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Crimson Warrior

Page 2

by Amanda McLaren

  “Strike his legs!” A voice shouted over the rain. I whirled around to see three shadows in the downpour. Their armor gleamed white.

  The Whitestone militia!

  “I can’t even see him!” I called out.

  “Watch the rain! See where it doesn’t hit the ground!”

  Sanquility yelped in agony as he struck her a third time. I noticed the rain bowing as he raced by – suddenly I realized he wasn’t too fast to hit.

  I can do this. Especially if they help and he continues to ignore me.

  “Surround him! He’s ignoring us humans!” I called out to the soldiers.

  “Why not let them kill one another?! We’ll finish off the one who lives!”

  “The wolf’s with me!”

  “Are you its slave?” A voice asked warily.

  “No! We’re mates! I swear to you I have my own mind!”

  They took their positions. Sanquility flew slightly off the ground and watched the rain.

  //Behind you! //

  I rolled out of the way just in time for the tiger to leap right over me. My blade sliced at his legs. With a roar of fury, he whirled on me. His claws raked over my armor, leaving dents as it knocked me backward. I staggered but corrected myself before I could fall.

  An arrow shot through the rain – the Azhi screamed in pain as it buried itself into his back. Another arrow flew true as I launched myself at him. There was a crack in the sky, a yelp and thud.

  Sanquility’s mind snapped from mine for a brief second, causing my head to explode with a terrible pain from the ricochet effect. I grabbed it with a shout; the enemy threw me to the ground and lunged for my neck. I raised my sword just in time for him to crunch onto steel instead of my throat.

  We struggled between one another. Try as I might, my arms were gradually being pushed back. Thinking fast, I kicked out – my foot drove an arrow embedded through his knee to rip it out, tearing through the flesh. I hear the sickening crack of bone. Azhi collapsed just long enough to jerk myself free, kick the beast in his gut and run my katana right through his jugular.

  The Azhi distorted into a twisted, deformed creature halfway between human and beast as he choked on his own blood, convulsing several times before lying still. Just as suddenly as the storm had arrived, it vanished to leave us soaked and weak with sore, aching muscles, torn leather and half-broken chainmail. Sanquility rose shakily from the ground; I rushed over as her wounds began to heal, allowing me to give a sigh of relief. The wolf became a woman, allowing me to give her a huge, breath-taking kiss.

  Her voice was clouded with pain but there was a shit-eating grin stamped on her face as she ask “How about another one?”

  With a snort and a smirk, I gave her a little shove. “How about you don’t worry me anymore?”

  She laughed as the militia approached us. I looked over to thank them. At the sight of the woman leading them, my heart jumped out of my chest. She had short, black hair and a very small but strong build. Her skin was lighter than usual, and her eyes meeting mine were a beautiful light green.

  “Callie! It’s been forever!” Without even thinking, I met her to embrace her fully; she returned the gesture before giving me a little peck on the lips.

  “What’s with kissing the black wolf?” Though I wasn’t surprised to hear the jealousy, I was a little taken aback to realize Callie knew this wolf – then remembered Sanquility had ruled over this part for several years.

  Sanquility stood up to dust herself off. “I’m her mate. We souled a while back.”

  “It was right after I left here from handling those wolf Azhi.”

  “So…you know they’re her-”

  “Yes. We, uh…have gotten to know one another quite well.” I told her uneasily.

  The woman looked me over, losing her smile. “So they finally kicked you out. Was it souling with an Azhi?”

  “No. They got me for murder I didn’t commit.”

  She shook her head. “Well, you can stay with me. I’m sure you’ve been traveling for a time, and would like something to eat.”

  “Don’t mind me asking, but I’ve never seen Xia kiss another human. Why would you kiss her, and offer her a home?” Sanquility demanded uncomfortably. “Not that I’m going to tell her who to fuck. It’s just not something I see her do willingly.”

  Callie blinked at Sanquility in utter confusion. “You don’t care if your mate kisses somebody else?”

  “I don’t even like caring about a human the way I care about Xia.” Sanquility told her with a look of disgust. “The bond isn’t something either of us enjoy. It was a desperate attempt to keep us both alive, since Xia is such a talented swordswoman.”

  “…Callie and I love one another.” I told Sanquility very carefully. “She’s the only woman – other than you – that hasn’t forced me to have sex with her. Except there isn’t a soul-to-soul bond making it enjoyable.”

  “I see.” Sanquility nodded very tensely. “Well…thank you for offering us a place. I assure you, I won’t get betwe-”

  “You can’t help it.” Callie told her softly. “The bond is there. I understand what it means; an Azhi who mates with a human isn’t quite Azhi anymore. It must be hard on you both. I’m not going to try to stop something inescapable. Xia and I have long known we were never meant to live together.”

  Then the warrior nodded to her people to go ahead.

  “I’ll take you back. So…did you guys walk here? They wouldn’t even let you keep the horse you paid for and trained?”

  I whirled around to see Redemption was once again missing in action. Swearing up and down to kick at the rocks, I snarled out “Gods damned horned beast is useless! He can’t stick around for one fucking night!”

  The two of them burst out in laughter. Out of nowhere, Al’re broke his tether (at last) to race over to the twisted tiger Azhi, snarling and biting at the beast. It pissed me off and made them laugh even harder.

  Are you kidding me?!

  “Al’re! Come!”

  The dog marched over to drop a pouch at my feet. Curious, I picked it up. Out dumped hundreds of uncharmed amulets that looked exactly like the ones I’d handed the priest.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  “So this is the Fallen’s work after all.” Sanquility breathed as she picked them up.

  I quickly collected them to put them back into the pouch. Callie gave us both a strange look.

  “I’ll explain over super.”

  Callie called her Gryphons. I got to ride behind her, wrapped around her waist and pressed against her skin as Sanquility flew right next to us.

  //Is this the woman you left nameless in your journals? //

  “You mean the only person I didn’t call by name? Yes. She asked me not to.”

  //Why? //

  “I always remembered her first before anybody whenever I got amnesia. Besides, if the right Azhi gets their hands on those journals everybody I know will die. I wanted to protect Callie.”

  //I understand. Is that why you’re fighting loving me? I mean, I know you gave up on Sybel… //

  “…I don’t think it is right to force love. It’s dirty.”

  //Like rape? //

  We dropped the subject, both having our own thoughts and memories to mull over. When we landed, a boy of about nine ran from the house to fetch the Gryphons. When he saw me, he gave me a huge hug.

  “Get off me Vortix.” Yet my heart swelled in a bitter-sweet pain, and when he didn’t get off I patted his back in response.

  “Train with me!”

  “I’m tired. Bug off.”

  When he wouldn’t stop pestering me I eventually gave in. Sanquility wouldn’t stop staring at him, even after I completely blocked off that part of my mind when she began to snoop. I knew she’d noticed his pale skin; his dark blue eyes – his small, lean and wiry frame. There was no way she’d miss our shared features.

  I was shocked Sanquility didn’t bring it up before Callie called us in for supper.
Even when we were alone washing our hands, and as we sat at the table talking about old times and new positions.

  Like me not being a Templar and her being the commander of the militia.

  Out of nowhere, Vortix said “Why aren’t you a Templar anymore?”

  Complete and utter silence spread across the table as I stared at the kid. “The priest never liked me. When somebody died, I got the blame. I had no part in it, but when people don’t like you they’ll believe what they want.”

  “Train me.”

  “No.” I snarled instantly.

  “You live here now! Why not?!” He shouted.

  “Don’t speak to me like that!” I snapped back as my heart squeezed. I took a bite of my food despite the bad taste in my mouth. “You’re too young. You’ll get hurt, and get in my way.”

  “I kept up out there. I won’t get in your way.”

  “It’s too dangerous, kid.”

  “I’m nine. Templars take their apprentices as young as seven.”

  “I’m not a Templar anymore. I won’t be here long.”

  “Why not? Don’t you love mom? Or do you love this demon more than her?”

  I slammed my fist into the table, making them all jump. It was almost impossible for me to keep my voice at a decent volume. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, child. I don’t want to stay because I love your mom. Sanquility is a person I travel with to protect me and heal me. We don’t love one another.”

  “Take me with you when you leave. I don’t want to be stuck here as a guard. I want to fight Azhi like you.”

  “You don’t know the first thing about living out there, child.”

  Callie tried a different approach. “Xia doesn’t train kids well.”

  “Well she trains me just fine. I don’t mind getting knocked around; it just means I have to learn faster and try harder than the kids who become militia.”

  “No, Vortix. That’s final.”

  He threw his fork down and marched off, shouting over his shoulder “I hate you!”

  “Don’t speak to her like that, Vortix!” Callie called out in horror, getting up to follow him.

  Sanquility watched me fight tears for a while before saying quietly “He doesn’t mean it.”

  “He doesn’t know.”

  “I kind of figured. Who’s the father?”

  “…He doesn’t need a father.” I whispered as I peered down at my plate without interest.

  “Who?” Her voice was so cold.

  Why did it hurt to hear her voice become like ice?

  “Damn it!” I threw my fork down. It bounced off the table and landed on the floor at my feet. “Just fucking leave it alone, Sanquility!”

  Thrusting up so hard the chair thudded to the ground, I marched up to the guest room and slammed the door. I forced the tears back with the memories – back behind that wall, with all those others I didn’t want to recall.

  She doesn’t leave shit like this be! She’ll pry this out of me, even if she has to command me to tell her. Sanquility has to know every little fucking thing.

  There was a knock on the door and I was blinking my eyes awake. Since I didn’t feel Sanquility there, and Vortix didn’t stop knocking until I yelled at him to stop, I knew it was Callie.

  “Come in, baby.” I sat up in the bed, yawning and removing the dream sand from the corners of my eyes.

  “Sanquility thinks you’re mad at her.”

  I couldn’t bring myself to even look at her, let alone reply. For the first time around this wonderful woman, I felt as if my tongue weighed as much as Redemption and was as thick as a tree trunk.

  “Baby, you can’t do that to her. You know it. She doesn’t understand why that hurt.”

  “I don’t want to think about it.”

  “I know you don’t.” Callie came to sit beside me, putting her hand on mine. “I don’t want to think about the fact that we never had a real chance together. Now you’re going to slowly fall in love with the one creature you swore to destroy, and there will be less room for me.”

  “…I love you. I will always love you, and magic won’t change that.”

  “I know. Darling…do me a favor. Tell Vortix. Tell him who you are, and tell him that you love him.”

  “He’s not known for nine years. Why does he need to know now? It’s working out just fine as it is.” I tried to sound angry, but I knew she’d see right through it.

  “No, it hasn’t. He’s figured out that we’re not related. He knows he has parents out there, and it makes him feel like he doesn’t know who he is. It’s normal. He’ll be happy to have the knowledge that you’re his mother.”

  “And when he asks who his father is?”

  “Just tell him his father is a powerful mage who didn’t stay with you.”

  “What happens when he asks why we abandoned him, huh?” I growled, feeling like throwing something and having nothing to throw.

  “You tell him the truth; you couldn’t put him in danger and couldn’t leave your life as a Templar. He’s always admired your calling. He never understood why you never liked to talk about the gods. He loves anything to do with them. Talk to him.”

  “I’m…not good at words.” I stated uneasily.

  “I can’t do this for you. It needs done, and you know it.”

  “…Not tonight.” I stated very quietly. “He needs to cool off and I need to think.”

  I curled up into her lap and just cried. It was like this that I fell asleep, dreaming about the worst night in my life.

  The night air was chill as I walked toward the docks alone. I watched the stars, thinking about the stories my father had told me over and over again. I would be strong, like the warrior animals who protected our people.

  I clung to the wolf amulet that hung around my neck, next to my brand-new dog tags. Now I could fight like them. Even if I would a lone wolf warrior, I could fight like them and protect Fay.

  She wouldn’t be alone like I was.

  It was a shock when the shadows came out of nowhere. I leapt back with a squeal of surprise. I reached for my weapon when I remembered it’d been taken for the night. Then the shadow stepped forward. I relaxed only a little.

  “You’re with the mage Zet was talking to.”

  “My name’s Quinn. You’re Xia, right? The child from the Outlands?”

  “Yes. What are you doing out here?”

  “Studying my magic. I’m learning to wield my abilities. Do you wanna help?”

  “What’s magic?”

  “It’s our sword. Want me to show you?”

  Excitement shivered down my spine. “I fair well with weapons. Please show me.”

  The shadows twisted around my wrists and ankles; they burned! They burned! I went to scream and struggle, but I was suddenly on the ground with something stuffed in my mouth. I gagged as my pants were tugged off by those horrible shadows. Then something hard was pressing into me – I thrashed harder as I realized what was happening.

  Please, Shen! Protect me now!

  The thought was useless as it probed my insides over and over again. The pain! Oh, the pain!

  I woke up shivering from my own sweat to hear knocking on the door.

  “C-come in.” I called hoarsely.

  Sanquility came into the room, her eyes clouded with confusion and unease. “Are you still mad at me?” She asked uneasily.

  “No.” I breathed, sitting up. “Where’s Vortix?”

  “Tending a gryphon with a hurt wing.”

  I sat up to start dressing; Sanquility looked the other way as if out of respect.

  “…you saw…didn’t you?” My voice shook.


  She let me dress before giving me breakfast. Then we sat and talked to Callie about the amulets and enchanted creatures. “I’ll send those to the Temple addressed to Fay and include a description of the Azhi they were on. They’ll send word on what it means; I’ll let you know what they tell me. They always keep the militia updated
because it’s as close to Templars as this little village gets most of the time. They won’t know you’re even here.”

  “Send some coin with the letter, for Fay. Please.”

  “No problem. You’ve been sending coin here for years. I don’t mind doing the same.”

  It’s time, then. I’ve delayed this for nine years and several hours.

  “I’ll be right back in.” I told them as I stood up. “Please give me some time alone with Vortix.”

  Taking a deep breath in hopes it would steady my nerves, I headed out. The boy was sharpening his sword while a gryphon lay resting with a wrapped wing.


  He put down his sword to look over at me with hope in his eyes. “You’ll train me?”

  “Kid, come here. We have to talk, just you and I.”

  “I didn’t do it, I swear! My sword tapped it! That’s it!”

  I gave him a dark look. “Whatever you broke, you’re going to tell Callie and apologize, then fix or replace it. Do you understand?”

  He blushed deep red. “Ah, wh-what did you want to talk to me about, then?”

  “Get over here. Put the damn sword down and sit the fuck down.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He hurried to obey, sitting down next to me.

  “Callie said you realized you’re not her blood son.”

  He shrugged as if it didn’t matter, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. “She’s still taking care of me, and I don’t know anybody else. I love her still. I just…want to meet my real folks.”

  “…What if I told you…you already do?”

  He leapt to his feet in excitement. “Really? Who?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You…know your mom. She’s a skilled warrior who worked for the temple. Your father…was a powerful mage. They – went their separate ways after you were conceived because…she…isn’t interested in men.”

  He sat there quietly. Thinking. Staring at me. “…You…You’re…”

  “Yes.” I whispered hesitantly. “I’m your mother.”


  He launched into my face, his eyes blazing with hurt and anger. “Why? Why did you leave me here with somebody else? Don’t you love me?”

  “Of course I do!” I stated firmly. “That’s why I left you here. I love you. If I would have kept you, Vortix, you wouldn’t have lived. I didn’t have the time, the knowledge or the ability to care for you. Even if I did, you would have been in constant danger. The only reason Fay has lived this long is because she’s been surrounded by armed men and women who watch her at all times.”


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