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The Forever Series

Page 17

by Trilina Pucci

  Pulling away Cole runs his thumb across my bottom lip and smiles, “Sorry, I had to pull out the big guns to make you calm down. Take a breath, baby. I don’t have anything to do with his murder. But, and this is something you need to stay calm for even though I didn’t kill him, I’m not innocent of wanting or almost actually taking his life.”

  Fuck. There it is. The words I was hoping wouldn’t come out of his mouth. I feel numb and I’m waiting for the panic, or maybe the fear to come over me, but all I feel is rage. I’m so damned mad at him. I can feel the distinct need to choke him to death!

  “Goddamnit! Cole! You are a son of a bitch. I can’t believe you! If I didn’t love you so much, I would kill you. Choke you to death right now. I mean, what the hell were you thinking, because going to jail and leaving me a sad little, lonely wife is NOT an option!” I realize that I’m yelling when I see the look on his face and feel my arms waving around.

  Sitting with his hands raised and his eyebrows paired to match, he frowns. “Baby, I’m sorry. Please understand, I was filled with rage after he hurt you again and I will not apologize for protecting you. I went to the hospital with the intention to take his life, but I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t do that to us; become that kind of monster. Risk that kind of future for us. I’m sorry, Mia, but I’m not sorry he’s dead.”

  Closing my eyes, I lean my head back and try to steady my mind and let what he’s saying sink in. The reality is I believe I would’ve probably done the same thing in his shoes and I can’t expect him to behave any differently than I would. The truth is that Carter was a monster that tried to take my life from me twice, I have zero sympathy for his death.

  I open my eyes with a steadying breath and say, “Me neither, and you don’t owe me an apology. I’m sorry I yelled, but I am so overwhelmed by this shit! I feel like I’m losing my mind, Cole.”

  “I know, when it rains it really pours. I promise we’ll get through this. Trust me?” Holding his hand out toward me, he shrugs his shoulders and I can see he needs me to reassure him that we’re okay.

  “Always,” I promise, taking his hand.

  For the next hour, Cole tells me how the hospital video from his aborted attempt on Carter’s life was the karmic assbite that the police used to link him to Carter. Our conversation is interrupted by the arrival of our attorney, who, once settled explains that the case is so circumstantial that he feels incredibly secure in saying that Cole will not be charged with murder. Although, the publicity caused by this has already done its damage. I leave them while they continue to talk about strategy. My head is spinning and I just need to catch my breath. Walking out to the terrace, I place my hands on the railing and take a deep breath. I can’t make sense of it all. Why is this craziness happening to me? Seriously, all I want is to live my life with Cole and do some basic shit. Maybe have a couple of kids, get a job, go on vacation. Jesus, Mia, stop feeling sorry for yourself, you act like someone is out to get you. The minute I process the thought, I turn on my heels and head back into the den where Cole is sitting with the lawyer.

  “Sorry, did the police discover the tape themselves?” Both men stare at me processing my interruption. “The video of Cole at the hospital,” I continue. “I just, I mean, it seems strange that they would go back so far past when he died to look for links. Why that particular day and footage?”

  Cole looks to the attorney and raises his brows and I can see that he understands my train of thought.

  “Yes, Mrs. Parker, you are correct. It states in the report how they were notified.” Sorting through all the paperwork laid out in front of him. “Here we are, -anonymous tip, that’s unusual.” Cole and I lock eyes.

  “So, there is someone out to get us,” I whisper.

  Cole picks up the phone and I know he’s calling Foster. Standing, he walks over and kisses the top of my head as he walks out of the room. I look at his attorney and smile, knowing that Cole walked out because his plans are not for anyone else’s ears but his and Foster and honestly, I’m okay with it. I know he’ll tell me, but they probably aren’t to be shared with the lawyer.

  “He’s lucky to have you on his side. You two are a good support system for each other.”

  “Thank you. I’m the lucky one. He is everything to me and I expect that you will do everything within your abilities to protect him and break him free from this insanity,” I end, smiling, only to keep our conversation on a friendlier note. He might think I was crazy if I started demanding all his certifications and college transcripts.

  “Yes, we are committed to that exact purpose. This was very premature and they will never get this to trial. I’m pretty confident that charges will not be filed and we can put this to bed in a week or so.”

  “Oh, I thought when he was arrested he was also charged? These legal terms are tricky when you aren’t very well acquainted with the law.” I respond with a small laugh. “But wait, why would the police rush to arrest Cole?”

  Leaning in conspiratorially, “Word on the street is that Carter’s parents called in a favor. They’re incredibly upset, understandably, and I can only assume, but I think they blame Cole because of how badly beaten Carter was after your attack. His parents have blinders on. They don’t believe their son was a monster. They believe he was sick.”

  Before I can stop myself, I spit out, “I guess our definitions of sick are different. He was a monster, but I can’t imagine losing a child, so I won’t even go there.”

  I stare off as he starts to clear his things and packs up. A part of me feels for the Williams’, he was their only son and even though I hate him, it wasn’t always that way. What drives people to become monsters? I remember Carter when we were younger and he was quiet and nice, just always a bit on the awkward side. I would have never considered him dangerous. I met him my senior year in high school when my mother married Richard. She met and fell in love with Richard during her divorce from her second husband. He was her silver lining. I had only met and been in the same room with Carter three or four times when I was being forced to attend some party with my mother. The only time his behavior gave me pause was when we both went away to college. It was during the summer when we were back home and an old friend threw a party. I remember him asking me to dance and just being so incredibly pushy and handsy. After I pushed him away, he said something so hateful that I couldn’t shake the creep factor for quite some time.

  “Ahh!” I yell when I feel hands on my arms. Cole’s return brings me back to the present.

  “Hey, you okay?” he asks, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

  “I am, I love you. I’m just tired,” I press up to my toes for a kiss granted.

  “I know it’s been crazy, but can I ask a favor?”


  “I just ordered lunch for us, but I was really hoping that the little number laying on the floor in our room, could make its appearance.”

  Is he kidding, he has lost his mind. We are in the middle of a crisis and we haven’t slept all night and he wants to have sex. I swear this man will be my death. My eyes grow even wider as the attorney walks back in the room briefcase in hand and looks between the two of us.

  “Have you lost your mind? Please tell me you aren’t serious,” I whisper, pushing past him to walk toward the waiting lawyer.

  Cole lowers his mouth to the back of my head and stops me in my place, and in a very low and husky voice growls, “I am deadly serious, I have been inside a police station for most of the night when I just wanted to be inside my wife. I’m not asking, I’m telling you, I would like to fuck my wife. I would like her to put on the tiny lingerie set and let me rip it the fuck off with my teeth before I bury my cock inside her.” Pulling away from the back of my ear, he reaches past me saying goodbye to the attorney and thanking him again for his prompt service.

  As he escorts the man to the door, I stand in soaked panties, breathing heavy with eyes closed. I swear I almost came from
his words alone. As I hear the door click, I open my eyes, knowing that the only thing stopping Cole from attacking me was the presence of the lawyer and now it’s on. A smile breaks across my face and I run, not walk, to the bedroom, throwing off my clothes to put on the lingerie as fast as possible. I trip getting out of my pants and tumble to the ground, giggling the whole way down and freeze when I see him in the doorway.

  “Ummm, hi… you aren’t supposed to see this part! I’m supposed to be all sexy and vava voom when you get here. Get out and come back,” I laugh, while I struggle out of my pants.

  His laugh booms and he is immediately stalking toward me. “You look damn sexy as you are and frankly, I don’t want any vava voom anything. I want you naked. Now.” His voice is barely above a growl.

  I start laughing harder when he starts pulling at my clothes with me, unable to release me. I’m in full hysteria when he starts cursing at my pants.

  “Mia! What the fuck. Did you tape them on? Why is this so hard?” he asks as he finally frees me from them.

  “Shut up, you fool. I thought you had big plans for me?” I question with a sly smile.

  “Oh, I have plans for you, sweetheart.” Pulling me to my feet, he bends and throws me right his shoulder. Slapping my bottom, he walks us to the bed and flops me down on the mattress. Reaching behind him, he grabs his shirt, pulling it over his head, chucking it to the floor. He stands, staring at me all male and gorgeous, with his contoured abs and broad shoulders. I can see his jaw tick as my eyes make their way up his body. Feeling hunted by this beast of a man, I start to scoot back, feeling as if I’m the prey.

  “Freeze. Don’t you fucking move back, scoot your gorgeous ass to the end of this bed and spread your legs. NOW!” he commands as he yanks open his fly and removes his pants. He grabs himself and pulls long strokes as he approaches me. Without stopping, he takes his left hand and grips around my waist, pulling my hips off the bed and thrusts inside of me in one motion.

  “Ahhhhh,” is all I can yell out, my body feels like it’s exploding and I can honestly say this is the closest I have ever been to an out of body experience. We stay like that for what feels like an eternity and then he begins to move punishingly slow and sensual. Every receptor in my body is lit like a Christmas tree.

  Cole makes love to me that way through the morning, and each time I’m caressed, cared for and worshipped. When we finally sleep, I dream of our life together and our babies, it’s the kind of dream that makes you keep your eyes closed long after you’ve woken.

  Waking, I realize that we’ve slept through the afternoon into the evening. Padding into the living room, I grab the delivered lunch. Thank God for concierge! I bring it back into the bedroom. Nudging Cole, I wake him gently, “Baby, you should wake up and eat.”

  “No, I want to sleep,” he pouts grumpily, rolling over and putting the pillow over his head.

  “Stop being adorable and wake the fuck up.”

  “If I open my eyes, Mia, those noodles aren’t the only thing that I am eating.”

  “Oh, my God! Cole, if you think threatening me with oral sex is a deterrent, then you really don’t know how amazing you are at it. Get up!”

  With an exaggerated groan, he opens his eyes and smiles dreamily. Wrapping both arms around my waist, he pulls me close to him and buries his face in my lap and mumbles, “food smells great.”

  I laugh and smack his back, “Eat this, you fool.” Playfully handing him the container of Lo-Mein we ordered earlier.

  Cole and I sit in bed enjoying our food and chatting about how jail is not as romantic as any of the television shows we watch. After finishing our meal, he lives up to his promise and makes me his dessert. Holding me tight we fall into our second slumber of the harrowing day. I don’t think he could have held me closer to him and I was happy for it. The reality of having him taken away from me has only cemented me to him more.

  Sitting at the island in the kitchen, I sip my coffee with a satisfied grin. Cole nuzzles my neck and kisses it, sending a delicious chill down my spine.

  “Thank you,” he winks with a smile and licks his lips.

  “Mmmm, anything for my gorgeous husband,” I reply sexily. I was more than happy to wake him up this morning with a reminder as to why women should always be on top. Reaching for me, he pulls me off my stool and flush to his body while he nips, sucks and kisses my neck more.

  “Cole!” I giggle.

  “What?” he asks lazily. “You taste incredible.”

  A loud throat clearing accompanied by a sound of disgust catches our joint attention. Cole grumbles something into my neck and releases me. Laughing, I turn and see Foster standing uncomfortably next to Alex, who is smiling, big and bright. A little too bright for her normal demeanor.

  “So, are you trying to traumatize us?” Alex motions back and forth between her and Foster. “Or are you just trying to make up for lost time? I hear time in the big house can be super hard on a relationship.”

  “Alex!” I yell, suppressing my smile. It was only an evening, but her humor could go south.

  “Fuck you, Alex, did you bring coffee? Mia always massacres it.”

  What! These two are treacherous friends and I’m glad they are both on my side. I jump off my stool and slap Cole’s arm and point my finger at him to let him know I heard him and he will pay. He responds back with a wink as Alex puts the coffee in front of him. She walked past to hug me and to throw her stuff on the couch.

  “Hey, do you have my phone?” Alex asks, looking up and I draw my brows together wondering why she is asking me until I realize she is looking past me at a very embarrassed Foster. Um, what in the world? Cole must be just as interested as I am in the answer because he comes to stand by me and gawk at Foster.

  We turn and look at each other and he waggles his eyebrows, looking back at Foster, “Do tell, Foster. Do you have Alex’s phone? Was it left in the back of the car or at your place?”

  I giggle, my eyes big, leaning closer toward Foster listening for his answer.

  “Back of the car,” Foster spits out through gritted teeth as he holds the phone out toward Alex. Narrowing his eyes as Alex approaches, I notice a glint in his eyes and watch as his grimace becomes a full-blown smile when she reaches to take it from his hand.

  “Don’t worry, grump, I’m sure nobody will believe that we are sleeping together.”

  I’m going to have a heart attack!

  “Uh, what, Alex! Seriously, you are incorrigible,” he turns to Cole. “I’ll be downstairs if needed.” Shaking his head as he walks away.

  “Sure, no problem,” Cole sounds just as amused as I am from their exchange. “Text me if you come across any additional information regarding our conversation earlier.”

  Foster nods as he leaves.

  I look at Alex. “Spill!”

  “What? What do you mean?” She feigns innocence, touching her hand to her chest mimicking shock and awe.

  “Don’t you dare! Alex, spill! Are you sleeping with Foster?”

  She looks between me and Cole. I can tell she’s debating whether to tell us a juicy story.

  “He won’t care,” I smile, motioning to Cole. “You’re always saying that Foster is too tightly wound and he should get laid, right?” I ask, looking at Cole.

  “I couldn’t care less what he does in his spare time so long as he does his job. Alex, are you what he’s doing in his spare time?” He questions laughingly and I join him.

  “A lady does not speak of such things,” she answers.

  I pinch Cole before he can say what I know he’s going to say.

  “Ow! Damn, woman! I wasn’t going to call her a woman of the night!”

  I just shake my head as Alex tosses a napkin toward us. No matter how hard we try to pull it out of her, it seems that whatever is happening between them is going to remain between them. After chatting for a bit, Cole excuses himself to his office to make calls and dive into damage control, leaving Alex and I to sit and talk.

p; “How are you holding up?” she asks, concern etched on her face.

  “I mean, I think pretty well. We seem to be a magnet for trouble,” adding more melodrama than needed.

  “Stop it, you know that isn’t true. You two are stronger together and you will weather this storm. I’m sure you could use a break, though.”

  “I just want to chill with my husband and do normal stuff. I hate that Carter has still found ways to hurt me, even from the grave.” I close my eyes feeling the weight solidly landing on my shoulders.

  Reaching out to take my hand, Alex nods understandingly. “I get it. I wish I could help.”

  “You are, just by hanging out with me. I’m also thankful that you were able to make light of all of this and allow Cole to laugh.”

  “No worries, he’s my homie.”

  “Homie? Seriously, you are such a nerd.”

  “Whatevs, I’m down with the kids!” Only she could use a Twilight reference for real life!

  At that, we start laughing, the kind of laughter you only share with your best friend. The kind where you are doubled over for absolutely no reason at all. Taking deep breaths to try and calm ourselves, I stand to get something to drink in the kitchen.

  “You want something?”

  “Nah, I’m good. You know what I was thinking about? Do you remember that night at the Sigma Chi House when we ran into Carter? You were so creeped out after that, I wish we would’ve known what a monster he was then, it would have saved us some serious trouble!”

  “I was thinking about that night today, actually. In school, I never really had too many instances with him. I didn’t really know him. When we met at the party, I honestly didn’t remember him.”

  “Totally! I remember he was such an asshole in college. Every girl that I knew that dated him said he was a douchebag.” She shivers as if the memory grosses her out.

  “Well, I guess karma is a bitch.”

  Silenced stretched between us and I regretted my callousness, but I just couldn’t get past my hatred for him.


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