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Crimson Warrior

Page 15

by Amanda McLaren

  Anna pulled to an all-stop at the docks, sniffing in circles. Bell paced back and forth, and then side to side, where they’d lost it. Al’re growled low at a wraith getting too close, more worried about me than a lost trail. So I commanded my dog back to me.

  I slipped into Anna and Bell’s minds, and then slipped out. “They’ve lost the trail. All Anna can smell is fish, salt water and too many human men to really understand which one is Quinn’s. Bell is trying to pick more up, but can’t sort them out.”

  “The docks aren’t nearly as bad as even knowing if he’s in the damn city.” Ryeger replied calmly. “Let’s split up.”

  “Chrono, take Toc. Circle the sector by the waterfront.” I told him instantly. “San, you and Yinn are with me. We’ll search the east. Sybel and Ryeger can go separate to search the north. Take Bell with you. Bell is better at searching through strange new smells and more willing to listen to just anybody.”

  Chrono cleared his throat. “Yinn and Toc can probably cover more ground alone.”

  “Interesting. So, what are you going home?” I demanded in frustration.


  “I’m not sending you out on your own.”

  “Then why did you leave my detachment at the temple?”

  “Maybe so they can protect it.” I argued angrily, glaring at him through narrowed eyes. “Unless you can handle a horde of enemies single-handed, you’re going with Toc and Yinn is coming with me. Now stop arguing with every decision I make and do your damn job!”

  “This is why I don’t like Chrono – well, one of many reasons. He always has to argue about every little thing.”

  Understanding flowed through me from my soul partner.

  //That must be very annoying. //

  “If he’d just listen we would be gone by now.”

  We split into our groups.

  “I’d much rather you rode behind me love. As a person.”

  //How about this? I’ll ride you later instead. //

  “Dirty, dirty girl.”

  Three wraiths joined the party. I slammed into their all their minds, blocked out San’s and sent a burst of pure energy straight through. The wraiths wreathed in agony.

  “We can see them!” Yinn exclaimed.

  I entered Yinn’s mind. There was a momentary wave of shock. As soon as she realized it was me, however, it was replaced by calm.

  “Sanquility takes the one on the left. Yinn, take the one falling behind. I’ll take the closest one.”

  Unsheathing my double blades, I kicked Redemption hard in the ribs. He grunted before picking up speed.

  “Sail.” I told the Unicorn. He promptly obeyed. Then off rolled the wraith’s head. Sanquility had hers pinned; she ripped out its throat.


  “Done!” She answered, sounding out of breath. I looked wildly around to see she off her horse standing over the cold dock stone. The wraith was clearly dead.

  “Get on your damn pony.” I growled.

  “Sorry. She spooked.”

  //I’ll get her. // Sanquility offered.

  “I don’t think a huge winged black wolf will help the situation.” Yinn told her, so obviously trying not to laugh it made her growl a little.



  She quickly fetched her steed before rejoining us. Sanquility put her nose to the ground a few times, circling, trying to pick up the scent. But even with a nose better trained for this kind of tracking, we were still going blind.

  //Sorry. //

  “It’s fine. Common. There are a few places he can hide here.”

  The three of us fought our way to the warehouse. Yinn managed to get the door open. Al’re guided me inside.

  //I smell fish, salt and human feet. Yuck. Men are so gross. They can’t keep themselves clean. //


  //I am. Their stench will be in my nose for days! //

  She took to the sky and circled the warehouse as I followed Yinn – Al’re was helping me avoid objects more than the girl, who even with her sight was bumbling over barrels.

  Out of nowhere, she knocked down a cascade of barrels and crates. I smelled sulfur and flint as I leapt clear of the mess.

  “Idiot!” I snapped. “Are you trying to kill us?”

  “It’s dark.” She growled. “It’s just burning powder and dried dung. Who’s going to light a fire in a warehouse?”

  “Well, it all looks the same to me. I smell flint, too.” I snapped, trying to slow my breathing. “Let me take the lead. Al’re will help us both avoid the damn crates.”

  There as a fierce snarl of pure rage, the sound of snapping jaws and a yowl of pain.

  “She’s found him!”

  I slipped into Al’re’s mind, sending him images of the flying black wolf and strange smelling man. Growling, the dog raced toward him, leading us through the maze of barrels and crates.

  “Don’t use fire magic! There’s dung, flint and burning powder!”

  I shouted to my soul-bound as I whipped out my weapons. A mass of sickly yellow and burnt orange greeted my gaze. Sanquility was above. Tic and I flanked him, pushing him against the wall. Al’re’s snarling only added to our assault.

  “Close the portal, Quinn.” I told him with menace. “You don’t have to die.”

  “Like Lyrea?” He laughed. “Oh, no. You’re not getting me to beg for my life!”

  “Lyrea?” I snorted at the comparison. “Even she knew when she was defeated.”

  The man didn’t sound sane when he laughed. “I am not beaten yet.”

  Fire built slowly in his hands.

  “NO!” I lunged, driving both my blades through his lungs and into his heart.

  I felt the hot blood of life as it drained like a red river onto my arms; as it splattered on my clothing, soaking me to my skin. Jerking them free, I heard him topple onto the ground like a used doll. My knees shook uncontrollably as I backed several feet away.

  San pulled me close to her. I hadn’t noticed her become human, but her arms were comforting. I leaned into them to let out a slow, shaky breath.

  “I understand.” She whispered. “Now let’s go tell Fay he’s dead.”

  “…Yinn, would you help San grab him? I want to burn the body.”

  “Send his soul to the gods?” Her voice was high.

  “I don’t want his soul trapped in his body, Yinn. Let the demons and devils have him for all I care. I just don’t want him to rot away.”

  The girl hesitated before picking him up. “Fine. But a man who will open the Abyss to devour the living and allow the Fallen One to enslave whoever is left – well, he deserves it.”

  “No.” Sanquility was the only thing holding me back from knocking her lights out. “Quinn was deceived. He wasn’t the greatest man, Yinn, but you didn’t fucking know him. Lyrea led him away and poisoned his mind.”

  “I can’t disagree with that entirely. He had to have it in him.”

  //What human doesn’t? //

  Taking her hand, I pulled out of her arms with the little willpower I had left so they could pick him up. We followed Al’re from the warehouse to the mounts. They put the body down. Sanquility stepped forward and breathed fire onto his clothing. Then we mounted our beasts and took off. I sent a mind-call to the others to meet us under the portal.

  The portal was a spewing mess of black magic, hateful energy and angry creatures. I couldn’t stop staring at it from the Temple entrance as Fay found the page from her huge prayer book. We weren’t taking chances; I felt my companions around us. Every one of those who protected the Temple surrounded us now.

  Callie took my hand.

  But none of the Azhi or monsters of the Abyss paid attention to us. They were too intent on exploring the city.

  Fay began to mutter the words. Slowly, they began to rise into a chant. Soon it was a steady stream of words. I felt the air sizzle – then saw it. Jumping, I whirled around with wide eyes to see twisted white lig
ht like tentacles coiling toward the portal of the underworld.

  “What are you looking at?” San asked me too quietly for the others to hear.

  “…You don’t see that?” I whispered back in disbelief.

  “See what?”

  “There’s white light swirling upward, toward the portal.”

  “You can see holy magic?” My lover gasped. Her arms dropped to her sides in disbelief.

  I shrugged. “I see what I see, Sanquility. Magic or no, it’s incredible.”

  A twinge of her envy made me smile. I blended our minds until we saw together. The Azhi gasped. Her jaw fell open.

  As Fay prayed, the magic swelled into evil’s maw. There was a loud pop. Everybody jumped several feet, readying their blades. The air rippled. An electric charge made the hair on the nape of our necks stand straight. There was a final flash of kinetic energy before the gateway buckled.

  “Now,” Chrono said into the too-still air. “Let’s kill the monsters. The survivors can rebuild as we prepare for the real fight.”

  I made a bridge to each of their minds. As it stabilized and I untangled who was who, I linked them to one another.

  “Here’s the plan…”


  Anshumali sank into the bed with an exhausted sigh. She could hear Kariken giving orders to the guards outside the temple, and feel her exhaustion. There was a pain in the human warrior’s left knee from the hellhounds that had ambushed them. The drain from being up for thirty-two hours was starting to cloud the Templar’s mind.

  //Can you come lay down? //

  “I’m almost done.”

  //Kariken, you need rest more than them. If I don’t heal that knee soon it’ll ache for the rest of your life. //

  “I will love. I promise; I’m almost done. Is Vortix asleep?”

  //Yes. I had to leave a candle lit in his room because he was afraid a shadow cat would come after him, but the kid is asleep. Unlike you, he’ll close his eyes. //

  “Baby, I’ll be right in.”

  //You damn well better be. //

  The Black Wolf rolled around in the bed, and in seconds was fast asleep.

  The door opened for Kariken to stumble in and slump down onto the bed. Anshumali pulled her close.

  “You were gone a while.” The black wolf murmured groggily.

  She just yawned, and was asleep. Rolling her eyes, the Azhi wrapped around her, healed her worst injuries and slipped off to sleep again. It felt like she’d only just shut her eyes when movement brought them back open. Kariken was sitting up.

  “Nooo,” Anshumali whined. “They can stand on their own two feet for another hour.”

  The warrior turned to face the Black Wolf with blood shot eyes. “The dreams won’t stop, San. I can’t close my eyes without some memory popping up. Shit, I don’t even have to be asleep. They’ll drag up out nowhere even when I’m awake. I saw Yinn as her first life while we were arguing about if the blacksmith’s should be a primary rebuilding location. She was a man!”

  The Azhi pulled her lover as close as the human would allow. “They’ll slow down, okay? You need sleep.”

  Kariken became quiet, just looking her guardian over. Anshumali shifted a little. “Would you stop staring at me?”

  Smiling, the human pecked her on the lips lightly. “Okay. We’ll sleep a little longer.” Then she curled completely into the Azhi like a tiny little kitten. In moments her breathing slowed as she fell into a light slumber. This time, however, Anshumali slipped into her mind. Kariken’s energy swirled around her mate’s.

  The warrior grunted. “Out.”

  Chuckling, the Azhi closed her eyes and sent a different memory forward. The memory of their night of sex, before her seal was broken. There was a happy sigh from the sleeping woman. Her jaws parting wide in a yawn, she crept out of the warrior’s mind and let herself dream as well.


  It felt as if I’d just shut my eyes when Callie knocked on our door, waking us up.

  “Leave us the fuck alone!!” I called through the door.

  “Fay’s here with the others. She says it’s important.”

  “Gods damn it! LEAVE US ALONE!!”

  “What are you shouting at?” Anshumali asked crabbily.

  “They want me again!”

  Anshumali got out of bed and left the room. I heard her talking as I drifted back toward sleep. She came back in to rub my back. “I’m sorry, love, but this is too important. We can sleep after we go back to bed.”

  “FUCK YOU!” I shoved her off the bed. “I finally get some fucking sleep and you want me awake?”

  “It’s only for a moment baby.” She replied very calmly as she got off the floor. This time she didn’t go anywhere near the bed…or my hitting range. “I know you’re tired, but this is too important and needs to be dealt with now.”

  “Bitch!” I threw myself out of bed, shoved her aside, tossed on my clothing and marched out the door, slamming it in her face.

  Everybody took a step back.

  “What in the Abyss is so damn important I can’t sleep more than two damn hours?!”

  I snarled as I leaned against my bedroom door.

  “There are seven guardians and eight of us.” Sybel replied very quietly. “Usually by the time the seventh soul has arrived for the final battle the betrayer has already revealed himself.”

  “There’s not always a betrayer.” Fay replied seriously. “But this time there is.”

  “Betrayer?” Sanquility rubbed at her eyes as if they wouldn’t stay open as she stifled a yawn. “I don’t remember any stories about that. A couple memories about something like that, but they’re vague.”

  Sybel answered smoothly “There aren’t any stories about it because only the Seven know about it. The Betrayer is the eighth soul created by the seven gods. It was created by Balic. But she created the eighth to walk among the seven warriors to deceive them. It was an attempt to appease the Fallen, because Balic wanted things back to the way they were.”

  “Talk about having daddy issues…” Sanquility remarked, failing at her attempt at humor.

  Fay sighed. I imagined her fingers twitching. “Usually Xia finds the person before the last soul is united. We didn’t even consider it because there were six of us. Now there are eight.”

  “I didn’t remember anything anyway.” I grumbled, running a hand over my face. Ryeger came walking up the hall.

  “Where’s Chrono?” Sybel demanded.

  He shrugged. “None of the guard he brought know where he is. The work they did on the palace has been completely erased, so they think he may be sending word back to the prince.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Whatever. Listen, we have a serious problem. There are eight of us instead of seven.”

  Yinn replied dryly. “It’s Shen’s warrior’s responsibility to get the betrayer out of our way.”

  “I wasn’t aware of this whole guardian non-sense, so you can screw off.” I got in her face, jerking her closer by her shirt. “I’m just getting my fucking memories back. I didn’t even believe in the Seven until all this shit happened.”

  Sanquility jerked me roughly into her arms. “A cool head will solve this much smoother.” She reprimanded me gently.

  “Whatever. Just so long as these two don’t assume this everything’s my fault, I’m fine.”

  Sybel had to shove Yinn away before she could lay a punch on me. “No need to start shit, Xia. All we need to know is who he or she is.”

  Ryeger answered quickly. “What the funny thing is, the betrayer could be doing it for the right reasons. Sanquility could betray us to keep Xia safe, or vice versa.”

  “Fuck you too, Ryeger.” I spat, flipping him off.

  “Easy there.” San soothed, tightening her clasp on me. Before I could hurt somebody. “You’ve got a ready temper and I’d do anything to protect you, love. In fact, you would do anything to protect your family, Callie and me. Even if screws the entire world.”

Yes. Yes, I would.

  “See?” She gave me a gentle kiss in an attempt to sooth my ruffled feathers, but all it did was want me to bite her damn lip off; she moved before I could. “That said and agreed upon, Ryeger, I want to add that the likelihood of your leader betraying you is about the likelihood of me giving my soul back to the Fallen.

  Especially since the way I understood it, unless you have Xia pinned as the wrong person, she was created by Shen. So if you’re here to say anybody and everybody can or will betray us, I’d like to do something useful and get some sleep before Xia rips somebody in half.”

  Sybel snickered, patting him on his back. “Baby, she’s right. It may be too late to root out. We might just have to wait to see and do our best to recover.”

  “Great. Thanks for waking me up for nothing.” I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “I’m getting some rest for once.”

  Yinn took a step towards me. “Shouldn’t we make a plan?”

  “It’s too early, Yinn.” Her father answered quickly. “Look, those two haven’t had proper sleep since the portal was opened. Let them be.”

  Sybel put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “If only, huh?”

  “Yeah. Maybe this time I won’t freaking dream for once.” I snarled, wrestling myself from my lover’s arms to the open door. San joined me shortly, her arms folding around me as we drifted off to sleep again.


  Fay was just getting some sleep when a knock came on the door. Grumbling, she opened it to see Callie looking very tired – and very confused.

  “Can I help you Callie? Did something happen to Xia?”

  “Xia’s tired and snappy, but she’s fine. Fay…nobody will tell me what’s going on, but I feel like I’ve lost Xia a second time. Vortix has started complaining that Xia doesn’t have time to even talk to him anymore, and I…I need to know what’s going on.”

  Blinking several times, the priestess considered turning her away. Then her heart sank. It wouldn’t be fair. “Alright; I’ll explain why everything’s turned on its head.”

  “And why it seems to center around Xia?”


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