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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 11

by L M Lacee

  She waited as Lady Lydiia and the fifty females with her rose and moved away from the steps. ‘Now, I am sure, like myself and my family, you are eager to partake of this delightful morn tea. So to that end allow me to introduce my family.’

  Lydiia paled as Peyton pointed out another slight to protocol. When it was apparent a Valard had not been employed, Peyton decided to drive the point home. Rudeness was rudeness, after all.

  ‘As you can see, my guards are winged. They are a new species to many of your galaxies and are known as Maikonia Draygons. This delightful female is Zenerra Daygoniss, and next to her is Lucerra Theruu.’

  Lucerra and Zenerra bowed her heads, then stood on either side of the steps. Both guards looked impressive in their newly tailored dress uniforms, designed by the Bellpone sisters. The uniform was black with dark purple piping and comprised of two pieces. A long mid-thigh jacket with slits for their wings covered a purple shirt, and their black trousers were tucked into knee-high boots. They both wore knives strapped to their thighs and silver handled swords gleaming on their backs.

  Darby and Melody moved next to Peyton both were dressed in similar clothing to her but the color of their tunics varied. Darby’s was burgundy and Melody’s was bronze. With a smile, Peyton made the introductions.

  ‘Allow me to introduce my sisters, Specialist Darby Roeah and Tivna Melody Daygoniss. As I am sure you know, Tivna is an ordained position.’ They inclined their heads to the room and then stepped down to stand either side of Zenerra and Lucerra. Netta was dressed in a formal top and skirt in the colors of the Maikonia Armee. As she stepped forward, Peyton thought she looked amazing, as did Heather, who wore a knee length lilac dress with a gold bolero jacket.

  ‘Next is my sister, First Commander Elite Netta Mentu. With her is our sister, Heather Solverea, who is Maikonia’s chief medical officer.’

  There was a smattering of talk as they stepped down to join Darby and Melody. Empress Quara Jenerika almost dropped her glass, as her entire body jerked when she heard Netta referred to as an Elite. She stared hard at the female, trying to see if it was possible this female had the Rie, she dearle wanted to find out. She could not wait to get back and report her findings to Uthar. Her eyes flicked back over the Star Daughter and suddenly Quara shivered, as a sense of impending doom rolled over her senses.

  Peyton smiled as Trina who was wearing a three quarter length cream colored mandarin collared dress which showed off her pregnancy. She stepped down to where Peyton waited with her was Patty, dressed in a similar dress to Heather, except hers was green and her jacket was gold.

  Peyton proudly stated. ‘I am pleased to introduce my heart-sister Kailee Trina Hananva. Again, I am sure you know Kailee is an ordained position. And with her is our delightful cousin Patty Serapera, who is Heather’s second and a very gifted healer.’

  The rest of the ladies waiting to be introduced wore dresses in a variation of the same style and colors as Patty’s and Trina’s dresses. Peyton grinned as she motioned to Karen to come forward.

  ‘Next is my sister by mating, Karen Roeah, and her sister Amelia Torroni, with them are Penny Naltone and Nina Hananva.’

  She almost laughed aloud when she heard Amelia whisper to Karen. ‘Told you we are cousins.’

  Still smiling, Peyton introduced next. ‘These delightful ladies are mothers to myself and my family. Helen Peterum, Brenda Daimond and Omperea Esther Lioni.’

  Lydiia’s eyes became even more calculating as she stared at Esther, Brenda, and Helen. Like everyone else, she had not known there were mothers and for one of them to be the sought after Omperea. She fanned her heated cheeks, her dearle Rupart could not blame her for this disaster. Somehow she had to talk to each of these females and find out something to tell Rupart perhaps that would lessen his anger over what was occurring.

  Netta held her hand out for Esther to hold as she wobbled, stepping off the last step. She looked up into Netta’s eyes and whispered. ‘She called us your mothers.’

  ‘What else could you be dearly Esther, we owe you all so much more than a title?’

  With a tear in her eye she whispered. ‘We will take it sweet Netta.’

  Netta drew her between Darby and herself, and Esther saw the same wondrous expression on her sister’s faces. The three of them were not fools they knew by giving them the title of mother. Peyton had just placed them in a position of utmost protection and put the worlds on notice. To harm one of her mothers was to incur the wrath of the Star Daughter and possibly the Star Child. By the silence that greeted her announcement, Esther thought her point had been received loud and clear.

  Smiling with delight, Peyton introduced her friends. ‘Now, I am sure none of these delightful ladies need introducing, but I will do so anyway. My confidantes and dearle friends, Spy Mistresses, Rata Solverea, and Rita Lewen, Maikonia’s Sybilla, Lady Kenera Hananva, and our Supreme Lalorla, Teelu Leesungha.’

  All four ladies stepped down to join the others and listened to the murmurs when their names and who they were to Peyton was mentioned. None of them missed their hostess slowly turning puce, as each female more valuable and powerful in her own right was introduced.

  Peyton nodded to Rose as she came forward. ‘I am pleased to introduce my close personal friends. Chief Trader Rose Hananva of the Maikonia trading house who is accompanied by her sister Miko Artton, Chief Laroro of Maikonia. And last but not least is Commander Peneria Devet, my sister by mating, and again she is with her sister Captain Ipeara Patamogol.’ They stepped down and stood next to the others.

  Peyton walked down the remaining steps and between the two lines of her family until she was equal with Zenerra and Lucerra. She glanced around at the waiting females and smiled.

  ‘Ladies, let this morn tea commence. I am sure you are all wanting to ask questions and talk to the members of my family. Now is your opportunity.’

  Instantly the silence was broken and relived chatter filled the room, breaking the tension that had taken hold of the females since Peyton’s appearance at the top of the stairs.


  Zenerra and Lucerra’s presence made sure the females wanting to speak to Peyton kept a respectful distance. The same could not be said for the others, within seconds they were borne away to the conversational pits or just to seats grouped together for privacy.

  Several found themselves on the couches surrounding the pulsing pillars in the center of the room, which is where Peyton decided to sit facing the balcony.

  She spoke with all the females who wished to speak to her. More often than not, they asked the same questions. Did she find the Crystal City amazing? Would she allow her males to mate outsiders? How was it possible for her to have a family? Is it true she had children and a mate? Was the Star Child as powerful as stated in the histories? Was that really Star Crystal in her hair and could they touch it and would she please, please let them know where to get some. But the most annoying question of all was. What amazing things could she do as the Star Daughter and would she show them. As if she was a toy!

  Peyton answered almost all the questions and did not fry anyone who asked stupid ones or fawned over her, which sadly was almost everyone who approached her.

  Several times she watched as females tried unsuccessfully to separate her ladies from each other. It was one of the specific orders Kardan and Klune had stressed before they left the Embassy. They were not to be enticed away from each other. If in fact the Elders were here in the Capital, this outing with so many of them together would be a good time to influence or attack them.

  Peyton sat alone and monitored her family and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed for the moment she had sated the curiosity of the females, or else her short uninformative answers had been reported to the other females. And they decided to turn their attention to the other members of her family.

  She sipped the pink wine and declined the food offered by the serving bots and asked Zenerra and Lucerra. ‘So, what can you tell me?’

p; Lucerra murmured just loud enough for Peyton to hear. ‘They are here to gain position, to see if you hold more power than that Lady Interkinn.’

  ‘They want to find out if you will advance them and their mates.’ Zenerra observed as she scanned the area around them once more.

  Lucerra offered. ‘I would wager they are here because they were made to come by their males to gather information for them.’

  Zenerra sniffed the air and asked. ‘Can you scent the desperation and the fear that permeates the room? No amount of cologne can hide it.’

  ‘I know and it is not me that is causing it.’ Peyton murmured in return with a smile in her voice.

  Lucerra looked at her with raised eyebrows, Peyton grinned as she said. ‘Well, not all because of me. You both are good at this.’

  ‘Thank-you.’ They both murmured.

  A few minutes later Peyton shifted her focus from Esther, who was talking to a thin female, to Lucerra. She had stopped scanning the room and zeroed in on someone approaching her. Peyton turned her head and then her body when she heard the female say. ‘So you are a big deal then?’

  The light voice belonged to a human female of medium height with short spiked blonde hair and round blue eyes. She was not the first human female to have approached her, but she was the first with a natural smile.

  Peyton admired her blue nails and the beautiful soft blue dress she wore, mostly she coveted her stylish mid-calf boots; they looked comfortable. The female eased onto the couch, leaving about two feet between them.

  Peyton nodded. ‘As an opening gambit it wasn’t too bad and yes I am.’

  ‘I know, I really couldn’t think of what to say.’

  Peyton grinned at the honest admission. ‘Who are you?’

  The female smiled wider in return. ‘I am sure you already know, but I will play. I was Vina Wood, I am now mated, so my last name is Haffee. My spouse is Reth, eldest son of Governor Waidon and Lady Oleena Haffee.’

  ‘A forced mating or for love?’

  ‘Arranged and then love.’

  ‘Congratulations, is she nice to you?’

  Vina did not pretend she did not know who she meant. ‘They both are, they have four sons, and every one of them has a human wife.’

  ‘I see and does she like all of them as well?’

  ‘She does, as we like her and her spouse.’ Vina could not keep the surprise from her voice as she asked. ‘You are concerned?’

  ‘I am, do not sound so surprised, unfortunately not all mating’s are good. We are making sure the females who are mated are willing.’

  Vina seemed startled as she asked. ‘Really! Why would this concern you?’

  ‘It should concern every one of us, but as it happens. I and my people are in the position to be able to do something about it.’

  ‘What happens if they are not?’ Vina shifted unconsciously closer as she waited for the answer.

  Zenerra and Lucerra’s wings played in and out, but Peyton ignored them, as she concentrated on the female next to her. It appeared as though she was really interested and had not realized she’d moved. Peyton raised her eyebrows over serious eyes as she answered. ‘We will remove them.’

  ‘What if they have children?’

  ‘If they want them, they stay with their mothers, if not we will find homes for them.’

  ‘I see, what of the males?’

  Ice coated Peyton’s voice. ‘Will never force another female.’

  ‘Oh wow, you are really badass.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘I am the arm of justice for the Star Child, it comes with territory.’

  ‘Yeah, Matar Oleena had us all study the histories yesterday and what that meant for you. Do you want to be their arm?’

  Peyton smiled as she told her and by extension Zenerra and Lucerra who listened. ‘They are the most beautiful beings I have ever seen or felt. They are immensely intelligent and powerful, yet they have so much love for their creations, it is frightening. I have gifts and knowledge beyond my wildest dreams.’ She sighed as she said. ‘Yes, it was a deal I made to save all my people and Earth. And if I knew then what I know now, I would still have made the deal, it is a good life.’ She smiled softly as she told her. ‘I just became mated and have three children and a large and wonderful family, who love me and who I love dearle, they are my delight. Every one of my family and friends make it easy for me to get up each morn and have brought sunshine into my world. I would not trade who I am now for anything. Does that answer your question?’

  Vina tipped her head to the side and softly said. ‘Yes, more than I thought. The histories say you are always alone. You will travel through life cold and unloved. A terrible weapon of vengeance and wrath.’

  Lucerra snorted at that, which made Peyton grin and say. ‘Everything changes, as you can see.’

  Lucerra told her. ‘Your histories are wrong or outdated, obviously written before her.’

  Zenerra told Lucerra. ‘They are, someone should rewrite them. They will have to now she has changed everything.’

  Lucerra asked. ‘Have you read them?’

  ‘Of course they are freely accessible, you can download them.’

  ‘I will do that.’

  Peyton smiled at their conversation as a startled Vina said. ‘Your guards are very different from what I have come to expect.’

  ‘It’s the wings.’

  Vina laughed, something she was sure would not happen when talking to the most powerful being she had ever met. Not that she had met any before. ‘No, I mean they have an opinion and are allowed to voice it.’

  She looked confused as both female Draygons wings trembled while they tried to suppress their laughter.

  Peyton sighed as she said, ‘Allowing, isn’t the problem. It’s shutting them up that is harder. They are my friends, so why is their opinion any less than mine?’

  ‘That seems obvious, you are the Star Daughter and they are the guards.’

  ‘Your point eludes me.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t think it does, in fact I would hazard a guess very little does.’

  Peyton did not answer, but she inclined her head. ‘So have you learned enough?’

  ‘Almost, why is Earth not fixed?’

  Peyton smiled as she asked. ‘Who says it is not?’

  ‘That is what we are told. Before I came out here, no one was saying any different.’

  ‘They lied Vina, they always lie.’

  ‘Will you do something about that?’

  ‘Yes. Was that all?’

  Smiling, Vina stood. ‘Yes, thank you.’

  ‘Then go, I do not want to show my hand with your spouse’s parents to early and thank you Vina. It was nice to meet you.’

  She nodded and said. ‘You are definitely more than they expected.’

  ‘Stars, I hope so.’

  Vina smiled again and left, casually stopping to talk to several females before she made it back to the other humans and her spouse’s mother and aunts. They all walked into an empty pit and started talking animatedly.

  Darby slipped next to Peyton as she sipped her drink and tried not to make a face. ‘Did you hear?’

  Darby nodded. ‘I did, do you think she got everything she needed?’

  ‘I think so.’

  Darby sipped her own drink and refused to shudder at the sweetness. ‘That was nice what you said about the Star Child and us.’

  ‘It was true.’

  ‘I know, that is what makes it nice. You are a special person Peyton, even before all this.’

  ‘I am not a nice person though.’

  ‘Are any of us really, we have changed since coming out here And before you say it, yes it’s for the better. And be honest, we were never females like Lady Lydiia.’

  ‘She is not as harmless as she wants everyone to believe, take care she is a dagger for her hunband, and that is just a stupid title.’

  ‘I know she isn’t, you should hear the questions she is asking. And I agree, husband, mate or spouse,
they are titles that make sense. Hunband is just ignorant. So the Haffee females are loved?’

  ‘Yes, it seems so and her mate’s parents like them, they are safe.’

  ‘Good, so we can count on them?’

  ‘I think it is a definite, maybe.’

  Darby looked over at the Haffee family. ‘Doesn’t Lady Haffee look a lot like our Brenda, except she has the gold markings down her face and iron colored hair and eyelashes?’

  ‘But other than that, she is identical!’

  ‘No need to be sarcastic, just because they are not serving coffee. So bitchy, it was just an observation.’

  ‘You said morn tea.’

  ‘Not my fault. One expects tea to mean tea, and they still would not have served coffee.’


  ‘Okay, I want you to know most of these females are tajes.’

  ‘Yes Darby, I know, but you wanted to come.’

  ‘I know.’ She sighed. ‘The pits are all sound proofed and bugged.’

  ‘Yeah, I killed them all, when we arrived.’

  ‘Oh good. Well I am off, Rata said two more hours to be polite.’

  Peyton hummed. ‘Let’s make it one, I don’t have to be polite, plus I need coffee.’

  ‘Oh, thank the stars, I am off to spread the good word.’

  Zenerra mused after Darby left. ‘She is right, Lady Haffee is almost identical to Lady Brenda. They have the same soft comfortable shape.’

  Peyton sucked back a laugh as she advised her. ‘I would not mention that description to either Lady Brenda or Lady Haffee, they may not understand the compliment, as I do.’

  ‘Kay, but it was just an observation.’

  ‘I know.’ Peyton made a face as she took another sip of her wine. ‘I really thought there would be tea, not this tuap.’

  Zenerra observed. ‘You hate tea.’

  ‘Because it smells like coffee and tastes like tuap, but this is pink tuap.’

  ‘That’s a lot of tuap!’ Remarked Zenerra.

  ‘Really whining?’ Stated Lucerra.

  ‘Have you tried this?’ Peyton raised her glass for them both to look at.


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