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Moonshine Wizard

Page 50

by Phillip Drayer Duncan

Bert stared at the creek bed a little longer, lost in his own thoughts. Dark days were coming, his uncle had said. He’d never known Tony to be the brooding type, and he wasn’t one to exaggerate either. If he said this was only the beginning, then Bert knew to take it at face value. And his old mentor was right. He’d spent too many years wasting his talents away, when he could’ve been training and growing stronger. It was time to get back to business. Time to get his head in the game. Dark days were coming. He’d be ready.

  “So, interesting few days,” Sharp said. “Most excitement we’ve had in a while.”

  “Yeah, and Uncle Tony thinks it’s only going to get more exciting.”

  “Can’t wait,” Sharp said.

  Bert chuckled and tossed a pebble into the creek. As he watched the ripples spread, he said, “Yeah, me too, Sharp.”

  The End


  This book is dedicated in loving memory of...

  Charles “Tony” Anthony Pair – A man born in the wrong era, who's attitude, demeanor, and beliefs were that of the classic hero. You taught me so much...

  Daniel Robert Sharp – A brother in every way except blood. An understanding and compassionate soul who spent his few adult years helping others. And a broken promise that I have not forgotten...

  Though they are gone, their voices are still ever present in my mind. Always guiding me, and letting me know when I've gone astray...

  May your memories stay with us always,

  May we carry your legacy forward,

  And May your legend live on


  A lot has changed in the years since the first edition of my very first novel appeared in print. And a lot of writing has happened, too. Despite that, Moonshine Wizard is still the series I’m asked about most and some ‘thanks’ are worth reprinting.

  Pops, Erin, Aaron, Tammy, Pat, Yvette, Joe, Jeremy, Jason, Kelly, and Ditta were the first to read the very first edition, and I still owe them all thanks for their insights and support. I suppose we’re all still obligated to refer to Pat as ‘Chief Editor.’

  This third edition requires a special thanks to J.H. Fleming for helping me clean up the mess, hopefully for the last time.

  My Mom – Again, for buying a 3rd grader a Spiderman novel that would set him on this course. And for all the books after. Even when you couldn’t afford it, you still bought me books.

  Pops – For handing that 8th grader a copy of Legend by David Gemmell, which would set my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Sorry the 2nd Moonie still isn’t done.

  Aaron – For playing a critical role in convincing me to write this book despite my despair when I realized there were already similar books out there.

  Mike – For the same reason. If not for those two, the Moonshine Wizard would’ve died before he ever made it to these pages.

  Jeremy, Jason, & AJ – All who suffered endless hours of listening to me ramble about this book I wanted to write, and still encouraged me, anyway.

  Brock – My dear sister, who traveled to countless conventions with me and has supported this journey from day one.

  Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta – In 2013, I went to a little small-town comic convention because I’d never been to one. These two were the author guests. After their first panel, I was enthralled. I went to every talk they gave. When I went home that Sunday, I dug out the old notebooks from the countless times I’d started this book. And that time, I finished it. I’ve been writing ever since.

  My Grandparents – Sadly, both have passed since that first edition. But I can remember my grandfather holding a copy in his hands. “Our name is on a book,” he said. “That’s really something. I’m proud of you.” And despite my first edition plea that they not read it, my grandmother went ahead and read it anyway. In fact, up until she passed away, she read everything I wrote and proudly proclaimed herself my biggest fan. And I know she still is.

  Phillip Drayer Duncan has written ten novels. His work has been published with Yard Dog Press, Pro Se Productions, Seventh Star Press, and Happy Omega Publishing.

  Along with reading and writing like a madman, he enjoys kayakin’, canoein’, fishin’, and pretty much anything nerd related. More than anything, he enjoys spending time with his ridiculously awesome girlfriend, friends, family, and the monstrous five-pound beast that lurks in the shadows of his home.

  During the warm months, Phillip’s natural habitat includes the river or a campfire. In the colder season, he morphs into a hermit and may be spotted under a pile of books or video games. You might also catch him in the wild at a concert or a convention. He is generally an approachable creature, but it’s best to give him snacks if you wish to ensure he won’t bite. Cookies are preferable.

  His earliest books were acted out with action figures and scribbled into notebooks. Today he uses a computer like a real grown up, despite refusing to act his age in any other circumstance. And to be honest, if it would pay his bills, he’d be playing with G.I. Joes right now.

  His greatest dream in life is to become a Jedi, but since that hasn’t happened yet, he focuses on writing.

  He is eagerly awaiting the next season of Firefly; please don’t inform him it was canceled.

  Also by Phillip Drayer Duncan

  Catalysts – Featuring 2 Blade Mage & 1 Moonshine Wizard Story

  FREE & only available by signing up for the Phillip Drayer Duncan Newsletter.

  The Blade Mage:

  The Blade Mage

  Of Song and Shadow

  The Memphis Knights

  Rebels and Outlaws

  Swords and Dust

  The Moonshine Wizard:

  Moonshine Wizard

  The Distilled Shorts Collection:

  First Job

  The Ogre & The Primates

  A Sword Named Sharp

  Hunting one Like Us

  The Monster Beneath the Bed

  The Hunt for the Dark Wizard

  Assassins Incorporated:

  Assassins Incorporated

  Assassins Incorporated: Rehired

  Tales of the Warden

  Anthologies & Single Shots:

  Tales of the Interstellar Bartenders Guild

  Gary Phillips Hollis for Hire

  Flush Fiction, Volume II: Twenty Years of Letting it Go!

  Write to the Cover, Volume One

  Black Fedora

  Charles Boeckman Presents: The Wild West

  Tall Pulp


  Zev Moon

  To Love and Die


  When the Shadow Sees the Sun – Creatives Surviving Depression

  Don't forget to pick up your FREE digital copy of


  Featuring the Moonshine Wizard & Blade Mage prequel shorts…

  The Hunt for the Dark Wizard

  The Generic Mage

  The Last Great Blade Mage

  Join Wyatt and Axel as they hunt down a wicked clown goblin and live the experience of Wyatt being chosen as Blade Mage. And follow Bert as he takes on evil garden gnomes and the dark wizard Senechal.

  Get Catalysts FREE by signing up for the Phillip Drayer Duncan Newsletter at…

  Happy Reading!




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