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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 5

by L M Lacee

  ‘I want to work for Darby.’

  Darby said. ‘I have a project for Chris, which is locating and sorting information about all the females sent out here.’

  ‘Big job.’ Melody said as she entered with Reeve and slid onto a chair.

  Darby nodded in agreement. ‘It is, but she has the skills.’

  Netta asked. ‘What does it entail?’

  Darby explained. ‘She will correlate the information we receive on where the females were sent to, or what planets they are living on. From that information, we can make sure they are where they should be or at least what has happened to them.’

  Peyton looked at Chris and said. ‘It will be grim work, are you up for it?’

  ‘Yes Madam, I used to be a trooper.’

  ‘Darby, I am guessing you are okay with this?’

  ‘Yes, I not only want her, I need her. She is a genius for sorting between fact and false information.’

  Chris grinned at the praise. She knew she was going to love her work and the people she would work with. Peyton seeing the happy expression nodded and stated. ‘Welcome ladies, you are now citizens of Maikonia.’

  They all smiled as everyone offered their congratulations. Waseo stood with a bow to Peyton and a nod to Kardan. ‘Madam, Amahka Elite, we will take our leave. We have shopping and things to see to.’

  Peyton told him. ‘You should take Sonia to the moon.’

  Waseo frowned thoughtfully. ‘I just might.’

  ‘If you decide to, see Reeve.’

  Darby stated. ‘Or you could wait until we leave, because I was promised a friggin honeymoon and I am not missing it, am I sister?’

  ‘Why are you growling at me, I am not giving you a honeymoon that is Reeve’s problem?’

  Reeve sighed as he said. ‘I have said yes my Darby, and if you want to go Waseo, tomorrow morn works well.’

  Waseo nodded. ‘We will discuss it, but I think Sonia and her sisters need time to shop and decompress, to feel free. We may wait for the stop over on the way home. Thank you, Madam Peyton.’

  Sonia and her sisters all waved goodbye as they left, happier now their immediate future was settled.


  ‘Penny, who is next?’

  ‘The Wallace Sisters.’

  ‘Please show them in.’

  Netta asked Darby softly. ‘What have you discovered about them?’

  ‘Virtually nothing, except their heritage is impressive, if you believe such things.’

  Netta wanted to ask what things, but the doors opened to admit the sisters. She was pleased to see up close they still looked as good as they had when she had seen them in the restaurant. Both sisters looked healthier, dressed in jeans and tops that actually fit them. They could still stand to gain some weight, but Netta was pleased to see the exhaustion had disappeared already from their eyes. A spurt of amusement made her almost laugh aloud, when she saw their hair, although still needing styling, was not brown as she had originally thought. But a deep burgundy with highlights. She would wager the stylists at home on seeing the color would go wild for it.

  Peyton smiled as Reeve pulled out two chairs indicating the sisters should sit. They surveyed the room and the people within, then looked at each other and finally took the offered seats.

  ‘You are probably wanting to know why I asked to see you.’

  Relic nodded. ‘Yes Madam.’

  Kardan asked. ‘Do you always speak for your sister?’

  The smile that graced Relic’s face transformed her quiet beauty into something breathtaking. Causing more than one person to suck in a breath of amazement.

  ‘Seldom Amahka Elite, but Echo has had a throat infection, which almost destroyed her larynx. So the healers have ordered her to not strain her vocal cords or she could do irreparable damage.’

  ‘I see, thank you.’

  Peyton said, ‘I have to tell you I adore your names, they are so cool.’

  Relic nodded as Echo smiled, and although she was not as beautiful as her sister, her beauty was there for all to see.

  Darby asked. ‘Is it true you are related to Knights?’

  The question startled both sisters, and they turned suspicious eyes toward Darby.

  Relic replied hesitantly. ‘Our mother told us one of our forefathers was Sir William Wallace.’

  Darby nodded before saying. ‘For those of you who do not know what a Knight is. On Earth many yentas ago, there were Elite Warriors known as Knights who fought for their Kings and Queens.’

  Hawk asked the sisters. ‘Your ancestor was one of these Knights?’

  Echo nodded as Relic said. ‘So we were told. Also that we have many Knights in our lineage.’

  Melody said. ‘Gracen Lorde said you helped rescue her and many other females.’

  ‘We did.’

  Peyton said. ‘I am aware it was at a cost to each of you.’

  ‘Is that a delicate way of saying we killed to rescue and protect the others?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Yes, I was trying to be sensitive and not bring up any memories.’

  Relic and Echo both shrugged as Relic said. ‘I think you may have an erroneous opinion of us.’

  At this, Echo sighed and rolled her eyes.

  ‘What?’ Relic asked, catching the gesture from the corner of her eye. ‘That is a legitimate way of speaking.’

  Echo rolled her eyes again and snorted in disgust.

  ‘Seriously. How many times must I tell you manners count?’

  Wide–eyed, Hawk said. ‘I am stunned only one speaks and still they argue. It has to be a Terran ability.’

  ‘So funny!’ Peyton muttered.

  Netta and Darby were smiling as Peyton said. ‘Anyway, I wanted to offer you both employment.’

  Relic glanced at Echo and asked. ‘What employment are you talking about Madam?’

  ‘I want you to take up the mantle of the Knight.’

  Confused, Relic frowned. ‘Madam, I do not understand. I would find it hard to believe there are Knights in this Universe.’

  ‘I suppose what I said was misleading. I apologize. What I wish is for you, Echo, to join our Ambassadors.’ She looked at Relic and smiled as she said. ‘I already know she will not do so without you. So you will train as her guard Commander. You will protect her and keep her safe. To ensure you can do that, you will learn how to fight with weapons Commander Reeve deems necessary. Relic you will not be alone, all new Ambassadors will have guards who will also be in training.’

  Echo held her hand up.

  Peyton smiled. ‘You probably want to know why?’

  Echo nodded as Relic murmured. ‘If she doesn’t, I do.’

  Peyton smiled as she said. ‘One of my gifts is to know people and what they are capable of. I know, for instance, that you, Relic, are proficient in many weapons already. And will eventually be far better than any of the Elites at any weapon you wield. Just as I know, Echo when she is trained will have the gift of speech.’ She held her hand up when she saw the question on Relic’s lips. ‘I am sure you have heard her negotiate her way out of trouble all your life. You probably just accept it as part of your sister.’

  ‘Since she could talk.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘As I suspected.’ She looked directly at Echo and said. ‘When in fact as with Relic, you were granted the gift from the Star Child.’

  Relic drew in a breath and asked. ‘Why… no, what I want to know is how they knew to grant us these gifts.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘I cannot say and does it matter?’

  Relic shrugged this time as Echo frowned. ‘I guess not.’

  Netta thought Echo was not happy with that answer. ‘Perhaps when you have a moment, you could talk to Sevna Avana. She may help you understand all this.’

  ‘Good idea, Netta. You should definitely do that.’

  Relic shrugged again. ‘Alright. So what is it you want us to train for?’

  ‘I want… No, I need to have a small unit of highly trained personnel, we c
an send to volatile worlds. Not every situation needs Warriors to storm in and subdue the population. I think enough of that has happened already. Also not every ruler is inept or a dictator, some just do not know how to lead their people or are being advised incorrectly.’

  Relic looked at her sister, then asked Peyton. ‘And this is what you wish Echo to do, go in and assess the situation, then what?’

  Bluntly Kardan stated. ‘Remove the reason the world is not caring for its people or advancing to their potential.’

  Relic looked down at her lap for a minute then raised her eyes and asked. ‘Even if that means a permanent removal of the ruler or people.’

  Peyton said softly. ‘Yes, even if that means a permanent solution. So, if you are agreeable we will train you Echo as our Negotiator, as with Relic you will receive Warrior training.’

  Relic looked at her sister and nodded. ‘Echo and I would like to know what you mean by Negotiator.’

  Peyton smiled and stood. ‘First, are you both interested?’

  The Wallace sisters nodded as they too stood.

  ‘Good, Lady Kenera will explain what is meant by Negotiator in this Universe.’

  Echo grinned as Relic agreed. ‘When do we start?’

  ‘When we return home, until then shop, relax and enjoy the Embassy and Echo no more talking until a healer releases you.’

  Echo grinned as Relic said. ‘Yeah Echo, listen to Madam Peyton.’

  Echo frowned darkly as her sister said. ‘I bribed Patty to not release her for at least three wekens.’

  Everyone laughed but Echo who sighed loudly. Relic grinned at her sister then said. ‘Thank you Madam.’

  Lucerra opened the door for the sisters and smiled when she heard Relic whisper to Echo. ‘Perhaps when we are home, we can find out how they knew of our ancestors and who the furin hayda we are.’

  After the sisters had left, Darby grinned and told Peyton. ‘You handled them well.’

  ‘Thanks, they are going to need supervising they are trouble walking.’

  Netta asked Peyton. ‘How did you know all that about them?’

  ‘I knew when we were in the restaurant, sometimes information just comes to me.’

  ‘Do you think the Star Child gives it to you?’

  She shrugged. ‘Perhaps, does it matter?’

  Netta shifted in her chair, uncomfortable with her thoughts and Peyton’s answer. ‘I guess not.’

  Darby told the others. ‘I have sent the information we have about the Wallace sisters to each of you.’

  Reeve said. ‘I feel they are going to be important to Maikonia in the future.’

  ‘Not just for Maikonia.’ Stated Peyton.

  Reeve eyed Darby and said. ‘I like the title Knight. Perhaps I will be Sir Reeve!’

  Peyton grinned and said. ‘And give up your title of Elite. I cannot see it.’

  ‘Ahh, I had not thought of that.’

  Peyton smirked as she said. ‘I thought not.’

  ‘Although,’ he said slyly. ‘Elite Knight sounds very good.’

  Darby just said. ‘No!’


  Recognizing the stubborn expression coming over Reeve’s face, Darby hurriedly asked.

  ‘Penny, who is next?’

  ‘Mark and his sister.’

  Peyton wiggled her shoulders to loosen the tension she was feeling and said. ‘Lucca hon, show them in please.’

  A few minutes later brother and sister entered Peyton stood and said. ‘I will make this quick. Are you staying or leaving?’

  Mark answered for them both. ‘Staying, there are still females out there who need rescuing and pleasure planets to put a stop to.’

  Charlotte said. ‘I will not leave Mark again.’

  ‘Okay, so Mark, I will assign you to Wolf's ship with the rank of Commander.’

  Mark frowned as he said. ‘I thought he had to be consulted?’

  Peyton’s eyes turned black and flames appeared. ‘I just consulted him. You are to be his second. To do the work, we must train you in the Warrior’s methods of command. Your training will begin as soon as possible. Reeve and Wolf will see to that.’

  Reeve nodded as he eyed Mark and said. ‘We will Star Daughter.’

  Peyton’s eyes returned to normal as she asked. ‘Charlotte, what is it you wish to do?’

  ‘I just finished my midwife training, when I was kidnapped.’

  ‘Do you wish to continue with that?’

  ‘I do. Do you have a need of midwives?’

  ‘Yes, we are fortunate enough to have many of our females with child.’

  ‘Good stars female, just say pregnant.’ Darby muttered.

  Smiling, Charlotte told them. ‘There are five of us that just finished training, two of them are pediatric nurses.’

  ‘Wow, Jax, please inform Patty.’

  She is on her way.

  ‘Thank you. Charlotte, I am sure Patty and Heather will be thrilled you want to work.’

  Patty entered. ‘Madam, you wished to see me?’

  ‘I did, how are Heather and Harm?’

  ‘They are as you said pregnant, Harm is coming to terms with it.’

  ‘Oh good.’ She laughed with the others then said. ‘Patty, did Charlotte tell you she is a midwife?’

  ‘She is what now?’

  ‘A midwife and apparently there are two pediatrics nurses and two more midwives, plus Abby is a female healer.’

  Netta sighed loudly as she explained. ‘She means, Ob-gym.’

  ‘I do, but female healer sounds better.’

  ‘Seriously, you and your words.’ Muttered Netta.

  Patty stopped the argument by asking. Charlotte. ‘Would you like to work?’

  ‘Yes, all of us do.’

  ‘We will be thrilled to have you.’

  Peyton told Mark. ‘The ship will be ready in six to seven luneras.’

  ‘So, I have time to settle Char and the others?’

  Kardan assured him he did. ‘Yes, have no fear your sister and all the females will be protected, while you are away on missions.’

  Charlotte asked. ‘I don’t have to leave once we get there, right? I can stay on world.’

  Patty told her. ‘You can remain on any world you choose to live on. Missions are voluntary only.’

  Netta assured her. ‘We have nine worlds, as you know. For now, you can stay with Mark on Prime.’

  Patty suggested. ‘Perhaps over the next six luneras, Mark and his unit can take you and the other ladies around each world and discover which one would make a suitable home.’

  Charlotte nodded. ‘That sounds great, can I ask which world you live on, Commander Reeve?’

  ‘We live on Prime.’

  She smiled. ‘Is it okay if I say that is the one I will live on?’

  ‘You may if that is the one you think you will feel safe on. Then by all means we will settle you there.’ He sounded bewildered as he looked at her brother, who looked back at him just as confused.

  Darby said. ‘It looks like Charlotte feels safe where you are my love.’

  He asked Mark. ‘This is acceptable?’

  ‘Yes, if it is what she wants, I have no problem with it.’

  Reeve said with smug smile, ‘It is because I am an Elite, therefore all feel safe around me.’

  Peyton looked at the giant of a male and smiled softly. ‘Of course it is.’

  Charlotte asked her brother. ‘Okay, so Mark you think between Madam Peyton, Amahka Elite and Commander Reeve, I will be safe?’

  He smoothed her hair. ‘I do, but you realize they leave too.’

  ‘I know but there are heaps of Warriors there, right Netta?’

  ‘Yep, thousands.’

  Mark growled, ‘And this is making me feel better how?’

  Netta laughed. ‘Mark, you are just gonna have to beat a few on the mat for your point to stick.’

  Alarmed, Charlotte said. ‘No, he does not. I want a mate and children.’ She frowned at him. ‘You wi
ll not ruin my chances.’

  ‘But Char, they are male.’

  ‘Your point?’

  ‘Charlotte.’ He whispered. ‘I thought you would not want a mate?’

  She placed her hand on his cheek. ‘Oh Mark, I never went to a pleasure planet. I know that is what you were told, but it is not true. I escaped that ship and ended up on several ships and planets. Until I met up with Echo and Relic, together we went from planet to planet, finding others and keeping them safe until Sonia and her sisters found us. Brother, you taught me well, I used my brain and when I couldn’t, I used my fists or a blaster.’

  Peyton said. ‘It seems like there are still things you two need to sort out. You need to visit with Malchol. Patty, please make that happen.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Netta told her. ‘Charlotte, if you want to train more, see me later. I teach self-defense courses, Darby and Peyton attend, as do most of the ladies. Melody and a few of the Warriors teach as well. Mark, if you would like to instruct, we would welcome your expertise, also Reeve teaches weapon classes.’

  Charlotte nodded. ‘I will take the classes.’

  Darby told her. ‘We post the schedule in the Oracle.’

  Charlotte smiled. ‘Thank you.’

  Peyton smiled and told them. ‘So you two rest, shop and enjoy the next few days, we leave for home soon.’

  Brother and sister left happy with each other and the future they were walking into.

  ‘Who is next Penny?’

  ‘Captain Lewen.’

  As he entered, Peyton could see he looked yentas younger. It was as if someone had lifted the weight of the world from his shoulders.

  With a bow he said. ‘Madam, Amahka Elite, what can I do for you?’

  Reeve bluntly asked. ‘Why did you get demoted?’

  Dantara grinned. ‘I was in charge when the Warship and Warriors mysteriously disappeared from the Capital. It was suspected but never proved that I helped the Warriors leave.’

  Reeve looked at Kardan, who nodded while Peyton smiled.

  Reeve asked him. ‘You want to join the Star Daughter’s Armee and come home with us?’

  ‘I would be grateful to accept any place in the Star Daughter’s Armee. If it means I could leave this cursed planet.’

  ‘See, even he hates it here.’ Peyton told the room.


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