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Erotic Stories

Page 44

by Amanda Wals

  When Joanna straddled my lap, she said, "Hands, no mouth." I assumed she was stating the rules for how I could touch her tits.

  "May I kiss?"

  "You certainly may," said Joanna as she lowered her mouth towards mine. As we kissed, I brought my hands up, cupped her tits and gave them a light squeeze. We did a series of soft kisses that ended in loud smacks as I gently explored her tits. I didn't know if Frenching was permitted during this part, so I decided to let Joanna initiate any tongue. When I squeezed her nipples between my fingers, Joanna pushed her tongue against my lips. I brought my tongue forward and met her tongue outside of my mouth. We had a sort of sword fight with our tongues (a tongue fight?). It was silly and childish, and a lot of fun. After the extreme sexual intensity of making out with Kaitlyn, it was good to have fun. I felt a swell of affection for Joanna - she really was a great girlfriend.

  I stopped the tongue fight, moved my hands aside and said, "You have wonderful tits."

  "Kaitlyn's are better." Joanna was obviously bothered by her best friend's anatomical superiority.

  "So? She has wonderful tits, and you have wonderful tits; just different types of wonderfulness. And your tits suit my naughty girl."

  Joanna stood up. "Thanks." There was more sadness in her voice than happiness. I smiled at her, trying to show her how happy I was to have her as my girlfriend. I watched her as she walked over towards Paul. She had great legs - better than Kaitlyn's - and they looked even better in the high heels. She had a very nice ass. A little before she got to Paul, Joanna looked back and saw me looking at her.

  Kaitlyn was by my side. To my surprise, she didn't hop on my lap. Instead, she looked back at Joanna and smiled; then turned back to me and said, "Stand up."

  I stood up and looked over to see that Paul was doing the same.

  Kaitlyn grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it upwards. I bent forward so she could take it off me more easily. Once the shirt was off of my head, I looked over and saw Joanna doing the same to Paul. The girls dropped to their knees while looking at each other. They nodded to each other and turned back to their man. I looked down to see Kaitlyn grab my shorts and pull them down. She grabbed my boxers and pulled them down too. As I stepped out of them, I looked over and saw that Paul was naked like I was.

  Kaitlyn stood up while pressing me back onto the chair. Once I was seated, she straddled my lap and kissed me hard on the lips. As soon as her tongue was in my mouth, I squeezed her tits. The sexual intensity was back up to eleven. Kaitlyn broke off the kiss, put her hands behind my head and hissed, "Suck them!" as she pulled my mouth to her nipple. Kaitlyn moaned as soon as I started sucking. I felt like a starving baby who was desperate to nurse.

  "That's it, Brandon. Suck on my tit." Kaitlyn ran her fingers through my hair as she kept up a quiet monologue. "It feels so good. I've been wanting you to suck on my tits since I watched you suck on Joanna's tits while Paul slobbered on mine." Her fingers running over my scalp were giving me thrills. "Oh, yeah. I so like that." I stopped sucking on Kaitlyn's tit and instead kissed around her nipple, giving a little suck with each kiss. "Damn that feels good, you sneaky bastard. You don't know what you do to me, Brandon. I love it. I love the feel of your mouth on my tit. Time to suck on the other one." Kaitlyn shifted me to her left tit. "You've got me so excited, Brandon. I'm probably sopping wet."

  Kaitlyn shifted her position and again my cock was pressed against her pussy. She started rocking her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy against my cock as I sucked on her tit; only the thin material of her flimsy panties was keeping us from having sex.

  Kaitlyn said in a quiet voice full of passion, "I want to fuck you, Brandon. I want to feel your dick inside of me. I want you to make me moan, make me scream. I want you to cum inside of me, to fill me with your cum."

  I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed Kaitlyn off of me and stood up. I had to end it now or I'd be throwing Kaitlyn down on the couch and ripping her panties off. I looked over at Joanna and Paul - Paul was slobbering on her tits enthusiastically while Joanna was running her fingers through his hair. It took me a moment to catch my breath enough to say, "Joanna, let's go to our bedroom."

  I held my hand out to Joanna as I started walking towards our bedroom. She hopped off of Paul and walked quickly over to join me. I couldn't look at Kaitlyn - she had pushed me past what I could take from her, and I had to get away.

  Once I had closed the door, Joanna dragged me by my cock over to the bed. She sat down on it and took my cock into her mouth while I stood. She bobbed two or three times before I exploded in her mouth. I came and came and came. I didn't know I could make so much cum. Joanna kept bobbing her head, sucking it all down.

  Once I was spent, Joanna moved back on the bed and started removing what little she was wearing. "Someone was excited. Did you have fun with Kaitlyn tonight?"

  I saw no point in denying it. "I did. That was crazy. Too crazy. Did you have fun with Paul?"

  Joanna was naked now, and she patted on the bed for me to join me. "I did. I was very naughty with Paul tonight. He wants to fuck me. Do you want to fuck Kaitlyn?"

  I felt like a huge pit had opened up in front of me. That was the obvious direction our make-out sessions were going. And Kaitlyn had enthusiastically endorsed the idea of me fucking her. "I can't, Joanna. She's my sister." I closed my eyes. It was painful to think this hard about the subject. "It's wrong. And what if our parents found out. Or people at—"

  Joanna put her hand on my leg and said, "Relax. I'm not asking you to fuck Kaitlyn. She and I agreed before tonight that we'd never have sex with someone who wasn't our boyfriend; no oral either way and no fucking. Tonight was probably as far as we'll ever go." Joanna's hand slipped up my leg and grasped my cock. "So I'm asking you a hypothetical question; do you want to fuck Kaitlyn?" My cock started stiffening as she stroked it up and down. "Do you wish you could fuck Kaitlyn, even though you can't because she's not your girlfriend?"

  I couldn't avoid the truth. "Yes, I wish I could fuck Kaitlyn. I'll never do it, but I definitely want to do it."

  Joanna released my cock and swung her body over mine. I was lying on my back and now her crotch was on top of mine.

  I asked, "Are you happy with that answer?"

  Joanna positioned her pussy lips on top of my cock and started sliding back and forth on my cock. She looked down at me and smiled. "I am. I'm glad you're so honest with me." Joanna partially sat up, putting her hands on my chest and leaning on me so she could slide her pussy more easily up and down my cock. I was completely hard again. She just smiled at me as she continued gliding her pussy back and forth. And then she stopped gliding and rose up on one leg. She grabbed my cock and guided it to her pussy before slowly sinking down on it.

  Once I was fully embedded in her, Joanna said, "Now fuck me like you want to fuck Kaitlyn."

  I drifted through Friday morning. My sister had told me in no uncertain terms she wanted to fuck me, my girlfriend had weaseled out of me that I wished I could fuck my sister, and they were all smiles and laughter this morning. Paul was all smiles too, laughing and cutting up with them. Kaitlyn seemed to glow with joy.

  We water skied, and I did miserable when I was out on the water. When Mom or Dad skied, thankfully Kaitlyn steered with Joanna as lookout as I would have been a nautical hazard. I mostly stayed close to the lookout seat though facing away so Mom couldn't see my face, and I did my best to look cheerful while my brain struggled to process last night. What stuck out was how much more aggressive Kaitlyn had been. Before last night, I could write off everything Kaitlyn and I had done as innocent fun. There was nothing innocent in how she had acted last night. I tried to think of reasons for the change and came up with nothing.

  But had anything changed? Joanna was still my girlfriend; she had made it clear she wasn't going to have sex with Paul and had said Kaitlyn had agreed to not have sex with me. But Kaitlyn last night had made it abundantly clear she wanted us to fuck. Kaitlyn and Joanna had spent
the whole afternoon together. Had they miscommunicated?

  Deep down, I knew I couldn't resist Kaitlyn. My desire for her had been building steadily through the week. She was the sexiest woman I knew. If an opportunity came up for us to fuck and Joanna didn't stop us, Kaitlyn and I would do what she wanted. At the same time, she was my sister, and I knew we shouldn't have sex. Especially because Joanna and Paul would know what we did. What if Paul got jealous and went to my parents? That'd make our lives a mess.

  How would Joanna respond to Kaitlyn and me fucking? Would it be the end of our relationship? She had seemed almost happy when I said I wished I could fuck Kaitlyn. Why would my girlfriend want me to fuck her best friend, my sister? Was it that she got off on the idea of a brother having such immoral desires for his sister? Or was there something else? I had the feeling Joanna and Kaitlyn were working together to get Kaitlyn and me in bed, and it was only a matter of time before it happened.

  For lunch, I made a sandwich, wandered out onto the deck and made for a far corner. I wanted to be alone so I could pull my thoughts together enough that when Mom and Dad "napped", I could have an intelligent conversation with Kaitlyn and Joanna about what was going on.

  To my surprise, Mom came out of the lake house and sat down next to me with her lunch. We chitchatted for a while, and I did my best to act normal.

  Finally, Mom said, "What's wrong, Brandon?"

  "Wrong, Mom?"

  "You've been acting out of sorts this morning. What's wrong?"

  Your daughter wants to fuck me, I'm probably going to let her, and I think my girlfriend is okay with the idea. But other than that, everything's normal.

  "I don't know, Mom. I think I'm worn down. I do a lot of physical work at the golf course, and I've been out on the water constantly since we've been here. Maybe I should take a big nap this afternoon while the rest of you water ski."

  "Don't lie to me, honey. I know something's going on."

  Oh shit! Does she suspect what we've been doing at night? I had to say something is wrong, but what?

  I sighed and shook my head to give me time to come up with something, and then said, "I don't get along well with Paul."

  "You haven't been upset for two days because of Paul."

  True. As I didn't know exactly what Mom had observed/figured out, I decided the best course of action was to keep my mouth shut. I shrugged and picked up my sandwich.

  Mom said, "You're upset about Joanna, aren't you?"

  My eyes widened. Did Mom suspect what Joanna and Paul had been doing? If she did, she probably suspected what Kaitlyn and I were doing. I decided to hedge the best I could. "Yeah. Things have been different between us the last few days."

  "Oh, Honey," Mom said in an 'it-hurts-me-more-than-it-hurts-you' tone. "I had worried Kaitlyn and Paul might break up during this week, but you and Joanna breaking up hadn't crossed my mind."

  "I don't think we're breaking up." We'd happily fucked last night.

  "You two are pulling away from each other. Look Honey, being together constantly for a week is very stressful, particularly when you're with the same people and are doing the same things day after day. Don't rush to any decisions."

  You have no idea what you're talking about.

  Mom continued in her concerned mom voice, "I've known Joanna for years, and I think the world of her. She's grown up in a very difficult situation, and, given that, she's amazingly well-adjusted. She's overcome a lot of challenges, and I admire her resilience, but she's going to have struggles you can't understand because you've grown up in a stable, loving family."

  Someone who grew up in that same stable, loving family wants to fuck me.

  "Love is all fireworks at your age. But when the fireworks dim, real love is work."

  Fireworks with Kaitlyn. What an awesome image!

  "There are days when I don't like your father, even though I still love him. Love is a choice; it's deciding every day to be totally committed to your other. I see Joanna as the type of person who can do that."

  You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

  "What I'm saying is she's worth persevering for. Give her a second chance, and a third chance, and a fourth chance before you decide to do anything you might regret later. Okay?"

  "Okay, Mom." I'll go back now to thinking about fucking my sister.

  Mom stood up and smiled at me, motherly message delivered. She went back into the lake house, leaving me to my thoughts.

  * * *

  After I finished my lunch, I went inside and joined everyone else. I decided the best thing to do was to try to act as normal as possible. I chatted with Kaitlyn and Paul for a little bit. Normally after lunch, Joanna and Kaitlyn changed from athletic swimwear to much smaller sunning bikinis, but only Joanna made the change today. The four of us took the stairs down and split as usual, with Paul heading with his tablet to the hammock.

  When we were about halfway to the chaise lounges, Kaitlyn said to me, "Let's go ride jet skis."

  "You don't want to lie out?"

  "No. That's why I didn't change bikinis."

  "Do you want to go with Paul?"

  Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "No."

  I shrugged and said, "Okay." I waved to Joanna. "See ya in a while."

  Joanna said, "Have fun!"

  Kaitlyn gave her a big smile. "You too."

  As we walked down towards the boat house, Kaitlyn asked, "What did Mom say to you?"

  "She's concerned because I haven't been my normal self recently."

  Kaitlyn reached out and gave my hand a squeeze. "You're having a hard time with what we've been doing at night, and I admire you for that. So many guys would be 'The more making out the better'. Paul is certainly that way. But you're not comfortable making out with someone you're not committed to, are you?"

  I was so thankful that Kaitlyn understood. "No, I'm not."

  "Well, tonight is our last time since tomorrow night we have the big campfire." Our family tradition was that on the last night of vacation, we'd have a beach campfire where'd we tell stories, roast marshmallows and make s'mores. It was an evening of family fun. Kaitlyn gave me a big smile and said, "I think tonight is going to be very special."

  * * *

  We jet skied for about twenty minutes before returning. Kaitlyn and I had taken turns splashing the other, and I had gotten the best of her. I was in a much better mood as we walked back towards the lake house.

  "Where's Joanna?" I asked. She wasn't sitting on a chaise lounge.

  "Let's see if she's in the mud room."

  There was no reason for Joanna to be in the mud room, but there weren't many other places she could be. The lake house was actually kind of lonely - the only people besides Paul in sight were well out on the lake.

  When we got to the door to the mud room, Kaitlyn lightly grabbed my wrist to get my attention. When I turned to her, she asked me, "Last night when I told I wanted you to fuck me, what did you think of that? Did it appeal to you?"

  My thoughts were instantly scrambled as I both wanted to fuck Kaitlyn and was repulsed by the idea. What kind of guy wants to fuck his sister? Particularly when he's got a girlfriend?

  When I didn't respond, Kaitlyn gave me a small, knowing smile. I felt like I had been zapped with a stun gun. Why was Kaitlyn asking me this just before we're probably going to talk to Joanna? Why was Joanna waiting for us in the mud room? My mind swam.

  Kaitlyn opened the door and lightly pulled me by arm into the mud room. Joanna was waiting there, leaning against the washing machine. Kaitlyn said to her, "Did you have fun?"

  Joanna smiled. "I did." She turned to me and said, "I was naughty while you were gone, and I think we need to even things up."

  Another zap by a stun gun. She was naughty? We needed to even things up?

  Kaitlyn said, "Okay. What did you do?"

  "Once you left, I went over to talk to Paul. He didn't want to pay attention to me, so I took my top off."

  What the hell? Anger surged thro
ugh me.

  "Like this?" said Kaitlyn as grabbed her bikini top and pulled it over her head. Her beautiful tits bounced gently as they were freed. My jaw dropped.

  "Yes," said Joanna. "That got Paul's attention."

  I was overwhelmed with a feeling of surrealism; my anger forgotten. My girlfriend had just told me and Paul's girlfriend that she had gone topless to get Paul's attention. Kaitlyn hadn't been upset by the news at all. Instead, she had taken off her top. Both Kaitlyn and Joanna were acting like this was perfectly normal. I couldn't process it all.

  Joanna said, "He squeezed one tit and sucked on the other."

  "Like this?" asked Kaitlyn and as she put one of my hands on her tit and reached for the back of my head. I thought about resisting, but I was too dazed to put up a fight. Kaitlyn pulled my head slowly downward, and my mouth opened on its own to latch onto Kaitlyn's tit. I sucked on her nipple, tasting the lake water it was still damp with. I loved Kaitlyn's tits and was ecstatic to be enjoying them once again.

  Kaitlyn said to Joanna, "I'm not surprised. Paul is such a tit man. He squeezes and sucks on my tits whenever he can."

  Joanna ran her fingers through my hair as I sucked on my sister's tit. She said in a friendly, taunting tone, "I told you she had nicer tits than me."

  I didn't reply. Not because my mouth was full of tit, but because I was trying to understand what was going on. This felt well-planned, but why would Joanna cheat on me with Paul? Why would she be so happy about me sucking on Kaitlyn's tit?

  Kaitlyn said, "You were naughty. Did you do anything else?"

  "Oh yes. While Paul sucked on my tit, I undid his swim trunks."

  "Like this?" said Kaitlyn as she reached down to my swim trunks. I had the feeling I should try to stop her, that Kaitlyn was going too far, but my brain was too busy trying to process Joanna's revelation. Part of my brain was saying I should be furious about Joanna undoing Paul's swim trunks, but my brain's circuits were too overloaded for that message to go very far.


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