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Page 16

by Amy Brock McNew

  Then she met Brianna’s eyes and saw the brief remorse there. Soon enough the smirk was back. But it was enough to bring the pain of losing her sister bubbling up.

  Amanda turned away and melted into Rhys. The man she’d always thought of as a brother, now officially her brother, held her as the tears she’d fought sneaked out of her eyes.

  “Amanda, please, let me take care of this,” Rhys whispered.

  He patted her back gently, sending comfort to her through the pack link. It wasn’t as strong as what a mate could send, but it helped. Just as Amanda began to wish it were Trystan holding her, the door blew open. Shards of wood sprayed the room and shot into the back wall. Amanda’s head jerked up.

  Makenna. Bruised, covered in soot and blood, with glowing gold eyes.

  Trystan was right behind her, looking as if he could burn down the world.

  Amanda trembled when she realized they weren’t looking at Brianna; they were looking at her and Rhys. She stepped back, swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. Their anger was so potent, it choked her. She opened her mouth to speak. Makenna beat her to it.

  “Well ain’t this just fucking grand?” She sauntered toward them. But she wasn’t all Makenna. She was the goddess.

  It scared the shit out of Amanda. She held a hand in front of her. “Makenna, look─”

  Her sister shot blazing eyes at her. “I’m not talking to you.” Her glare landed on Rhys. “I thought we’d agreed not to let Amanda in here until we were sure Brianna would heal her.”

  Her voice. It was different. Low. Lethal. Cold. Not Makenna.

  Rhys shielded Amanda. “She has a right to face the female who tried to kill her.”

  Trystan clenched his fists. His eyes completely wolf. “You should have talked to us first. The decision was made. Not to mention, she’s my─” he cut himself off with a flicker of a glance at Amanda. Then he glared at Rhys. “We already discussed this.”

  So what, he thought since they were supposed to be mates, that gave him the right to dictate what she did? Hell no.

  Amanda shoved around Rhys. She was about to speak when Makenna growled.

  Makenna advanced on Amanda and Rhys. Without looking at Amanda, she spoke to Rhys. “She shouldn’t be allowed in here at all. She has no wolf, no magic. Brianna could’ve snapped her neck without even trying.” She growled again. “You put my baby sister in danger.”

  Amanda’s back went up. “Are you fucking kidding me?” She yelled, getting in Makenna’s face. For a moment forgetting she was confronting the goddess and not her sister, she railed. “Don’t speak like I’m nothing, like I’m not even here!”

  Makenna flicked a gaze at her. Then dismissed her again. “We agreed, Rhys.”

  Rhys ate up the space between his mate and himself. His eyes were wolf, answering the challenge she issued. He didn’t touch her, but tension covered him like a cloak. “She’s still pack. To cut her out would’ve been wrong. Your sister is a lot stronger than you give her credit for.”

  While Amanda appreciated Rhys’ words, they pissed her off. By fighting her battles for her, he was essentially doing the same thing Makenna and Trystan were. Discounting her position. Wolf or not, magic or not, she was still a dominant female. She could damn well defend herself.

  Amanda laid a hand on Rhys’ shoulder to move him aside. He didn’t budge. She let out a low growl. That brought all eyes to her.

  Makenna stepped to Amanda, shouldering past Rhys. “You know you shouldn’t be here. You’re being stupid, putting yourself in danger and taking our attention away from the reason we’re here.” She shot a glare at Brianna.

  “So now I’m not only weak and pathetic, I’m stupid.”

  Amanda went nose to nose with Makenna, not caring Makenna was doing this out of a need to protect her. Or that it was the goddess who stared back at her. She already felt like enough of a failure. Now her mate and her sister were letting their true feelings about her be known. It just confirmed she’d been right to walk away from Trystan.

  “Amanda, you know what I mean. You have no defense against her.” Makenna crossed her arms, clenching them in her grip.

  “She’s bound! Her magic is bound. She can’t hurt me!” Amanda’s anger bubbled over. “You think you’re so special because you’re the Morrigan. Let me tell you something, you arrogant bitch! You’ve got the same blood as me. You’re a Callahan and all that comes with it. A dead mother, and an evil son of a bitch for a father.”

  Actual flames licked Makenna’s eyes. A growl rumbled in her gut as her eyes switched to raven black, then to wolf.

  She lunged, taking Amanda to the floor.

  Trystan and Rhys yelled and pulled at them as they rolled. But the females were locked together, battling for dominance. Amanda caught a glimpse of Bowen and could’ve sworn she saw tears in his eyes. Then stars exploded behind hers as Makenna punched her jaw hard, smashing her head into the floor.

  Amanda found the strength to roll them. Rage fueled her. When she was on top, she landed a punch to Makenna’s jaw in retaliation. Something snapped in her hand and pain blinded her. Tears gathered in her eyes. But she didn’t stop. She clamped her legs around Makenna as Trystan pulled at her. Dodging Makenna’s next blow, her hold weakened. It gave Trystan the opportunity to tug her free.

  Rhys grabbed Makenna as she jumped to her feet. “Stop this!”

  “Bitch needs to be put in her place!” Amanda struggled to free herself. Trystan’s arms were locked tight around her waist. She kicked back, clipping his knee. The move barely made an impact.

  “And you’re gonna be the one to do it?” Makenna laughed. She head-butted Rhys, and blood sprayed as she fought out of his arms.

  Rhys roared and recaptured her. “Kenna, calm the fuck down! She’s your sister!”

  Makenna and Amanda both froze, Rhys’ words doing more than he’d intended. He was right. This sister wasn’t Amanda’s enemy. But the one tied to the chair was fair game. They caught each other’s eye, thinking the same thing. The males loosened their holds as the females sagged.

  As soon as they did, Amanda and Makenna leapt at their other sister. They took the chair and Brianna to the ground, throwing punches on the way. Blood flew. Bones crunched.

  Amanda shut out the pain by letting her rage coat it. She hadn’t wanted to go after Makenna. She’d just been handy, especially after what she’d said. Brianna was her target. And she’d use her last bit of strength to give her sadistic sibling exactly what she had coming.

  Again, the males tugged at them, trying to untangle the pile of limbs. The entire time, Brianna laughed like the lunatic she was.

  All her reserves played out, her entire body on fire, Amanda couldn’t fight anymore. She let Trystan pull her away. Let him secure her in his arms as he walked towards the door. Bowen righted Brianna, then deposited her on the floor in the opposite corner. Rhys held on to Makenna. She seemed to have lost her gusto as well, slumping against him as he cradled her head to his chest. Makenna’s body shook against Rhys. He crooned soothing words to her as she clung to him. It was as if they were the only two in the room.

  Rhys was feeding Makenna calm and strength through their bond. They were cocooned in fiery light. Taking comfort in one another. Despite the tension between them, they still depended on one another. Though the situation had strained their bond, it was still solid and bright.

  She looked up at Trystan. He watched them too. A look of longing and deep sorrow shadowed his face. Tinged with jealousy. Was it for the connection between Rhys and Makenna, or did Trystan want her sister?

  She chose not to even dignify that thought by pondering it.

  They could’ve had a bond like that. But he’d chosen to ignore fate. In doing so, he’d denied her not only her mate, but the chance that the bond could heal her. It was a long shot. But he hadn’t even cared enough to try.

  She was suddenly exhausted. In excruciating pain. And had no desire to stay in the arms of the male who’d abandoned her
when she needed him most. He’d lost the right to comfort her. Amanda shoved him away. Trystan stumbled as she caught him off guard.

  He reached for her as she backed up. “Amanda, don’t─”

  She glared. “Don’t touch me.” She took another step toward the door and almost fell. He caught her, and she punched at his chest, though there was no power behind it. She was tapped. “I said don’t touch me!” Amanda tried to fight as he held her close.

  She almost didn’t notice the tortured, regretful look on his face.

  It was at that moment Talon walked in. He took in the splintered door, the blood on all three of the females, and the males holding them. His focus landed on Amanda struggling in Trystan’s arms and his gaze hardened.

  “What the hell happened here?”


  Jekyll and Hyde

  Trystan held back the growl that wanted loose at Talon’s accusatory tone. His wolf snapped his teeth, offended the male would think him capable of bloodying his mate.

  Another piece of his heart fractured. He hadn’t physically harmed her, but he’d destroyed her just the same. That brought his fury to the surface. Woke up the beast inside him. His eyes fell on a still laughing Brianna. The fury took on a life of its own.

  Talon took Amanda from him and Trystan let her go. His entire focus and that of the monster coming to life within him homed in on the witch in the corner. The male who wanted nothing more than to comfort his mate, take away her pain, slowly faded into the background. He took a step toward Brianna.

  Talon’s words stopped him. “Trystan, answer me. What the hell happened?” Trystan turned as Talon put Amanda behind him and closed the gap between them. “Why is my sister bloodied?” Talon glanced at Makenna. “Both of them?”

  He ignored a cackling Brianna.

  Trystan snarled. “They went at each other, then Brianna.” He stepped to Talon, ready to brawl. “You really think I would hurt either of them?”

  Talon showed his teeth as his voice lowered. “Hurt is a relative term.”

  In that moment, the normally jovial male looked every inch the lethal warrior.

  Trystan’s shoulders went back. “If you’ve got something to say, just say it.”

  This was one of his best friends. Talon was simply protective of his sisters. So why was Trystan so defensive? Why was he seriously considering taking some of his rage out on Talon and fucking him up good?

  The rabid thing inside him gained momentum despite Trystan’s unease at his train of thought. Blackness swirled within him. A presence. Not his wolf, who was strangely quiet now, and not his own magic. It grew stronger by the minute.

  “Now’s not really the time, but it’ll work.” Talon stepped into Trystan. “Outside. Now.” The fury of a brother defending his sister’s broken heart glittered in his dark eyes.

  “That’s not going to happen.” Rhys shoved them apart. “What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Waves of Alpha power slammed into Trystan and Talon, knocking them back a step. Rhys pointed at Trystan. “You, get your shit together.” He turned on Talon. “And you, back the fuck off.”

  Silence stretched taught as everyone glared at each other. Until a husky laugh Trystan hated brought all eyes to the opposite corner.

  “No wonder Daddy dearest has you people chasing your tails.” Brianna shoved to her feet. Bowen edged closer to her but didn’t restrain her. Brianna shook her head. “I’d say it won’t be long before this pack collapses from the inside out. Just like he planned.”

  Rhys turned sharp eyes on the witch. “Explain.” The order in his voice was forceful enough even Brianna jolted.

  Her smile quickly returned as she rolled her shoulders. “I fail to see why I should give you any information. There’s nothing in it for me. Yet.”

  Makenna grabbed a thin blade from the table. In less time than it took to blink, she’d buried the steel in Brianna’s shoulder. Pinning her to the wall. The cabin rattled as the goddess let out a chilling wail. Brianna exhaled a pained grunt.

  Trystan’s eyes widened as the hair on his arms stood up. Even the beast inside him stilled, intrigued by the unadulterated power filling the room.

  Rhys moved forward. “Makenna, step away.” His voice was quiet, but no less powerful than the order he’d given earlier. He held out a hand as he slowly approached the females.

  Makenna’s head whipped around. There were those weird, golden eyes again. “Stay back.” She turned to Brianna and smiled. It gleamed with the promise of pain. “We have ways of getting you to spill your guts.” She laughed at the bad joke. “Ooh, I kinda like the sound of that.”

  Makenna twisted the knife and Brianna bit her lip. But she lifted her chin, defiance written all over her face. The acrid smell of her fear wove through the room.

  Rhys slid closer to Makenna. “Kenna, later. We need to talk first.” Makenna growled without turning to him. “We don’t need a repeat of last time.”

  Makenna growled again. That was two. The tension in the room skyrocketed, knowing there was only one more warning before she snapped.

  Trystan was about to blow himself. The rage of the goddess fed the monster. Her need for revenge swirled with the darkness inside of him. It made for a heady concoction, negating his ability to control the beast.

  Brianna rasped, forcing words out of a throat now clenched tightly by Makenna. “If you kill me, you’ll never break the spell on her.” She cast narrowed, fearful eyes on Amanda.

  Makenna brought her face within inches of Brianna’s. “You’re lying. We kill you, the spell breaks.”

  Trystan slid along the wall, closer to Makenna and Brianna. Talon caught his gaze and shook his head. Trystan ignored him.

  Rhys was in arm’s reach of the females now. “Kenna.”

  Makenna glared at Rhys. “She’s just lying to save her skin.” She turned back to Brianna. “I’d rather peel it off.”

  The coldness and brutal desire in Makenna’s voice chilled Trystan. But he and the monster agreed with her. So did his wolf. The animal emerged from his corner, all for killing the threat to their mate. He snapped his teeth.

  Rhys rested his hand at the base of Makenna’s spine. “Let’s at least hear her out.”

  “Fine.” Makenna released Brianna. “Talk fast. My patience is at fucking zero.”

  Trystan stopped moving when Rhys pinned him with a glare. All right. He’d wait. But if the bitch said anything Trystan didn’t like, she was dead. He glanced toward the door. Talon held Amanda tight. Good. Trystan didn’t want her near Brianna.

  Brianna coughed, not looking nearly as arrogant now. She looked like a female who feared for her life. She should. Trystan was two seconds from snuffing it out.

  Brianna tugged at her tattered shirt. “The spell will survive my death. I’ve seen to it.”

  Makenna grunted. “So you’ve said. Now give us a reason not to tear you apart.”

  Brianna raised a brow. “I’ll lift the spell and tell you everything I know.” She eyed Makenna, then Rhys. “Including how he managed to steal your throne, and how to get it back.”

  Makenna reached for her throat again, but Rhys stopped her.

  He stepped to Brianna, pushing Makenna to the side. “And what do you wish in return?” A threat laced his deadly tone.

  Brianna lifted her chin. “You set me free. And I want Kylian dead.”

  Makenna snorted. “No way in hell are we turning you loose.” Makenna shouldered between Rhys and Brianna. “Besides, why would you want to turn on your precious daddy? And why would you want to give up that throne you stole?” The pain underlying her anger made all of them besides Brianna wince.

  Trystan knew what it was like to hate your father and still wish things were different.

  Brianna’s rage burned hot and bright, turning the air red. Sadness and something else flashed in her eyes. Regret? “He promised me that ring, but it ended up on the hand of another. It’s not I who sits on that invisible throne with Kylian.”

>   A boom of shocked silence rocked the cabin and everyone in it.

  Rhys’ rage blasted through the pack link. “You lie. There’s no one else. In order to call the rings, if it’s not a mated pair, there has to be a blood bond.” At Brianna’s wide eyes, Rhys gave a wicked grin. “Bowen has been doing his homework.”

  “That is true.” Brianna spoke slowly. “But I’m not lying. I can tell you everything that went into the,” she shivered, “ritual. And how to reverse it.” There was that sadness again, along with a heavy dose of revulsion. What the fuck was that about? “I’ll need a gesture of good faith.”

  Rhys tipped his chin. “Such as?”

  “Freedom to at least roam the cabin instead of being tied like a beast. And a portion of my magic freed so I may shift.” She worked her shoulders. “You know we can’t tolerate being confined. It’s cruel.”

  “That’s rich, coming from you.” Makenna raised her hand again and Rhys grabbed it.

  Brianna gave Rhys a look of thanks, tinged with surprise he’d stopped Makenna from harming her again. Brianna’s eyes softened in a way Trystan didn’t like. She looked at Rhys almost as if he were her lover. Makenna snarled. Then Brianna smirked.

  Trystan snapped. He moved like lightning across the room. Rhys slammed a hand to Trystan’s chest. Makenna used the distraction to wrap her now-clawed hands around Brianna’s throat.

  Makenna dug in, blood dripping down the front of Brianna’s shirt as Makenna lifted her off the ground. Dark red fury swirled around them, making it almost impossible to see.

  Makenna slammed her sister against the wall. The cabin rattled again. “Liar! Fucking liar!”

  “Makenna, stop!” Rhys ordered, his own power and authority shaking dust and splinters from the ceiling.

  Makenna froze. As did everyone else in the room.

  Rhys palmed Makenna’s nape and wrapped his hand around her neck. Makenna stiffened and let out a haunting growl. Rhys whispered in her ear. Most of the tension drained from her body. Slowly, very slowly, she lowered Brianna to her feet and stepped back into Rhys.


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