistening like a polished sword in the summer sun.

  Curiosity getting the better of me, I examined it the best I could, trying to understand – and perhaps unravel – the spell. The words that began to whisper through my mind were familiar yet stranger. Their meaning was just beyond me, as if I was listening to a language I should know but didn’t.

  I tried to kill it the way I killed everything – with force. I gave a hard mental tug at one of the strands of streaming words and magic. It burned fire along my skin, bringing out a moan.

  Whoa! That – that felt good.

  How strong can this spell be?

  I tugged at a different spot while I bit my lip and scratched along my thigh, enjoying the result. As I gave another tug, a need for Sanquility flooded me until I twisted on top of her, giving her a kiss full of lust and need. Her eyes blinked open to stare at me groggily.

  “Kari? Can’t I wake up?” She tried to push me off.

  “No, I want you now. That damn spell makes it impossible to not want you.” I grumbled as I pinned her arms down, enjoying the fact that I was stronger for the moment as I kissed along her neck hungrily.

  “Spell? You used the spell?” She asked in shock.

  “I was trying to break it. It just made me really fucking hot.”

  “Of course it did. If I couldn’t unravel it, how did you expect to break it? You can barely use a telepathic link.” She snickered as she simply allowed me to kiss and suck at her neck.

  There was a fierce, hurried pounding on the door, making Al’re start barking and snarling like he was a fierce warrior instead of a tiny puppy. Getting up, I opened the door; Fay raced inside, slammed it shut and locked it. “Xia, they – they say you killed them – Alex and Samuel! Lyrea has them convinced that you’re a traitor under Sanquility’s influence!”

  “Wh-what?” I whispered in disbelief.

  “Who is they?”

  “The entire town, Sanquility. The prince has ordered the priest to exile Xia the Crimson Blade and her Black Wolf Master.” She handed me a piece of paper. I examined the write with disbelief. That was the royal signature.

  “Didn’t Sienna explain sphinxes killed Alex? And they saw Samuel die while I wasn’t even here!”

  “They’re saying the dragon’s with the Fallen One and is working with you to attack the temple. They think you’re the one who summoned and enchanted the amulets!”

  That isn’t even possible!

  “I can hardly enchant a cloak and they think I’m manipulating sphinxes? And Azhi don’t have any contact with dragons, even if I were her slave! This is madness!”

  Sanquility stated firmly in an emotionless voice. “We have to leave,”

  “I need to pack my things –” Fay started, her eyes wide and her voice a high panic.

  “No.” I said immediately. “You’ll stay here, where you’re safe.”

  “I want to go with you!”

  “You’ll do no such thing! This temple is your entire life. Sybel will take care of you far better than I could on the run.” I gently took my sister into my arms to give her a huge hug, letting the paper fall to the ground. “I love you, Fay. You’ll be the greatest priestess the gods have ever known, but not if you follow me into the gates of the Abyss. Sybel and Ryeger will make sure you’re safe and taken care of. Don’t leave the temple without a guard-”

  “We have to go,” Sanquility stated with a little more force. I felt a tingle on my skin and looked down to see I was in basic traveling clothing instead of a Templar outfit. I blinked at the bear fur cloak, leather insulated boots and otter-skin pack. When I opened the pack, my journals and some extra clothing was inside. My dagger, whip and sword were on my belt. I cocked an eye at Sanquility.

  “What? You can’t go around dressed like a Templar if you’re wanted by the temple and palace.”

  I’m wanted by the people I grew up with!

  I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it as I patted my leg to get Al’re to heel; the dog ran happily over to me, so I patted his head in praise. With a nod to my sister, I led Sanquility out the temple doors, where – to my disquiet – Redemption awaited us. It was misting lightly in the early dawn as the city slowly woke up; it wouldn’t be long before we would be refused exit from the city.

  Sanquility helped me onto the horned horse, handed me my puppy (who squirmed until I tapped his nose), got on behind me and flipped up a hood I didn’t realize was there. A flap hit my jaw; I went to shove it away and realized it was a mask that tied around my face to protect me from the elements. So I tied it, completely hiding my face.

  I have a feeling this is as much a disguise as it is protection from the weather.

  The stallion trotted at the speed of a normal mount, which made me anxious until guards completely ignored us as we moved through the streets.

  Two women armed to the teeth are riding through the streets on an armored war horse and they turn a blind eye.

  It’s no wonder they need us – I mean, Templars – to protect them!

  As we went through the gates unquestioned, I let Redemption pick up speed in whatever direction he wished. We rode in utter silence as my blank mind tried to think around the idea that I wasn’t returning home. The journey had a surreal feeling to it; a normalcy interrupted by the circumstances. Around noon, Redemption slowed to a stop and shook his mane.

  Sanquility got down before helping me down. I put Al’re on the ground; the pup began sniffing at the grass with great interest. Redemption snorted and turned to graze instead of leaving. I stood there staring back the way I thought we’d come, though I wasn’t sure. Out of nowhere, Sanquility came up to slap me hard, honestly turning me on and pissing me off at the exact same time.

  “What the fuck was that for?!” I snarled at her, rubbing my cheek at the feel of the sting. Al’re suddenly latched onto her leg to start tugging and growling at her clothing; the Azhi kicked the dog off, but he just came back to do it again.

  “Stop staring off into space! This isn’t the time to let your mind wonder the clouds! We’re wanted fugitives and you’re now considered an enemy of the human empire! Ouch, let go Al’re!” She shoved the dog away from her. The puppy nipped at her hand.

�Don’t you think I realize that?!” I picked Al’re up to hold him before she lost her temper. He struggled a moment and whimpered, but when I didn’t give in he gave a sigh and settled for growling at Sanquility.

  “Not from the way you’re behaving, Kariken! Snap out of it, damn it! You’re the greatest human warrior there ever was, the Crimson Blade, and you’re standing there staring off into the plains like a lost child! Think, Kariken.”

  A ripple of pain shot through me at the command. It was a strange one, spreading a bizarre energy through me.

  “That. Hurt.” I snapped angrily. “Especially since you didn’t give a specific command!”

  Sanquility took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Where are we going? We need food, shelter and new allies.”

  “Why new allies?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  “There’s something going on out there, Kariken. Who else better to handle it than the woman who can take out me and my sister? It’s not like we’re weaklings. I was once giving the opportunity to become the Fallen’s Champion.”

  “Why didn’t you?” I wanted a change of subject – I didn’t want to think about a new home.

  “I wanted my quiet life in my territory. I was the only Azhi who’d remained this close to a human civilization without being put down or repenting. In fact, we’re in the center of my old territory now.” Her amber gaze swept our surroundings tactfully. “We’re not far from where we first met, actually. Bloodstone’s to the north and Whitestone is only a few hours south-west of us. I can smell the sea on the breeze.”

  I made myself really look at where we were. A longing gradually crept up on me until I gave a soft sigh. “We’d be welcome in Whitestone.”

  “News will spread there soon. Wouldn’t we be safer past the Mist Peak Mountains?”

  “People in Whitestone would hold my word over anybody’s. I trained there, so they know me. To them I’m Xia Leafsong, not the Crimson Blade.” I strode a few steps south by west, setting Al’re down and patting my leg.



  Sanquility gave a snort. “Kariken, we’ve not eaten since early last night, Al’re’s so hungry he was eating bugs and Redemption’s still grazing. Don’t you think it’s a good idea to eat first?”

  Oh. I forgot about the unicorn.

  My stomach rumbled angrily at me for the first time. Or maybe it was just now that I realized it was doing it. Either way, I marched over to the wolf woman. “What food?”

  “I’ll be right back. Just sit tight and get used to that sword of yours. We’ll train when we’ve digested our food.”

  A flutter of interest and excitement rippled through me. “Really? We’re going to train?”

  “Of course. You need to learn how to fight like a warrior of the plains instead of a Templar.”

  I glowered at the woman as she became a winged black wolf and took off to the skies.

  “What’s wrong with the way Templars fight?”

  //They don’t account for small-boned women, that’s what. You could have won our battle if they’d trained you to fight with your body instead of against it. //

  Completely frustrated at the insult, I decided not to reply to her. Instead I prepared a cooking fire. Sanquility didn’t hunt very long and brought back only half an antelope pre-cooked by her flame. She gave me enough to eat now. I hurried through my meal, giving Al’re scraps of meat as a reward for sitting, lying down or staying. When we were finished, Sanquility stood to walk away from the fire. She took a defensive position as a magical sword appeared in her hand. There was a focused, serious look in her gaze I’d seen on her only during battle.

  Giving a playful grin, I tied Al’re to keep him from interfering and unsheathed my own sword. It was lighter than I was used to, with a different kind of weight. It felt more balanced in my grip than the swords I’d trained and fought with under the temple.

  A playfully rough gleam sparkled in her ever-glowing eyes.

  “We’ll warm up first. Let me make it clear; this is training, not foreplay.”

  “Baby, you turn me on too much for there to be a difference.” I replied with a cocked eyebrow.

  Snorting, the Azhi charged forward. We exchanged basic blows back and forth. As I gained a feel for the sword, we added foot-work and eventually evasion. Sanquility ducked my strike, twisted around me and barely missed my side.

  “Oh really?” I asked flirtingly.

  “You can’t feel the sword like that, Kariken. You’re no longer a defender of the Gods, but a warrior of survival. You’ll need to fight like one.” There was a new tone to her voice and look in her gaze.

  So the real fight begins.

  I cartwheeled out of her reach, hardly holding onto the sword and stumbling at its weight.

  “Dodge this!” Sanquility threw several balls of fire from her magical weapon. Yelping, I spun twice before freezing and slicing a third in half as one stung my leg; there was a moment of pain before my lover healed the wound. I ducked the last ball of fire just in time for it to singe my hair. “You need to be faster, Crimson Blade. You’re small and agile; use it to your advantage.”

  “Strength is more important.”

  “Not for you, small fry.” She taunted before lunging for me at full speed. I rolled to my feet to match her blow for blow. There was strength behind her arms I didn’t know Sanquility had. I swung low, cutting at her knees. She didn’t even flinch as the wound healed shut.

  The clang of steel on steel echoed in my ears as I blocked the front of a counter blow, shoved it back and looped behind her. Sanquility struck my back as I whisked past; the slight cuff alone made me stumble. The wolf Azhi swept me off my feet; the cold steel of her unreal sword pressed against the back of my neck the moment I tasted dirt.

  “You’re dead.” She hissed in my ear.

  “Again.” I panted. My clothing felt too tight on hot, tingling skin.

  My lover gave a hardy laugh. “You can’t even keep up when you don’t want to rip our clothing off.”

  I winked at her with a wicked smile. “I’m not hot enough yet. Besides, I want to put you on your back.”

  Sanquility gave a sexy smile as she helped me up, took a few steps back and it began again.

  We didn’t stop until it was too dark to see. Returning to the fire, we ate again before making our bed. Sanquility’s fervent kisses had me wrap my arms tightly around her, scratching along her back and shoulders as our clothing vanished. Our lips met with wild hunger. Her hands began to claw and squeeze my boobs.

  “I need more, you tease.” I purred out hungrily, biting her lip hard to earn a delicious moan.

  Sanquility abruptly slipped into my mind to tug at the spell in just the right spot, making my back arch as bliss poured through me. “Again,” I begged hungrily.

  With a musical laugh, the Azhi kissed downward until she reached my thighs. Spreading my legs, she dove in like we wouldn’t see the sun rise.

  In moments, I was screaming and begging. Combined with her tongue were precisely timed spurts of the lust spell. This new, heightened level of pleasure literally had me seeing stars.

  “Baby, baby, please. I can’t take any more.” I breathed, completely out of breath.

  Sanquility stopped before swinging her pussy in my face. She was so wet; I knew from the smell alone that she’d already came. Smiling at the thought, I launched my own attack. I wrote the Monobi runes over her clit as I teased by moving two fingers in and out slowly, gradually easing her into a frantic, powerful orgasm.

  “FUCK!! OH, GODS!! More, Kariken!”

  A surge of a powerful, swelling and deep feeling coursed through my entire body. I hammered her hard until she came yet again. She fell to lie next to me. We simply starred at the stars as I fought the urge to cuddle her. Sanquility, however, curled up around me, and this was how we fell to sleep.

  A horrible pain clutched my lungs; I shot out of bed choking and gasping as I clutched at my chest in a panic. My
vision doubled and blurred as I crumpled over to vomit blood. A roar of pain shattered my ear drums; I felt a wound I didn’t have healing.

  “San!” I shot to my feet to see the black wolf rocket into the air to flee a giant black tiger with orange stripes clad in steel plated armor on his chest, head and stomach.

  One moment he was standing beneath her, the next he was on top of me. I shouted in agony as my entire body convulsed with electricity like blood through my veins. I heard Sanquility howl in my anguish before our link jerked back far enough to separate our pain.

  Fire hit his back several times before the volts of lightning vanished. The tiger turned to face my love with a snarl of pure rage. He lunged after her, completely disregarding me as I attempted to move. Everything felt weak and sore.

  It took almost every ounce of my will to rise and snag my whip. Suddenly the clear blue sky began to rumble and twist as clouds formed from nothing and nowhere. I watched in awe as it began to pour rain. A bolt of lightning barely missed Sanquility.

  The wolf shot like a crossbow bolt from the sky as our enemy darted through the rain toward her. The two met head-on, locking bodies in a struggle of fang, claw and fire. I held steady a moment before rushing forward to lash at the tiger’s legs, tail and muzzle while dodging the insane bolts of lightning that seemed to insist on striking exactly where I stood a heartbeat before.

  The tiger Azhi yowled in pain, leaping away from Sanquility and rolling in the mud like a made beast – off came red hot, melting steel. With a snarl of fury, I threw down my whip and unsheathed my sword to swipe right for him. Before I could reach the beast, he vanished. Sanquility snarled into the increasingly dense deluge. The rain was so bad I could hardly see her outline. My lover barely avoided a strike from the heavens.

  From the sheets of rain the beast ripped passed her, tearing at her wing – then at the other. The wolf yelped in agony.

  Is he ignoring me?!

  Sanquility spun around several times, snarled, as her mangled wings dripped crimson water. The moment the wounds healed she was struck again faster than either of us could see, let alone counter.


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