Book Read Free

Crimson Warrior

Page 16

by Amanda McLaren

  Chuckling with relief, Fay said quietly “You’re a wonderful captain, Callie.”

  “Thanks, Fay, but right now I’m more interested in trying to keep everybody here calm and alive. It doesn’t help when Xia is causing me so much pain at home.”

  “I…I understand. She used to do that to me, too.” Fay ushered her in, shutting and locking the door. “Here’s the truth, Callie. It may be a little hard to believe, but…you know the seven guardians.”

  Callie scoffed at me. “We don’t need a temple here to learn stories, Fay.”

  Fay sighed. “No, I wasn’t asking. I mean, you personally know the seven guardians. It’s us.”

  Callie glowered at Fay. “I asked for the damn truth, not another lie.”

  “No, really; I’ll prove it.”

  Fay began to recount the stories of old, even stories not told in temples or books. Things recorded and not recorded…with shocking detail. Until Callie suddenly burst into tears crying “I love her! They can’t have her!”

  “I love her too, Callie. We were born to die, and sometimes that isn’t right for the rest of the world.”

  “Sometimes…I hate the gods.” Callie wailed.

  Fay nodded once. “It’s okay Callie. They will understand. After all, they’re gods; to them, we’re all their children.”

  “What about Vortix?”

  “Is it fair to tell him, Callie? Sometimes, there are things they shouldn’t know.”

  Callie shook her head. “How can the gods condemn a fourteen-year-old girl?”

  “She was born with her memories; she was born ready for this. He wasn’t. Please, don’t tell Vortix.”

  Callie leaned into Fay to cry. It wasn’t the first time since the portal’s closure, but it was the hardest.

  Sometimes even I hate the gods.

  Chapter Eight

  Land of the Azhi

  It was a sunny, beautiful day out. I watched Vortix from a short distance as he played with his new toys. Callie had given him new clothing because he was outgrowing his, somebody gave him new tack for Mi’roc, Fay gave him a protection amulet to ward off evil and his friends had given him endless toys. I looked down at the cloak; it was the one I’d warn combatting Sanquility for the very first time.

  He’s already gotten so much…my dingy old cloak is stupid…

  He came running up. “Xia, can we play?”

  “I, uh, I’ve got to see Chrono. Yinn and Toc apparently heard something about a big threat past the Mist Peaks that we need to look into, so they gave him the information.”

  I don’t know why they gave him the stuff. They could have just talked to me directly…

  “You’re not a Templar anymore, and it’s my birthday. Can’t you spend it with me?” There was a bit of a whine to his voice.

  “I’m not a Templar, but this is beyond the temple. It’s about the crazy shit going on, and I need to cut the head off the snake before it gets worse.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve spent forever reorganizing the city with Chrono, Fay and mom. You don’t even talk to me anymore.”

  “Vortix, I’ve just been busy.”

  “Mom says you’re not sleeping, and Fay complained that San isn’t keeping you fed. Can’t you slow down, just today?” Vortix sounded like he was about to bawl.

  I looked out toward where the palace was practically completed. A new member of the royal family would be located here soon; a daughter of the king. Chrono had apparently been arranging her arrival the day we’d talked about the eighth guardian.

  “…How about we play while Sanquility gathers supplies?”

  “Definitely!” He exclaimed happily. He ran up to me, slapping my arm. Then he darted off, calling “You’re it!”

  Al’re gave chase, barking at him for slapping me.

  When I didn’t move, Vortix stopped. “Xia?”

  “Um…what are you doing, Vortix?”

  “Playing tag!”


  “Yeah! I tag you and run away, and then you chase me to tag me!”

  I laughed at the game; it’d certainly improve stamina. “Alright; let’s play tag. Then maybe we can work on your tree climbing skills.”

  “No! I want to play hide and seek next!”

  Terrific survival games.

  He abandoned his toys to run away from me, then to run after me when I let him catch me.

  //Where are you, Xia? //

  “It’s Vortix’s birthday. I’m playing with him.”

  //I’m waiting for you. //

  “Will you get what we need and brief me later? I never spend time with my son, and it’s his birthday.”

  //…If Chrono ever gets here. //

  “Wait, what? He isn’t there?”

  //No, so go ahead and have fun. I’ll wait for him here at the temple. It’s nice to watch your sister simply be a priestess. With you having taken so much responsibility in public affairs, she seems to be enjoying simply being one. //


  Callie came out just as Vortix collapsed on the ground panting. “What’s going on? Were you training too hard – on your birthday? Xia, what have I told you-”

  “No…we played tag.” I panted, leaning over my knees. “Gods, that boy can run.”

  Her jaw practically fell off her face. “You were…that’s great, Xia! I take it he liked your present?”

  “You planned playing with me?” Vortix asked with awe. He threw his arms around me in a giant hug. “You do love me!”

  “Of course I do, Vortix! I love you more every day.” I gasped as my heart fell.

  “Then why don’t you ever want to spend time with me?”

  “Because as much as I love you and Callie, there’s a lot going on and I can’t stop to spend the time I want with you two. I can’t even sleep, let alone play. I’m so damn tired and everybody wants something from me.”

  “…Tell them no. You’re not a Templar anymore. You don’t need money around here; most people just give it to you for a favor. If you said no, you could sleep. If you sleep, you’ll have energy to play with me.”

  Gods I wish it were that simple…

  “This isn’t about getting paid, or a job title. This is about getting done what needs done. Vortix, you’re growing up big and strong. One day, when I’m not here, you’ll realize that sometimes you have to do things even if they’re the most unpleasant thing in the entire world.”

  “Like eating carrots?”

  I gave him a look. “Boy, if you don’t start eating right you’ll get sick.”

  He shrank back. “I eat them, I promise.”

  “If you don’t, Callie will tell me and I’ll shove them down your throat. One day you’ll have to worry about lifting a sword to defend your own wife and son. If you eat wrong, you’ll be too weak to do it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “When you have to leave your family behind to protect them or worry about them eating at all, eating carrots won’t seem so bad.” I ran my hand through his hair. Sitting up, I retrieved the cloak to hand it to him. “Here; I want you to have this. I enchanted it to protect me from fire, so now it can protect you. That old thing’s saved my life more than once. In fact, the only reason I lived through San’s fire was that cloak. Wear it well, and don’t lose it. I don’t remember the ward to make you a new one.”

  He put it on and said solemnly. “I love it; it’s the best present all day…other than you playing with me.” He gave me a huge hug. “Go find out what San and Chrono wanted; I want to play with mom.”

  I returned the hug, messed up his hair and gave his forehead a kiss. “You’re going to be a great man one day. I’ll be back before you know it, kiddo.”

  “Where are you?”

  //Waiting for you. Chrono’s an hour late. //


  //It has to be important, right? //

  “I guess.”

  //There he is. I’ve been waiting at the temple. Gods damn, you’d think a
royal body guard could be on time. //

  “Apparently we’re not important enough to fit into his busy schedule.”

  //He’s been late or absent a lot lately. His guards don’t ever seem to know where he is. //

  “I noticed. Most of their orders are coming from Callie. They’re starting to come to the barracks. She’s memorized their names and faces, and has utilized them for covering the blind spots in her militia.”

  “Xia?” Sybel’s voice made me turn around. “Do you need supplies to face the Fallen’s second hand?”

  “Oh, that’s who we’re going after?” I shifted so I was leaning on my knee; a sharp pain was pulsing through it from running in circles after a child.

  “What, Chrono hasn’t told you yet?” She asked disapprovingly with a frown.

  I shook my head. “He was late, so I spent time with Vortix until he arrived. I’m going there now.”

  Sybel grumbled. “That man’s never where he needs to be anymore. Probably with Fay,”

  “Nope. San’s been waiting in the temple.”

  “Well if I’d have known he would have run off, I would’ve told Yinn to tell you herself. Toc said Yinn is amazing at digging up information, since she’s a little girl.” Sybel cleared her throat. “But, uh, since you’re not gone…do you mind doing me a favor?”

  “What?” I kept my voice as even as I could.

  “Could you tell Yinn to stop flirting with every guard in town? She’s a little man whore, I swear. For fourteen, that girl can charm the pants off any guy she wants!”

  The request seemed strange until I remembered Ryeger laughing with Yinn at the tavern the other day. “Uh, sure, I guess. I mean, Yinn kind of…gets hostile with me.”

  “When she starts flirting with Vortix,”

  “Hey, she can stay away from my son. I said I’ll talk to her, Sybel. What’s got you so crabby?”

  “Ryeger’s…he never laughs at my jokes…” Sybel muttered in a hurt voice.

  I patted her shoulder. “Ryeger loves you, Sybel. He probably thinks it’s hilarious that a fourteen-year-old is trying to sweep him off his feet.”

  “He’s so serious though. Why would he think that was funny?”

  “I don’t know; I’d kind of find it creepy. I mean, especially Yinn. Sanquility insists that she’s flirting with me.” I laughed. “Wait until I tell San she’s wooing the men!”

  “Um…Xia, Yinn does flirt with you. When you don’t flirt back, she gets pissed…”

  “Sybel, common, that ain’t funny.” I shivered at the idea. “I’ll talk to her, okay? Tell her I’ll meet her in the tavern in an hour. I’ll need to get food for the journey anyway.”

  “Shouldn’t you do it, like, at the temple?”

  I shrugged. “I’ll buy her a drink or something.”

  “Alright, whatever. That’ll definitely take her attention off Ryeger.” Then she left for where the new homes were being built; Callie was great at handling the architects, whereas most of us lost our patience.

  I reached the temple without being stopped again, to my relief. I came in and found the two talking in a corner away from where Fay was healing a guard. The healer had been killed, so until another could be found they were coming to Fay.

  “Here’s the paper and briefing.” Chrono handed San something.

  “He’s really tall…” Sanquility gave me an image of a huge, burly man who looked like he played kickball with boulders and ate Rocs for breakfast.


  “…Malice, the Winter King. He’s a Bear Azhi. He uses Ice magic – like most of his kind. Huh. I’ve never met him…”

  “Where do we find him?” I felt a wave of frustration that I couldn’t see it for myself.

  Chrono handed me a parchment of paper.



  San took it from me. She gave me the images in my mind.

  “What in…? Why is it in that funny language?”

  “Toc said it’d take days to redraw just to translate it, and was afraid of skewing details so I had little choice. Here’s Taiyuan.” His pause had to be him pointing at the location. My jaw clamped as my mind had to find where he was talking about. “Here is where Malice dwells. Yinn told her the locals called it Blood-stone Cavern. It’s a very treacherous area.” Sanquility guided my mind to the place on the image of the map in my mind. It surprised me how far the mountains extended – and to see there was a dense forest beyond them. “The people are poor; the land is dangerous and Azhi basically dominate the area. The people practically worship the Azhi and have no clue who the Seven are. Yinn and Toc say it’s mainly tribal.”

  “What should I expect as far as animals?” Frustrated that Sanquility had to be my eyes, I took charge of the journey before she could open her mouth.

  “Hellhounds, Rocs, Gryphons, Serpents, class 3 and 4 Azhi. And the tribes won’t be too kind. Bring money and plenty of food.” Chrono advised curtly. “The bandits are thicker than mice out there. Toc and Yinn had to cut their way through people as much as they did the beasts.”

  “We need to prepare, so we’ll leave around dusk.”

  “You’re leaving on your son’s birthday?”

  “We already had that talk, if it’s your business. I spent time with him and now it’s time to do what I was born to do. It’s not like I can stop a war by playing with a ten-year-old.”

  I left without saying a thing to him. Sanquility followed me out.

  “Will you go get our gold from the house and meet me at the tavern? I need to talk some sense into a fourteen-year-old girl.”

  Sanquility laughed. “I knew you’d notice eventually.”

  “I don’t know how I didn’t. Damn kid’s too distracting.”

  Chuckling, she gave me a kiss. “I’ll be right there. We should eat before leaving though.”

  When I got there, Yinn waved me down. I thought it was odd, since she hated me, but hey. I sat down; the inn keeper came over.

  “What can I get you?” He asked.

  She answered. “An ale and a whisky; I’ll pay.”

  “Y-Yinn, San doesn’t like me drinking whisky right before a journey.”


  The inn keeper laughed. “I’ll bring you something light.”


  “No problem. I’ll get Al’re some scraps.”

  I nodded in appreciation.

  “Yinn, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “It’s okay, I know.” She put her hand on my thigh.

  “Err, did Sybel talk to you already?” I shifted my leg away from her hand.

  “She told me you wanted to meet me here.” She sounded more than happy about it.

  “I asked her to. Look, I need you to stop hitting up the men, okay? Most of them are taken, so it isn’t appropriate.” He gave us our drinks and Al’re his scraps. “Thanks.”

  “I wouldn’t charge, but this place isn’t cheap right now. I’ve not even got the rooms built yet.”

  “I understand. We’ll pay in full.”

  “Sorry, Xia.”

  “It’s no problem.” I assured him. He left us alone again, so I turned back to Yinn. “I really need you to focus more on us, and less on them.”

  “That’s no problem at all,” Yinn replied cheerfully. “I’m sorry I was so volatile at first. Your soul hasn’t been very accepting of the gods and the battle, and there are times we think it’s you when it isn’t. So I didn’t want to trust too openly.”

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t trust easily either. Just know though I ain’t here to hold people’s hands, I don’t want the world to be swallowed by an overgrown lizard with identity issues.”

  Yinn giggled. “Can we not talk about work, Xia? I want to get to know you.”

  I shifted in my seat. When I put my hand on the table to drink, she put her hand on mine; I jerked it away nervously.

  Oh god, where’s San? I’m starti
ng to wonder if they’re right.

  “Just tell me you won’t flirt with the men.”

  “Oh, don’t worry; I’ll stop.”

  “Good.” I replied, clearing my throat.

  “You act so tough, but you’re so shy.” Yinn’s voice was all breathy, and I suddenly knew they weren’t kidding.

  “Um, Yinn, look, I want to get something straight,”

  Sanquility came into the tavern. “Love, are you ready?”

  “Yes. Gods, yes; let’s go before I order something strong.” I replied, downing the drink and getting up. Al’re swallowed his food as fast as he could. “Um, Yinn, I hope you know there’s nothing between us.”

  “Why would I think there was?” She winked at me.

  Fuck. Fuck. She thinks I’m faking it.

  “Just making sure.” I replied uneasily. “Thanks for buying me a drink.”

  “No problem.”

  Al’re and San guided me out. Sanquility laughed at me. “Gods, the girl has it bad for you.”

  “Shut up! It’s creepy! She even likes men!”

  “There are humans who like both, though they’re not even as common as those who like the same gender. Callie’s soul is a male, but her body is a female. It must be confusing.”

  “I’m sure.” I grumbled, heading for Callie’s, knowing we’d better get food and medicine from there; most of the shops either had no owner or weren’t open yet. “Let’s finish getting supplies.”

  “No problem. And don’t worry; her crush will go away.”

  “It better – and fast. I don’t know how to tell her to not like me without hurting her feelings.”

  “…How about ‘You’re practically the same age as my son, so can you please stop flirting with me? It’s creepy.’”

  “I said not hurt her feelings!”

  We came in to find Callie already packing for a big trip. “You can take a couple Gryphons for supplies and in case you need to fly. I’m almost done loading everything up.”

  Sanquility began sorting through what she was packing; I noticed her removing all the whisky and replacing it with ale and mead. “Hey! At least leave one bottle of Dragon’s Blood!”

  “No way.”

  “Just one, San!”

  She sighed. “Fine, but you’re not getting drunk.”

  “I promise I won’t.”


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