Book Read Free

The Forever Series

Page 20

by Trilina Pucci

  I mindlessly start thumbing through the scrapbooks as I drink my soda, laughing occasionally at pictures of our younger selves. It’s hard to believe that Mia and I have been friends since eighth grade when my family moved to New York and we attended the same school. It really was love at first sight. We were instant besties and it’s always been that way. I don’t know what I would do without her and I’m fairly confident she would be a total nerd without me. I rifle through some of the other books until I see one peeking out from the bottom. I know exactly what’s in this one! Ahhh, the college years, not too far gone, but they feel like eons ago. Opening the scrapbook, I laugh, because who seriously scrapbooks? Like ever? Gotta love Mia. I am flipping page after page until right there, in the corner, a little fuzzy, but there. NO fucking way. No way!!!

  Reaching out for my phone, I try to connect the dots for what I’m seeing. This is so fucked; the implications are crazy. I need to take a picture of this and send to Mia. I zoom in on the picture and focus the camera on the page. As soon as I snap the picture, I hear a noise, like a door closing. Thank God, Foster!

  I pocket my phone and take off toward the front. “Oh my God, Foster, I have literally never been happier to see you! You will never believe what I just saw!” Rounding the corner, I feel dizzy, so dizzy. Stunned, I stop in my tracks. I’m so confused. Why can’t I focus? All I can taste is iron as I hear someone breathe in my ear.

  “That’s it, just go. I want you to die knowing that you can’t help your friend. I want you to die knowing that everyone you love will suffer.”

  I can’t stop checking my phone since getting the text from Alex. Fuck, this girl is the most distracting person. I can’t keep her out of my head no matter how hard I try. After dropping Cole and Mia off on Sunday, I’m heading back Monday afternoon to take care of some things in the city, but all I want to do is find that crazy girl and bury myself in her. I need to keep a clear head right now. I don’t have time to romance this girl when so much is on the line for Cole and I. I need to find answers and the end of this shit for him and Mia, so I can move on as well.

  When Cole met Mia, it was my intent to start my own security company, but when everything went down I couldn’t leave his side. Cole has always been like a brother to me, we kind of came up together. He made himself into the man he is now without family to help or encourage him. I lost my family as well at a young age, so we’ve become each other’s family. I owe my life to Cole, literally. I was all over the place after being discharged from the Marine Corps. I had zero focus and my head was all fucked up after three tours. I was a young scrapper getting into too much shit, and on one particular night, I was looking for a fight and found it in someone bigger and more ruthless. Cole had my back and stopped me from going down the wrong road. That was the night that I first met Cole and he saw something in me that was better than what I was settling for.

  He tracked me down and extended an invitation to a boxing facility, helping me channel my anger into a healthier function. He subsequently hired me on as security and I slowly built a security empire for him with men like myself that have special qualifications that go beyond regular security services.

  All of that is on the backburner now, at least until we get this current situation under control, I would never turn my back on my brother.

  Checking my phone again, I see that Alex has texted back.

  Don’t stress, Foster, I’m cool just thought you should know that this weirdo is still being… well, weird. The whole dead girl thing is fucking freaky though…


  She always signs XXX and it makes me crazy. If she only knew the dirty shit I would like to do to her body. She is a vision, fucking gorgeous and that ass! But the best part about her was that crazy, dirty mouth of hers. I love everything she says, every ridiculous, insane remark that is always completely unfiltered. Some people may be put off by her dry sense of humor, but I absolutely love how she says everything that’s in her head.

  If that idiot were to do anything to hurt Alex, he’d better disappear or he will regret ever being born. I used to be surprised at my protectiveness over Alex, but now I realize that how I feel about her is a forgone conclusion. One day I will be able to share it with her, but for now I have to keep my head in the game. Re-reading her message, I am irritated that she doesn’t answer my question. I want to know where she is. I can track her phone, but I’ll hold off on that for a moment. I call the penthouse to see if she has dropped by yet. I know she doesn’t know I expect her there, but I’m the one that arranged a key for her to pick up, so she could look through those books.

  As soon as I hear the phone pick-up, I bark out who I am, adding, “Has Miss Thompson collected her key?”

  “Yes, she has, Mr. Crown,” the woman answers happily.

  “Thank you, please message me when she has left the penthouse.”

  “Will do.” And with that, I hang up, relieved that she is at the house.

  My last course of action is to call my contact at the precinct to find out what I can about the girl that was killed at their old apartment. I knew the story, at least what has been circulating around the news, but I would love to hear some inside information.

  The ringing of Dax’s cell rings clear through the speakers of my car. “Hey man, what’s up? I didn’t think I’d hear from you for a bit. Aren’t you out with Cole right now?”

  That’s the great part of having friends on the inside, I know Dax has my back and will give me any heads up he can.

  “No, he’s doing his thing with the wifey. I was calling to see if you could give me some details about the deceased girl in the news that was at Mia’s old apartment. I just want to rule out any connections.”

  “Man, you know I would tell you if anything was suspected, but they actually think it was a one-night stand gone wrong. Witnesses say they saw a man with her a few weeks before she died. It all happened way before Mia was robbed.”

  “Sounds like you have a suspect…”

  “Yeah, we have eyes on a TA at the college she was at, he was seen talking to her at a bar downtown.”

  “What school?” I bark out, the hairs on the back of my neck were starting to rise. I didn’t like this, too many coincidences. Jack was a fucking TA. Jack dated Mia when all this shit started, Jack just ran into my girl and creeped her out. I don’t like it. I don’t like Jack.

  “The community college, downtown… some douche bag named Evan.”

  “That’s shitty, poor girl. Well, hey, keep me posted if you hear anything, brother,” I end the call, trying to hide my near panic.

  “Will do, buddy,” and Dax hangs up.

  Fuck! I need to get my shit together. I almost lined a guy up for murder based on my girl being creeped out. She has no idea what’s coming her way the minute all this shit clears up. In the meantime, I’ll keep everyone at bay that tries with her, just like I convinced that dumbass bouncer to stop calling her.

  I shoot off a text to Cole letting him know I’m back in the city and to let me know of any developments. I know I’ve left him in good hands, the guys there are my best team. Stopping by my place, I grab a fresh change of clothes and laugh knowing that the partial reason for my change is because I know that I’ll be surprising Alex at the penthouse. The whole ride over, I can’t help but feel the buzz I get from knowing I’m going to see her. I park underground and head up through the private elevators. As they open to the entry, I notice the door ajar and I am in full alert. Something isn’t right and I’ll be damned if something goes down on my watch. I reach to the small of my back, grabbing my weapon and holding it out as I enter the house. Scanning the entry, it’s hard to see anything with all the lights out.

  “Alex?” I yell out. “It’s Foster, come out and help me with my bags.” I try to sound unsuspecting.

  Then my foot taps against something soft. I glance down to see Alex’s lifeless body lying in front of me and that’s when I snap.

  Threatening every single person on the
staff at Cole’s building for letting someone get to her and finally calling Cole, not because I worried about him and Mia, even though that is exactly where my head should be, I couldn’t think past my own despair.

  Coles shakes me gently to wake me. “Mia, sweetheart, wake up.”

  “Cole, what time is it?” I ask, blinking my eyes open and stretching. We had to have slept until afternoon since we stayed up to watch the sunrise.

  “Honey, it’s around one in the afternoon,” he smiles down at me and grabs my hands and pulling me to a seated position. “We didn’t hear our phones this morning. They both died and I didn’t put them on the chargers until this afternoon, I’m sorry for that.”

  Pulling my hands away, I start to laugh at his apology over not charging my phone. Who cares? I don’t need to speak to anyone, and anyone I know can call me later. I stretch my neck side to side and hang my legs over the side of the bed and realize that Cole is still struggling to finish this conversation.

  “What is going on, Cole? Are you okay, what are you trying to tell me?”

  “I don’t know how to say this… I just…” He scrubs his hand on the back of his neck in his frustration, but when his eyes meet mine, I can see that something is wrong

  “Spit it out!” Standing up, I reach out needing to brace myself.

  “It’s Alex. Mia, she is in critical condition, she was attacked at our place last night and they aren’t sure she will pull through.”

  A scream escapes my mouth before I tightly cover my hand over it. “Get me to her, Cole.”

  Every minute of the trip back is hell, but I’m calm on the inside, I know that she will be okay because the alternative is never an option.

  When we arrive at the hospital, I leap out of the car and hustle directly to the front desk. “Hi, hello… I’m here to see my friend, Alex Thompson, she was admitted last night… she was attacked, I need to see her!”

  The nurse looks over and holds up a finger to me that makes me want to break it, but I wait (impatiently) for her to tap on her keyboard.

  “Sorry, but she isn’t allowed visitors, family only.”

  “Excuse me but I am family—”

  “You said friend—”

  “Wait, what?”

  “You said ‘your friend was admitted.’”

  “What are you, a fucking detective? Give me a break… what do you want? A twenty? Maybe a fifty?” My anger apparent as I pull out my wallet. Thankfully Cole interjects.

  “I apologize, it’s been a long night, I’m sure you can imagine. Why don’t you call her husband and have us approved?”

  Giving me a side glance, she smiles at Cole and nods her head. I turn and look at him for an explanation as he places his fingers to his lips and mouths “shhh.” My heart is pounding and I am emotionally unstable, but I know when he is working in my favor and I keep my mouth shut as I am told.

  “Okay, thank you,” is all I hear her say as I close my eyes to help me find the patience I need. “Here are your passes, you can go through those doors and make a right.”

  Cole reaches out for the badges and nods, “Thank you” as he grabs my hand pulling me in the direction we need to go. We come to another desk inside the doors and they direct us to the room. All I can hear are machines and beeping. It’s eerie and horrible and I briefly think that this is what everyone has felt about me when they came to the hospital.

  When I walk in the room, two things stop me in my tracks. First, I am relieved to see that Alex does not have a thousand tubes in her, just an IV drip. And second, Foster looks like he has aged ten years. He stands as soon as we enter, and Cole puts his hand on my back, urging me forward. I realize I’ve been frozen to my spot, Foster just nods at me and takes his place next to Alex like a sentinel on watch.

  “Hey man,” Cole greets as he walks over and pats Foster on the back. “You all right?”

  “I’m good, fine,” Foster answers dismissively, turning back toward Alex, he continues. “The doctor explained the induced coma is a way for her body and mind to heal. She was hit in the head pretty fucking hard, but you know Alex, it’ll take more than that for my girl to be down for the count.” Hold up, did he just say my girl?

  “Foster, what happened? I honestly couldn’t even hear it from Cole, I was too freaked out and I just needed to see her, but I’m okay and she’s alive. What the fuck happened to her?” I realize that I am eerily calm, Cole is looking at me with the strangest look. Foster speaks before Cole says anything.

  “Mia, are you sure you’re okay? Because I’ve never actually seen you this calm and it’s actually kind of scary. Maybe you should sit down, just in case you start having a panic attack.”

  Taking a deep breath, I look at both strong men and say, “Fucking speak. I am not as delicate as you think, I had multiple murder attempts, attempted rape and a goddamned kidnapping happen to me. I think I can weather this, and like you said before, your girl is plenty tough. She will make it through this, I have zero worry about that, she will also know that you referred to her as your girl,” I add with a small grin in the hopes that everyone can settle down and we can get down to business.

  Foster fills us in on everything that happened, but he’s vague on the timeline of the day. After he finishes, he sits and just stares at Cole until I tilt my head and say, “What? You guys are doing that thing… where you think with the same brain. Someone clue me in.”

  Cole reaches over and smiles at me. “Baby, let’s go get Foster some coffee and maybe a Snickers for me?”

  “Okay?” I look at him a bit confused, but totally willing to follow his lead.

  As we get up to leave, Cole gives Foster a guy hug, the kind with the back pat, and I follow him out toward the cafeteria.

  “All right, clue me in. What is going on, there is more you aren’t telling. I swear to God if you start treating me like some delicate flower, I will never touch your wiener again. I am not kidding, Cole Parker.”

  Cole pulls me close as I push back and kisses the top of my head. “All right, feisty. Calm down and stop saying mean things about your biggest fan… and by biggest fan, I actually mean my cock.”

  I laugh and push him gently, rolling my eyes.

  “I was looking at Foster for a few reasons. First, Mia, it is clear to me that whatever has been going on between him and Alex, he is a goner… all in, head over heels. That girl belongs to him and he freely belongs to her. Like recognizes like,” he looks down at me in that way that makes me melt and thankful all at once. “Second,” he continues. “I smell something fishy… something is off. Why would someone hurt Alex? If they were waiting in our apartment to hurt us, why not let her come and go? They had to have known her. This is personal against us and that ‘us’ isn’t just me and you. We need to focus in on that cousin. Third, I need to get security in place for you, me and your parents.”

  “Wait, isn’t that Foster’s thing? Why are you doing that for him?”

  “Mia, the only place Foster will be, is right where Alex is. I couldn’t and wouldn’t pay him to leave her side. My concern is you and his is Alex, I understand. Foster is like a brother to me and I want him to be able to put his focus where it needs to be.”

  I hand him the coffees that I ordered and smile at him, because he is honestly just fucking incredible. I love him.

  Foster and Cole leave me with my best friend for a bit to talk logistics and hammer out some details about our new detail and I take the alone time to tell Alex how much I love her, adding that I don’t think I’m the only one.

  “Please wake up soon, friend. I will not know how to exist without you. I’m only partially cool because of you, you aren’t done with me. I’m only halfway there, I’m sure you still have more to teach me about eye shadow and how Vans aren’t the go-to shoe for every occasion. I need you, please don’t go yet,” I whisper, wiping my eyes before the guys come back in.

  Cole walks over and rubs my shoulders. “You ready to go, sweetheart? Foster is staying, we can com
e back tomorrow, but I think we could both use some rest and food.”

  He’s right, but honestly, I’m afraid to leave her.

  Foster, stares at Alex’s sleeping face, “I won’t leave her side, Mia. I’m having clothes brought to me now and I don’t mind the cafeteria food being delivered. I won’t leave her. I can’t,” he finishes and nods his head to me and I believe Cole is right. There isn’t anything or anyone that could separate him from her. I am so incredibly grateful that I stand up from Cole and walk over to Foster and give him the biggest bear hug I can muster.

  “Thank you, Foster. Please call me and keep me updated. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “I think you’re breaking my ribs, Mia,” he laughs as I let go of him.

  Taking Cole’s hand, I follow him out of the hospital room, only looking over my shoulder to see Foster settle into the chair and turn on the sports network saying, “Well darlin’, all you have to do is wake up and I will watch every chick flick you want until the end of time.” Come on Alex, take the challenge.

  Our new security meets us as we exit the hospital and leads us to the black S.U.V. waiting in the front. It’s not until we are driving that I look at Cole panicked. “Cole, where are we going?! I can’t go back to the house… we can’t!”

  Smoothing my shoulders, he answers calmly, and I realize he’s hoping I will follow his lead. “No, baby, no, we aren’t going back there. I got a room at the Four Seasons, unless you would rather go to your parents’. I already had the team go to the house and pick up some things for both of us and we still have our bags from the lake house. It’s okay, don’t worry, Mia. I’ll fucking sell that place tomorrow if you want me to. I don’t ever want to feel unsafe or scared in our home!”


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