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Page 28

by Amy Brock McNew

  Rhys took a step forward. “What you’re saying is impossible. One is born wolf or not. No science, no magic can do this.”

  Brianna shrugged. “With magic, anything is possible.” She shot a glance at Bowen. “Tell them. Maybe they’ll believe you. Though I doubt it.”

  Bowen’s eyes bore into Brianna’s. “Aye, anything is possible. But certainly not advisable. What you seek to do is unnatural. Nature does not abide anyone disturbing the balance. Such a thing would require the darkest of magics. And if such a conversion were possible, the altered humans would be weak. They would be lucky to live even...” Disbelief colored the air around him brown. “I see.”

  Brianna twisted her hands in her lap. “Kylian doesn’t care what forces he pisses off. He believes humans are a disease. A lesser being with no purpose.” When her eyes raised, they were glistening. “And this is just the beginning of the horrors he has instigated.” She shook her head. “You can’t even imagine...” She trailed off, biting her lip. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

  Makenna’s confusion billowed at this reaction in her usually stoic sister. Rhys winced as her claws shot into his side.

  He leveled a stare at Brianna. “He’ll be dead before he has a chance to implement his plan.”

  Brianna’s face twisted. “Killing him will be more difficult than you know. With the rings in his possession, he is nearly impervious to damage.”

  Rhys tilted his head. Something tickled his senses. A sour taste filled his mouth. “Brianna, how did he conjure the rings? Why did the other mages die?”

  His gut told him the answer to those questions was one in the same, and it would change them all in ways they couldn’t fathom.

  Tears slid down Brianna’s cheeks. The atmosphere grew heavier, a cloud of black swirling around her. But it wasn’t magic. It was oppressive guilt and grief.

  Brianna held her stomach, looking as if she were about to vomit. “He summoned her from Néamh.” A sob broke free. “I didn’t want to do it, but I thought, maybe, if I could bring her back, she could help us destroy him.” Her eyes hardened. “It didn’t work. She returned...different. It wasn’t her. Not really.” She wiped at her tears. “The magic used to conjure her, her return itself, tore a rift between the realms. It vaporized the mages. I barely got out alive. It took me weeks to heal. He used the rift to yank the rings through to our realm.”

  Makenna growled. She edged in front of Rhys and leaned into Brianna’s face. The promise of death rode her fierce features. Her eyes glowed, a strange, rotating mix of wolf, raven, and goddess. Though Rhys felt she knew the answer, just as he did, Makenna asked the question, her voice soft but lethal.

  “Who was it? Who did you bring back?”

  The room stilled as they waited, holding their breath. Knowing what was coming but needing to hear the confirmation from Brianna’s lips.

  A ragged sob escaped Brianna, who’d thrown away all appearance of composure. She stared at her bare toes on the hardwood floor.

  “Meredith. Our mother.”

  Makenna moved before the rest of them could blink. Her hand swung fast and sure in a devastating back fist. It impacted Brianna’s cheek with a sickening crack and sent her flying across the room into the bathroom door. Makenna stalked across the floor, the creaking boards the only sound aside from Brianna’s broken sobs. His mate picked her sister up by the hair. She slammed Brianna’s face into the door jamb. Another disgusting snap echoed as blood squirted over the wall and Brianna, spraying Makenna as she swung her around.

  Rhys crossed his arms over his chest, watching his mate throw the other female back out into the main room. Brianna smashed into the wall above the cot, denting the paneling, shaking the walls. Dust flew as she landed face first on the floor.

  He had no intention of stopping his mate. For the moment.

  What Brianna had done was the sickest, most repulsive thing she could have attempted. Raising the dead wasn’t done. The god within whispered the path they would have to take to rectify her mistake and restore balance would be even more repugnant.

  Her mistake would carry a price he wasn’t certain they could pay. But they’d have to. Even if it destroyed them.

  As Makenna took out her rage and grief on Brianna, Rhys noticed that though her eyes still flicked between every entity inside her, her magic remained locked away.

  She wanted blood, pure and simple. The hard way.

  Amanda yelled out encouragement. “Just leave something for me, Makenna.” The female growled and roared as her sister dealt out the punishment.

  Talon stood silent, his face impassive. Rhys felt the roiling inferno, the gut slicing agony and disbelief setting Talon’s insides on fire.

  Trystan’s face contorted as he fought whatever beast within that wanted to toss Makenna out of the way and finish the job. Permanently.

  And there was Bowen.

  The mage’s shoulders shook violently. The expression on his face had Rhys’ heart twisting. He couldn’t imagine the pain of watching one daughter beat the other to a bloody pulp.

  Wanting to dole out punishment on your own daughter for what she’d done.

  Mourning anew the mate you’d lost years ago, because though she walked the earth again, she’d been corrupted, her peace disturbed.

  Having to watch your pups grow from a distance. Giving up the ones most dear to you in order to save them.

  In a flash, Rhys understood Bowen more than he wanted. There wasn’t anything Rhys wouldn’t do to keep Makenna and their future pups safe. Even sacrificing his own happiness, his life. His anger at Bowen dissipated.

  Rhys’ eyes flashed back to the fight. Only, it wasn’t really a fight. Brianna wasn’t striking back. Wasn’t even defending herself. Her tortured, bloody gaze caught Rhys’.

  She believed she deserved the brutal punishment her sister handed out with uninhibited savagery.

  While Rhys couldn’t deny Makenna’s display called to his own beast, he couldn’t let it continue. If for no other reason than they needed Brianna able to speak to give them the rest of the information they required.

  “Kenna, that’s enough for now.” Rhys’ words were quiet, but forceful.

  Makenna dropped her sister. When she turned to Rhys, he saw the tears he’d already felt. Letting out a small whimper, she ran to him and jumped into his arms. He caught her, holding her tight. His hand ran up and down her spine as he whispered soothing words to her, mind to mind. She clung to him, face buried in his neck, her salty tears soaking his shirt and skin.

  Bowen went to Brianna and helped her to the restroom. Amanda dissolved into Talon’s arms. Talon rested a hand on the back of her head, speaking softly as tears rolled down his own face. Trystan’s gaze focused on Talon and Amanda, his remorse and longing biting into Rhys.

  Rhys closed his eyes, shutting them all out. Makenna was his only concern at the moment. His wolf and raven rubbed against his skin, offering comfort to their mate. Whining at her distress.

  Minutes later, Bowen emerged from the bathroom with a bruised and battered Brianna, slightly cleaned up. Blood saturated her once pristine, emerald tank top. Though reticence and uncertainty swirled around her, she leaned on her father. He held her close as he righted the chair and sat her down.

  Bowen turned to Rhys. “We should hear the rest.”

  Rhys sighed. Reversing this travesty would require sacrifice. His mate would yet again have her heart shattered. She would have to make the greatest offering of them all and experience the greatest loss. He guarded his suspicions from Kenna, but she tensed.

  Makenna raised her head. “Rhys?” She slid down and set her feet on the floor, stumbling. He caught her, as he always would.

  He hated the terror and confusion in her gaze. Longed to wipe it away. He couldn’t. He cradled her neck in his hands. “I need you to be strong. Stay with me.” Rhys planted a feather soft kiss on her forehead. “We’ll get through this. Together.”

  She searched his face, then nodded numbly. She
glanced around at a rigid, furious Talon. Amanda shook her head, clenching her fists as red flickered on her arms. A stone-faced Trystan moved to Amanda’s side.

  They knew.

  Makenna turned to Bowen and Brianna. “What don’t I know that everyone suspects?” Her question sent Brianna into another fit of sobs.

  Bowen laid a hand on her shoulder. “Tell them.” Anger edged the concern in his voice. “You created this impossible situation. Now fix it.”

  Brianna nodded. She looked at Rhys, unwilling or unable to meet anyone else’s furious gazes. “There’s only one way to reverse the spell and end Kylian.” She sniffed, fighting another wracking sob. She clung to Bowen’s hand, as if drawing strength from it. “It will take the three of us, working together as one. As the Triad.”

  Makenna shoved away from Rhys and stalked her sister. A feral growl filled the weighted silence. “What do we have to do, Brianna?” Rhys felt her putting the pieces together in her mind. She halted and shook her head, denying her own conclusion.

  Brianna sighed, breath hitching. “It will take the three of us because the spell is so powerful. And only those with a blood connection to the resurrected can reverse it. The power required is unimaginable. It could drain us for days, weeks, even years.”

  “Spit it out, you fucking bitch!” Makenna screamed. “What did you do?”

  “I rearranged a standard resurrection spell so that not only would it take the combined magic of all three of us to break it, but it would take our blood. And a sacrifice, as usual with a spell like this.”

  Makenna waved her hands in the air. “Isn’t blood a sacrifice? What the hell are you talking about? Why would you design it that way?”

  The speed at which her eyes flipped between her animals and the goddess was something Rhys had never seen. Dark, angry light pulsed around her. Rhys placed a calming hand on her back. The vibrations he felt from her had him fearing he may not be able to calm her this time.

  Brianna slumped. “I made it so it takes all of us, so that you’d have to keep me alive. Normally blood would be sufficient. This needs more. A sacrifice so great, it’s almost impossible.” She lowered her puffy eyes. “The spell grew on its own. Wanted more. Now to break it, we must encase her with our magic. Once she’s restrained, we have to sever our blood connection to her.” Tears flowed freely. “The spell will only release her back to Néamh, restore the balance, when we hold in our hands the thing that was reanimated. The source of the rift.” Her voice broke, her next words a whisper. “Our mother’s heart. We have to take it.”

  For stunned seconds, silence reigned.

  Amanda wailed and sank to her knees. Talon followed and gathered her in his arms. Trystan roared and lunged for Brianna, Bowen blocking his path. Brianna cowered. Rhys closed his eyes. It was worse than he’d imagined. When he turned to Makenna, his spine went rigid.

  The chaos smashing into his soul from her nearly took him to his knees. No emotion existed in her expression. But her eyes. They were a deep, shimmering gold he’d never seen. Flame, so intense it licked white, raced along her skin. Her black hair flew around her head as wind whipped the room. Howling.

  The table skidded across the floor, sending Brianna jumping away from it. Chairs floated up and smacked together, landing on the floor as piles of kindling. Thunder rattled the cabin. The cot in the corner flipped on end and smashed into the wall. The floorboards shook as their nails loosened, peeling up from their resting place. The cracked window shattered and the shards blew inward.

  Trystan and Bowen ceased their struggle as their arms went to shield their faces. Talon folded himself around Amanda while she screamed for Makenna. The sky outside darkened, throwing the already dim room into near pitch black.

  A wicked, agonized screech pierced Rhys’ eardrums. The god roared his shared agony with his queen as sorrow and an eviscerating grief consumed the fury in Makenna.

  His focus flew to Brianna. The cause of his mate’s pain.

  Rhys’ eyes narrowed as he let the vengeful god free to avenge their love.

  Rhys visualized her blood literally boiling. Her organs cooking. Brianna’s hands flew to her throat as her eyes widened. She gagged. Blood trickled from her mouth, eyes, and nose. She dented the wooden planks beneath her as she dropped to her knees, gasping for air. Clawing at her throat.

  As Rhys continued to squeeze the life out of Brianna with his mind, he felt Makenna shut down. The chaos around them stopped. Items tossed in the wind crashed to the floor. Deadly silence filled the space.

  Talon and Amanda raised their heads. Trystan stood with mouth wide, dumbfounded. Bowen inched toward Makenna, one hand extended. Rhys released Brianna to sag on the floor and shook his head once at Bowen. The mage halted instantly.

  Rhys turned to Makenna, catching her as her strength gave out and her eyes fluttered shut.

  She collapsed in his arms, out cold.


  Under Your Scars

  Amanda trembled in Talon’s arms as Rhys scooped up her unconscious sister.

  Makenna looked as broken as Amanda felt. Pale and utterly spent.

  Rhys cleared his throat. “I’m taking Kenna to our room so she can rest.” He cut hard eyes to Bowen. “You’re no longer restricted to quarters.” He glared at Brianna, then focused on Trystan. “Add another guard on this place before you leave.” His gaze softened, questioning, as it fell on Amanda and Talon.

  Talon nodded. “We’ll be all right. Take care of Makenna.”

  After Rhys left, Amanda’s wolf whined low and long. She wished she could rewind time. Go back to the battle months ago. Slide to the left instead of the right. Throw the blast that went wide and high one more time. This time, hitting its target. Turning Brianna to ash before she could pervert the magic in their blood. Before she could force them to make an impossible choice.

  Before she set in motion the events that would force them to rip the heart from their own mother’s chest to save their world.

  A ragged, shrill cry forced its way out of Amanda’s mouth. She clung to Talon. He shook with grief. Deep orange magic heated his skin. Burned into her own. Amanda jerked back with a hiss.

  Talon ground his teeth. “Sorry. I can’t─my control is─” he released her. “I’m sorry.”

  The apology contained more than regret that he’d burned her. The fact she and Makenna had to do the unthinkable twisted his insides. She could feel his desire to take it from them.

  But he couldn’t. No one could.

  Movement to her right had Amanda looking up. Trystan stood tall and strong, his face a mottled red and twisted with the pain she felt. With the craving that hadn’t diminished despite the events of the last hour.

  She fought her and her wolf’s urge to run to him. Howling set up in her ears as she denied the pull yet again, holding tighter to her brother. Wishing she could have her mate.

  Trystan’s gaze stayed on her as he spoke to Talon. “Get her away from here.” His mouth opened, then clamped shut. He whirled and walked out.

  Talon stood, bringing Amanda with him. As they passed Trystan on the porch, Talon growled, but didn’t say a word. Amanda refused to look at her mate. They stood in the yard, neither certain what to do next.

  Talon held her away from him. “Why don’t you go rest?”

  Amanda shook her head. She was too wired to sleep. Makenna’s energy that had zinged through the room had infected her too. She looked down to see red flickering on her skin. Getting darker. Their magic was growing, changing.

  “I need to do something. I just don’t know what.”

  She watched as Trystan locked the door and walked over to a stunned Connor. The power of the goddess had touched them all. The males exchanged words, then Trystan motioned to another warrior at the edge of the training field. The male quickly ran over. As soon as Trystan gave them their orders, Connor and the other wolf took up positions around the house. Trystan spun to face her and Talon.

  The look in his eyes
only stoked the fire in her, made her hunger for him almost unbearable. Her soul cried for the soothing touch only he could give.

  Again he opened his mouth and snapped it shut. A drastic change came over him. A wave of heartbreaking sadness, then a flood of certainty. With a sharp nod, he took off toward the swamp.

  Talon rested a hand on Amanda’s shoulder as she unconsciously took a step in the direction Trystan had gone. “Don’t, Panda Bear. He’ll only hurt you again.” Rage laced his words.

  Amanda stared into the thick cypress trees, hanging with moss. “I have to know why, Talon. Once I know, I can start moving on.”

  The lie sliced another piece from her heart. She’d never get over Trystan, never stop mourning what they’d lost. No matter what his reasons.

  Talon sighed. “You need to rest and try to come to terms with all this.”

  “I can’t right now.” She tried to smile. “I love you, and I know you’re looking out for me. But I have to do this.”

  Talon raised his hands, face set hard. “Fine. I’ll be here for you when he sends you away. Because you know he will. He’s just going to stomp on your heart all over again.” He growled.

  Amanda hugged him. “Maybe, maybe not. But it’s my choice.”

  Talon shook his head. “If there’s no talking you out of this, I’ll be in the house.”

  Amanda gave a genuine grin. “Going to find Reagan?”

  Talon inspected his huge, muddy boots. “Maybe.” He gave her a pained look. “Good luck.”

  “You too.” Amanda planted a kiss on his cheek, then turned and ran into the woods.

  One way or another, she was going to put the mess with Trystan behind her so she could focus on the nightmare in front of her.

  She found Trystan deep in the bayou, throwing pieces of a twig he’d broken into the muddy water. He stiffened as he sensed her presence.

  He tossed a glance over his shoulder. “What do you want? You shouldn’t be here.”

  Amanda stepped up beside him. “You know exactly why I’m here.”

  Trystan threw the last of the stick into the murk. “You need something to hit and I’m the perfect punching bag.” He faced her and spread his arms wide. “It’s the least I can do for you. Fire away.”


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