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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  Lucerra shook her head while trying to hide her smile, and with what Peyton could tell was obviously fake regret, she said. ‘Sadly I cannot, I am on duty.’

  Peyton mumbled back. ‘So unfair.’

  Zenerra told her. ‘Just sip it, or pretend to.’

  ‘Kay.’ She frowned at her glass and missed the smile Zenerra shared with Lucerra.


  Netta, Peneria and Ipeara arrived not long after two females had stopped and asked Peyton which establishments she had frequented since arriving. They seemed upset by her answer of none, and had quickly scurried away while shooting speculative looks at Lucerra and Zenerra, much to Peyton’s amusement.

  Netta nodded to the two guards. ‘Is she bitching?’

  ‘Yes, mostly about the pink wine.’ Zenerra replied.

  ‘They said morn tea, it implies tea.’ Peyton moaned to Netta, who grinned and stated exactly what Zenerra had earlier. ‘You hate tea.’

  Peyton sighed loudly as Peneria said. ‘She’s right, if you did not know, you would think tea and coffee.’

  Ipeara stated. ‘Oh, I think she is the only one who would think coffee.’

  ‘You have a point.’

  ‘Are you done?’ Peyton asked, while the others smiled at each other.

  ‘I would say so, you Ipeara?’


  ‘I agree with you both.’ Netta told the sisters. ‘Now Lady Draygons go mingle. Peneria and Ipeara will take over for you. So go drink the pink wine and eat some food. Talk to the females who are all agog with wonder at your species.’

  Peneria told them. ‘I heard them say they are willing to offer more credits than you ever dreamed of. If you would work for them or just breed the next generation of Warriors for their worlds exclusively.’

  Lucerra looked at Peneria as her wings swished a little back and forth. ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘Oh deadly!’ Ipeara assured them. ‘More credits than you can dream of.’ She nodded as her eyes twinkled with delight.

  Zenerra looked from the sisters to Netta and Peyton. ‘These are the ones you want us to mingle, whatever the hayda that is, with.’

  ‘Yes, it means socialize and do not kill indiscriminately.’ Peyton warned them. ‘It is your punishment for calling me whiny. Now go try mingling and ladies.’ They looked at her and she said. ‘We love you, don’t get bribed.’

  They both grinned like sharks at her warning.

  Netta advised them. ‘Apparently we leave in an hour, so I relieve you for thirty mins.’

  They nodded as Zenerra said to Lucerra. ‘More credits than I can dream of. You know I have been known to dream big.’

  Peyton laughed with Netta as she sat on the couch with her. While Peneria and Ipeara moved into the positions left by Zenerra and Lucerra.

  They talked with more females who now Netta was with her, ventured to engage them in conversation. Thinking perhaps Peyton would be more receptive to their inane questions with her there.

  When even Netta was becoming annoyed, the Raparthen pack leader Pwetara and her second Twetara came by, which effectively stopped any other female coming close.

  Pwetara smiled and bowed. ‘Greetings, Star Daughter, how are you?’

  Peyton and Netta stood to greet them. ‘Greetings Pwetara, I am well, how are you?’

  ‘I am with pup again.’

  ‘Congratulations, your Nation is thriving.’

  ‘We are, and as you can see among the Universe once more. I have heard you have become mated, is this so?’

  ‘It is very recent.’

  She inclined her head. ‘We offer blessings from the Raparthen Nation.’

  ‘I thank the Nation.’

  Pwetara smiled and said. ‘It is also said you have pups?’

  Peyton beamed. ‘I do, three, Hope is ten, Rayvan three and Keylan is four luneras old.’

  Pwetara and her second Twetara stilled and cocked their long pointed ears toward her. ‘You named your female pup Keylan, you know that is Raparthen for bright star.’

  ‘Oh, I know, I thought she suited it.’

  Pwetara inclined her head and said. ‘We are honored you would choose a name from our language.’

  ‘There was no choice, she rewards the name every day, even when she is teething.’ They all laughed at her put upon tone.

  Pwetara said. ‘Thank you, I will pass that along to the Raparthen Nation as well.’ Which meant every pack on every planet would know by the end of the weken.

  Peyton smiled as she said. ‘How delightful. Now I wonder if you remember my sister Netta.’

  Pwetara looked Netta over. ‘We have not formerly met, but we remember you from your brief visit. I know you did not meet my litter sister and second Twetara, as she was away.’

  They all shook hands, Netta remembered to smile without her teeth showing. Teeth were seen as a sign of aggression for the Raparthen.

  Twetara said. ‘It is said you are mated to the disposed king of Menturian.’

  Netta naturally tensed at the mention of her mate. ‘I am.’

  Twetara watched her out of bright gold eyes as she said. ‘It is said they follow the way of the Elysium.’

  Peyton was amused at how well informed the Raparthen were, and by mentioning the Elysium, Pwetara was alluding to the fact they knew who and what Bendrix was.

  Netta inclined her head and giving nothing away, replied. ‘They are to become our Ambassadors.’

  ‘Will we obtain an Ambassador?’ Twetara asked Peyton.

  ‘Will you build an Embassy for my people and tolerate Warriors and Prowlers?’ Peyton returned, knowing they would not.

  Their top lips curled, showing impressive canines at the mention of Prowlers. Pwetara confided. ‘Perhaps not.’

  ‘It is of no concern you are such good friends to the people of Maikonia, why would we need an Embassy to show this?’ Netta asked in a soothing voice.

  Relieved, Pwetara stated. ‘This is true, we will remain as we are.’

  Peyton changed the subject, allowing the Pack Leader to gracefully dig herself out of the awkward situation her second had placed them in. ‘You are here for how long?’

  ‘Until after the Grand Meeting. We are told they hold it only when decided by the Governor of the Capital, who of course is Governor Interkinn. Apparently something has occurred that all planets and worlds are sending representation. We wonder what has caused the Coalition to call the meeting.’ She said this with a twitch of her ears indicating humor. ‘We are looking forward to watching the Coalition change.’

  Peyton told them confidently. ‘I am sure that will happen soon.’

  ‘In the short time we have been back in the Universe we have seen the spread of the corruption your Darby has spoken to the pack leader of.’

  Together the Raparthen’s stared at the Empress Quara Jenerika as she moved through the crowd of females. Peyton and Netta turned slightly to see who they stared at.

  Netta asked. ‘You are still hunting her kind?’

  With a growl in her voice, Twetara told them. ‘Yes, they have not suffered enough. My youngest pup still wakes at night in fear.’

  ‘Oh, that is sad, is she here?’ Peyton sympathized.


  Her attention was on Peyton again when she asked. ‘Would you allow our mind-healer to see her?’

  Pwetara eagerly asked. ‘You have one that could manage our kind?’

  ‘Yes, do you have more than the one pup in need?’

  Twetara sighed. ‘Yes, we could not leave them behind. None travel the dust trail anymore. It will be many yentas until our adults feel comfortable to leave our pups as we once did.’

  Nina appeared. ‘Star Daughter, you wanted me?’

  ‘Thank you Nina.’ Peyton told the two Raparthen. ‘Nina is within my family pack.’ Warning given and by the looks of the females received. ‘Nina’s mate is the mind-healer I referred to. Nina, these ladies are Mama’s to the pups we rescued.’

I remember, Amelia spent a lot of time with them.’

  They both asked eagerly. ‘We need to speak to her.’

  Nina asked warily. ‘You do, why?’

  Twetara exclaimed. ‘Our pups speak of her power. We wish for her to tell us how she made them bathe without the screaming, biting and tears, the many… many tears!’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Nina said, and did not show her laughter.

  Peyton told Nina. ‘Their pups are having nightmares, they need Telfor.’

  ‘That is not good, please come with me and we will find Amelia and arrange a time for him to visit with your pups.’

  Pwetara asked. ‘You can do this?’

  ‘He is my mate, and his mother is here.’

  They both barked out laughs as they bowed hastily to Peyton and Netta and left with Nina.

  Netta murmured. ‘That was nicely done. They like and admire you.’

  Peyton pouted as she asked. ‘Why do you sound so surprised?’

  ‘Oh, dearle stars!’ Netta said with a laugh.

  Just before the thirty minute deadline was up, Zenerra and Lucerra returned. ‘The wine is tuap, absolutely tuap. Sorry about before, you were right.’

  Peyton said righteously. ‘Thank you Lucca, I knew it.’

  Lucerra added. ‘The food is okay, Chef Helen’s is much better.’

  Zenerra was amused at her friend’s observations, even though she agreed wholeheartedly with her. But it was not that long ago they would have been grateful for the crumbs off the table. How life had changed for the Draygons. Her attention returned to the conversation when Peneria asked. ‘Were you offered more than you could dream of?’

  Lucerra grinned. ‘So much it made my hair singe with heat.’

  ‘I was offered more the Lucca.’ Zenerra told them with glee.

  Lucerra retorted. ‘That is because you are not mated. They will not have to bribe your mate to secure your cooperation, which reduced my price.’

  Ipeara asked. ‘I am waiting with bated breath to know what your answer to all those delightful credits was.’

  Lucerra answered. ‘I was nicer than Zen. She told them to shove it where the sun don’t shine.’

  ‘Oh my stars, that sounds like a saying Jean uses.’ Peyton said as the feelings between horror and admiration battled for supremacy in her mind. In the end, she just laughed as Netta groaned in defeat.

  Lucerra smirked. ‘That was tame compared to what Lady Brenda and Lady Esther told them to do with their offers.’

  Zenerra admitted. ‘Well, to be fair, they were okay until they started talking about breeding programs.’

  ‘Oh my stars, Netta!’ Peyton yelped as she imagined carnage being dispensed from the two matrons. As they educated the females who suggested breeding their Draygons.

  ‘We are on it.’ Netta said as she jumped to her feet and with Peneria and Ipeara raced to rescue the females from Esther and Brenda’s wrath.


  Peyton decided her time sitting in the center of the room was over. ‘I think we should make our way to the balcony.’

  Lucerra nodded. ‘Good idea, the smell in here is becoming nauseating.’

  ‘I would not have put it that way, but I understand what you are saying.’

  Half-way to the balcony she exchanged her glass for another from a bot who drifted pass. She shrugged at Zenerra’s look. ‘It may be better.’

  ‘Do not hold your breath.’

  They stepped out on to the silent terrace, Peyton breathed in the unfamiliar scents emanating from the vegetation. After a few minutes, she murmured. ‘Zen, can you ask Lady Interkinn to visit with me, please?’

  ‘As you wish, Madam.’

  She moved off to do her bidding as Lucerra searched the room for any hidden danger while Peyton stared out at the bustling city. A few minutes later Lucca watched as Zen led the skinny pink female to Peyton. She cleared her throat to let her know they were coming.

  Before Lady Lydiia could say a word, Peyton turned and demanded. ‘I require you to tell Empress Jenerika that I wish to speak to her, out here on your wonderful balcony please.’

  Lydiia smiled as she flicked her cloth around her face. Peyton wondered if it was an unconscious act of nerves or something else.

  ‘I was hoping to speak to you myself, Star Daughter?’

  Peyton eyed the female and just stopped herself from sighing loudly at the overly scented, pink attired female. ‘Was it to apologize for your discourtesy upon our arrival? Or the fact you had not educated the females as a correct hostess would have on the protocols for when the Star Daughter graced your abode.’

  Lydiia licked her suddenly dry lips as she felt the ground slide out from under her. It was obvious the Star Daughter knew what she had done and why.

  ‘No, I wish to discuss my hunband’s cousin, Lady Quewtton, and her son Juet.’

  Peyton asked. ‘I see, and what do you suppose I know of them?’

  Lydiia dabbed at her mouth before saying. ‘It was reported they were seen going to your Hutell... Oh I am sorry Embassy.’ She twittered as though she had made a mistake in dismissing the Embassy as a Hutell. She did not seem to take any notice of Peyton’s hardening features or the restless shift of the Draygons.

  With a smirk she said. ‘It appears Juet was detained and Lady Quewtton was seen surrounded by your Warriors being escorted from your… Ahh… Embassy!’

  Peyton placed her glass to her lips and pretended to drink, as Zen had advised. She waited until her anger at the insipid female abated before answering. ‘Lady Quewtton and her son Juet are no longer a concern for you or your hunband. Juet has decided to return home with us. He finds this world non-conducive to a long and healthy life.’

  Lydiia cleared her throat as her face morphed into a frown and she looked sharply at Peyton. While she placed a fisted hand over her heart in distress. ‘I am unsure of what you are implying. We are concerned about him and his mother, they are our family?’

  Peyton gave her a mirthless smile, knowing Lydiia Interkinn knew exactly what had happened to Juet’s mother, and what was planned for Juet when he came of age.

  ‘Well, let me speak plainly then. His mother Lady Quewtton was killed and replaced by a Chanderoh. I know this to be true because I talked to the body, before it left this world.’

  Lydiia’s eyes became haunted and darted from Peyton to the city and back to Peyton. While her mind raced with the implications for her and Rupart. Her breathing quickened and Peyton could almost taste her fear. She finally hissed out between dry lips. ‘I am shocked.’

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose at the statement. ‘I doubt that, anyway Juet himself has been subjugated and suppressed to where his character is almost nonexistent. I intend with help to restore him back to the male he should be. That will happen out of the reach of those that would use and destroy him.’

  Gathering the tattered remains of her composure around her, Lydiia asked. ‘You are... you are saying his mother is dead, and he wishes to live somewhere else?’

  ‘Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you.’

  Lydiia worried her bottom lip as she said. ‘I am not sure my hunband will agree to that.’

  ‘I don’t think you understand Lady Interkinn, you and your hunband. Governor Interkinn have no say in what is to happen to Juet. He is no longer your responsibility. He is mine and as the Star Daughter, I supersede any claim you or your hunband have on him. I am done with this conversation. Now, as I said, I would like to see Empress Jenerika.’

  She turned from the female and walked further out to stand in front of the balustrade, looking out over the Crystal City. Leaving the dismissed female to fetch the Empress.

  Lydiia’s mind whirled as she looked at the straight back of the Star Daughter. She could not remember a time she had been dismissed so dismissively before. With a glance at the winged guards, she turned and walked sedately from the balcony. Smiling and nodding to females as she passed them, stopping to speak to several others. Finally she r
eached the Empress, who was talking with several of the other Empresses in a conversational circle. This was a normal occurrence for the Empresses, who always held themselves apart from the other females. The only reason they came to her gatherings, Lydiia knew, was because she was the First female of the Capital and they wished to remain in her favor.

  She stopped by the Empress and said. ‘Quara, the Star Daughter wishes to speak with you.’

  Empress Jenerika laughed her braying laugh and slogged back a full glass of wine without a shudder. She liked it and had containers of it sent to her world.

  Scornfully, she asked. ‘What would make her think I would wish to converse with her?’

  Lydiia snapped. ‘Do not be ridiculous, do you honestly think you have a choice? She will drag you there if she has to or her guards will. Look around you, Empress. Her people are powerful and have ordained positions. She is the Star Daughter and I for one do not wish to bring forth her wrath.’

  Quara sneered as she looked at Lydiia. ‘Oh my stars, did she say something to frighten the first lady? I had no idea you were so weak. Dearle stars Lydiia. She is a myth dreamed up by fearful people long gone. If you have not realized it yet, she is an Impoef.’

  Lydiia laughed without humor. ‘You fool, she is not an Impoef. I have spoken with her, and I tell you she holds the Universe in her hands. She demands your presence. Go now and speak to her… save yourself, and maybe you can save your hunband as well.’

  Quara eyed the thin female with a sneer of dislike. ‘You seem to have had a sudden change of heart yourself, Lydiia. Frightened of a small Earthling?’

  ‘You think you are dealing with Earthlings like these fools here? She looked at all the Empresses and told them. ‘Yes, I am afraid. As you all should be. Do not make her wait Quara. I do not think you can afford to.’

  She turned and reached for a glass of her favorite wine, only to look into the knowing eyes of the Star Daughter’s mother.

  Esther smiled without her normal warmth as she addressed the Empresses. ‘Regardless of what you believe, she is not an Impoef. You should all heed the warnings, change is coming and whether you realize it or not, it started today. It is now you need to decide what kind of ruler you want to be. Or you can bury your heads under your blankets and learn what happens when you ignore the most powerful Entity in our Universe.’


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