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Page 15

by Amy Brock McNew

  Makenna’s glare chilled Rhys as she stared at the SUV. “She’s in there.” She stalked in that direction. Her magic swirled around her, a reddish brown.

  Rhys kept at her side. “Let me go in first. We have no idea what she’ll do.”

  Makenna didn’t pause. “No need. I’m gonna blow the doors off.” She wound up like a baseball player readying for the strike-out pitch.

  Rhys grabbed her arm. “No! With the juice you’ve got flowing, you’ll blow the whole rig. We can’t chance it.”

  A look passed between Trystan and Makenna.

  She jerked away and plowed ahead. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Rhys kept step with her. “I’m not doubting that.” He blocked her path. “But you’ve never thrown this much power.”

  It wasn’t Makenna looking back at him. He hated what he had to do, but he had no choice. He had to get Makenna back, get her to listen to reason.

  As she attempted to dodge around him, he unleashed a wave of Alpha vibes. Keeping eye contact with her, he forced them down the link.

  Forced her submission. Something he’d never wanted to do with his mate.

  His heart cracked in his chest as she fought it. Of course she would. She was an Alpha female. The Alpha female. Her eyes narrowed, the gold blazing now. She widened her stance. Then shoved her own wave back down the bond at him. Maybe it was sick and twisted, but his dick hardened to the point of pain at the display. In the middle of the battlefield.

  His warriors mowed down the enemy around them. But another battle raged in their midst that could end up determining all their fates.

  “We don’t have time for this shit!” Trystan whispered harshly at them. “That SUV just started up again. If we don’t move now, we’ll miss our chance!”

  Makenna glanced at Trystan and back at Rhys. Then she smiled.

  A wave unlike any he’d ever felt rushed through the bond. Furious. A solid wall of flame, sprouting arms that shoved him back. The impact knocked him enough that his concentration broke for just a moment. He reconnected in a split second, fighting out of its hold. But it was too late. She’d been able to break free and was heading toward the vehicle.

  Rhys tore off after her, Trystan hot on his heels.

  The back passenger window rolled down. Rhys caught a brief glimpse of Brianna’s smile. He dove toward Makenna. He didn’t make it in time.

  The door of the SVU blew off with a loud, screeching twist of metal. It slammed into Makenna as she dove to the side and drove her high into the air. She impacted the ground twenty feet away, with sparks and a loud crash, the flaming door on top of her.

  Feeling her black out over the bond, Rhys staggered. “Kenna!”

  Torn between wiping Brianna off the map and racing to Makenna’s side, he froze. Then a group of his wolves descended on Makenna, lifting the door and picking her up. One of them nodded to him. Through their bond, he felt she was alive. That made his decision for him.

  He couldn’t help but notice Trystan’s evil smile as they turned to face Brianna. Instead of finding her, they stared down the six soldiers who’d exited the vehicle around her. Eager to avenge his mate, Rhys threw. Trystan followed suit, dropping their blades to increase their speed.

  The two of them rushed the fighters, taking them off guard with their bravado. They blocked and threw at a blistering pace. Fire singed them both, but they missed any direct hits. Jumping, weaving, twisting, they avoided blow after blow as they rained down hell on their opponents. Bodies flew. Light flashed. Blood flowed. The smell of burning flesh filled the day. Their roars rang across the quieting battlefield.

  Within minutes, all six lay at their feet. In smoldering pieces.

  Bowen appeared at their side, chanting and glowing a deep orange.

  Brianna stepped out of the vehicle as if she were gracing a red carpet, not the river of blood beneath her feet. Her elegant, black silk blouse, high heels, and diamond earrings out of place among the smoky chaos.

  She turned up her nose as she took in the carnage. “Well, that’s disappointing.” She brought her gaze to Rhys’. He enjoyed her momentary flash of fear at the vicious look on his face. “I’m guessing I have something you want.”

  “On your knees.” Rhys growled, his voice nothing near human.

  “Ooh, a man who knows what he wants.” She smiled, and the sight sickened him. “Shall I put my hands behind my back while you have your way with me?” She switched her focus to Trystan as another growl rumbled out of Rhys. “My, my. My dear sisters sure know how to choose their mates.”

  “Enough!” Rhys roared. He stalked closer to the evil witch, keeping her attention while Bowen worked his magic out of sight behind the vehicle. “I said, on your knees.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” She laughed as she got down on the bloody gravel in what he was certain were way too expensive jeans. “Oh, I’m sorry. That title isn’t yours anymore, is it? How insensitive of me.” Brianna’s eyes glittered with amusement. But the fear hadn’t dissipated.

  “Laugh all you want, but your fun is over, bitch.” Rhys moved closer, keeping his magic in his hands. There was no telling what she’d do, and he needed to be ready.

  He felt Trystan at his side. Fighting to keep his rage under control, fighting the need to have vengeance for his mate and her sister.

  Rhys delved deep, burrowing into Brianna’s mind to get a better read on the female.

  Why had she let them get this close?

  “Oh, I’d say the fun’s just getting started.” She glanced in the direction the wolves had taken Makenna. “Have you enjoyed my handiwork so far?” Brianna shot a scathing glance at Trystan. “Too bad you had to play hero.” She returned her gaze to Rhys. “I’d cooked up something special for my precious big sister. Here’s hoping your Beta truly is healed.”

  Rhys seethed, ready to slap his hand directly on her forehead, sending his magic into her bloodstream. Burning her alive from the inside out. He shook with the effort to restrain himself. Every cell in his body cried out for Brianna’s blood. His wolf and raven howled a war cry. Also thirsty for the blood of the one who would see their mate dead. The wolf let out a vicious, chilling growl that trickled out Rhys’ lips.

  Brianna shrank back at the rage and power pouring off the Alpha.

  Rhys spoke through clenched teeth. “Bowen.”

  With a speed that took them all by surprise, Bowen surrounded Brianna in the binding spell, throwing it with a look of rage that rivaled Rhys’. As she cowered under the pressure, trying again and again to get more than a spark from her hands, Rhys laughed.

  He crouched in front of her. “A little something we cooked up special for you,” he mimicked her taunt. “I would say enjoy your stay with us, but you’ll be lucky if the pieces left of you are enough to send back to your fucking bastard of a father.”

  Trystan vibrated beside him. “Not good enough.”

  Trystan brought fire into his palms. Darker than he’d ever wielded, with a tinge of a familiar red around it. Rhys’ mind flashed back to the looks between Trystan and Makenna. Realization punched him in the gut. He should’ve seen it.

  Makenna had charged Trystan’s power with her own. So that if she didn’t reach Brianna in time, Trystan would have more of a chance of taking her out than he would with only his power.

  Son of a mother fucking bitch.

  Admittedly, the betrayal didn’t cut as much as it could have, since Rhys already wanted to gut Brianna. Still, it hurt.

  He’d be damned if his pack would splinter, if his mating would disintegrate, right in front of him. But right now, he had to deal with Brianna, then see that his mate wasn’t badly injured. Despite the fact she’d gone behind his back, he, his raven, and his wolf needed to get to her. To hold her. To see for themselves she’d be all right.

  Trystan shook his head. “She has to die.”

  Trystan pulled his arm back. Rhys leaped from his position and shoved Trystan’s arm high. The ball of burnt orange careened int
o a tree. The magnolia burst into flames, incinerated in seconds.

  Trystan yanked away from Rhys. They stared each other down. Growling. After a few tense moments, Trystan gave a final growl before lowering his eyes. Rhys didn’t have the time or patience for this shit. He let Trystan move toward the rest of the pack who were cleaning up the mess, sending bodies back to their homes. Rhys watched vehicles being wholly consumed by flame, leaving no evidence of their fight aside from char marks on the ground.

  “Well, I see all isn’t as cozy in Fianna Prime as we’ve been led to believe.” Brianna laughed, but it shook with trepidation.

  Rhys whirled on her. He landed a punch to her jaw that sent her spinning, landing on the ground in a cloud of dust and a spray of blood. He’d never liked fighting females. Even though some of their female warriors were even more brutal than their male counterparts. But he had to admit the satisfying crack of his fist on her face had eased his rage a fraction.

  Rhys turned his back on her and addressed Bowen and the wolves with him. “Bind her and bring her to camp. Secure the cabin, then ward it. Heavily.”

  Rhys took off running, shifting as he did. In record time, he’d arrived back where they’d parked. His wolves had laid Makenna across the back seat of one of the Durangos. He motioned them away and tossed the keys of his truck, not caring who caught them. Then he crawled in and lifted his still unconscious mate to his lap.

  “Home.” He rumbled the order.

  The wolf in the driver’s seat fired up the engine and took off.

  Rhys slumped back in the seat, clutching Makenna to him. His eyes took in the burns. The blood and soot on her clothing. The vicious gouges in her soft, smooth skin. He buried his face in her neck, securing his lips around her pulse. Assuring himself her heart beat strong. He inhaled deeply of her scent, blocking out the smell of war. He let the vanilla and strawberry aroma settle him. Slightly. Nothing would calm him completely until she opened those big, beautiful eyes. Until he heard her voice.

  As he sat holding her tightly to him, his fury let itself be known again.

  Makenna had conspired with Trystan to defy him.

  Yes, she’d done it because she’d thought it’s what was right. For him and Amanda and the pack. Or at least, a part of her had. But Rhys knew this wasn’t all Makenna’s choice. The goddess was slowly consuming her. He had no clue how to keep from losing Kenna to the powerful beast within.

  He was a king with no throne. Powerless to protect even his own mate.

  As his world crumbled around him, he didn’t feel like a king.

  He felt like less than nothing.


  Trip the Darkness

  Amanda pushed the porch swing back and forth too fast as she watched the road. Waiting for the cloud of dust that would signal the warriors returning.

  Hopefully, they’d all return in one piece. With Brianna in tow.

  She looked up at the sun high in the sky. They’d been gone for a couple hours, but it seemed like an eternity. Her gut wrenched that she wasn’t with them. She craved the thrill of battle. Missed it so much it caused a deep ache in her soul. She should probably get used to it. There was no guarantee Brianna could lift the spell, or that it could be broken by her death.

  As the warm, sticky air kissed her skin, Amanda took a swig of the water bottle in her hand. She loved Louisiana. It was the only home she’d ever known. The swamps, the lakes, the river, the sights, sounds, and smells of New Orleans. It all spoke to her.

  The thought she might have to leave it dropped rocks in the pit of her stomach. It was a possibility. If Brianna couldn’t or wouldn’t lift the spell, Amanda couldn’t stay. She couldn’t continue to watch and wait while her friends, her pack, her family, went off to fight. It wasn’t who she was. Not that she even knew who she was anymore.

  The sound of gravel pinging on metal and the crunch of rocks and dirt under tires pulled her head up. Nearly upsetting the swing, she leaped to her feet. Dizziness swamped her. Again. She was getting worse. Weaker.

  She walked down the stairs and forced herself not to run out to meet them. A few of the vehicles pulled straight to the infirmary. Damn. There were so many injuries. She scanned the crowd as she made her way to them.


  There he was, helping his fellow warriors into the infirmary. She couldn’t fight the urge to check him over and make sure he was all right. The grief and agony from nearly losing him still rode her hard. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw he was relatively unscathed. While his muscular frame was covered with dirt, soot, and blood, most of the blood wasn’t his.

  She’d always feel a pull to him. Always love him. Which is yet another reason she’d have to leave if things didn’t work out with Brianna.

  Trystan’s head snapped up and his eyes zeroed in on hers. He gave her a nod, then he half-carried a wounded wolf inside the building.

  Amanda shook off the tug to go to him and instead made her way to the SUV she knew to be Rhys’. Rhys was sliding out of the back seat with an unconscious Makenna in his arms. Amanda’s breath caught in her chest.

  Rhys glanced up. Seeing her worry, he gave a small smile to reassure her. “She’ll be fine. She has a couple of burns that are almost healed and a good knock to the skull, but she’s okay. I’m taking her in to get checked out and rest until she wakes up.”

  He tried to be confident, but his fear leaked into his voice. And there was something else in his tone. Perhaps it was just the aftereffects of the fight, but she doubted it.

  Something had happened out there.

  Rhys carefully carried his precious cargo into the infirmary.

  Wishing she could help, she stepped out of the way of the warriors. She scanned the returning fighters. Where was Talon?

  A truck pulling up to the cabin at the edge of camp caught her attention. Bowen and Connor jumped out. Connor reached back inside and yanked a hooded Brianna out of the cab. Brianna managed to stay on her feet as Connor took no particular care in getting her out of the truck. Bowen stayed close as Connor dragged her up the steps and inside.

  Rage filled Amanda. She was halfway there before she even realized it.

  A hand grabbed her arm. She whirled to shake them off until she realized it was Rhys.

  “Amanda, that’s not a good idea.” Rhys’ voice was tired. Betrayal bit at her from him.

  Her eyes narrowed. “What happened?”

  Rhys sighed before guiding her out of earshot of anyone else. “Makenna and Trystan never intended to bring Brianna back. They were convinced she wouldn’t give us anything, and that killing her would break the spell on you.” He rubbed a hand crusted with dirt and blood down his face. “They planned to take her out.”

  Fire licked Amanda’s blood. But she could only handle dealing with one sister at a time. It was Brianna’s turn. And as far as Trystan, nothing he did surprised her anymore. She looked at Rhys. “And Talon? Is he injured?” With the way things were going, she was almost afraid to ask.

  Rhys eyed her curiously. Maybe he’d been expecting more of an explosion. Well she didn’t have the energy for that right now.

  “He’s pretty banged up, but he’ll heal. He was well on his way to recovery when they got him to the infirmary.”

  “Good.” She turned to head to the cabin that held her pitiful excuse for a sister. Again, Rhys stopped her. Amanda cast a glare at his hand on her arm, then shot pleading eyes to his. “Rhys, don’t take this from me.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed again. His shoulders sagged under the weight of the world. “I’ll allow you to be present. But you have to stay back. I know you’re not weak mentally, but your physical strength...” Rhys’ eyes begged her to understand.

  She hated it, but she got what he was saying. “I know. I’ll be careful. Besides, Brianna’s power is bound, and Bowen will have her secured. I’ll be fine.”

  Rhys nodded and kept her arm as he led her to the cabin. Amanda tamped her emotions down so he
wouldn’t sense she was about to snap. If he did, he’d ban her from the interrogation.

  She couldn’t have that. She needed to look her sister in the eye. Needed to know why. What had driven her to side with their father and want to kill her siblings? Two of which she’d been thick as thieves with until they were teens. Amanda had to know what would cause her once loving, snarky sister to turn evil.

  As soon as they stepped inside, Rhys motioned Connor out. He nodded and left. Amanda laid eyes on her sister for the first time since the battle where she’d lost everything. It was odd, knowing someone who looked almost like her twin was evil incarnate. The fancy clothes she wore couldn’t hide the truth.

  Brianna had tried to kill her.

  Amanda ripped the hood from Brianna’s head. Her careful control unraveled the second Brianna caught her gaze and smirked.

  Then Amanda was on her.

  Her exhaustion, her weakness, faded into the background as she dove for Brianna.

  One hand clamped around Brianna’s throat. Amanda rained down punch after punch with a speed she hadn’t known she still possessed. The chair Brianna was tied to fell backwards. Amanda landed on top of her, ignoring the pain shooting through her knees and palms as they hit the floor. She kept punching until she saw blood. Her knuckles split open. Each impact reverberated up her arm.

  “Amanda!” Rhys’ voice broke through the naked fury in Amanda’s mind. He grabbed her wrist as she drew back for another punch. “Stop! That’s an order!”

  She froze as the Alpha made himself known. If she’d had her wolf, she would’ve whined. Slowly, Amanda released her hold on Brianna and let Rhys help her to her feet. Rhys pulled her to the opposite corner of the room while Bowen righted Brianna.

  Even in her rage-filled state, Amanda noted that along with the anger in Bowen’s eyes was a heavy dose of sadness. She could only assume he was disappointed in her for losing it. He’d always been like a father to her. While it hurt she might have let him down, she didn’t regret her actions.


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