Book Read Free

The Forever Series

Page 19

by Trilina Pucci

  “Holy Shit! Foster.” I squeal as I hunch over to not be seen.

  “Mia, he isn’t in the car. I wouldn’t expose my wife to anyone! I can control myself a bit more than that, though clearly, you little horn-dog, have a harder time. I mean, I’ve been told by others that I’m irresistible, so I can understand the difficulty.” Smiling down at me with that ridiculous grin and rubbing his chin, he laughs at me.

  “Others? What others? I’ll have them killed,” I wink, trying to straighten out my shirt as to not flash anyone.

  “Baby, the only opinion that matters, is yours. However, I do like to make the twins happy,” he reaches out to caress my breasts. I respond with a giggle and look out the window to make sure the coast is clear.

  “You may have to give me your jacket so that I keep them hidden.”

  “Honey, we are alone. Foster has already left with the other car.”

  “Another car? What other car?”

  “That’s what we were talking about before we left, I had the other security team escort us so that he could ride back. We are alone, completely and totally alone. Don’t worry though, the team isn’t too far away if needed.”

  Taking my cue, I take off my shirt completely exposing myself and arch my back slightly. Pulling the chopstick out of my hair, I let it fall down my back in the most seductive way possible and purr, “Well then, are you going to fuck me in this car or what?”

  Before I finish, Cole grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap, bending me forward, forcing me to grip the front seats to stabilize myself. Holding one large, warm hand in the middle of my back to keep me leaned forward, he pulls up the skirt I am wearing until it is bunched at my waist.

  “Mia, you are being a very needy girl right now, I can feel how much you want me,” he croons as he pushes my underwear to the side and draws his fingers through my wet folds. The feeling is so intense that I try and arch my back, only to be met with the force of his hand holding me in place.

  Grinding his cock into my backside, he leans forward and kisses my back and grabs a fistful of hair at the base of my neck, pulling my hair back. It leaves just enough pain and pleasure.

  “Ahhh, that feels so good, baby. Your ass is my kryptonite,” Cole growls as he grinds his hard length into me. I can feel his fingers gripping my waist and pulling me into him for what is the sexiest dry fuck I’ve ever experienced. Reaching his hand back down to my wetness, he grips the lace panties and pulls harshly, ripping them from my body, the sting causing me to jump and let out a gasp.

  “Is this what you want, Mia? Do you want me to fuck you bent over in this car?”

  “Yes, Cole! Fuck me hard.” I barely make out the words through my stuttered breaths.

  I hear the zip, the rustle of his pants as he pushes me forward farther toward the front of the car, only to be pulled back just as quickly and impaled by his cock.

  “Ah,” I scream. “Yes!”

  “Hold the seat, sweetheart,” he dominates through gritted teeth and I do as I am told as he begins to buck wildly, fucking me so hard that my body starts to feel like jelly.

  “Fuckfuckfuck, Cole! I’m gonna come, omg, yes!”

  “Wait for me baby, just hold still.”

  I try to grind back meeting his thrusts with my own, but the sensations have taken over and all I can think about is the burning sensation ripping through my body as Cole literally fucks my entire body into a numbed state of bliss. Just when I feel like I can’t hold on any longer, I feel him grip my shoulder and lean into my body grinding in with such force that my arms give and he alone is holding us up.

  “Now, Mia, come with me.”

  I swear I see stars as blinding light rips through my body with so much intensity, making my entire body soar as I let out a guttural, feral scream, “Cole!”

  Following me, I can feel Cole’s growl against the back of my neck as he pushes once more and releases himself inside of me. We are so connected that I can feel his cock twitch as we hold still and try to regain ourselves through harsh breaths, our chests heaving. His hands still digging into me, not ready to let go.

  “Holy fuck.” He smiles against my back, gently bringing us back to a seated position, with me on his lap and him still inside of me.

  “Yep. There is a good chance that I broke a rib,” I feel my sides laughing. Cole responds by kissing my back and down my arms. I feel him twitch inside of me. Smiling, I look over my shoulder and ask, “Are you already set for round two?”

  “I’m always ready for you, baby, but I would prefer if round two was inside of our house, not in the car. You know, for the sake of your ribs and all.”

  I pull myself up, releasing him from me and try and right myself next to him. He grabs my hands and kisses the backs after buttoning his jeans.

  “Wanna see your present?”

  My present! I had almost forgotten. Sex with Cole has a way of making me forget that anything else exists.

  “Yes!” I squeal, feeling like a little kid at Christmas.

  We exit the car, Cole first and then with his help, me. Looking up, I see the most breathtakingly beautiful gift. The house is a one story, shingled cottage, although cottage isn’t really the right word. It’s bigger than a cottage but doesn’t lack the charm. It has a large porch with a swing and four steps that lead up. The double glass door entry is framed by the honeysuckle that grows along the overhang of the porch. I run-hop from excitement to the door followed by a laughing Cole who proceeds to pick me up and wink before he carries me over the threshold. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I whisper, “I love you,” and he smiles at me one last time before setting me down and turning me around to take in, what is now easily considered as my dream house.

  “Oh, my goodness,” I gasp, cupping my hands over my mouth. It’s hands-down gorgeous. The entry opens to a foyer that opens to a study with French doors on the right and a few more feet down to a large formal dining area, past that a huge great room with tall ceilings and glass accordion walls leads out to an outdoor patio equipped with a built-in fireplace and kitchen, all framed by a large expanse of grass leading to a dock that sits on the most gorgeous glass-like body of water.

  “Cole, it’s perfect,” I breathe out.

  Cole walks up behind me and whispers into my ear, “I want to have babies with you here. I want us to raise our babies here.” He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my head.

  I feel my throat constrict, making it hard to swallow as I try and hold back my tears. I can picture it. I can see our children running around in the grass doing cartwheels and our friends sitting outside on Adirondack chairs as we watch them play. I want all of that, except currently, our lives are at a standstill because Cole is being charged with a heinous crime and the fallout from this may ruin us, but I can’t say that.

  I won’t ruin his hope, so I say the next best thing, “One day, baby, one day.”

  We stand silently, looking out at our view when he finally speaks again. “Let’s make one day, this day.”

  Caught off guard, I turn to look into his face. “Cole, you can’t be serious.” I thought this was going to be the end of it, I am shocked at his denial or straight up delusional state right now. “You can’t actually be serious… with everything going on, you want to knock me up?”

  Moving away from me, he waves his hand dismissively in the air saying, “Forget it, sorry I brought it up. If you don’t want kids you should have just said so.”

  What the fuck. First, we fight, then we fuck. So now we fight again? I will not do this with him again today.

  “Don’t you dare. Have you lost your mind? I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I want to go back to that happy moment, the one that happened three minutes ago. Of course, I want to have your babies. I just don’t want to be knocked up during all this stress and frankly, I’m pretty fucking shocked you would want that for me,” I huff, crossing my arms across my chest readying for the fight.

  “Fuck, Mia, I’m
sorry. Of course, we wait, of course. I’m just grasping for some happy in the middle of all this shit. Can we just pretend, for this weekend, that I am not a murder suspect? Can we just jump into our future, without actually knocking you up?”

  My heart almost melts at the look of need on his face. He needs a break. My poor sweet husband has opened his heart up and laid it out. If he needs to pretend for three days, then I will be the best fucking actress of all time.

  Walking over, I kiss his lips and say, “Are we having a girl or boy first?”

  Smiling, he answers, “Twins, one of each.”

  “Omg, Cole! You are a psychopath. No way, that isn’t a fantasy! I’m tired just thinking about it!” I laugh, swatting his arm.

  After having a conversation about our future kids, Cole shows me the rest of the house, including our bedroom. We become intimately introduced to that room specifically, leaving us famished, so we sit outside by the fire, drink some wine and fill our bellies with the pasta made by my delicious husband.

  “I know I gave you attitude about your phone earlier, but I want to check in with Alex. I texted her earlier to tell her about the books. I want to know if she had a chance to swing by,” I smile sheepishly as I grab my phone from my purse.

  Taking a drink from his wine, he smiles and shakes his head. “It will be hard, but I can be the bigger person…”

  I roll my eyes knowing that he is really going to let this live for a bit. “Oh, thanks. You are such a good person,” I snark as I toss a pillow his way.

  I shoot off a quick text and toss my phone on the table.

  “What were you saying earlier about Sherlock Holmesing it?” he asks with a mouthful of pasta

  “Gross.” I laugh. “It was Murder She Wrote. Get your shows straight.”

  “Clearly, you are passionate about your Angela Lansbury trivia.”

  “HA! She is bomb!”

  “I won’t disagree, but what were you talking about?” he asks, setting his plate aside to give me his full attention.

  “It’s nothing, really, I just had this thought that has been bugging me ever since Carter was bailed out by his cousin. I didn’t really know Carter and his family well, but we knew some of the same people, so I was hoping that maybe I could find something in one of my scrapbooks that would make sense. I don’t remember him, but I mean, I’m sure he had some friends and maybe they could help us out. I just wonder who would have bailed him out, especially considering the charges and the fact that his own parents want him put away in a hospital. Alex remembers he used to hang out with some sad guy and I don’t, so… I was just, I don’t know… trying to connect some dots.” I’m not sure why, but I feel embarrassed or self-conscious once I say it all out loud. I mean, what do I think I’m going to find. I feel like a child, naïve and silly. I look away, not wanting to see Cole’s reaction.

  “What are you looking away for, don’t be like that. I think it’s cool that you want to help. Can I look, too?” His voice is soft as he sweetly pulls me closer to him.

  “Don’t make fun of me!” I spit out pushing back against him.

  “Mia, baby, I’m not… swear. I totally get it, you want to feel like you’re doing something to help rather than feeling helpless. I get it and frankly, it’s a great place to begin. I bet we can find something in those books.” His voice is sweet and understanding, serving to help me accept him at his word.

  “Thank you.” I smile and nestle my head on his shoulder, snuggling closer because it was getting colder outside and because I love him.

  “You want to make the fire bigger, sweetheart?” Cole asks, standing and walking toward our outdoor fireplace.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Anything for my baby.” He winks, looking back over his broad shoulders.

  We stay outside until late into the night, drinking wine and laughing. It’s a perfect night and I’m sure we have drama waiting back home, but right now, right here, we are perfect. Cole carries me into the house as the fire dies outside. He made love to me three times tonight. We stay up until the early morning just worshipping each other’s bodies. Wrapping ourselves in blankets, we walk out to the deck at the end of the property line where the grass meets the lake. Cole sits me in his lap and wraps his blanket around the both of us, and we sit and watch the sunrise in silence.

  “Shit!” I think I missed Mia’s call last night. I’m sure she was just calling to brag about her new lake house, I mean, what the fuck! I need a rich husband, or maybe his head of security. I shake the thought off as soon as it settles in. I cannot keep making a fool of myself. No matter how hard I pursue Foster, he treats me like a stupid girl with a crush. Ugh! I can’t even really talk to Mia about it, because she would kill me if she knew how forward I’d been. He’s just so sexy and serious and forget about the fact that he looks like he could rip your head off with just his pinky. Get a grip, Alex! My phone dings pulling me out of my daydream and I pull it out of my pocket to see it’s a text from Mia.

  Hey, those scrapbooks and old yearbooks are being left at my place today…you totally don’t have to but if you get a chance, I left your name with the front, they will let you up… please don’t feel obligated.

  Love you

  Sweet, maybe I can get Foster alone. OMG! I seriously cannot get my downstairs lady to chill out. How horny am I, he is just a guy… who has zero interest in me… or her!

  I try to focus on work and the rest of my day, but I pretty much just keep thinking about different scenarios where I find myself alone with Foster. I’m ridiculous and I know it. My co-workers are going to start to notice me lost in a dream world, especially since I’m known for being so focused. I shake my head to re-start, and dive into my paperwork. Busy work is the best part of working at the magazine. I love the high energy and pace, especially on days like today.

  Heading home at the end of the day, I start to send off a text to Mia to let her know I am going to run by her place tonight when BAM, I run right into someone.

  “Whoa! Buddy, watch where you’re going!”

  Looking up I am stunned into silence because lo and behold, Jack, of all the assholes to run into.

  “Wow, sorry, so sorry… wait a minute, Alex?”

  All I can do is shake my head because I’m sure as hell not shaking the creeped out feeling that is taking over my body. I’m sure I watch way too many Criminal Minds shows, but this feels strange. I’ve never seen him by my building, never around here. I’m sure I’m just overly paranoid given all the things that have happened to my best friend, but he is weird.

  “Wow, I can’t believe I’m running into you.” Really? That’s all you’ve got?

  “Yeah, wow… are you stalking me? You should know that Mia isn’t with me,” I deadpan.

  “Jesus, well I guess I know whose side you’re on,” he laughs out.

  Realizing that I’m the one coming off as crazy, I try and smile, shaking my head as if to say, “no worries.” Honestly, I hope I do offend him. The guy was a total douche to Mia, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t give him shit.

  “Hey, I’m sorry, but I’m a little weary… I mean, you guys ended pretty badly and honestly, she is my best friend, so I’m always on her side. Duh!”

  “I get it, I was just being polite. I was always cool with you, so I have no reason to be rude to you in the middle of the street, ya know?”

  All right, dickhead, you don’t have to pretend you’re a nice guy.

  Jack looks down the street as if he’s looking for someone and then back to me. “Well, sorry again. It was nice to see you again. Out of curiosity, you heading to Mia’s? I mean, I just assume since her place is this way. I mean, thank goodness she moved out of her old place, what with all the drama there…”

  “What drama? The robbery?”

  “No, I mean obviously, there is that, but that girl that was killed downstairs. I heard her body was there for a while until the smell gave it away.” Tilting his head, he takes a step closer, loweri
ng his voice. “I’m surprised the police haven’t talked to you guys about it with you being young girls living in that building. I bet you had zero idea you were at such risk. That could’ve been you, Alex.” His voice is just a level above a whisper and something about his eyes look too distant. Welcome back creeped out feeling. Seriously, I knew he was a weirdo.

  “Yeah, sooo, I’m going to go now…” my skin crawling, I take steps backward to increase my distance from freak ass Jack.

  “Good to see you, Alex.” His disdain evident in his tone.

  As I walk away, I can’t help but look over my shoulder. I’m not sure how Mia talked to this guy for as long as she did. Talk about Dahmer vibes. Taking out my phone, I shoot a quick text to Foster about my run-in. I don’t feel bad, because I can easily convince myself this is pertinent info for him rather than just a reason for me to have contact.

  I make it to Mia’s penthouse and wait at the front for a minute for someone to let me up. Spying an envelope with my name, I snatch it off the desk and open to find a card key inside. Bingo! I leave the envelope with a written note, saying I got it and head up. As I walk in the door, my phone dings.

  I’m heading back into town this afternoon, where are you? I don’t want you around him. Stay public. I mean it.

  Overreact a bit, Foster? Lordy. I text back telling him not to worry, but I leave out the little bit about me being at Mia and Cole’s. I would rather it be a surprise. If I can’t get him alone, then I will surprise him into it! I’m a stalker. It’s official! If I’m being honest with myself, I am over the moon that he is protective over me even though I know it’s more about Cole and Mia than about me.

  I walk into the house and scan for the books. Not seeing anything, I walk into the kitchen to grab a soda and see them sitting on the kitchen counter. I’m not sure what we are even looking for, but Mia is right, maybe someone’s face will connect a memory and help us connect the dots between Carter and his cousin, but it’s more likely that I will just end up going down memory lane and laughing at how dumb we were.


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