Book Read Free

The Forever Series

Page 16

by Trilina Pucci

“Alright, I’m going to bed. Call me tomorrow?”

  “Absolutely. P.S. I’m very grateful to your husband for saving you. Can you please just lay low and be boring for a while?!”

  “Yes, please! My pleasure!”

  We hang up and I immediately check the schedule on my phone to see when I can throw an “impromptu” meeting between Alex and Foster, the guy in Cole’s office who would be perfect for her. Cole walks out of the home office looking exhausted and sits down laying his head in my lap. “Poor baby, are you wiped out from taking over the world?” I rub his back, smiling.

  “Mmhmm,” is all that comes out before I hear his breathing becoming more shallow and see his chest rise and fall in a slow rhythm. I let him sleep for about an hour before I can’t stay in the same position any longer. I extricate myself from his arms and upper body, cover him with a blanket, and go to bed alone. Lying in bed, looking out at the city views, I find myself lulled to sleep by the peaceful sensation of finally being home with the love of my life.

  I’m not sure what time it is, but I wake up to the most erotic feeling of my neck being kissed. “Hey, you finally made it to bed.”

  “I did, and now I would like to bed my wife, if you don’t mind.”

  “No minding here…”

  His lips are warm and soft on my neck, making my body arch off the bed. He feathers kisses along my jawline, touching lightly with his tongue. Moving up and closing his mouth over mine, his hands roam over my breasts and my waist, pulling up my nightgown inch by inch. “You’re lovely, Mia, do you know that? You are a goddess.” His hands move across my belly and my skin tingles at the sensation. He runs his hand down my center and starts a slow, circular rhythm on my sweet spot. “Cole, it feels so good.”

  “Baby, that’s all I want to do is make you feel good… let me make you feel good.” My breathing picks up and I close my eyes, feeling enveloped and giving in without hesitation. “Yes, oh yes, make me feel…”

  Cole hitches up my leg, outlining my thigh with his fingers, and presses his erection against my clit. He rubs his body upward causing a hot, burning friction, slowly rubbing back and forth, making my hips roll into him. Cole groans deep, pulling my nipple into his mouth and using his teeth to pinch the erect bud. I moan loudly, needing more. Always more. He pulls back, taking his length and rubbing the tip at my opening. All the teasing is making me squirm and I move my body closer to him, lifting my hips, wanting all of him inside me.

  “Is this what you want, Amelia? Is this what you are aching for, me inside of you? Do you want me to fuck you hard? Do you want me to be rough? Open your eyes, look at me.”

  I bite my lip, knowing my cheeks are red because he always knows what I want. I want him to push into me and never slow down, I want it hard, so hard that I can barely stand it. I need to feel him touching me at my core. I open my eyes to look at him, smoldering, and he smiles. “I know what you need.”

  He pushes inside me, hard, holding my arms above me he takes control and slams into me over and over, biting and sucking my nipples, devouring my mouth. I’m so close, I need to feel that release. So close, closer, he keeps pumping hard, sitting up, pulling my hips off the bed, he grabs my waist, thrusting harder , deeper, faster, and then I feel it. “Cole!” I scream as I see black spots. Cole grips my hips hard and grind into me two more times before he lets out a lion-worthy roar. His hands release my hips and he runs them up my sides, kissing and caressing my body. I lay there being adored, my naked body spent being celebrated by the man I love. He kisses me and pulls me into him, spooning as we drift off to sleep.

  Cole heads off to work in the morning while I am kept company by Foster. Even though Carter is secured behind thick walls, I am happy to be with Foster. I’m not quite ready to be alone yet. Where I used to fight with Cole about needing a security detail, now I welcome it, a lingering effect of the whole drama. I make an appointment to see my shrink, whom I haven’t seen in a while, and open my laptop to check email. I’m happy to see a response back from the architecture firm I contacted early last week. I read through their response, which confirms an appointment to meet with the firm’s hiring manager for an entry-level position. I’m so excited, I immediately call Cole.

  “Hey, sleepy head.”

  “Ha… well I might have gotten up earlier if someone hadn’t kept me up all night.”

  “Are you saying you need more beauty sleep? Because I think you’re gorgeous.” Charmer.

  “Listen, I have some news.”


  “Remember when I sent my resume to that architecture firm? Well, guess who has a meeting next week with the hiring manager?” It’s only an interview, but I’m actually bouncing around talking to him.

  “Wow. Are you sure you’re ready?” My excitement is immediately doused. What the fuck, Parker?

  “Can you tell me what that means? Be specific. Do you think I’m not ready? Because I am super excited about this, I was excited to share it with you, and you just made me feel like crap.”

  “Stop, I’m not looking for a fight. It’s just with everything that’s happened, I don’t want you to rush or push yourself. I’m worried, baby, that’s all.” Damn him. I can’t be mad at him for being thoughtful, but why does he want to smother me just as I’m finding wings again?

  “Cole, I know you only want what’s best for me, but you can’t treat me like some fragile victim from now on. You are the one who said you just want to start our life together. Well, this is what it looks like. I don’t want to be on hold anymore! And I am deliriously happy being your wife and spending your money and living in this amazing penthouse, but I am young, I have interests and dreams, and I don’t think you would want me if I was some dim witted little damsel in distress. I want to be myself again, with goals and plans and a future we can look forward to together. I need you to support that and get on board. Yes or no?

  “Mia, if you are done putting me in my place, then I will make sure to bring dinner home. Make sure you have champagne ready, for your celebration.” I can tell he is smiling through the phone, and I’m sure it matches the smile that is plastered on my own face.

  “Is that all I should have ready, champagne?”

  “If you are asking, then I will expect you in garters and those lovely black heels you have with the red bottoms.” I hear the clicking on his keyboard stop.

  “… just the garters and heels?” I say this in a whisper. Knowing I have his full and undivided attention makes my body hot.

  “Where are you, Mia?”

  “Our room.”

  “Lie down on the bed.”

  “I’m down…” My body is on fire.

  “Listen to me very carefully, Mrs. Parker. I want you to close your eyes and run your hands down your body. Are you doing that, Mia?” Oh yes I am!

  I can barely make out an audible answer; my throat is so dry. I am already breathing heavily, my body responding to his voice and commands.

  “Put your fingers on that gorgeous clit and start slow. Can you feel me rubbing you? Can you feel my fingers pushing inside you?” He is growling low into the phone and his voice makes me shiver.

  I arch my back to ease the desire, but it doesn’t work. I am soaked for him, my body building toward climax when I suddenly hear through the phone, “Mr. Parker, there are some gentlemen here to see you.”

  I giggle, caught completely off guard. Cole sounds amused, saying, “I guess our fun is cut short for now, but I will pick up where we left off tonight, baby.”

  “I love you, Cole.”

  “You more.” We hang up.

  I cut Foster loose a half hour before Cole gets home, to get myself ready for the night ahead. We’ll be celebrating my interview, but I ‘m definitely hoping he will celebrate my body, too. I choose some sexy lingerie, light the candles, and set the table in a romantic spread.

  Checking the clock I know he will be home any minute, so I arrange myself at the table, trying to look seductive. After five minutes, I tr
y his cell. After fifteen, I call his office. After a half hour, I leave a message for Foster.

  I will not assume the worst, I will not assume the worst. This is the mantra I keep repeating. It’s not unlike Cole to work late, and after taking so much time off lately he needs to put in some incredibly long hours to catch up, so it may be nothing.

  But it isn’t like him to not answer his phone or call me right back… and where the hell is Foster? Stay calm, Mia. Cole will walk through that door any minute and you can’t let him see how off the rails you are.

  After an hour of calling, texting, and leaving messages, I change into sweats and wash my make-up off. I sit down on the couch and flip on the television. I leave it on the news, desperate for some background noise. They’re talking about a girl who was murdered in her apartment. Apparently, she was dead and left unfound for a month. Ugh.

  I flip the TV off and toss the remote onto the couch. How does someone go forgotten for months?! That poor girl…

  Lost in thought, I almost miss seeing my phone screen light up. I grab for it and hear Foster’s voice.

  “Mia… Cole has been arrested for the murder of Carter Williams.”

  Wow! I don’t even know where to begin, this feels like a dream. Just knowing that people are reading my words makes my head spin and I am so unbelievably grateful!! Words could never express how deep my gratitude runs for all of you but most importantly the people that have held my hand and given me such strength. Thank you to my girls, my soulmates, Gretchen, Ellie, Dionne, Britt, and Tye…I would never have had the courage to do this if it wasn’t for you. Gretchen, you are the devil because the devil is in the details!!! You literally helped this story come to life! You are the best car note-taker ever!

  Thank you to the best editor in the world, Beth Kallman Werner! Your patience and guidance have meant the world to me. Thank you for always knowing exactly what it is I am trying to say and helping me to get there.

  Verdette Ibong-Konkol, you are amazing. I don’t know where you get your energy but thank you for putting it all to use and helping me get this to everyone who wants to read it!

  Thanks to Sarah @Okaycreations for designing the most exquisite cover! I love it so much.

  Big shout out to @champagnedesigns for the formatting my book and making it beautiful!

  Huge shout-out to the bloggers and reviewers for taking a chance on a new author and giving me so much love!! You guys are simply the best and I am so thankful for all you do!!

  Thank you, everyone, who reads this! I will be forever grateful that you chose me!

  Lastly, thank you to my husband and babies, for enduring endless hours of my fretting and losing my shit because I was freaking out over this process! You guys gave me so much love and support and you never, ever doubted I would be a success. I love you more than I ever knew I could and I am always a success because you love me.

  Carter Williams is dead.

  “How the hell did this happen, Foster? Cole wasn’t anywhere near Carter. Did he die from something caused by Cole hitting him that night? I don’t understand.” My screeching increased. “I just want answers!” My heart is pounding as I grab clothes to put on. Just an hour ago, I was dressed in barely anything, waiting for Cole to come home and devour me, now I’m moments away from a full-scale panic attack.

  “I’m operating on very little information. I need for you to call your lawyers because my hands are tied now. He is being questioned and held downtown. I don’t know how long I can keep it all quiet before the media gets a hold of it. The only Hail Mary is that all of this happened in the middle of the night. Once morning breaks, so do the stories…” Media?!… I am not prepared for this. I don’t even know how to navigate all of this. The momentary thought stops me in my tracks. What am I doing? Not only am I failing my husband, but I’m responsible for bringing this all on him. This is all my fault and I don’t even know the name of his fucking lawyers! I don’t know what to do. I feel my panic rise and my phone beeps. Pulling away, I see it’s my mom and just like that, my focus regains, because I know she will know what to do.

  “Foster, I have to ring you back… Mom, please tell me you already know…”

  “Yes, I’m coming up. Richard has reached out to the best criminal attorney in the city. He’s heading downtown now. Get dressed, if you aren’t already.” I hear the elevator doors open and relief floods my body to see her walk in. She looks beautiful and elegant, but most importantly she looks calm. I need someone calm, because I am all inner turmoil.

  “Mom, thank you for coming over so quickly! I need you. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m not sure where to begin with all of this. What do I do?”

  “Honey, where else would I be? Now listen, you’re going to need to pull it together because this is what we do, Mia, as wives of very powerful men, we handle things with grace and most importantly composure.” My mother is a badass… if I’ve ever wondered, now I know.

  “Okay.” Letting out a deep breath of determination. “I need to speak to the attorney, ASAP.”

  After spending too much time on the phone with the attorney Richard retained, I understand that they are waiting to release Cole and he’s being held at the precinct. While listening to the attorney, Alex rushes in, yelling about photographers by the front entrance. I hang up the phone and immediately walk into the living room to hear more, noticing that morning has apparently arrived.

  “Grace! It’s unreal, they are everywhere, just waiting to nab a pic of Mia or Cole, it’s all over the news!” She waves her hands in the air and grabs the remote. As soon as the television comes to life, the headline reads ‘Communications mogul arrested for murder.’ Every channel she flips to there’s a headline reading something similar. Worse are the reports of his stock prices dropping. I’ve quite literally ruined his life. I won’t do this to him. I will find a way to fix this. I have no idea how, but I will figure out a way. My cell buzzes and I look down to see it’s Foster.

  “Hey, tell me you have some good news.”

  “I’ve got Cole. We are on our way to you.” Closing my eyes, relief floods my body.

  “Foster, there are paparazzi and news crews all over the front. Come the around back.”

  “On it,” and with that, we hang up.

  Looking up at everyone in my house, I can see their eyes trained on me, wondering what my conversation is about. “Cole has been arraigned and released. I love you, but everyone has to go. I need some privacy with my husband.” I realize I seem cold and removed, but I don’t care right now. “I need to have some hard conversations with Cole and I do not need an audience.” I hug everyone and reassure them that I’ll keep everyone posted as I walk them to the door.

  The minute everyone is gone, I feel a sweeping sense of regret. The emptiness is almost unbearable, the waiting feels traumatic. When I hear the elevator ring, I begin a full sprint toward the doors. I truly have never had such relief mixed with agony. Cole looks up with his suit jacket in hand, tired and depleted. I leap at him wrapping my arms around his neck and sending him back a few steps.

  “Shhh, don’t cry, I’m okay. I’m okay.” I don’t even register my tears; I can’t think of anything other than never letting go of this man.

  “I’m so sorry, Cole. This is my fault. I caused this and I swear I’ll fix it! I’ve ruined your life!! I just love you so much and I’m so damned sorry!”

  “Stop, Mia, don’t do that…don’t do that to us. We are more than stock prices. I’m okay. I didn’t kill him, so don’t worry.” I pull back to look him, in to those beautiful eyes and realize he might think I doubt his innocence.

  “Cole,” I whisper letting him go and standing in front of him, “of course you’re innocent, but it wouldn’t matter to me otherwise. It wouldn’t matter if you did it. I’m here, for good. I don’t care if that makes me a crazy person. I’m here… no matter.” I don’t know how to express the depths of my love for him. I honestly wouldn’t care if he’d done it because I know that if he
was ever forced to make a decision like that, it wouldn’t be because he was a monster, but because he was protecting me. I am his and he is mine, forever.

  “You are amazing, Mia.” His eyes bore into my soul, down to the depths that are filled with an endless amount of love for this man. I hope that in this moment he can feel my dedication to him. Silently answering my question, he leans down and kisses me, lingering as he pulls back just enough that I can feel him start to smile.

  “We have a conversation to have now that we’ve had our ‘love yous’”, he smiles as he brushes a stray hair from my forehead.

  “I know, trust me, I have questions and I expect answers.”

  His lips pressing into a hard line and nod is all the recognition I need as acknowledgment to the seriousness of this impending conversation.

  We make our way to the couch and sit down facing each other. I usually loved when tensions built between us, but this kind of tension truly sucks.

  “Go first. Honestly, I don’t even know where to start,” exasperated breath.

  Looking directly at me, Cole takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak.

  “Wait,” I interrupt. “How? Why do they think you’re responsible? Start there. Explain why your name is even in the mix. I just don’t get it, Cole, I know you lost it when they arrested him at the hotel, is that why? Did you hit him so hard that it caused his death later? I mean, you’re strong, but that’s Hulk-like strength. Besides it appears too much time would have passed. I feel like there’s a piece I’m missing. Explain this to me, tell me I’m crazy and that you had nothing to do with his death. I mean—” I am cut off mid panic by hot and tender lips, my eyes close and I feel exactly what I need. Cole. We linger in the moment allowing ourselves to connect. My body needs him, I need to feel this tether. Without it, I’m lost and panicked and clearly, Cole could feel and see it too.


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