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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 16

by L M Lacee

  Peyton shook her head, saying. ‘Seriously, that is just so sad and so wrong. Well, another thing to go on the list to look into. Darby hook them up please.’

  Darby nodded. ‘Well ladies, it is your lucky day. Just name it and we probably have it.’

  The four females all looked at Darby and together asked. ‘Really?’

  Darby frowned. ‘I usually mean what I say.’

  ‘Translation.’ Netta intervened. ‘That means, yes.’

  They all laughed at the disgruntled look Darby sent Netta as she muttered. ‘That is the same thing I said.’

  Netta replied with a smile. ‘Of course it was.’

  Kinn came in with four tablets. ‘Specialist, you wished for these?’

  ‘I guess I did, thank you Kinn.’ Darby said taking the four tablets and giving him a startled look. With a knowing twinkle in his eyes for catching her off guard, he bowed and left.

  Sally gave a small laugh as the huge Warrior left. ‘Wow, that was amazing, how did he know?’

  ‘You get used to it after a while.’ Peyton quickly said, neglecting to mention Jax.

  Darby handed a tablet to each of the females. ‘List what you would like and if we have it, I will have it downloaded onto data drives for you to take home.’

  ‘What do you have?’ Haley asked as she turned her tablet on.

  ‘Everything from art to music, vids and books. It would be easier to say what we do not have.’

  ‘Oh my, that is amazing.’ All four of them looked at Darby to see if she was joking. When they realized she was not, they felt both stunned and grateful. Each of them thanked her.

  ‘Do not thank me, it was Peyton and my sister’s idea to have it collected. Welcome to a little of our past.’

  Berra who had been away from Earth the longest shook her head as emotions overtook her. Her mate Tyden wrapped her in his arms as she softly cried. He nodded to Darby and huskily told her. ‘We are in your debt.’

  Darby blushed slightly and waved her hands about. Peyton told them with a laugh in her eyes.

  ‘Now, that is speak for no please don’t thank me. You are very nice and I am happy to give you something from Earth, for you to share with your families.’

  Darby’s blushed deepened, and she growled. ‘Shut it, Star Girl.’

  Causing everyone to laugh and relax, which had the same effect on Darby. Berra assured Tyden she was alright now. He smiled and gently kissed her. She and the other three females excused themselves and each grabbed a couch and got down to tapping and swiping industrially away on the tablets.

  Peyton was once again staring fixedly at the markings on the older couple’s faces. Bendrix nudged Netta to get her attention and nodded toward Peyton. Her eyes widened when she could see the question hovering on Peyton’s tongue.

  Quickly she asked. ‘So Lady Oleena, may I ask what your makings are and do all your people have them?’

  Peyton’s eyes narrowed as she growled. I was gonna ask that.

  Netta kicked up her top lip. Oh, were you, sorry?

  But Peyton thought she did not sound sorry, in fact she sounded smug. She thought about trying out her new look of disappointment, but decided to wait until she had perfected it. She tuned back into the conversation in time to hear Waidon say. ‘Our world as you know is called Souviss and in our tongue that means gifted father. So when a child of Souviss is birthed, they are taken to the blessed cavern. Our histories say that the cavern is the birth place of our world, and in the center of the cavern is a pool of silver liquid. We believe the liquid is the life blood of our world. We place the babe on the surface of Souviss’s life blood and the babe slowly submerges. Three minutes later, the infant is returned to the surface with the markings on one side of the body. You can see, they never change and are as individual as we are.’

  Brenda asked. ‘I noticed Oleena has her markings on the left side and yours are on the right. I am guessing the markings are gender specific?’

  ‘That is correct.’

  Kenera asked. ‘What happens if a babe dies at birth, do you still take them to Souviss?’

  Oleena answered sadly. ‘We do, they must be blessed to pass into the afterlife.’

  Waidon asked. ‘May we know how you receive your markings?’

  Kardan told him. ‘They are a blessing from the Star Child on our mating, they are customized to the two who become joined.’

  Oleena exclaimed. ‘Ahh, I wondered why only some of your people wore them.’

  Waidon asked the quiet Peyton. ‘Madam, do you think it is possible the liquid is the life blood Souviss?’

  ‘Why have you not asked Souviss, he would tell you?’

  ‘Our world is sentient, I did not know.’

  ‘I will come and introduce you to him, and maybe he will tell you why he blesses your people. Perhaps while I am there, we should have your new daughters marked, if they wish to have the markings.’

  Reth asked with a slight rasp to his voice. ‘Can that happen, they are not babes?’

  ‘I see no reason why not? I will discuss it with Souviss.’

  Waidon nodded. ‘Yes… yes, we would welcome that. We will wait for you, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Okay. Now what is it you trade on your world?’

  Waidon poured himself and anyone else who wanted more whiskay as Esther poured wine for Oleena and the others. Kardan refilled Peyton’s cup with coffee as Waidon raised an eyebrow and urged them to dispense with the titles.

  ‘We have broken our fast together, let us dispense with the title of Lord and Lady.’

  Kardan nodded and said. ‘As you will.’

  ‘To answer your question, we produce Somnea.’

  Peyton blinked several times, then asked Darby. ‘Do I know what that is?’

  Darby shook her head. ‘I doubt you do, but as I do, let me show you. It is leather from the Sounicco.’

  She tapped on her tablet and the wall screen showed an enormous mammoth like animal but unlike the mammoth of earth. These animals had fur all over their bodies that hung in long ropes similar to dreadlocks and were green and yellow. And instead of two tusks, the Sounicco had four tusks, two small and two very large ones that sat proudly on the faces.

  ‘Oh wow! They are huge.’ Peyton and several others exclaimed together.

  ‘They are very docile.’ Oleena assured them. ‘Our entire planet is dedicated to the rearing of the beasts and the manufacturing of Somnea.’

  Netta asked as she studied the animals. ‘Can the meat be used?’

  ‘Oh yes, it is very sought after. We trade everything from the hides to the bones, which are ground up and used in medicines. We even have a medicine made from the horns.’

  Rose was humming quietly to herself as she stared at the screen.

  Peyton grinned as she said. ‘Rose hon, you are humming.’

  ‘So excited.’

  ‘Oh okay.’

  They all looked from Rose to Peyton, who asked Waidon casually as though the answer meant nothing to her. ‘Have you ever had a need for Warriors?’

  Enric answered seriously. ‘Often, we were always denied.’

  Surprised, Peyton and Kardan asked together. ‘Why?’

  ‘Why did we need them or why were we denied?’ He asked, causing Peyton to sigh in delight and smile as she cheerfully said. ‘That is so my kind of question.’

  He grinned in return as they both heard numerous sighs and snorts from around the table. Oleena told them. ‘Every so often Raiders or other worlds get it into their minds that as we raise Sounicco. Our world must be an easy target. It is becoming more dangerous, I fear for my males.’

  Waidon took her hand in his, in what was obviously a natural act of love, and kissed her fingers. ‘They denied us the Warriors because my Oleena and I will not condone the Coalitions practices and policies. Uthar and Rupart do not like to be opposed and I do that often.’

  Oleena said archly. ‘And also because I petition constantly for the inclusion of females on the coun
cil. They have asked my Waidon to control me.’ She gave them all a sharp smile as she told them. ‘Obviously he refuses.’ Before they could comment on this, she launched into a speech she seemed to have made often, if her angry tone was any indication. ‘Do you know some worlds are excluded from the council because they will not bow down to their laws and have a male represent them? They have a right to be represented by whoever they nominate. If that is a female, then so be it. I do not believe the Star Son, who wrote the laws, thought this was correct.’

  Rita agreed with her. ‘It is outrageous.’

  Cemeru mused. ‘Of course the Elders loved that exclusion, they could do as they wished as long as the males ran the Capital.’

  ‘Would it have made a difference if females were included?’ Jarrod asked him.

  He shook her head and sighed sadly. ‘No, probably not, they were a law unto themselves.’

  Savo saved Cemeru from having to say anything more when he announced. ‘This is why the trader’s guild has not joined the council. Traders will not be told who can represent them.’

  ‘As it should be!’ Oleena stated.

  Kardan asked Waidon. ‘Would you be interested in allowing an exchange of Embassies and having a Warriors outpost attached to our Embassy on your world?’

  Waidon stilled, as did his sons, while Oleena closed her eyes in relief and said a heartfelt prayer. Brenda squeezed her hand in comfort. Waidon cleared his throat before he spoke. His eyes remained steadfastly on Kardan as he replied. ‘We would welcome and enjoy that relationship.’

  Kardan nodded and Waidon returned the gesture. Peyton looked from one male to the other, then finally asked Kardan. ‘Was that a yes?’

  ‘Yes, my heart it was.’

  ‘Oh good.’

  Rose butted in eagerly. ‘So can we trade?’

  Waidon replied, and not just to Rose. ‘You have made my sons and their mates very happy, for that alone we will trade.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So what can we trade?’

  Waidon’s son Enric asked. ‘What do you have?’

  Melody grinned with raised eyebrows. ‘I am guessing you are the trader for your world.’

  He inclined his head in reply, a smile lighting his eyes.

  Netta her eyes on the four females who were still swiping industrially away on the tablets said. ‘Denim… Rose trade them denim.’

  Four heads lifted slowly from their tablets with wide, hopeful eyes. Berra’s voice held excitement as she asked. ‘Seriously, you have denim?’

  Netta’s grin widened as Rose told them. ‘Yes, we produce that in quantities.’

  Haley looked at her mate and told him. ‘Enric do the trade.’

  ‘My love, we have to...’

  She cut him off. ‘No, you see what Madam and Netta are wearing.’


  ‘That is denim, it is tough and durable. It can be lightweight or heavy and can be worn in all types of weather.’

  Rose added. ‘We can supply jeans, shirts and jackets, as well as coats and hats.’

  Oleena asked her son’s mate. ‘Haley, you truly think we need this.’

  Sally replied in her quiet voice. ‘Matar, you have no idea what denim feels like until you put a pair of jeans like Madam is wearing on. How truly wonderful they are to wear.’

  Hawk told them. ‘My jeans are the best clothing I have ever worn.’

  Every Maikonian male there agreed with deep sighs and smiles. Reeve stated. ‘Very comfortable, especially the soft black ones. I like them the most.’

  Reth, Vina’s mate who was large like Reeve, although not as tall, asked in pleased surprise. ‘They make them in our size?’

  Proudly, Reeve told him. ‘Yes, my Darby had them specially made for me. They have the fly buttons.’

  Confused, Mezor asked. ‘What is this fly button?’

  ‘It is a way of fastening them.’ Darby explained. ‘And yes, they can be produced in all sizes.’

  Reth nodded, then turned to his brother. ‘Enric make the trade. I want fly buttons.’

  Enric smirked at his brother and stated. ‘It is not that simple brother, as you know.’

  Reth looked like he wanted to show his brother how easy it actually was at the end of his fists. Oleena stopped the argument by asking. ‘Vina, should I try these jeans?’

  Smiling, Brenda offered. ‘I have a pair, if you would like to try them on, they should fit you?’

  ‘Really, that is very kind of you, Brenda.’


  Sally sighed. ‘Jeans make me think of horses, if only you had those?’

  Nina said gleefully. ‘We have those too.’

  ‘What are horses?’ Waidon asked Nina.

  Sally smiled and said. ‘Papa, remember I showed you and Mezor a pic of one I was riding, when I was young?’

  Mezor smiled as he remembered. ‘I do, you said they used them to round up coos on Earth.’

  ‘Cows, yes that is right.’

  Darby tapped on her tablet and the screen on the wall showed horses and then cowboys rounding up long horns.

  Marlo grinned. ‘Just like my cowboys on my vids.’ Then he scowled at Melody. ‘You did not tell me we have horses. I would have been riding already like a true cowboy.’

  Melody held her hands up in defense as she told him. ‘Brenda said not to.’

  Peyton said to Netta. ‘Oh wow, she just threw Brenda under the bus.’

  ‘We will miss her.’ Netta said sadly as they smiled at Melody’s obvious discomfort.

  Jorge quickly explained the term to the non-humans.

  Marlo looked affronted by her admission and demanded. ‘Why would my Brenda tell you to do so?’

  Melody shrugged her shoulders and muttered. ‘She said you would fall off and break your dayam fool neck.’

  He glared at her as she stared back with narrowed eyes. Then he drawled as he tipped his chair back. ‘My Brenda would never say that, I am a perfectly fit male in my prime. I have never fallen off our bed… ever.’

  Mortified Darby cried. ‘Oh my Stars, he went there?’

  Peyton pleaded as she waved her hands back and forth in front of her face. ‘Why do you say these things? I can never… never unhear that!’

  Offended now, Melody burst out. ‘She did so say it. Why would I lie?’

  Marlo kicked up the corner of his mouth in challenge. ‘We will draw for the truth!’

  ‘Done, high noon in the Holo room.’ They shook hands, and both said. ‘Agreed.’

  Peyton said. ‘Or you could just ask Brenda.’

  They both turned to her and Marlo growled. ‘Hush Star Girl, you know not what you talk of.’

  Melody actually giggled, which caused Peyton to frown at them both and state. ‘I ban you both from watching anymore westerns.’

  Coraan murmured just loud enough for everyone to hear. ‘I enjoyed having her for a sister, sadly it appears that time has passed.’

  ‘Peyton, do not be ridiculous.’ Melody and Netta said together as Marlo looked horrified and sadly shook his head. ‘You would deny me, Marlo, the one thing I have found enjoyment in, since arriving home.’

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open as a shocked Darby observed. ‘He totally ditched Brenda.’

  Uncomfortable with where the conversation had gone to, Peyton squirmed in her seat as everyone stared at her. ‘It sounds bad, when you say it like that.’

  Sensing her weakening, Marlo triumphantly stated. ‘I will ride when we return home.’

  Peyton said no more, but stared at Coraan as he smiled unrepentantly at her.

  Kardan agreed. ‘It looks challenging, can we have horses on Prime?’

  Nina shook her head. ‘I am sorry Kardan, we cannot. Kate said the Prowlers would place them in a constant state of fear. So to stop that happening we gave them a home on the moon Sheriff, and we ride them there. The horses love it and can graze and live free. There are cabins being built so we can have vacations and ride whenever we like.’

Darby and I enjoy riding.’ Reeve told them, and everyone stared at him as they tried to see how big a horse had to be to carry him.

  He stared back and asked. ‘What… I like to ride with my Darby.’

  ‘He is really good.’

  ‘Of course I am. I am an Elite I have natural rhythm.’

  ‘See, another thing I cannot unhear.’ Groused Peyton as Reeve grinned at her.

  She eyed Nina and asked. ‘How did I not know about the horses and the moon?’

  ‘You would know if you looked at anything other than your coffee plants when you visited other places.’ Nina told her righteously.

  ‘Seriously, you are growling at me because I didn’t know we had a moon called Sherriff, dedicated to horses?’

  ‘Yes... yes, I am.’

  ‘Well, I think that is mean.’

  Melody sang. ‘Yeah... yeah, tell it to someone who cares?’

  ‘Wait… You have actual coffee plants?’ Berra asked, interrupting the start of another argument.

  Nina nodded in affirmation. ‘Yes, I cultivated them to grow on Terra. That is the name of our agricultural planet.’

  Vina pleaded. ‘Will you trade coffee?’

  Peyton looked pained as Rose agreed. ‘Of course we can.’

  ‘Really, must you?’ Peyton whined, placing a hand over her heart.

  Rose rolled her eyes as she said. ‘Yes, now hush, traders talking. You want Somnea, don’t you?’

  ‘I guess.’

  ‘Well, this is how we get it.’

  ‘With my coffee?’

  Karen said. ‘Aww poor… poor Peyton, has to share her coffee, so sad.’

  Peyton gave her a dirty look as she announced. ‘I don’t like you right now.’

  Karen grabbed her chest. ‘I am wounded.’

  Peyton’s eyes twinkled as she asked. ‘This is revenge, isn’t it, for earlier?’

  Karen’s eyes laughed at her as she nodded. ‘Yes, you should share your coffee.’

  ‘I do with the Earth males.’

  Gunner and Mark agreed. ‘She does, we have drunk coffee since we got here.’

  Matt also told her. ‘Madam, always shares her coffee with me.’


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