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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 10

by L M Lacee


  By ten to ten, twenty-four females were ready to attend the morn tea. Peyton and her ladies wore what Rita called formal, casual attire. She had squashed Peyton’s hope of wearing jeans and boots. Regardless of how many times she tried to explain to Rita and Brenda; she should be comfortable and the outfit was what she would have worn to a morn tea on Earth.

  Apparently that was not the attitude to have, so she soon found herself dressed in a light purple thigh length tunic with black trousers and boots. This she teamed up with a floor-length navy blue sleeveless vest.

  Before they left the Embassy a team of females had arrived at the salon with Rose and her Unta Teelu, who were also going. Peyton had allowed the salon assistants to shape and varnish her nails and apply coverup. All the females were receiving the same treatment. Peyton had to admit they did manage to make her look regal.

  To mark the occasion, her Star Crystal had piled half her hair on top of her head, letting the other half trail down her back in long silvery ringlets. How it did that she had no idea, but it looked divine, or so the salon assistants assured her.

  Looking at everyone as they gathered in the foyer, she saw more sparkling jewelry on display than she had ever seen before. One could say they were definitely armed for battle. Melody’s Adee, not long after she had ascended to Tivna had morphed into multiple thin spiral bracelets which jingled when she moved, which allowed her mating bands to show. Netta’s knives morphed into a dagger which adorned her waist. Darby’s Adee had arranged her hair into a cluster of curls that shaped her sweet face, showing her coverup off perfectly. Every female looked impressive, or at least it seemed that way to her. Kardan sure had liked her look, judging by the smile he had given her before she left, along with the promise in his eyes.


  They traveled in three dark blue vehicles, especially hired for the event. Ipeara drove Peyton’s vehicle, while Waseo and Harm drove the others. Warriors escorted them on their shiny new Raccinors.

  When the lift arrived at the floor of the Governor’s apartment, a bot dressed in the style of an old-fashioned doorman greeted them.

  Helen sniffed indelicately and said. ‘It would appear someone has been watching vids from Earth.’

  Brenda snorted in disgust as she muttered. ‘I think they got the wrong vids in the wrong century.’

  Heather asked Darby. ‘Didn’t we see a male dressed like that on the vid Jean picked out?’

  ‘We did. It was a moronic vid. I did not understand half of what they said.’

  Heather smiled. ‘I agree, it was hard to follow, terrible English.’

  Brenda disagreed. ‘I found it romantic, a nurse and Armee male. Just lovely.’

  Heather whispered to Darby. ‘Remind me to check before watching a vid Brenda picks.’

  Darby grinned in response.

  The bot showed them into an elaborate entrance that led to the apartment of Governor Rupart and Lady Lydiia Interkinn. Once they were crowded inside, the bot hurriedly closed the ornate doors. Leaving them to listen to the murmur of voices coming from behind the two large doors directly in front of them.

  Darby asked. ‘What now?’

  Netta scowled. ‘Looks like there is no one to greet us, that is just rude, right there.’

  ‘Seems lacking in hospitality for the First Lady of the Capital, don’t you think?’ Karen asked the others, who laughed or snorted in disgust.

  Peyton demanded of no one in particular. ‘Well, I want to know where the announcer bot thingy guy you said would be here is.’

  ‘Perhaps they have him stationed inside.’ Offered Esther.

  Zenerra eyed the doors. ‘We could go in and ask?’

  ‘I suppose, but that seems a lackluster response to rudeness.’ Melody said as she sucked her bottom lip in thought.

  Nina touched the crystal doors and grinned as she said. ‘Peyton, you could just blow them open. That would get their attention and show them how annoyed you are.’

  ‘Ooh, yeah, I like that.’

  ‘Or not!’ Said a sardonic Netta. ‘Nina, do not encourage her.’ She then reminded Peyton, who sighed as her hopes for busting the doors down were dashed. ‘Remember your lectures on first impressions.’

  ‘Oh yeah, Star Daughter, I remember.’

  Brenda eyed the doors as well. ‘I would think not having us announced would be highly embarrassing for our hostess.’

  Kenera agreed. ‘Oh indeed. Most embarrassing for any hostess.’

  ‘This is outrageous. Have they forgotten who they are hosting?’ Rata asked Rita, who shook her head and answered. ‘It seems they have.’

  ‘Well!’ Teelu ordered. ‘Ladies, let us remind them who has arrived to partake of their morn tea.’

  Esther agreed and ordered. ‘Ladies into position please.’

  Amelia asked. ‘Which is what?’

  ‘Like this.’ Melody said. ‘It does not differ from what Warriors do, now line up.’ Within moments, she and Netta had them all in an orderly group.

  ‘Lucca dearle open the door, let them see who they have ignored.’ Brenda ordered, her tone left no one in any doubt the normally calm Brenda was ruffled.

  Lucerra opened the doors to a grand room and still no one noticed them entering. Which Peyton thought was strange, as there were over twenty of them altogether. She did a quick look around and saw there was not an announcer person here either. She finally asked. ‘Where is the announcer male? I don’t see him, do any of you?’ No one answered her and she could not blame them when she stopped looking for the male and looked at what they were all staring at. ‘Good stars!’

  ‘Dearle stars, it looks like a museum.’ Darby mumbled under her breath of the overly decorated room.

  Brenda gasped as she muttered. ‘I am imagining cleaning it.’

  ‘Oh, now we know who owns the pink car.’ Helen said about the car they had seen many times powering pass their building.

  The room was obviously the formal lounge or the first ladies receiving room. It was huge and pink, very pink. Every surface seemed to be occupied by an ornament or piece of art.

  Peyton breathed. ‘Can anyone say cluttered?’

  Awe coated Rose’s voice as she whispered. ‘I did not know there were that many shades of pink.’

  ‘It is like a flamingo threw up in here.’ Melody moaned.

  ‘Seriously Melody, not polite.’ Brenda said faintly.

  Trina exclaimed. ‘Oh Lady Brenda, it is exactly what I was thinking. Melody nailed it, definitely flamingo.’

  ‘Well!’ Melody shrugged one shoulder as she and Trina discreetly high-fived each other. ‘I didn’t want to mention pink snow, I like it.’

  ‘It’s more like a marshmallow.’ Karen grimaced as she held a hand over her stomach.

  Amelia agreed. ‘We are in a giant marshmallow.’

  ‘A soft squishy one.’ Patty agreed, there were a few snickers of laughter for that description. Heather, her eyes wide, whispered loud enough for them all to hear. ‘It’s like we are trapped in a womb.’

  They all looked at her as she snarked. ‘Oh really, as if you weren’t all thinking that!’

  Patty laughed as Esther said. ‘Girls.’ In warning, just as Darby was going to reply that she was thinking that exact thing.

  Their attention was held captive by three dark pink round couches evenly spaced in the center of the room. Each couch surrounded a column of crystals that rose to the ceiling and pulsated alternatively pink and white.

  Rata murmured. ‘Mesmerizing.’

  Miko announced. ‘I think I want to throw up.’

  ‘Ladies that are gestating, do not look at them.’ Peyton ordered, and for once no one commented on her terminology.

  Around the edge of the main floor were step down conversational pits, where females sat and talked in groups. Well-dressed androids stood with trays of either delicate finger foods or foot long flutes filled with a pink liquid.

  On one side of the room was an eye catc
hing view that was brazenly not pink. A large balcony seemed to have a jungle growing on it. There was a wide swath cleared of vegetation, for what appeared to be the viewing area overlooking the city. The glass wall had been retracted and the gentle moving air generated by discreet fans blew softly around the room, simulating a fresh breeze. It even carried the aroma of foliage, refreshing and dulling the scent of so many perfumes.

  At a signal from Netta, Zenerra and Lucerra led the way down the wide neon pink stairs to halt on the last step. Rata softly told Peyton and the others as they advanced down the steps.

  ‘Lady Interkinn loves, just loves the color pink, she was told she suited the color.’

  Teelu murmured. ‘We should hunt down and shoot the one who told her such nonsense.’

  Rita softly stated. ‘I was told the Governor has allowed only this room to be decorated in pink, the rest of the apartment is normal.’

  Teelu commented softly again. ‘No one it seems has told the foolish female that age does not wear pink well.’

  Darby added. ‘Who would dare too. She is the First Lady of the Capital.’

  Melody moaned softly, causing Peyton to grin as she said. ‘I think I have gone blind, Peyton you should ban the color pink from now on.’

  Netta was to one side of her and Kenera on the other as they came to a stop. Peyton asked. ‘You have nothing to say, Netta?’

  ‘I am stupefied, there are just not enough words.’

  By now the entire room with well over three hundred females ceased to make a sound as they realized who had arrived unannounced.

  Zenerra moved half a step to the side as Peyton took a step down so everyone could see her. She looked sideways at Kenera as she cursed under her breath. Her lips were pulled into a disapproving line. Peyton looked out over the sea of females in all their finery, trying to see what or who had annoyed her, she could see nothing out of the ordinary.

  Lydiia Interkinn was not like all the usual females of the Capital, she was neither beautiful nor was she plain. She was just average in height, looks and hair color. Or she would have been but for the fact she was dressed in pink from her shoes to and including her short curly hair and thin eyelashes. Peyton was sure the female had even tinted her skin pink.

  She rushed forward, her bright, cunning brown eyes holding annoyance in their depths. Lydiia was distraught she had not been informed the Star Daughter was here and now she was ill-prepared to meet her. She had purposely not employed a Valard, knowing the slight would show how unimportant she thought the Star Daughter was to her and the Capital.

  However, the door bot was supposed to inform her when the female arrived. Obviously it had become confused as she had programmed him to alert her to a single female. She had not expected the dayam female to turn up with all these others in attendance. Her heart fluttered in annoyance, these people had not been invited. Regardless of who this female purported to be, this was just rudeness, which she would explain as soon as she could get the female alone.

  Peyton, Netta and Kenera walked down five steps until Zenerra signaled them to halt. The other ladies stopped on the stairs behind them. Zenerra and Lucerra remained two steps below Peyton.

  Lady Lydiia Interkinn arrived breathless, flinging her pink cloth around her face as she gushed. ‘Star Daughter, thank you for gracing my home this morn. You have turned down so many invitations. I am so very pleased you decided my invitation was worthy of your first foray into our society.’ She looked expectantly at Peyton, who inclined her head and stepped down another step with Netta and Kenera.

  Peyton ignored everything the female had said and asked. ‘I assume you are Lydiia Interkinn?’

  The bright pink cloth fluttered again as she said. ‘Oh, how silly of me, of course, that is I, Lydiia Interkinn, your hostess.’

  She reached for Peyton’s arm and Zenerra shifted in front of her, essentially blocking any contact she could have made with Peyton. Lucerra moved her wing to cover Kenera.

  Zenerra admonished the female. ‘Please do not touch the Star Daughter.’

  Lydiia stepped back and looked around at the fifty or so females who had gravitated toward them, and arched her perfectly shaped pink eyebrows in surprise. A somewhat practiced expression, one that could be construed as patronizing, which is how Zenerra took it.

  In a condescending voice, Lydiia asked Zenerra. ‘Excuse me guard, how does one greet her?’

  Zenerra inclined her head as she barely stopped herself from sneering. ‘With words, Lady Interkinn.’

  Lydiia’s lips tightened in annoyance at the slap down, and twittered to the females standing close to her, in the patronizing tone she had practiced over the yentas. Usually the females would join her in making the recipient of her ire feel they had been foolish in her presence.

  The females were in an untenable position, should they patronize Peyton and her ladies as was the custom? Or should they disavow the most powerful female in the city, just in case the Star Daughter was more powerful? The quandary embarrassed and left each of them paralyzed with indecision.

  Kenera and the older females in Peyton’s party stared at each female standing with Lydiia Interkinn, daring them to side with her.

  Melody and Netta watched the human females looking on with interest and speculation. Darby noted the four human females standing with Lady Haffee, who was easily recognizable by the silver markings on the side of her face. They stood clustered with several well-endowed older females. Thanks to Klune and Rata, they knew who most of the females attending the morn tea were.


  Not getting the reaction she normally received from the females surrounding her. Lydiia fluttered her cloth again and said. ‘Well, I have never?’

  Zenerra used the tone her brothers called her Warmistress voice to show her displeasure.

  ‘No, Lady Interkinn, you have not. This is the Star Daughter, someone you have never met before.’

  Lydiia stood with her mouth open and closing, never having being spoken to like that before, she was unsure what to do. She waited for the Star Daughter to censor her servant, which she did not do.

  Lydiia’s plan to dictate how this meeting was to be conducted had just fallen apart without the dayam female even speaking. Her dearle Rupart had assured her the female would not understand protocols or procedures. He had been confident with the Star Daughter’s acceptance of their invitation, that Lydiia could become the female’s confidant and advisor. Whereby through her, Rupart could influence her into doing as he wished. Before he had left this morn, he had stressed that this was to be a meeting to remind the Star Daughter who was in control of the Coalition. She must be told of the harsh realities of political life at the Capital. He also emphasized the list of questions Lydiia needed to have answered. She saw now it would be difficult to ask questions, let alone become the confidant Rupart hoped for. And as for reminding the female, she Lydiia Interkinn ruled the Capital. That plan had flown out the window along with her belief she would come out of this morn tea with her dignity intact.

  Kenera proclaimed sternly without raising her voice. ‘There is a protocol for when a Star Daughter graces your home, which obviously you have all forgotten. Our histories, no matter what world you are from, make it quite clear, how our Star Daughter should be greeted and one of those is on your knees!’

  Now Peyton knew what had pissed Kenera off. Lucerra said for all to hear. ‘Death is not conducive to a shared morn tea, so please refrain from touching the Star Daughter.’

  There were gasps and whimpers of distress at her words. Kenera stated. ‘As it seems you have not read your histories, even knowing the Star Daughter was to be here today, please take heed of the warning.’

  This was said to let them know that Peyton and the ladies of Maikonia knew the females present had placed no importance on this meeting. And now they had been shown up for their lack of a greeting.

  Calm once more, Kenera said. ‘Please err on the side of caution, this way you will not provoke the
Star Daughter’s guards and you should all remain alive and healthy.’

  Peyton sent. I like that.

  Thank you, they annoy me.

  I can tell.

  Shock clear in Lady Lydiia’s voice when she asked. ‘Are you... are you saying, these guards are to remain in my home… with us?’

  Kenera looked at her and smirked as though the female was a simpleton and intoned. ‘We are in the presence of the Star Daughter. Surely you expected nothing less?’

  Flustered, Lydiia looked ready to cry. She had been usurped in her own house. Rupart’s plans had backfired and now she would never live this lack of protocol down. Already she knew the females here would store this away to gossip about later. By eve-meal, all would know she had failed in her hospitality of the Star Daughter.

  Peyton wanted to cry with laughter but stopped herself from revealing her mirth as she watched every female. Even those that wished not too, if their expression were anything to go by, drop to their knees. In that moment, she realized this was no laughing matter. Kenera just told the females in the room, regardless of who they were or what position they held. They were now in the presence of their Star Daughter and respect should be shown.

  So with that in mind Peyton lightly tapped Zenerra and Lucerra on their backs, where no one could see and mind-sent. Well done, you both are superb at this. I am proud to have you as my guards.

  Zenerra replied as Kenera stepped back and Darby took her place. Thank you Madam, Amahka, and Domard tutored us in how we should conduct ourselves at events like this.

  Over three hundred females remained kneeling as Zenerra moved down a step. Her wings flared, causing several females to murmur. None had seen a Draygon before.

  Lucerra announced. ‘The Star Daughter.’

  Zenerra moved her wing aside as Peyton step down and inclined her head in a regal nod which she would have been amused to know she did naturally. In the tones of the Star Daughter she said. ‘Thank you, please rise.’


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