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No Where to Run

Page 19

by Raven K. Asher

  The last thing I see is the doctor smiling down at me.

  It hits me where I’ve seen him before.

  He was my dad’s best friend in college.

  I remember him coming to the funeral.

  I drift off into the darkness of my mind once more.

  Chapter 20

  Day 146

  I open my eyes to a cold white room.

  I blink them a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness, and glance around at the nearly empty room, and spot two men sitting side by side on metal chairs, talking quietly to each other.

  One of them looks up, his soft brown eyes meeting mine.

  He smiles and nudges the other man with his shoulder.

  His eyes meet mine for a brief moment before he jumps to his feet and rushes over to me. He tries to grab my hand but I shy away from him.

  “Who are you?” I look to him in confusion, glancing around the room again.

  “Where am I?” My voice cracks with each word.

  The man’s face falls and he steps back, turns around, and leaves the room without a word. I turn my attention to the other man after the door slams shut.

  “I’m Ryder, and that was Jaxen.” He points to the door where the other man left. He holds out his hand and I shake it.

  “You are in a hospital, sweetheart. You have been in a coma for three months.” I shake my head, it can’t be true.

  “No, I was just at home with my family. What happened? Why am I here?” I try to stand up, but my legs give out.

  Ryder grabs me before I hit the floor and helps me sit back on the bed.

  “Damn it.” He mutters quietly to himself before looking at me in the eyes.

  “What is the last thing you remember, sweetheart?” It takes me a moment to answer.

  “I was home watching TV with my brother Duncan, my mom and dad were just coming back from a night out. My boyfriend Lucca came by that night after everyone was asleep.” I smile at the memory.

  “Shit.” Ryder curses and begins to pace.

  “What’s going on, and where is my family?” Ryder looks to me then sighs.

  “Where do I even start?” He smiles sadly to himself, and sits down.

  To be continued…

  Sneak Peek For: The Invisible Butterfly

  Chapter One

  “Eden, Grayson!” I snap out of my fog to look at Mr. Michaels in front of the classroom. He shakes his head in anger. “I realize that you only have two weeks left of school, but I will not tolerate you daydreaming again, Eden.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Michaels.” I whisper, looking around at the other snickering students. I groan and bow my head, wishing that I could just become invisible.

  At only five foot, three inches, with black hair and blue eyes I normally fit comfortably in everyone else’s shadows. I wasn’t always this way, but ever since my parents split my world came crashing down. I came to the realization that life wasn’t always a happy fairy tale story.

  Life wasn’t fair. Life didn’t play by any rules, it made its own, and if you were in its way it would run you over without a second thought.

  When my dad left to be with his new family, everyone looked down upon my mom and I, like we were the reason he left. As if we were the ones who had done wrong. Dad had owned a few of the big chain stores in town and when he left so did they. So, naturally they blamed us and not my cheating father.

  Mom struggled with three jobs to make a life for us, to keep a roof over our heads and clothes on our back. In less than a week I went from being the most popular girl in school to the most hated.

  If I’m being honest it really hurt when everyone turned their backs on me, but I found out just how cruel people could be. It was a lesson I would never forget.

  I was lucky enough to discover a new friend in the midst of losing all the rest. His name was Levi Mackey. He had been an outcast, even before I was. I had never been mean to him though, and that was the major reason we quickly became allies. We had each other’s backs no matter what.

  A paper plane flies in front of my face to land on my desk. I glance over to Levi who gives me quick wink. I grin and unfold it beneath my desk.

  “I knew you wouldn’t be able to get my sexiness out of your mind, you naughty girl.”

  I cover up a snort of laughter, crumble the note and shove it into my pocket. I take another look at Levi and shake my head, barely holding back my laughter. He’s honestly a good looking guy with dirty blonde shaggy hair and green eyes, and his body is fit with cut muscles, but he looks worn down, which is caused by taking care of his drunken father at all hours.

  I could still see the faint bruising on his chin where his father had hit him last. I knew all too well that there were even more bruises hidden beneath his clothes.

  We had spent a lot of time together over the past few months but we had never been more than just friends. But we did become best friends that kept each other from going to deep into the darkest parts of our minds.

  Apart we both had our own personal demons that made everyday a constant battle, but together we kept each other from falling to far into the depression that we both suffered from. Countless times we talked each other from taking that last step that would forever change the lives of everyone around us.

  I can still remember the night that Levi found me locked in my car with my wrists cut wide open. He saved me that night and we have always been there for each other since.

  So many times we both have wanted to give up.

  The class bell rings and I slowly gather my books into my backpack and stand to my feet, thankful that everyone else leaves quickly.

  “What were you thinking about so hard?” Levi asks coming over to me. We exit the room together and I sigh.

  “My mom wants me to stay with my dad for the summer.” I answer and he lets out a loud huff of air. He knows how I feel about my dad. I hate him. He left us for a whole new family. He never once tried to contact me after he left.

  “How do you feel about that?” He asks and I turn to look at him with a glare. He throws his hands up and backs away with a grin. “Ok, definitely the wrong question. How about this, how can we convince your mom to let you stay home?”

  “That’s better.” I laugh softly. “How can we convince her, she already knows I don’t have any plans for the summer?” I huff and continue our walk to my locker.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t want you to leave me alone.” Levi confesses as we reach my locker. I turn to him with a frown.

  “Are things really getting that bad, Levi?” He shrugs but I can see a slight hint of fear in his eyes, and it scares me. I have to stay for him.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it right now, Eden.” He sighs sadly, letting his shoulders drop from exhaustion.

  “Do you want to come over to my place for dinner? I’m going to make a mean chicken casserole.”I ask changing the subject as I turn the dial on my locker to unlock it. I grab a few books and shove them in my bag.

  “That sounds good, Edie.”

  “I’ll meet you out by my car in five, ok?” He nods and walks off to his locker. I watch as other students run into him and snicker as he walks past. They wouldn’t be acting that way if they really knew him. It makes me so angry how people judge before knowing someone.

  His back disappears and I turn to walk out to my car. I slam into someone’s chest and I fall back to my butt. I chance a glance up to see my ex-boyfriend Eric looking down at me. We had been the “it” couple, but as soon as my popularity went downhill he bailed out on me.

  I watch as his eyes show a hint of regret, but as his friend’s crowd around a mask falls into place and the cruel Eric I know now points his finger down to me.

  “Watch out where you’re going next time, freak.” He snickers along with his friends before leaving me on the floor. I feel tears building in my eyes but I hold them back. I don’t need to give anyone the ammunition to tease me anymore.

  My heart hurts to t
hink about what Eric and I had. I had fallen in love with him and I had also foolishly thought that he loved me enough to stay with me through anything. He had been my first love, my first kiss and my first time. I would have done anything for him before, but now he was just another bully in the long line of people I use to call my friends.

  A shadow falls over me as I sit uselessly on the cold tile floor.

  “Come on Edie, let’s get out of here.” Levi whispers, holding out his hand for me. I nod and grab hold of him. He pulls me to my feet and gathers my bag from the floor throwing it over his own shoulder. His hand still in mine he pulls me out to my car.

  I hold out my keys to Levi, as we make our way over to my beat up little silver cavalier. He takes them knowing I’ll need a few moments to control my emotions. As I sit down in the passenger seat I shut the door and hide my face in my hands. I listen as Levi starts the car and drives us out of the school parking lot. I finally break down and sob into my hands.

  “I can’t do this anymore Levi, I just can’t. Why does he have to be so cruel?” I cry softly.

  “You can do this Eden, you’re strong. As for your jerk of and ex….just forget him, you don’t need him to be happy. You have me now and I will always be here for you.” Levi states sternly as he drives us through the small town where we both live.

  Pulling into a parking spot in front of my house, he turns off the car and turns his attention to me. I try to smile but it falters. His hand comes up to my cheek to brush away a stray tear and I close my eyes.

  “You are the only thing that keeps me going Eden, when everything else seems like a disaster, I look to you and you make me smile, you make me want to keep on living. I want you to feel that way with me.” His hand falls away from my face and I open my eyes surprised by his confession.

  “I still love Eric, Levi. That’s why it hurts me so much. I will be fine, but only because you’re here with me. You keep me going as well. I wouldn’t even be here now if it wasn’t for you.” I absently trace the scars on my wrists, remembering back to that night. The loneliness I had felt.

  Levi sighs softly and takes my hand into his much larger one. I look up into his soft green eyes. He closes them for a moment before opening them back up.

  “I have a confession, Eden.” He whispers nervously and I squeeze his hand lightly to urge him on. He runs his other hand through his hair and looks out of the window before continuing on. “I…..well, I…..God, why is this so hard to tell you?” He growls out hitting the steering wheel with his fist. I grab his other hand in mine and he turns to look directly at me. His eyes soften.

  “I love you, Eden.” He whispers.

  It takes me a few moments to process his words. He loves me? My heart hammers in my chest from what, I’m not exactly sure. Be it fear or from joy I wouldn’t know.

  “You love me?” I whisper unsure as to if I heard him right. He nods and my heart hammers faster feeling as if it’s about to beat right through my chest.

  “I do, Eden. I know you probably don’t feel that way for me, but I had to tell you. I’m not expecting you to feel the same way…..” I place my fingers over his lips to stop his rambling. He grins as I move closer to him.

  “I do care for you Levi, my heart still loves Eric but I know he’s not the one for me. He doesn’t understand me like you do. I do see myself falling for you, Levi. I may not love you yet, but I will, just give me time.” I grin as his smile grows wider. I drop my fingers and he strokes his hand across my cheek.

  “Can I kiss you, Eden?” He asks and I nod. His lips crash into mine and I close my eyes enjoying the gentle caress of his tongue on mine. He pulls back for a moment to look into my eyes. “I love you, so much. I will never let you go.” He vows and his lips crash into mine once again.

  My heart warms at his words and I feel myself falling for him. I know it won’t take long to fall completely for this man in front of me.

  We finally break apart and pant as we look deep into each other’s eyes. I can see so much love showing in his.

  A knock on the window causes us both to jump and we look over to my mom who is grinning from ear to ear. I shake my head and laugh out. “She is going to love teasing us about this now.” Levi nods and opens the door letting me crawl over his lap to get out, before getting out himself.

  “Hey, Miss. Grayson how’s work?” He asks shyly with a small wave.

  “Don’t be trying to change the subject from the scene I just caught the two of you in, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Pam.”

  “At least once more, Miss. Grayson.” My mom laughs softly and shakes her head. Her eyes land on me and I visible gulp.

  “We will talk about what I saw later when I get off of work. As for now behave yourselves, and make sure you do your chores.” I nod and she quickly gives me a kiss on my forehead before jumping into her beat up little blue truck. We watch as she leaves and then walk into the small two bedroom house I call home.

  The front door squeaks as we enter and Levi has to slam it as hard as he can to make it shut properly. I groan as I sit down at the kitchens tiny table. Levi joins me sitting down across from me. “I can’t believe she saw us. She is going to let me hear an earful tonight.”

  “Yes she is, so why not make it worth it.” Levi grins mischievously as I look to him with a naughty grin of my own. I stand up and make my way over to him. He pulls his chair out for me to sit in his lap. His lips softly caress mine as his hands grip my hips, holding me tightly against him.

  All too soon my stomach lets out a loud growl and I pull back as Levi laughs out loudly. I kiss him once more before getting up to make us some dinner. Levi leaves the kitchen and I listen to his footsteps traveling to the bathroom.

  I pull out two containers containing last week’s casserole and pop them into the microwave. When they are finished I dump them out onto plates and wait for Levi to return.

  He groans when he walks back in with his phone to his ear. “Yes dad, I’ll be home soon. No, I’m over at Eden’s, she’s making me dinner.” He pauses as he sits down. He grins pointing to the plate and I smile taking my first bite. “I’ll be home soon, dad.” He ends the call and curses. I watch him closely as he begins to eat his own plateful of food. We stay silent until all of our food is gone.

  “Do you really have to leave?” I ask quietly, already knowing he has to.

  “Yeah, I do Eden. I wish I didn’t, but if I don’t you know my father will hunt me down and then things will only end worse.” I nod my head in understanding. I already know that tomorrow he will have new bruises. I pray that his father never hurts him too badly.

  “Please, stay with me this time. Maybe he will just pass out and forget all about you.” I plead, feeling in sickness take hold the pit of my stomach. I rub it absently as I stand and move to sit on Levi’s lap once more.

  “You know I have to go, Edie. I will be back tonight I promise, like always.” He kisses me before standing and placing me on my feet. I hug him tightly before letting him go. He kisses me softly before walking out of the house and I watch as he disappears before shutting the door. I lean against it and close my eyes, sending out prayers for him to be safe.

  Thank You

  Big thanks to everyone who has read my books. I really hope you have enjoyed them. If you have any questions or feedback I’d love to hear from you. I couldn’t do this without my readers.

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