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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 10

by K. C. Stone

  Jules’ tears kept flowing. “Dom, that photo was taken yesterday.” She pointed to the photo. “We were heading into our self-defense class. Look who’s behind me.”

  “It’s Smokey and Mac.” I didn’t understand why she was pointing that out. They should’ve been with them. Looking closer at the photo, I took in the surroundings. My blood ran cold. It was John. “Son of a bitch!” Jules jumped as I roared. I rubbed her back to calm her down. I hadn’t meant to scare her.

  I tossed the picture and envelope at Sal as he walked in the door and yanked out my phone. I called up Tech and told him to get here quick. Still hanging on to Jules, I dialed Viper, Mac, and Ezra, and let them know to keep an extra close eye on the girls. As Sal shouted and cussed about the picture, another thought came to me. That fucker could have Gia in his sights. I had to get someone on her. Maybe Sal could spare a man because I already had five of us on these ladies.

  I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked at Sal, who’d wound down a little. I forced myself to stay focused on dealing with the situation and taking care of Jules, and not on how powerless I felt. “Can you spare Leo, Red, or another brother to keep an eye on Gia just in case? If he thinks getting Gia might help him get Jules back, he might just be desperate enough to do it.”

  “Shit. I didn’t think about that.” Sal rubbed his forehead. “I’ll put Red on it.” He looked at Jules and his face softened. “Are you okay, baby girl?”

  Jules nodded against my chest. “I’ll be fine.”

  I wrapped both arms around her again and nodded at Sal. “Thanks. Tell her that it’s just to be safe, and as soon as we get him, the detail will stop.”

  Sal sighed. “She’s not going to like it. That girl is too independent. But she’s going to have to deal with it. She doesn’t have an option. She’s like a daughter to me. Her father was a member before he died a few years back. She knows the rules. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  He kissed Jules on the forehead, then held up a finger as he walked out onto the porch, pulling out his phone on the way.

  I heard the rumble of Tech’s bike outside and looked down at Jules. “Baby, I’m going to meet Tech outside and give him this photo. And new rule. I don’t want you to leave the house until I find this bastard, okay?” She nodded slowly and I felt the exhaustion in her body. We were both beyond ready for this to be over. I glanced at Smokey. “I’m going to take my angel to bed. She needs some rest. She’s too overwhelmed with all this right now.”

  Leading her to the bedroom, I helped her into the bed and tucked the blankets around her.

  She grabbed my hand as I tried to leave. “Dom, I need you. Help me forget all this. Please!” she pleaded.

  I couldn’t say no to her. I could stay with her for a little while and hold her until she calmed down. The guys could wait.

  I scooted her over and climbed in beside her. I pulled her in to me, kissing her shoulder. She let out a little moan. Turning toward me, she ran her hands up and down my back. I let my fingers lazily roam her body. She shivered as goose bumps popped up on her soft skin.

  “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head. Then she sat up and pulled off her top, revealing her barely there bra. She unhooked it, freeing her beautifully peaking nipples. My heart raced and my dick could pound nails. But I was here to comfort her. She didn’t need me pawing at her like an animal. Then she laid back down and arched her back.

  I knew what she wanted, but it wasn’t the time. She was scared and still needed time to heal. Didn’t she? I wanted to make love to her more than anything, but I didn’t want to make things worse by scaring her. “Jules, are you sure about this?”

  Her dark eyes met mine. “Yes. My body needs you, Dom. I need you. Now.”

  If my girl was ready, no way was I turning her down. I’d wanted her so bad for so long it hurt. If she wanted me, she was going to get me. The brothers would just have to deal with things on their own for a little while.

  I leaned over her, deliberately ignoring her breasts to tease her. This was our first time in a long time, and I was going to make it damn good for her. I softly kissed her earlobe, then traveled down her jaw line with my tongue. She moaned again. I grabbed both of her wrists and held them above her head as I placed one leg on each side of her thighs.

  Opening my mouth, I kissed and licked my way down, gently biting each nipple. I made a wet path to her stomach, eliciting a whimper from her. Yeah, I was on the right track. Reaching my main goal, I decided to see what she would do with a little more teasing.

  I skipped past her sweet spot completely and kissed her inner thighs. I was just about to go further down her legs when she gripped my hair and pressed my mouth to her entrance. She ground her pussy into my lips. With a smile spreading across my face, I slowly licked and tasted. The pleasure caused her to squeeze her thighs around my head. I speared my tongue into her entrance over and over. She writhed, gripping my hair tighter.

  “Oh God, right there!” She begged.

  I sucked harder on her clit. Her juices tasted delicious as she came on my tongue. Heaving breaths, she laid back on the bed. I rose over her and started stroking myself as I leaned in and kissed her so she could taste herself on my lips.

  “Damn, babe. Listening to you like this gets me hard as a rock.” Still fisting myself, I hovered over her. I guided my dick to her core and slowly entered her. I gritted my teeth. She was so tight! I gently moved in and out, getting deeper each time, trying to hold myself back. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  She shook her head, so I picked up speed. I could taste the impending release, that long-awaited orgasm inside of her. I started to move faster just as a knock sounded at the door. Ignoring it, I kept going, not giving a damn who was on the other side. They knocked again.

  Smokey’s voice broke my rhythm. “Brother, Tech’s here and he says he’s got something important.”

  “Fuck!” I threw my head back and pulled out. Looking down at my angel, I saw the look of terror in her eyes. The interruption had brought her back to reality and the situation we were in.

  Getting up, I pulled on my pants and tossed her a shirt and pair of yoga pants from the dresser. My hope that she could get some rest was just a dream. She was going to want to be present for whatever Tech had to say. I reached for her hand, and she smiled and leaned up on her tip toes.

  She gave me a quick kiss. “Sorry. I know you were close. So was I. Again.”

  I smiled, despite the fact that I might die from blue balls. “No worries, baby. But just so you know, the next time I go first,” I said on a smile.

  Five minutes later, I was sitting in the living room with Tech, Smokey, and Sal, with Jules on my lap. Normally I wouldn’t involve her in a meeting like this, but she needed to know.

  Tech opened his laptop and clicked on a little box at the corner of the computer screen. A video popped up. It was from right outside of the apartment. A boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen, came up with the envelope and wedged it between the door frame and the door. He looked left, then right, then walked away.

  My head felt like it was going to explode as I looked at Tech. “So what, you think he has some kid to take photos of Jules?”

  Tech shook his head. “Watch the video again but look to the left. Just as the video starts.”

  “Son of a bitch!” I boomed. “That motherfucker knows we’re looking for him and knows we have cameras!”

  “How do you know that?” Jules leaned toward the screen.

  “Look, babe.” I pointed at the image. “He flips the camera off, then hands the kid the envelope. That’s the last we see of him because he backed out of view.” I gestured to the screen again.

  “What are we going to do?” Jules asked with a somber look in her eyes.

  “As much as I know you’re gonna hate it, we have to move to the club. It’s risking too much to stay here.” I held her closer. “It’s just until we get him, baby. I’m sorry, but it’s o
ur only choice. He knows where we live.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “There are too many slutty chicks there. I have enough to worry about without having to beat a bitch down,” she dead panned.

  I smiled. My baby was a badass and I loved it when she got rough. “Well, that won’t be an issue because you won’t be on that side. You have to stay out of sight as much as possible, that way John can’t take any more photos of you.”

  She nodded and glanced at Sal, who gave a quick nod of agreement. “Okay, I guess I’ll go to the club. At least I’ll have Leah and Faith to hang out with there.”

  She headed to her room to pack a few bags, since we weren’t sure how long we’d be there. Standing up, I called Locke to let him know that we are moving Jules to the clubhouse.

  He burst out laughing on the other end. “How did she take it?”

  “She understands we can’t risk her life. John is too unstable.” I took a shot with another idea I’d had. “I was thinking about having Gia come stay there as well. It might be good for Jules and safer for Gia.”

  “That’s a good idea. Make it happen. I’ll get the prospects to set everything up on this end. Just get the girls and bring them here.”

  Hanging up the phone, I told Tech to set up more security at the club. I shot Sal a look, then smirked at Tech. “Oh, and grab Gia and take her to the clubhouse.”

  We’d see how the methodical, tight-lipped Tech liked dealing with the wild card.



  Heading to the club, I couldn’t keep from worrying about the other girls.

  I turned to face Dom. “Will the girls be okay?”

  “They’ll be fine. We called some of your dad’s men in so we’re not strapped. Just in case.”

  Letting out a breath, I lay my head back on the head rest and close my eyes.

  Dom grabbed my hand and kissed it. “Don’t worry, babe. We’ll protect you all.”

  My brain just wouldn’t stop. “What if we don’t get him before Storm comes home? She can’t handle going through anymore torture.” Wiping the stray tear that slipped out from my frustration, I steeled my resolve. Dom would find that bastard, no matter what. Pulling up to the gate of the clubhouse, we got out. I looked around, taking it all in. “I can’t believe I’m at the clubhouse of the Hangmen’s MC and my dad hasn’t started World War Three.” I winked at Dom as two prospects approached.

  Walking through the gate, we headed to the section designated for families for lock down purposes. I tilted my head at Dom. “So, am I a prisoner, or can I roam the grounds? And what if some bitch gets in my face or makes a move on you in front of me?”

  “Jules, look at me.” He stopped, his face deadly serious. He grabbed my hand. “I’ll let you go anywhere within the clubhouse. But you can’t just walk up and punch a sweet butt, or anyone else that pisses you off, unless I say you can. Do you understand?”

  I tried to keep a straight face. “Yes, honey. I promise to not hit random dirty bitches without you knowing.”

  He bent down and kissed my head. “Let’s go. I have people for you to meet. They’ve been expecting us.” Dom tugged my hand and led me to the other side of the club. A set of solid oak double doors towered in front of us.

  This must be chapel, I said to myself. This part didn’t really make me nervous. I could handle bikers. I’d done it all my life. Squeezing my hand, Dom used his other hand to hold the door open.

  I walked in to meet my many new roommates.


  As I introduced Jules to the brothers, I felt a sense of pride. She was comfortable with her surroundings and worked the room like a pro.

  Tech stuck his head in the door. “They’re here.”

  Unsure who “they” were, I headed out with Jules close behind. Walking into the kitchen, I came to a stop when I saw not only Gia, but Leah and Faith as well.

  Tech pointed to the girls. “I brought them here too. Grace is safe at Sal’s, and Storm now has two extra men on her at New Day.” He nodded at Viper, who was beside Leah. Then he faced me again. “It just made sense. Plus, Jules could use the company.”

  I slapped Tech on the shoulder. “Good call.” I turned back to see the four girls hugging. I loved the bright smile on Jules’ face.

  “Oh, thank fuck!” She nearly exploded. “I thought I was going to get stuck in the Doomsday cell by myself!” she said on a laugh.

  “Nope,” Gia said. “We’re all stuck here together.”

  Looking at Leah, I couldn’t help but notice her eyes were stuck on Viper. I flashed her a wink and she blushed but smiled. Yeah, there was more going on between those two than just him being her watcher. Making a mental note to ask him about it later, I put it in the back of my mind.

  I also saw that Faith stuck close to Mac. Good. At least they were all comfortable with who I’d assigned to them.

  I faced the keyed up women then nodded at my guys. “Let’s get them set up and in their rooms before any crazy ass drama breaks out.” The girls were walking around the group, meeting the brothers and shooting glares at the bitches. I leaned into Tech as he dug around in the fridge and whispered, “Is Gia aware of the reason why she’s here?”

  “No,” Tech said, rising with four beers in his hand. He passed one to me and then others to Viper and Mac. “I told her Jules wanted her here to keep her company. I wasn’t sure if we should really say anything unless things don’t calm down.” He shot a skeptical look at Gia. So, he’d chickened out.

  I tried not to laugh and motioned for the girls. “Okay, ladies, let’s get you into your rooms. We do have some rules to go over before you’re set free in here.” I raised an eyebrow at Jules when all four of them rolled their eyes. After getting each of them to their rooms, I told them we were having a meeting in the living room in ten minutes. Again, four sets of eyes rolled and they smirked at each other.

  These women were going to be the death of me. I really hoped this idea wouldn’t turn into a bad one.

  Once the ladies were all sitting on the couch, laughing and whispering, I gave them my business face. They immediately straightened up. They were all scared and trying to hide it. I knew Jules’ dad probably had similar rules, so this wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary for her. The others, I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t want to scare them any more than they already were, but this was necessary for their safety and keeping peace in the club.

  I stood in the center of the room and crossed my arms. “Okay, ladies. Here are some rules and also the off-limits areas. Rule one is do not beat up on or terrorize the sweet butts. They’re here for the brothers’ enjoyment. Rule two, do not cock block a brother. If there’s a party going on, you ladies need to stay upstairs. Do not come down and start shit just because you have a problem with the company the brothers are keeping. Where they stick their dicks is their business, not yours.”

  Leah shot wide eyes at Viper. He crouched beside her end of the sofa and whispered something to her. She seemed to calm down. Jules tilted her head and her eyes narrowed.

  I sighed in my head. “That goes for you too, Jules. You all are to stay as low key as possible.”

  Gia made a face and crossed her arms. “Seriously? We’re staying at an MC clubhouse and we have to be stuck in our rooms and don’t even get to party?”

  Ignoring her, I went on. “Rule three. Please remember that we’re trying to protect you. Try to not make us regret that. Remember, you’re guests at the clubhouse, not at home.” Gia pouted and Jules looked like she was about to start throwing shit. Leah just looked at her hands, twisting them in her lap. Faith nodded. “You will see some crazy shit during the parties especially. Again, just stay upstairs.” I eyed each of them to make sure they understood. “During the family parties, you can come down and hang out with the ol’ ladies, but not during the other parties.

  “Well, thank fuck!” Gia busted out.

  “Gee, thanks for letting us out of our cages.” Jules rolled her eyes again.

  I se
riously might have to smack her ass for that attitude. I let their comments slide. “Any questions?”

  Leah raised her hand, looking unsure. “Um, Dom?”

  “Yes, Leah.”

  “What’s a sweet butt?” she says shyly.

  Viper was holding his stomach, busting out laughing so hard his fucking eyes watered.

  “Good question, Leah. Viper knows all about them, so he can answer that.” I bet he wouldn’t think that was so funny.

  He sobered up real fast and stood, flipping me off. When Leah turned toward him with anger flashing in her eyes, and probably some jealousy, Viper started tripping over his own words, mumbling and saying “um” a lot.

  I was enjoying the show when Jules rescued him. She turned to Leah after shooting me a death glare. “A sweet butt is a dirty little piece of ass who hangs around the club to party. She’ll screw anyone, anywhere.”

  “Sometimes more than one.” Gia smirked.

  I shook my head. “Fuck me,” I said, looking at Jules and Gia as Leah’s and Faith’s faces turned blood red. “You guys are going to kill me before all this is over with.” Heaving a sigh, I ended the meeting and told the ladies I needed to talk to the boys, so they had to go back to their rooms.

  Jules didn’t even stop to kiss me before she ushered Gia, Faith, and Leah out the door. She did give me that glare again.

  Yep. I was going to have to spank that ass.


  Having to be on lockdown always sucked. I’d been through it at my dad’s orders a couple times over the years. I was a little pissed at Dom. I mean, I knew Leah and Faith weren’t used to the life, but Gia and I were. The only thing keeping me from laying into him was that I knew he was just doing what he thought was best. He was trying to protect us.

  And it didn’t hurt that he’d been finding delicious ways of entertaining me in our room when he had the free time.


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