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Erotic Stories

Page 45

by Amanda Wals

  Kaitlyn loosened the strings of my trunks, popped me off her tit and then squatted down so she was facing my swim trunks. "Did you pull them down like this?" she asked Joanna as she pulled down my swim trunks. My cock was fully erect when she freed it. Kaitlyn pulled my swim trunks all the way down to my feet. The feeling of surrealism overwhelmed me - my sister was stripping me naked with my girlfriend's approval. When Kaitlyn lifted my leg slightly, I rotely stepped out of my trunks. She reached up and grabbed my cock firmly.

  "Did you lick it like this?" Kaitlyn asked. She stuck out her tongue and pressed it against my cock near its base. I felt something like a ten thousand volt shock. Kaitlyn looked me in the eye as she slowly slid her tongue up my cock, causing me to shiver with pleasure. No one's tongue had ever felt so good on my cock. She slowly licked upward until she reached the crown of my cock.

  Joanna stood there and watched as Kaitlyn licked up and down my cock a few times like it was the most normal thing in the world. My brain was blown. This made no sense whatsoever. This week had been crazy; last night had been incredibly crazy; but this took crazy to beyond the moon. I remembered Joanna saying last night We'd never have sex with someone who wasn't our boyfriend. No oral either way, no fucking. That was apparently non-operable now. Or did this mean...

  Joanna moved so she was standing right next to me. She looked down at Kaitlyn with a big smile and said, "You're so naughty, Kaitlyn."

  Kaitlyn looked at Joanna, smiled and then guided my cock into her mouth. Joanna watched happily as Kaitlyn swallowed my cock. I moaned. Kaitlyn's mouth felt so wonderful. The sexual intensity was back up to eleven, magnifying the pleasure Kaitlyn's mouth was giving. She slowly pulled back while her lips gripped my cock firmly until her lips reached the crown, before diving down on my cock again. The whole time, her brilliant blue eyes were locked on mine.

  Joanna said, "She looks so sexy, doesn't she?"

  I couldn't answer as I was too overwhelmed; overwhelmed by pleasure and emotion. Kaitlyn did look damn sexy, but I was focused on the great feelings her mouth was giving my cock. While my girlfriend watched and made friendly small talk!

  Kaitlyn slowly pulled her lips up my cock and then dived back down on it. She did that four or five times, giving me massive amounts of pleasure, before circling her tongue around my crown. She was damn good at giving head while maintaining eye contact, which made it unimaginably hot.

  Kaitlyn continued on like that, bobbing her head five or six times before doing something different like licking up and down my cock or circling her tongue around my crown. It didn't take her long to get me on the verge of cumming.

  "I'm about to cum."

  Kaitlyn started bobbing furiously up and down my cock, which I took to mean she wanted me to cum in her mouth. Her ministrations felt so good. A few more bobs and I went over the edge; a wave of pleasure swept over me as I painted her tonsils with sperm. She sucked it all down, a happy look on her face. Once I stopped spurting, she slowed and eventually pulled my shrinking cock out of her mouth for a few more licks. She gave me a sexy look as she gave my cock a final kiss and then stood up.

  Joanna leaned against me, gave me a peck on the cheek, and said, "Please don't be angry with me," before leaving.

  I leaned against the washing machine and caught my breath. So much had happened, not just right now but over the whole week. I was mentally and emotionally overwhelmed.

  Kaitlyn asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

  "I think so. I think you and Joanna have decided to switch boyfriends. That was her handing me off to you while letting me know she's with Paul now."

  I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe she'd dump me for that big doofus. I had tried so hard to make our relationship work and now...I was stunned. It had happened so fast. I had seen it coming a little, but the speed in which she had decided Paul was better left me shaken. Part of me felt I should be angry; feel betrayed. But things had happened too fast. And it wasn't like Joanna had done anything behind my back or left me high and dry - she had given me to Kaitlyn.

  Kaitlyn said delicately, "I can see why you'd think that, but it's not exactly like that. I want you to give me a chance as your girlfriend. I know that sounds crazy as I'm your sister, but it's what I want with all my soul. I've wanted it since Monday when I saw you sucking on Joanna's tits while Paul slobbered on mine. But I couldn't exactly say Tuesday morning 'How about dumping Joanna and trying me as your girlfriend?' So I've been working since Monday to get us to this point. I've done some things that were very wrong; I've been a selfish, evil person; and the only justification I can offer is that I thought the ends justified the means. I think you're the guy for me. I'm attracted to you like I've never been attracted to a guy before; I have so much fun with you; whatever making out we've done has driven me crazy with lust; it's so easy for me to be honest with you, and I need that badly; and I think we'll be very, very happy together. Joanna agrees with my judgment and will fully support us. After last night and just now, I think you can take seriously my feelings for you. Would you please give me a chance as your girlfriend?"

  I was still struggling with my anger. I felt manipulated, lied to. I was pissed that Joanna had dumped me. I was in no mood to agree with anything.

  I said, "It's not a fair question, Kaitlyn. Joanna has already dumped me. If I don't agree, what happens? My summer is fucking ruined. It's a stupid idea that'll never work. What the hell, Kaitlyn? What the hell?"

  Kaitlyn sighed. She moved so we were standing side-by-side with her butt against the washing machine. "You have every right to be angry with me. Everything bad that has happened is because of me. Please don't be angry with Joanna. Let me tell you everything, put it all out there, and then let's discuss my idea. Okay?"

  I grudgingly said, "Okay."

  "I told you once that in high school you had been such a huge presence in my life. I don't know if I had a crush on you then, but I did admire you. I loved talking with Joanna about you. Poor Joanna; she had such a bad crush on you, and I rubbed it by talking constantly about you dating one of our friends. But she was such a great friend that she overlooked it and never made a negative comment about me being obsessed with my own brother. You created a void when you went off to college. I had boyfriends, but they never really filled that void."

  Kaitlyn slid down the washing machine until she was on the floor. I joined her. She said, "At the beginning of the summer, you were coming home single. Joanna had recently gotten out of a destructive relationship, so I thought it would perfect for you to date her. I was very happy with Paul, though I knew that long-distance dating for the summer would suck. So I asked you to go out with Joanna for the summer."

  "Which I wasn't wild about initially, but eventually I was glad I did as I had a lot of fun with Joanna."

  "With Joanna and me - we always did things together. I got to see up close how you treat your girlfriends; you were great with Joanna. And as Joanna is such a dear friend to me, I wanted you two to become a happy couple."

  And now you don't. Her statement was bitterly ironic. "You wanted me to fuck her."

  "I wanted you to sweep her off her feet and tell her you loved her. I wanted you two to spend as much time as possible together as a couple, to be so involved by the end of the summer that you'd keep dating when you returned to college. I wanted you to make her really happy. She's never been as happy as she deserves to be."

  "I wish I loved someone as much as you and Joanna love each other."

  Kaitlyn gave me a smile. My anger at her was slowly dissipating. It's hard to be angry at someone who cares so much for the people close to her. "Back to my story. I spent all this time with you and Joanna, and I had a blast. Suddenly, I wanted a boyfriend who was as fun to be with as you were and would treat me like you treated Joanna. Paul's visit became less and less enjoyable."

  I could see that. "Okay."

  "By the time we left for the lake, I was getting concerned about you and Joanna. You hadn't had sex though yo
u had dated long enough."

  "Well, we had."

  Kaitlyn shot me a look that made it clear she was still pissed about us hiding something of such importance from her. "And for some reason, she was stuck on the idea you didn't really care for her and were only doing stuff with her because I had asked you to. I couldn't convince her otherwise. I also started to wonder if you didn't like her as much as I thought you did. You seemed so happy with her when the three of us were together, but you weren't making a serious move on her."

  I nodded. I could see why she had thought that.

  Kaitlyn said, "But I knew when we got to the lake, you two would take a big step forward in your relationship by making love. Then you didn't, and I could see my plans for a life-changing relationship for Joanna were going down the drain. So, Sunday, I came up with a plan to get you and Joanna to make love using peer pressure. And the plan had the bonus of getting Paul to do more foreplay with me than he usually did." Kaitlyn had been looking at me, but she suddenly looked forward instead. "But I think you and Joanna were resentful of how much I was bossing you around. You threw a monkey wrench into my plan by kissing Joanna's neck, and Joanna threw another by suggesting you do the same for me." Kaitlyn closed her eyes. "Oh my god. When you kissed my neck, you can't believe how hard it hit me. It was like I had been struck by lightning. Nothing had ever come close to exciting me so much. I started considering that maybe I didn't want a boyfriend like you...maybe that the boyfriend I wanted was you." Kaitlyn opened her eyes and shook her head. "That night was so intense. And the next night was even more intense. When I saw you sucking on Joanna's tits while Paul slobbered on mine, I was insanely jealous. I had to have you as my boyfriend. I spent the night thinking and thinking, and finally came up with a crazy plan I thought would bring us together."

  So Joanna having some naughty fun had secretly pushed Kaitlyn over the edge? "Didn't the fact that I was your brother give you second thoughts about your plan?"

  Kaitlyn looked at me. "Yes. No. Well, yes. If you hadn't been my brother, I would have told Joanna a couple of weeks ago that if she wasn't going to lock you up, I'd take you. But that night, I wanted you so much I didn't care that you were my brother. When I started working on a plan though, I definitely took into account that you were my brother." She looked forward again. "That's when I started acting selfish and evil. If I was going to have you, I'd have to break you and Joanna up. And the easiest way to do that was to get her to want Paul instead of you." Kaitlyn turned to me, looked deeply into my eye and said in a tone that was as serious as a heart attack, "Don't blame Joanna for anything. It was all because of me. I know her every weakness, and I used them all against her to get her to give up a great guy because I wanted him too."

  I pulled back a little. Her admitting she had betrayed her best friend like that was creepy. "What were some of the things you did?"

  Kaitlyn looked forward again. "I knew Paul was interested in Joanna, and I subtly coached him on how to woo her. I made sure they had time together, and I did my best to distract you during those times. When I told you and Joanna I was thinking of breaking up with Paul, it was actually a sales pitch for Paul to Joanna. I inflamed Joanna's desire for nice clothes and lingerie. I prompted Joanna to come up with a plan to try to save my relationship with Paul that involved her making out with Paul. I begged her to let Paul feel her tits as a reward for not going for mine while we kissed." Kaitlyn said in a mocking tone, "I so want to try to save this relationship, and it's the only thing that will motivate Paul to learn to slow down." She switched back to her normal tone of voice. "Utter bullshit. I was so done with Paul by that point."

  "Why? Joanna said you had sounded so in love with him at the beginning of the summer, but you seemed ready to break up with Paul as soon as we got here."

  "The first night when Paul refused to cook dinner so he could play his stupid game, I gave him hell after we had sex and told him he needed to help cook breakfast or dinner. He told me he wasn't going to help cook, that he'd do something else, and he didn't care what I thought. I considered us done at that point, though I'd be his girlfriend for the rest of the week so things wouldn't get too ugly. And I think Paul knew what I was thinking." Kaitlyn made a throwing gesture with her hand, like she was throwing Paul away. "When I told you on the jet ski that I'd dump Paul in a heartbeat if I knew of a guy who I'd thought would make a great boyfriend, it was something of a lie. I was already convinced that you'd make a great boyfriend. Every moment we've spent together since Monday night has made me more convinced of that. But I didn't think I could tell you that then, that it was too early." Kaitlyn reached out and took my hand lightly. "Instead, I misled you and lied to you. I'm sorry." She squeezed me hand and then let it go."

  "The ends justified the means?"

  Kaitlyn exhaled. "Please believe me when I say I hated myself for doing that. I wanted to get to this talk without lying or misleading you. But I wanted to give Paul time to work on Joanna. That meant keeping you talking, and I did so by telling lies and misleading you. Even though I thought the ends justified doing that, I still didn't like doing it." Kaitlyn being so honest was defusing my anger. "At that point, I was undermining your relationship with Joanna with no idea if you were actually interested in me. If you weren't, I'd have to mend things between you and Joanna, and I was worried I had pushed things too far along between Paul and Joanna to do that. I was really worried I was hurting the two people I loved the most over a pipe dream."

  "It's a crazy idea." But I was starting to warm to it. "That night, did you plan on Paul going for Joanna's tits and suggesting I go for yours?"

  Kaitlyn laughed. "No, but I had been hoping something like that would happen. The way you kissed me" - she gave me a big smile - "I knew you had feelings for me similar to what I felt for you. From then on, I had hope that everything would turn out the way I wanted."

  I thought back on that night - it had been the turning point. It was the first time I had initiated something with my sister. I had known it was wrong, but I hadn't been able to resist. And now my sister wanted me to give her a chance as my girlfriend.

  Kaitlyn stood up, so I stood up too. She faced me and said, "When Joanna and I went shopping, we discussed switching. I brought it up as a joke at first, saying I couldn't possibly have my own brother as my boyfriend. But once Joanna knew I wanted to switch, she was all for it, and we discussed how we could make it happen." Kaitlyn looked sternly at me again. "Don't blame Joanna. When I let her know I wanted to switch, it became of question of loyalty, and she decided to be more loyal to her best friend of six years than her boyfriend of six weeks."

  There was more to it than that. Joanna had also seen Paul as roughly as appealing as me for her to consider the switch. I still didn't understand what Joanna saw in Paul.

  Kaitlyn was suddenly in my arms, leaning against me while looking up at me. She had such a beautiful face. As I looked into her brilliant blue eyes, she asked "Is there anything more you want to know? I'm sorry I lied to you, that I manipulated you and Joanna. I'm glad to be honest with you now. I know I'm asking you to make a big decision on very little information, to make a leap of faith. I'm asking you to trust me that I have a plan for making everything work. But I think it'll work. I think we'll be very, very happy together. Are you willing to give me a chance, Brandon? Will you give me a chance as your girlfriend?"

  My anger was gone. She had done things that I disagreed with, but she was open about what she had done and why she had done it.

  I opened my mouth, but Kaitlyn put her finger over it before I could say anything. She said, "If you don't want to try it, I'll understand. Joanna is outside, and she'll go back to being your girlfriend if you don't want me. And I'll do everything in my power to help you two patch things up. I want you to be happy, Brandon. I want you, Joanna and me to be happy. Your answer won't change that in any way. Choose what you think is best."

  I said, "If I give you a chance, does that mean no more lying and misleading?"

  Kaitlyn sadly shook her head. "Just the opposite. We're going to have to hide our relationship from Mom, Dad, and our friends at college. That means lying and misleading. That'll come naturally for me, but I know it'll be hard for you."

  Did I want to do that? Would being with Kaitlyn justify what we'd have to do to be a couple? Would the ends justify the means?

  I thought it over. I knew I should say no, that it was wrong and wouldn't work; that it wasn't worth the risk of destroying our reputations and our relationship with our parents. But I couldn't. I wanted Kaitlyn; she had spent days selling herself to me, and I was eager to buy. I trusted Kaitlyn; I knew she would walk over broken glass to make this work. It sounded crazy, but if there was anyone who could make it work, it was her.

  I smiled and said, "When I think of what I want in a women, you're a nine or a ten on each of those attributes. You're beautiful, you're fun, you're smart, you're sexy, you want to make me and the people around you happy, you've got a great body and I'll go out on a limb here and guess you're great in bed. You're everything I want. I don't know what's going to happen, but I want to try to make a go of it."

  I bent forward and kissed Kaitlyn while taking her deeper into my arms. We pressed our lips firmly together for a long moment before Kaitlyn pushed her tongue into my mouth. She pressed her marvelous tits into my bare chest. I reached down and squeezed her bikini-covered ass. We kissed for a long time, enjoying our first kiss as a couple.

  When the kiss ended, Kaitlyn said, "Remember, this isn't going to be easy. You're going to have to be open to doing whatever it takes to make it work. We're going to have to accept half a loaf. But I think it'll be great eventually."

  "I think it'll be great right away," I said before I kissed her again.

  When the kiss ended, Kaitlyn was all business. She grabbed her bikini top and said, "Okay. I'll let Joanna know your decision. She has plans for tonight, and she promised me that if we went along, she'd make sure Paul fully supports us as a couple." Her top was on now. She handed me my swim trunks and gave me a quick kiss. "Gotta go. I'm looking forward to being yours tonight."


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