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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 15

by L M Lacee

  Reeve took a step back as a scowling Darby and a laughing Peyton walked out behind her, followed by all the children.

  He stilled his backward step as he shook himself and stated. ‘Well, healer to every friggin one. You did not know you were with young, did you?’

  Peyton looked shocked as she asked him. ‘Wow, did you just go there?’

  He looked at Hawk. ‘Go where?’

  Hawk shrugged and just shook his head as everyone else sucked in a breath. Kardan said as he looked at the scowling females. ‘Brother, if I was you, I would apologize, then beg.’

  Karen coming in with Amelia and Jorge said. ‘I second that.’

  A stubborn expression came over Reeve as he said. ‘ I am an Elite. I do not beg.’

  Darby with Heather walked pass him and snarled. ‘You will when you are on the couch tonight.’ She reached her hand out to Waidon.

  ‘Greetings, I am Darby. This is Heather, who I am sure you heard is our chief medical officer. These ladies are Nina and Karen who is Hawk’s mate, with them is Jorge and his mate Amelia. That one…’ she pointed over her shoulder at a now decently dressed Peyton. ‘Is Peyton, the friggin Star Daughter, please address her as Madam Peyton. It keeps everyone happy and yes, we know it is pretentious, but it is what it is.’


  Waidon bowed as Peyton walked to where they were now standing. A few seconds later, the rest of his family did likewise as he greeted her.

  ‘Greetings Madam, it is an honor to meet you. I have to say, we are in awe of your family.’

  Waidon Haffee looked nothing like Peyton thought he would. He had the gold markings like his mate and sons, which covered the right side of his face and she imagined it graced his entire body. Why she had thought he would look like his mate, she could not say. Where she was short, round and very feminine. He was the same height as Marlo and just as impressive, with skin weathered from time spent outdoors. Although where Marlo had the look of a cowboy, Waidon fit Peyton’s picture of a pirate perfectly, He had black hair and dark gray eyes, all he needed was an eye patch.

  His sons she saw were a mix of their parent’s genetics, they too had the bright, metal colored eyes but with differing shades of gray hair. All were undoubtable attractive. She could see why Vina and the other females had fallen in love with them.

  Peyton smiled as she said. ‘Thank you, we apologize for the lack of welcome. Usually we are more organized, which is due to Esther, Brenda and Helen, who keep us in line.’

  Waidon smiled. ‘I know we are early, but I will not apologize for being so. It has been enlightening and most rewarding to discover our Star Daughter is as normal as we are.’

  ‘Oh, that is nice of you to say.’ She waved her hands around, a little flustered at the sincere compliment. ‘Could you perhaps introduce your family, I am sure by now you know who we all are or most of us, anyway. The others who will arrive later, will introduce themselves as we go along.’

  He inclined his head. ‘Of course Madam, please allow me to introduce my spouse Oleena, we have been together for the last glorious fifty yentas.’ He stopped as all the females said. ‘Aww, that is so nice.’

  Waidon grinned when the males all sighed. ‘These are my sons and their spouses, my eldest son Reth and his mate Vina, who I have been told you have already met.’

  ‘I have, and it was delightful.’

  ‘My second son, Enric, is mated to Haley.’ Peyton noticed Haley was the same height as Vina. But where she had blonde hair, Haley’s was a more strawberry blonde and shoulder length, which framed her sweet heart-shaped face. She had thickly lashed green eyes that stared at Peyton with a touch of apprehension in their depths. Waidon said with a smile of pride.

  ‘One of those young boys who has run off with yours, is their son, his name is Garriss.’

  ‘He is cute.’

  Enric and Haley both said. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Next is our third son, Tyden, and he is mated to Berra.’

  Peyton tipped her head up as Berry was at least six foot tall and slim. She wore a somber expression that barely hid the deep-seated humor in her bright brown eyes. Her hair, unlike the other two females, was waist-length and the shiny color of copper. It was as startling as she seemed to be.

  Waidon told them. ‘Berra is with young now and they are the parents of Kenniss.’

  ‘He is just as cute.’

  They both also said. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Our fourth son is Mezor, who has recently joined with Sally.’

  She was the obvious youngest of the spouses, a beautiful female with an open expression and clear hazel eyes. She was not as tall as Berra but just as slim, with again shoulder length black hair that added to her delicacy.

  All the females were dressed in casual knee length leather dresses that appeared soft and looked amazingly comfortable.

  Peyton inclined her head after they were introduced. ‘Greetings, we are pleased you could all come for eve-meal. Apparently we are eating...’ She stopped talking, staring blankly ahead of her, while the Haffee family all looked at her with confused expressions.

  Melody asked. ‘Did you forget?’

  ‘No, Tivna Girl, I just don’t know what we are eating, Helen.’

  ‘Do not yell, I am not deaf.’ Helen said from behind her, Peyton whirled around as she apologized. ‘Sorry Ma’am, what are we eating for eve-meal?’

  ‘You know, I told you at second-meal.’

  Peyton narrowed her eyes as she asked. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘I am not senile, am I?’

  Hurriedly, Peyton told her. ‘No Ma’am, you are not. I will make sure all know this.’

  Helen sniffed and narrowed her own eyes as she said. ‘Very droll, I am sure, Madam. Shodian Lujunn and his daughters are providing a wonder of treats for us. We will dine buffet style.’

  Berra quickly explained what buffet style meant to her family. Helen grinned as she waited until she was finished. ‘I had to explain it to the Shodian and all the non-humans, apparently it is a new concept.’

  Sally agreed. ‘So much is, and yet there are heaps of similarities.’

  Esther agreed. ‘We have found the same since we arrived here and then again today. When we discussed some things we had in common. Isn’t that so Oleena?’

  ‘We did Esther, now are we all introduced?’

  Kardan said. ‘I would say we are for the moment.’

  ‘Good. I for one would like to sit. I am too old to stand around.’

  Peyton quickly apologized as she hurriedly showed her to a couch while the others followed.

  ‘Excuse our manners, unfortunately I could not talk to any of you this morn. Other than a small conversation I had with Vina, which I have to say was enjoyable.’

  Vina bowed her head. ‘I thank you Madam, I found it enjoyable as well and most entertaining.’

  Helen announced as they all sat. ‘Our meal will be in ninety mins, so we have time to swap stories and learn about each other.’

  Dana came in and took the now sleepy Keylan from Kardan. ‘I will take the babies for their baths and put them to bed, Madam.’

  Peyton nodded as she asked Avana who had come in minutes ago and was cuddling Koana. ‘Are you ready to release Bee-Bee?’

  ‘Bee-Bee?’ Haley asked with raised eyebrows.

  ‘Yep, short for blue-berry, her Mama is touchy about that name. So we call her Bee-Bee.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Haley tried to stop herself from laughing as the others did by looking down. Her shoulders shook though giving her away.

  Especially when Avana growled. ‘Her Mama does not like Bee-Bee either but no one cares?’ Gunner laughed and took Koana from her mother, kissing her cheek and then passing her to Dana. ‘Thank you Dana.’

  ‘You are most welcome, Commander.’

  Nina sniffed appreciatively. ‘Oh my stars ladies, if you have not had Businnia before, you are in for a treat. As I told Amelia and Esther, Businnia is like a restaurant we used to fre
quent on Earth called Mr Kwines.’

  Amelia asked. ‘Esther, do you remember it?’

  Esther smiled. ‘I do, I had almost forgotten.’

  Hawk asked as he took her hand in his. ‘Did your Harry like this Assiaan food?’

  She grinned with him, ‘Yes, he was quite the fan of it.’ She asked Karen. ‘So you believe it is as good as Mr Kwines?’

  ‘Oh Esther, so much better.’

  ‘Well then, I can hardly wait.’

  They moved from talking about the food to other subjects, finding they had many things in common. Kardan, Hawk and Bendrix and the older males sat with Waidon and his eldest son and talked extensively about the Coalition council and the reigning Governor Interkinn.

  While Peyton talked with the females as Fox and several other young Warriors served drinks and small delicacies. Kenera Rita and Rata arrived with their mates and flowed seamlessly into conversations. Kerol, Jorge, Matt and Sedeen who arrived not long after everyone had broken off into groups joined Reeve and Coraan. As they sat with three of the Haffee sons and discussed Draygons, Prowlers and living on Maikonia Prime.

  Trina sighed. ‘It has been so long since I drank alcohol. I miss it.’

  ‘Not long now Mama-to-be.’ Peyton said soothingly as she gave Trina’s tummy a small pat.

  Kenera nodded. ‘We do not drink alcohol as well while with young, it is not good for the babe. But other races do not have the same concerns, they process alcohol easily. I have heard that there are races who only drink alcohol while pregnant.’

  Oleena nodded in agreement. ‘As have I, the females of my world also do not consume alcohol while with young.’

  Penny asked. ‘Lady Oleena, I am sure it was in Darby’s briefing but for those of us that had no time to read it. Could you tell us what world you come from?’

  ‘Why are you looking at me?’ Peyton demanded to know as Penny smirked at her.

  ‘Because I know you skimmed the report.’

  Peyton shrugged, she had no answer for that because she was right.

  Oleena grinned. ‘The name of our world is Souviss.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  They discussed the mood of the

  Capital and then moved on to how they had left Earth. Then the conversation turned back to pregnancies and childbirth when Patty joined them.

  Peyton took one look at Melody and Darby and slowly withdrew from the animated conversation about babies and complete horror stories about birthing.

  Netta, Vina, Sally and Avana as well as any of the other females who were not pregnant or having babies also quickly left the conversation. They found themselves a group of chairs, well away from that discussion.

  Peyton gasped. ‘Dearle stars, the horror!’

  ‘I know.’ Darby shuddered.

  ‘That was just… so bad.’ Sally moaned as Melody shook her head, unable to form words.

  Netta agreed. ‘Just like that room this morn.’

  ‘Oh yes, just like that,’ Vina agreed, ‘I have decided pink should be in small amounts only. There is no excuse for what we saw this morn.’

  Peyton stated. ‘As bad as that stuff they made us all drink.’

  Teelu said as she entered the room and made her way to where Peyton sat. ‘We should ban pink wine.’ She drank the rest of her red wine and eyed Peyton. ‘Forever, see to it dearle.’

  ‘Done.’ Peyton grinned, not taking offense as Teelu kissed her cheek, saying as she lifted her empty glass. ‘Now this… this is wine, oh it is all gone… well that I can fix.’ She laughed and walked over to the group talking about babies. On the way, Willian handed her another full glass. She reached up and kissed his cheek as well, causing him to blush.

  Vina exclaimed. ‘You are all a little weird, aren’t you?’

  Rose asked her. ‘Why would you think that?’ ‘Because she doesn’t care that they give her orders.’

  Rose looked around, trying to see who she was talking about, and finally asked. ‘Who doesn’t?’

  Sally motioned to Peyton with her glass. ‘Her… your Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Oh, why should she, we are her family, doesn’t count right?’ She asked Avana, who nodded her head. ‘No it doesn’t, why would it?’

  Melody looked over at Rose, who was looking flushed. ‘Rose, sweetie, are you drunk?’

  ‘Nah, maybe, sort of, nope!’

  ‘Well, that was concise.’ Darby laughed as Malchol quickly moved to Rose. He gave them all a severe look and placed his arm around her and asked. ‘My one, are you well?’

  She smiled lasciviously up at him as she cooed and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘Oh my sweet mate, did I tell you how sexy in swim shorts you were, and how biteable you are… yummy… yummy, all mine!’

  He laughed, a sound filled with wonder which had more than one person turning their heads toward him. The other females laughed as well, especially when he tried to fend off his mate’s wandering hands.

  ‘Oh my stars, you had better be recording this.’ Darby whispered to Jax who dimmed the lights for a second to show he was.

  Peyton told Vina and Sally. ‘He really did look sexy.’

  ‘In fact they all did.’ Darby agreed as she explained. ‘We had a swim second-meal party today with the young ones, it was fun.’

  Netta commented with a hard look at Melody. ‘It seems drinking oneself into oblivion to forget this morn, before second-meal is not allowed. So we settled on a swim party.’

  Vina nodded to Rose. ‘Perhaps she is just a light-weight with alcohol.’

  Melody shook her head. ‘No, she isn’t. I’ve seen her drink Darby and Netta under the table.’ Peyton asked. ‘Is she unwell?’

  ‘Mama, Rose is ill or drunk.’ Malchol called to Kenera, who smiled as she moved over to them. ‘No, she isn’t, Rose dearle, did you sleep last night?’

  ‘Umm not much, I think I was too nervous about the morn tea.’

  Netta asked her. ‘Why?’

  ‘I thought Peyton would fry someone. Oh, that reminds me I owe…’

  ‘Me.’ Willian triumphantly stated. He turned to Peyton and assured her. ‘I wagered you would not kill anyone.’

  Which caused Peyton to take instant umbrage about anyone betting against her. Vina and Netta laughed as they listen to the argument that Peyton, Willian and Melody ended up in. Sally was astounded that Peyton was only upset about how they bet against her and not that she could fry someone.

  ‘Do you see the love?’ Avana asked her as she took a seat near Darby.

  Sally asked. ‘Avana, what happens when she doesn’t show her love, when you all don’t?’

  Avana looked at the other females, so different from her friends and family and yet so similar and quietly told her. ‘We call it war.’

  ‘Oh, I suppose you do.’ Sally said, as a shiver of fear traveled down her spine.


  Three hours later, Oleena sighed. ‘That was delicious.’

  ‘I wish he was staying.’ Haley sighed as Fox, Willian and Ipeara cleared away the rubble of dishes from the table. While Helen, Esther, and Brenda started bringing trays with tea and coffee in from the kitchen.

  Peyton grinned as Netta said. ‘Sorry he and his daughters are all ours.’

  After the earlier confusion, order had been restored as they talked and waited for dinner. The Haffee family had been introduced to the Prowlers and fallen in love with the kits. Helen introduced Shodian Lujunn and his delightful daughters before they retired to cook the meal.

  Now replete, the adults sat around the cleared table with drinks. Zenerra scooted her chair back from the table and addressed Peyton.

  ‘Madam, I and Ipeara will take the children for the vid.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Thank you, where is Dana?’

  Zenerra scowled. ‘She does not like this vid.’

  ‘Really, it is great.’

  ‘That is what I said, also that perhaps she needed an imagination to understand the intricacies of a singing red slug like

  ‘Oh dearle.’

  Zenerra sighed. ‘Yes, we will meet on the mat early tomorrow morn. Come on, young ones, we are to have the popcorn.’

  Ipeara and the young all cheered as the two Haffee boys stood uncertainly, looking at their mothers with pleading eyes.

  Peyton winked at the boys and asked their mothers. ‘Berra, Haley, what do you think? The vid is an ancient story about a mermaid. I am sure your boys would like it.’

  ‘I loved that vid when I was little. I am sure they will enjoy it.’ Berra gushed as Haley grinned and nodded while the boys cheered.

  With a rush the children stampeded from room as Waidon asked Hawk. ‘May I ask, what is the mat, Zen spoke of?’

  Hawk smiled. ‘Madam and Melody introduced the concept of the mat to help resolve disputes.’

  A little bewildered, Enric asked Sedeen. ‘Is it a special mat from Earth?’

  Sedeen laughed as he shook his head. ‘No, it is just a mat we use for training.’

  Reth said. ‘I do not understand?’

  Reeve explained. ‘Two combatants, one battle without weapons. Aggression leads to reason.’

  Melody grinned. ‘That wasn’t the intention, but it works, most times.’

  Mezor asked as he eyed his brothers. ‘This actually resolves disputes?’

  ‘Most times.’ Matt answered. ‘We have immediate solutions to grievances and if they cannot be taken care of on the mat. Then we send our Warriors to the Mystics but usually the mat is enough.’ With a quirk of a smile, he stated. ‘We find it especially good for brothers.’ Which made Waidon and Oleena laugh out loud.

  Noticing the wishful looks on the young Haffee female faces, Darby asked. ‘What would you like?’

  Vina replied. ‘They only allowed us to bring clothes and one data drive of pics and a few mementos.’

  ‘That was all?’ Peyton asked, unable to believe that was all they could bring.

  Melody asked. ‘Why so restricted?’

  Haley answered. ‘They said it was to do with the different worlds and what they allowed the females to bring with them.’

  Brenda asked Oleena. ‘Is this true?’

  She was shaking her head. ‘No, we made it clear to the Ambassadors. We would accept our new daughters with whatever they deemed necessary to bring with them to make their transition easier.’


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