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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 4

by L M Lacee

  ‘To infiltrate your Embassy and report back everything I could and to not let Juet leave the Capital.’

  Darby said to Peyton as she looked up from her tablet where she had been reading a report from Klune. ‘They must know you will discover who is actually meant to govern here and are going to ensure he is firmly under their thumb or dead.’

  Bendrix said. ‘For as long as we have been here, we are still very inexperienced in the politics of this world.’

  Hawk suggested. ‘We have the Solverea’s.’

  Bendrix agreed. ‘That is true.’

  Peyton smiled at them both. ‘I had forgotten about them.’

  ‘I have no doubt you would have remembered my heart.’ Kardan assured her as she narrowed her eyes at him. Had she detected tone? She looked at Netta, who raised both eyebrows in agreement. Yep tone!

  Darby worried her bottom lip with her short, even teeth. ‘What we need is someone who knows who are good Governors and who are corrupted.’

  ‘You need Governor Waidon Haffee and his wifen Oleena.’ Said the Chanderoh humbly.

  Peyton asked. ‘We do, why?’

  ‘They are honest, reliable, and their family are descended from the first governors to form the Coalition. They know everything about who and what is involved in the Coalition. We have observed that they have spies everywhere, and he voices his opposition to the Coalition constantly. His family has many supporters and many political friends. None will go against him, they fear his influence and his sons. It is said to go against the parents, is to go against the entire Haffee family. Not many survive the encounter.’

  Peyton thought about it, then said. ‘I so want to meet the Haffee family. Darby have Klune look into them please?’


  Peyton turned her attention back to the Chanderoh. ‘Now, I think it is time you left the Capital. It would not be good for you to meet my mate’s brother, who returns today from his wanderings around the habitable moons. And why he felt he needed to go visit all of them, I do not…’

  ‘Not now my heart, discuss it with him when he returns.’ Kardan stopped her tirade about the absent Wolf.

  ‘Fine, I will not forget, it is most annoying, first Wolf, then Avana and Gunner,’ she pointed at the two Draygons, ‘then those two, most aggravating.’

  With a sharp look from Hawk, Marlo immediately growled. ‘Yes, yes, we all understand, you are annoyed. May we continue?’

  Peyton’s eyes narrowed and Kardan hurriedly told the Chanderoh. ‘You will go with Commander Marlo and Lord Bendrix and give them all the details you remember about your mission and the mission of the other Chanderoh. I assume you have a ship?’

  Helpless to mount an opposition to his plans, the Chanderoh nodded and said. ‘I do.’

  Peyton returned her attention to the Chanderoh. ‘Good, you will take yourself and the other body and return to your planet. Whereby you will restate this warning to your governing body.’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Tell them no more of my people will you wear. If there are any ongoing missions, they are to cease immediately, recall them now if it can be done safely. If not, I want to know who and where the body is. They have one lunera to accomplish this or I will remove the Star Child’s gifts from your world. There will be no more help for the Coalition or Governors, unless I give permission. Do you understand?’

  The Chanderoh nodded, its entire demeanor now was one of fear. ‘I do.’

  Peyton leaned forward and said with deadly intent. ‘Make no mistake, if they refuse or ignore this warning. I will burn your home world out of existence. Can you make that clear or do you need me to explain it?’

  The Chanderoh stood and bowed. ‘No, Star Daughter, it is clear and understood they have agreed.’

  ‘I thought they would. Now collect your companion and hope I never see you again. I will know you and your kind just like I did today.’

  Shock replaced of fear at her words, the Chanderoh could only nod.

  Kardan asked. ‘Can you leave without detection?’

  ‘Yes, Amahka Elite.’

  Kardan raised an eyebrow at the adaption to his title. It was not the first time he had heard it, but it was the first time someone said it to him directly. All he said though was. ‘Give Commander Marlo the name of your ship, he will make sure the other is placed on board.’

  The Chanderoh bowed. ‘Thank you Star Daughter for your generosity of the bodies.’

  Peyton nodded and watched as Marlo and Bendrix showed the Chanderoh from the room.


  Kardan enclosed Peyton in his arms as she stared out the window. ‘That poor female and her son. It is terrible what they did. Do you think Juet knows?’

  Kardan thought before answering. ‘I think he suspects, we will have Jerthem explain it.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘Maybe I should.’

  Kardan disagreed. ‘Allow Jerthem to see to him, they have built a relationship in the small amount of time he has been here. He likes and trusts Jerthem, you frighten him.’

  She turned and looked up at him. ‘I do no such thing.’

  ‘Sorry my heart, you do.’

  Netta agreed in between bites of her cookie. ‘Of course you do, you are terrifying.’

  Peyton pouted. ‘Darby, what do you think?’

  ‘Yep, what they said, now let Jerthem do his thing. Kardan is right, he is already connected.’

  ‘Okay, but make sure he impresses on him his need to come home with us.’

  Darby nodded as she agreed. ‘Of course.’ Relieved, Kardan asked to take her mind off the young male. ‘Why am I being addressed as Amahka Elite?’

  ‘Why are you asking me, I call you Kardan?’

  With a smile he looked at Netta when she said. ‘We voted on the adaptation.’

  Kardan raised his eyebrows as he asked. ‘Why?’

  Darby explained. ‘We decided Amahka did not truly reflect who you are.’

  Netta murmured. ‘Even though it is an appropriate title for the mate of the Star Daughter. It was not you!’

  ‘Amahka Elite has a nice ring to it.’ Hawk said with a smirk for his brother.

  Netta agreed with Hawk. ‘We believe it says here is a person to respect and fear.’

  Darby told him with a small smile. ‘It is as unique as you are. I added it to the new download. I can remove it, if you do not agree.’

  Kardan shook his head. ‘Leave it, I fought hard for the title of Elite. It is after all who and what I am.’

  Peyton grinned up at him as she said. ‘Oh my heart, you are so much more.’

  ‘Only since you entered my life.’

  Netta groaned. ‘Please let’s get the rest done. I have shopping still.’

  Penny asked as she entered. ‘How can one know and they all know?’ As they looked at her she said. ‘The Chanderoh.’

  Peyton smiled and squinted at Penny. She looked soft, as though she was fuzzy around the edges; perhaps it is my eyes. She rubbed them and looked again. Nope, still fuzzy. Maybe I need more rest. She explained. ‘Hive mind, it is how they communicate.’

  ‘So when you were talking to one, you were talking to them all.’


  Netta asked the next question. ‘How many are there?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Who is to know, many I think.’

  ‘Wonder how they make more?’ Darby muttered to herself, but loud enough for all to hear. No one answered her as they all tried to work that out. Reeve came in with a tray and handed out cups with tea and coffee.

  Hawk said. ‘Let us move this along, we are behind.’

  This was the first Peyton knew of any schedule and she asked. ‘How can we be, do we have a schedule?’

  Hawk told her. ‘We always have a schedule, you just ignore it.’

  ‘How can I ignore something I do not know about? You should tell me these things.’

  Darby told her. ‘What, I ask no one in particular would the point to that be, when you
would just ignore it, anyway.’

  ‘I would not, take that back.’

  ‘You know I won’t. Now hurry. I have some things to discuss with you.’

  ‘Fine.’ She squeezed Kardan’s hand before taking her seat and sipping her coffee.

  Kardan took the tea Darby passed him with a soft. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Penny!’ Yelled Peyton.

  ‘I am right here.’

  ‘Sorry, didn’t see you, are you sure, you are not disappearing or something?’

  ‘No, why would you say that.’ She asked Kardan. ‘Am I?’

  ‘Hey, why not ask us?’ Demanded Netta.

  ‘Because he never lies, unlike some people we know.’

  They all looked at Peyton, who stated with a glint of outrage in her eyes. ‘I never lie.’

  ‘No, you just leave things out, which is lying by omission.’

  ‘It so is not!’

  Kardan looked at the females of his life and grinned. ‘Penny, I cannot say for truth but I suspect you are not disappearing, however if you are worried see Heather.’

  Peyton chortled. ‘Knew it.’

  Kardan watched Heather slide into the room and saw the wishful look on her face and knew his mate had seen it as well. When she turned to her and called. ‘Heather, I have missed you.’ She left her chair in a rush and hugged her. ‘We have kept you too busy, you and Harm need a vacation, from the vacation.’

  Heather hugged her back. ‘See, this is what I miss, you make that sound normal.’

  Peyton laughed as she sat her next to Netta. ‘Come on, we will sit here, and Penny when you are ready?’

  ‘I will comm them now.’

  ‘Thank you, so Waseo and Sonia and her sisters will be here in a min. Heather, are you well?’

  ‘Of course, why do you ask?’

  Peyton tipped her head to the side and breathed out softly. ‘Oh my stars, Heather are you and Harm expecting?’

  Heather became completely still as she breathed in and out several times herself before finally saying. ‘No… I, that is not possible, is it?’

  ‘We don’t know, unlike Kerol we were not top of our sex class.’ Netta said with a laugh.

  ‘I heard that.’ Penny stated from her place at the table.

  ‘Bat ears.’ Whispered Peyton to Kardan, who nodded.

  He smiled at Heather and asked. ‘Heather dearle, do you need anything?’

  ‘Maybe Harm.’

  Jax said. He is on his way.

  They could hear him as he approached the conference room. Peyton said to Lucerra and Zenerra. ‘If I was you, I would move ladies and fast.’

  Which they did just as the doors were flung opened wide and an ashen faced Harm raced in and pulled Heather into his arms. ‘My treasure what ails you? I knew you were not well this morn. Remii said you felt ill after first-meal.’

  ‘I bet he did.’ Murmured Netta to Peyton, who grinned.

  Sedeen rushed into the room with his blaster drawn, followed by Rave, Cobalt and Remii who were in battle mode. Realizing there was no danger, he slipped his weapon away just as the Prowlers eased back to normal.

  Heather said. ‘Harm dearle, I think I am with young.’

  He stood still and faintly said. ‘No, you are not.’

  She smiled at the reply. ‘Sweetheart, Peyton said I was.’

  He looked at Peyton and she shrugged. ‘It’s a gift.’

  ‘I can…’ His eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed on the floor.

  Peyton looked down at the golden male saying. ‘Oh my, who saw that happening?’

  Heather looked at Peyton, then at Harm, then at Peyton again. ‘I... I... am...’

  Dinas and Patty hurried in, Dinas dropped to the floor beside the prone male as Patty moved to a stunned Heather.

  Reeve and Hawk stood with the Prowlers and stared down at Harm. Sedeen asked Netta. ‘What is the term you have for when a female passes out?’

  ‘We call it fainting.’

  He smirked. ‘Fainting, such a girly expression.’

  ‘You know he will kick your ass if you say that to him.’

  ‘Ahh! Netta, my friend, it is what I must do as his brother and future uncle to his child.’

  ‘Well, it is your funeral.’

  Patty smiled at Heather. ‘It looks like you have joined the club, Mama to be. Don’t worry about Harm, Dinas will look after him. Why don’t you come with me and we will run the tests?’

  Heather nodded. ‘Okay, yeah, that sounds good.’

  Peyton hugged her. ‘We will catch up later once we are done here.’


  Reeve and Sedeen left with Harm carried between them. Melody and Esther met Patty and Heather at the door, Melody asked. ‘What is going on?’

  Patty said. ‘It looks as though our Heather is pregnant.’

  Melody grinned. ‘Wonderful, come on sis, let’s go sort this out.’

  Esther hugged her. ‘Heather, you are going to make me a grandmother again, I am so pleased.’

  Still a little stunned, Heather mumbled. ‘I am, I think… I really am.’

  Seconds after they left, Waseo, Sonia and her sisters arrived. Penny showed them to their seats as Darby asked the sisters. ‘Greetings, how are you this morn?’

  ‘Greetings, we are fine, thank you.’

  Abby asked. ‘What has happened?’

  Netta smiled. ‘Congratulations Uncle Waseo, Harm and Heather are having a baby.’

  Waseo grinned. ‘Was that Harm I saw being carried?’

  Peyton said. ‘Yep, hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.’

  The females laughed, while Kardan and the other males worked out what she had just said.

  Waseo asked. ‘So Madam, what can I do for you?’

  ‘First, I wanted to congratulate you and Sonia on your mating.’ She like everyone else had seen the mating bands on their wrists.

  Sonia softly said. ‘Thank you. I have to say, I was a little bemused when I woke this morn with them.’

  ‘They are lovely though.’ Abby said admiringly.

  Sonia laughed delightedly. ‘My two favorite colors gold and purple.’

  ‘Just as well.’ Waseo murmured.

  ‘Isn’t it though?’ Darby said with a laugh.

  Chris said, looking at Netta’s marks. ‘So the colors depend on who you have mated?’

  Peyton agreed. ‘It does.’

  ‘So what if it you mate a male from Earth?’

  She shrugged. ‘I guess they would be blue and purple.’

  ‘Oh that makes sense, yeah I see that. Gold is obvious, but why purple?’

  ‘Did we not tell you that Maikonia is purple? Huh, I thought we had.’

  Chris scratched her cheek. ‘You probably did the download is still sorting out all the information or my brain is.’

  Darby nodded. ‘Bits and pieces will come to you over the next few days. Some of us are just like that with information.’

  Chris grinned. ‘Good to know, I am not alone.’

  ‘Hardly, everyone is different.’ Murmured Penny.

  Peyton said. ‘So Waseo I have a commission for you or I did, that may have changed now.’

  ‘You did, what was it?’

  ‘I wanted to offer you the rank of Commander. And ask you to command a fleet of ships that would be tasked with hunting and removing factories producing the banned substances Santinue and Shosole.’

  Waseo rubbed the side of his nose. ‘I see and you think I will not want this?’

  ‘Well, you have Sonia to think of now.’

  She grinned and said. ‘I will go where he goes. So if that is on a ship or planet, that’s what we do.’

  Hawk said. ‘My Karen and I have a Hex and a stateroom aboard Prowler I, we will have both with a family.’

  Waseo said. ‘It is what my family do or did until recently. Living on a ship is no hardship and to have a home world to come back to makes it even better. So yes, if my Sonia is agreeable, I would like to
have the command.’

  Sonia nodded. ‘I am willing, but what are these drugs?’

  Peyton rubbed her forehead. ‘The Shosole is the drug introduced to Earth, and reportedly a variant is making its way around the Universe. It has to be stopped because death follows in its wake. Santinue is a drug used on Turqualls and Prowlers to render them mute and powerless, it too needs eradicating.’

  Waseo kissed Sonia’s fingers and told the others. ‘As my treasure is agreeable, it will be my pleasure to rid our Universe of these substances. Although one ship will not be enough.’

  ‘That is true, Orin Cretan, who has recently been promoted to Commander will take command of another ship. He is, as we speak, organizing a crew and mapping out his part of the Universe for when he starts his hunt.’

  ‘I see, how many ships will be devoted to this task?’

  Peyton smiled at Waseo. ‘Harm has given permission for us to use your family ships. So I guess all of them.’

  Waseo raised his eyebrows. ‘That is a lot of ships.’

  ‘It’s a big Universe.’

  Darby told him. ‘Harm and Klune have been looking into this. You will need to get with them and see what they know.’

  Waseo nodded. ‘I will do that and Madam, thank you. Commanders dislike feeling useless.’

  ‘So I have been told.’ She turned her attention to the three sisters and asked. ‘Now ladies, do you all wish to stay together?’

  All three smiled as Sonia said. ‘Not necessarily, we have always been very close and closer since this all happened. In saying that, we had individual lives and value our independence.’

  Peyton nodded, then said. ‘That reminds me, Sonia, what is it you do?’

  ‘I am or was a communications specialist.’

  Darby smiled. ‘Oh, that is great. We must get together with Jean. She is our technical specialist.’

  Sonia nodded. ‘Do you have work I can do?’

  Darby nodded. ‘So much and more if you are going with Waseo.’

  Sonia sighed. ‘Good, I hate being idle.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Now Abby, what do you want to do?’

  ‘I had just finished my training as an Ob-gyn. I would like to get back to that, if I can?’

  ‘Well, I know for a fact Heather will be thrilled to have you. So thank you, and you Chris, what do you do?’


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